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  1. Truman: discovering hypervisor bugs through virtual device models

    Hypervisors power not just the cloud but are becoming a commodity in mobile phones and desktops as well. They separate virtual machines from each other, enabling strong isolation and security guarantees. In cloud environments, hypervisors separate non-trusting virtual machines and an attacker may try to compromise and gain access to …

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  2. Positive reviewing in software security

    Yesterday we concluded the NDSS20 PC meeting. In total, 12% of papers were accepted, 6% now have a short fuse major revision opportunity, in line with other top tier conferences. The PC chairs handled the meeting well, striving for positivity and feedback for the authors. Overall, this was a great …

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  3. Raising the BAR at NDSS 2018

    Just like every year, this year's NDSS was mid February in sunny (but not too warm) San Diego. To help cure the minimal 3 hour jetlag, I enjoyed a couple of morning runs with some of my colleagues -- if you want to get a workout done at a security conference …

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