Memory corruption (e.g., buffer overflows, random writes, memory
allocation bugs, or uncontrolled format strings) is one of the oldest
and most exploited problems in computer science. Low-level languages
like C or C++ trade memory safety and type safety for performance: the
compiler adds no bound checks and no type checks. The programmer itself
is responsible for memory management and type casting which can lead to
serious exploitable bugs. Prerequisites for a successful memory
corruption are (i) that a pointer is pushed out of bounds (i.e., by
iterating over the end of a buffer) or that a pointer becomes dangling
(i.e., by freeing the object that a pointer points to) and (ii) that the
attacker controls the value written to the out of bounds pointer, e.g.,
directly through an assignment or indirectly through some management
Figure 1: development of different classes of memory corruption attacks;
based on CVE data.
On the other hand if we look at the development of memory corruption
attacks since 1999 (Figure 1) we see that the number of these attacks
rose until 2007 and is on an all-time high. So we can ask ourselves:
what went wrong? On one hand there are new attack vectors (e.g.,
code-reuse attacks like Return Oriented Programming [39]) and safe
languages have (i) too much overhead, (ii) too much latency (languages
like Java do not support realtime execution because of stop-the-world
garbage collection), (iii) missing support for legacy code, (iv)
increased complexity, and (v) missing features like direct memory access
for low-level applications.
The goal of this post is to explain different forms of memory corruption
attacks and possible defenses that are deployed for current software
systems. We will see that attack vectors and defense mechanisms are
closely related and through this relation they evolve alongside. This
article extends existing surveys and summaries [20, 36] by (i) a
study that looks at the symbiosis between attacks and defenses and (ii)
an analysis that explains why certain defense mechanisms are used in
practice while other mechanisms never see wide adoption.
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