1. 31c3 - A New Dawn

    Another year, another c3

    This year marked my 11th year of congress (and 10th visit with a short hiatus in 2012). Just like all the years before we headed to the conference location a day before the start of the 31c3. After arriving in Hamburg (after a quick detour through …

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  2. SyScan, day 2

    Breaking Anti-Virus Software: Joxean Koret

    Joxean gave a great introduction into worst security practices at anti virus companies. He basically dropped a large amount of 0days on a bunch of AV engines (I liked his opening statement "all bugs are 0days unless otherwise mentioned"). Using dumb fuzzing Joxean found a …

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  3. SyScan, day 1

    Opening speech: Thomas Lim

    Thomas gave a great introduction, the conference is as big as ever and attracted a whole bunch of different people. BlackHat Asia is going to stay in Singapore, so there will be some challenges in the future. Most speakers on the other hand preferred to drop …

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  4. All paths lead to Rome: POPL and PPREW from a syssec perspective

    A week in Rome: what could be better than sitting all day in a conference room?

    POPL (Principles Of Programming Languages) is one of these great conferences that have been around forever and sound very interesting to any systems person. The definition of POPL according to the SIGPLAN homepage is …

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