On one hand, GPUs expose broad functionality for graphics and machine learning
workloads, on the other hand, this functionality may be exploited due to large
amounts of unvetted code, complex functionality, and the information gap between
user-space application, kernel, and the auxiliary GPU. We introduce a novel
framework that allows repurposing of WebGL security checks from the Chrome
browser to protect the Android kernel against active exploitation from malicious
apps at low performance overhead.
This post discusses the open-source release of our CCS'18 Milkomeda paper. This is joint work
between Zhihao Yao, Saeed Mirzamohammadi, Ardalan Amiri Sani, and Mathias Payer.
New usage scenarios result in new threats
With the rise of machine learning workloads and modern games that require
powerful computation, GPUs have become massively parallel computing co-processors
that expose a complex and versatile interface. This complex interface enables
the flexibility and performance required by modern workloads but increases the
attack surface. Current operating systems do not enforce scheduling and
privilege separation between different GPU workloads. The operating system
simply exposes the interface to user-space programs, enabling them to use the
vast functionality of the hardware at low overhead.
The intended usage scenario for GPUs is a user-space library that provides
access to GPU functionality that then calls into the kernel driver which
forwards the data to the GPU itself where the computation is executed. This
scenario exposes bugs at three different locations. First, the user-space
library may be buggy, crashing the calling process. Second, the kernel driver
may be buggy, crashing the kernel (and all processes). Third, the code running
on the GPU may be buggy, crashing the GPU (and all kernels currently running on
the GPU). It's interesting to note that a user-space program is not restricted
to the functionality exported by the user-space library but the (often only
partially documented) functionality of the kernel driver.
The original threat model focused on local applications either running gaming
workloads or machine learning workloads. These trusted workloads may crash if
they are programmed incorrectly but there was no focus on a security angle. With
the rise of graphics functionality in browsers, the threat model is changing.
The exposed threat surface of the GPU kernel interface is exploited through
several attacks against, e.g., Google Chrome where bugs in the GPU render
process allow further privilege escalation.
WebGL: exposing ioctl to JavaScript
Recently, WebGL enables untrusted websites to access the OpenGL interface
through JavaScript. While this is great news for JavaScript programmers that
want to program 3D workloads, this is terrible news for security as a highly
complex interface is now exposed to untrusted code.

("This is fine" comic by KC Green.)
Given the uncertain provenance of the code and the large amount of security
vulnerabilities in user-space libraries and kernel drivers, the Google Chrome
team deployed a safety net: an interposition layer that checks every GPU call
before it is sent to the GPU. A local shim library forwards the GPU call to a
separate process where the GPU state is replicated and the call is verified
given the current GPU state. After passing the checks, the call is forwarded by
the separate process to the GPU. While this adds some overhead due to the
inter-process communication overhead (and the checks), it protects the kernel
and the GPU from unvetted calls.

The figure above shows the Chrome WebGL security checks. WebGL calls are sent
to the secure process where they are checked and then forwarded to the kernel.
These WebGL checks are limited along two dimensions. First, they are restricted
to OpenGL calls and do not cover, e.g., the CUDA computational interface (due to
both the massive additional complexity and the close-source nature of the
computational interfaces). Second, they are incomplete. Due to the almost 1-1
mapping between OpenGL and WebGL, the amount of functionality is massive and
checks are therefore reactive. The Chrome developers have added checks for
frequently attacked interfaces or interfaces with certain bug patterns. The
checks are continuously extended and improved, increasing the guarantees with
every release.
Android GPU security
Android is exposed to similar issues as WebGL: untrusted applications ("apps")
access the exposed GPU interface either through native libraries (hopefully the
ones supplied by the Android systems) but may also access the native ioctl
interface directly.

The figure above shows the default Android security stack: OpenGL (and other GPU
calls) are never vetted and applications have direct access to the exposed
The only reason why we did not yet see a large amount of local privilege
escalation attacks against Android through the GPU interface is the combination
of lack of knowledge about this interface and the availability of easier
targets. With the deployment of new defenses on Android, the GPU interface will
become a prime target.
Milkomeda: reuse checks
We decouple the GPU interface from user-space processes and force all
interactions with the GPU through our interposition layer. The key idea of our
system is to automatically reuse the WebGL checks from Chrome, extracting them
dynamically and weaving them into our interposition layer. This allows us to
reduce the cost of check development. Additionally, new checks will be imported
automatically when they are added to Chrome, further reducing maintenance cost.
For WebGL, performance is less critical than for "native" Android applications.
We therefore design and implement a safe area in the application process that
executes the GPU checks. During regular execution, the safe area remains hidden.
Through a call gate that is injected when GPU functionality is accessed,
control-flow is transferred to this safe area. All safety critical arguments are
copied into the safe area where they are checked. Non-safety critical arguments
(as specified by the checks) can remain in the process and the checks can
inspect them without additional overhead.

The figure above shows the Milkomeda layout: OpenGL calls are redirected to the
safe area where they are vetted and checked before being forwarded to the
kernel, protecting the Android system from potentially malicious applications at
low performance overhead.
For more technical details and a discussion of design and implementation
trade-offs, please refer to the ACM CCS'18 Milkomeda paper. We have also released
the full source code of our Milkomeda implementation on GitHub, ready for reproduction of
our results as well as future extensions!