At a high level, Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) restricts the control-flow of an
application to valid execution traces. CFI enforces this property by
monitoring the program at runtime and comparing its state to a set of
precomputed valid states. If an invalid state is detected, an alert is raised,
usually terminating the application. As such, CFI belongs to the class of
defenses that leverage runtime monitors to detect specific attack vectors
(control-flow hijacks for CFI), and then flag exploit attempts at runtime.
Other examples of runtime monitors include, e.g., ASan (Address Sanitizer,
targeting spatial memory corruption), UBSan (Undefined Behavior Sanitizer,
targeting undefined behavior in C/C++), or DangNull (targeting temporal memory
corruption). Most of these monitors target development settings, detecting
violations when testing the program. CFI, on the other hand, is an active
defense mechanism and all modern compilers, e.g., GCC, LLVM, or Microsoft Visual
Studio implement a form of CFI with low overhead but different security
CFI detects control-flow hijacking attacks by limiting the targets of
control-flow transfers. In a control-flow hijack attack an attacker redirects
the control-flow of the application to locations that would not be reached in a
benign execution, e.g., to injected code or to code that is reused in an
alternate context.
Since the initial idea for the defense mechanism and the first (closed
source) prototype were presented in 2005 a plethora of alternate CFI-style
defenses were propose and implemented. While all these alternatives slightly
change the underlying enforcement or analysis, they all try to implement the CFI
policy. The goal of this blog post is neither to look at differences between
individual CFI mechanisms as we did in (see this paper for an
exhaustive enumeration of related work in the area of CFI) nor to compare CFI
against alternate mechanisms as we did in , but to explain
what CFI is, what it can do, and what its limits are.
Any CFI mechanism consists of two abstract components: the (often static)
analysis component that recovers the Control-Flow Graph (CFG) of the application
(at different levels of precision) and the dynamic enforcement mechanism that
restricts control flows according to the generated CFG.
The following sample code shows a simple program with 5 functions. The foo
function uses a function pointer and the CFI mechanisms injects both a
forward-edge and a backward-edge check. The function pointer either points to
bar or baz. Depending on the forward-edge analysis, different sets of
targets are allowed at runtime.
void bar();
void baz();
void buz();
void bez(int, int);
void foo(int usr) {
void (*func)();
// func either points to bar or baz
if (usr == MAGIC)
func = bar;
func = baz;
// forward edge CFI check
// depending on the precision of CFI:
// a) all functions {bar, baz, buz, bez, foo} are allowed
// b) all functions with prototype "void (*)()" are allowed,
// i.e., {bar, baz, buz}
// c) only address taken functions are allowed, i.e., {bar, baz}
// backward edge CFI check
Control-Flow Transfer Primer
Instructions on an architecture can be grouped into control-flow transfer
instructions and computational instructions. Computational instructions are
executed in sequence (one after the other), while control-flow transfer
instructions change control-flow in a specific way, conditionally or
unconditionally redirecting control-flow to a specific (code) location.
Control-flow transfer instructions can be further grouped into direct and
indirect control-flow transfer instructions. The target of indirect
control-flow transfers depends on the runtime value, e.g., of a register or a
memory value, compared to direct control-flow transfers where the target is
usually encoded as immediate offset in the instruction itself.
Direct control-flow transfers are straight-forward to protect as, on most
architectures, executable code is read-only and therefore the target cannot be
modified by an attacker (even with arbitrary memory corruption as the write
protection bit must first be disabled). These direct control-flow transfers are
therefore protected through the read-only permission of individual memory pages
and the protection is enforced (at no overhead) by the underlying hardware (the
memory management unit). CFI assumes that executable code is read-only,
otherwise an attacker could simply overwrite code and remove the runtime
Indirect control-flow transfers are further divided into forward-edge
control-flow transfers and backward-edge control-flow transfers. Forward-edge
control-flow transfers direct code forward to a new location and are used in
indirect jump and indirect call instructions, which are mapped at the source code
level to, e.g., switch statements, indirect calls, or virtual calls. The
backward-edge is used to return to a location that was used in a forward-edge
earlier, e.g., when returning from a function call through a return instruction.
For simplicity, we leave interrupts, interrupt returns, and exceptions out of
the discussion.
Generating Control-Flow Graphs
A CFG is a graph that covers all valid executions of the program. Nodes in the
graph are locations of control-flow transfers in the program and edges encode
reachable targets. The CFG is an abstract concept and the different existing CFI
mechanisms use different approaches to generate the underlying CFGs using both
static and dynamic analysis, relying on either the binary or source code.
For forward edges, the CFG generation enumerates all possible targets,
often leveraging information from the underlying source language. Switch
statements in C/C++ are a good example as the different targets are statically
known and the compiler can generate a fixed jump table and emit an indirect jump
with a bound check to guarantee that the target used at runtime is one of the
valid targets in the switch statement.
For indirect function calls through a function pointer, the underlying analysis
becomes more complicated as the target may not be known a-priori. Common
source-based analyses use a type-based approach and, looking at the function
prototype of the function pointer that is used, enumerate all matching
functions. Different CFI mechanisms use different forms of type equality, e.g.,
any valid function, functions with the same arity (number of arguments), or
functions with the same signature (arity and equivalence of argument types). At
runtime, any function with matching signature is allowed.
Just looking at function prototypes likely yields several collisions where
functions are reachable that may never be called in practice. The analysis
therefore over-approximates the valid set of targets. In practice, the compiler
can check which functions are address taken, i.e., there is a source line
that generates the address of the function and stores it. The CFI mechanism may
reduce the number of allowed targets by intersecting the sets of equal function
prototypes and the set of address taken functions.
For virtual calls, i.e., indirect calls in C++ that depend on the type of the
object and the class relationship, the analysis can further leverage the type of
the object to restrict the valid functions, e.g., all object constructors have
the same signature but only the subset constructors of related classes are
So far, the constructed CFG is stateless, i.e., the context of the execution
is not considered and each control-flow transfer is independent of all others.
On one hand, at runtime only one target is allowed for any possible transfer,
namely the target address currently stored at the memory location of the code
pointer. CFG construction, on the other hand, over-approximates the number of
valid targets with different granularities, depending on the precision of the
analysis. Some mechanisms take path constraints into consideration and check
(for a limited depth) if the path taken through the application is feasible by
using a dynamic analysis approach that validates the current execution. So far,
only few mechanisms look at the path context as this incurs dynamic tracking
costs at runtime.
Enforcing CFI
CFI can be enforced at different levels. Sometimes the analysis phase (CFG
construction) and enforcement phase even overlap, e.g., when considering path
constraints. Most mechanisms have two fundamental mechanisms, one for
forward-edge transfers and one for backward-edge transfers.

The figure shows how CFI restricts the set of possible target locations by
executing a runtime monitor that validates the target according to the
constructed set of allowed targets. If the observed target is not in that set,
the program terminates.
For forward-edge transfers, the code is often instrumented with some form of
equivalence check. The check ensures that the target observed at runtime is in
the set of valid targets. This can be done through a full set check or a simple
type comparison that, e.g., hashes function prototypes and checks if the hash
for the current target equals the expected hash at the callsite. The hash for
the function can be embedded inline in the function, before the function, or in
an orthogonal metadata table.
Backward-edge transfers are harder to protect as, when using the same approach,
the attacker may redirect the control-flow to any valid callsite when returning
from a function. Strong backward-edge protections therefore leverage the context
through the previously called functions on the stack. A mechanism that enforces
stack integrity ensures that any backward-edge transfers can only return to
the most recent prior caller. This property can be enforced by storing the prior
call sites in a shadow stack or guaranteeing memory safety on the stack, i.e.,
if the return instructions cannot be modified then stack integrity trivially
holds. Backward-edge control-flow enforcement is "easier" than forward-edge, as
the function calls and returns form a symbiotic relationship that can be
leveraged in the design of the defense, i.e., a function return always returns
to the location of the previous call. Such a relationship does not exist for the
If implemented correctly, CFI is a strong defense mechanism that restricts the
freedom of an attacker. Attackers may still corrupt memory and data-only
attacks are still in scope. For the forward-edge, a strong mechanism must
consider language-specific semantics to restrict the set of valid targets as
much as possible. Additionally, most mechanisms for the forward-edge are
stateless and allow an attacker to redirect control-flow to any valid location
as identified by the CFG construction. Limiting the size of the target sets
constrains the attacker on the forward edge. For the backward edge, a
context-sensitive approach that enforces stack integrity guarantees full