Do you know this situation where you have some domain specific knowledge about a problem but first level support at a company blocks you from getting to a knowledgeable person? An example would be tech support at an internet company where you have already restarted your modem and computer yet …
read moreOn collaborative (remote) paper writing
Writing scientific conference or journal papers is an art by itself. This article is not about writing great papers as there already are many good articles that focus on paper writing itself and cover technical aspects, structural aspects, or writing style aspects. In this article I want to give an …
read moreSyScan, day 2
Breaking Anti-Virus Software: Joxean Koret
Joxean gave a great introduction into worst security practices at anti virus companies. He basically dropped a large amount of 0days on a bunch of AV engines (I liked his opening statement "all bugs are 0days unless otherwise mentioned"). Using dumb fuzzing Joxean found a …
SyScan, day 1
Opening speech: Thomas Lim
Thomas gave a great introduction, the conference is as big as ever and attracted a whole bunch of different people. BlackHat Asia is going to stay in Singapore, so there will be some challenges in the future. Most speakers on the other hand preferred to drop …
Two crazy days in Tokyo
After a couple of rough months interviewing for academic positions (there's another blog post coming up on this topic, so stay tuned) I headed off for some well deserved vacation time (and with vacation I mean a hacker conference, SyScan 2014 in Singapore). As there are no direct flights from …
read moreSurviving your first non-virtual program committee meeting
A walkthrough for a difficult point and click adventure or deleting a GApps domain and all Google services
Deleting an old GApps account can result in infinite pain. Here's why.
read moreHaving phun with Symbolic Execution (SE)
An introduction article that explains what symbolic execution is and how it can be chained to trigger vulnerabilities hidden deep inside binaries.
read more30c3, a log of the 30st chaos communication congress
Just like every year I visited the 30c3, a hacker congress in Hamburg. This blog post summarizes my experiences and lists talks that you should watch.
read moreHow to choose secure passwords for insecure websites
Protect your passwords for low-security websites using cryptographic hashes.
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