Systems: Databases

Rank Name Affiliation Total (A) (Rel)20-24(A5)(Rel5)24232221201918171615141312111098765<=4
1 Divesh Srivastava AT&T Inc 101 4 26.23 9 4 2.071231216227533688321233
2 Surajit Chaudhuri Microsoft 99 3 32.48 21 4 5.3165736433242116451432
3 Lei Chen 0002 HKUST 95 4 26.21 44 4 11.5039128121641865434231111
3 Beng Chin Ooi National University of Singapore 95 5 21.26 23 6 4.01465443514371368353515
5 Alin Deutsch Univ. of California - San Diego 94 3 30.94 15 4 3.99143743224214364633329
5 H. V. Jagadish University of Michigan 94 3 32.12 16 4 4.05321552213252222244243
7 Jeffrey F. Naughton Google Inc 88 4 25.60 4 12 0.45131134183111325248
8 Xuemin Lin 0001 UNSW 83 5 16.23 32 6 5.76921911736553511135321
9 Jeffrey Xu Yu Chinese University of Hong Kong 79 4 20.14 19 4 5.03615342434710444432234
9 Samuel Madden 0001 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 79 4 18.79 22 5 4.60542564453444225442433
11 Guoliang Li 0001 Tsinghua University 78 4 19.30 34 5 7.377210968545642241111
12 Feifei Li 0001 Alibaba Group 75 6 15.26 46 7 7.553111411742163121221121
13 Michael J. Franklin University of Chicago 70 4 18.59 11 5 2.32123142455423213127
13 David J. DeWitt University of Wisconsin-Madison 70 3 23.17 1 4 0.2511112211211551
13 Michael J. Carey 0001 Univ. of California - Irvine 70 3 24.59 7 3 2.6231341152112145
16 Michael Stonebraker Massachusetts Institute of Technology 67 4 22.26 7 7 1.0521314133441111235
16 Hector Garcia-Molina Stanford University 67 3 23.69 3211235311144
16 Raghu Ramakrishnan 0001 Microsoft 67 4 18.33 5 11 0.802121112112455534
19 Tim Kraska MIT Cambridge 65 5 14.10 31 6 6.304458107253423121211
20 Xiaokui Xiao National University of Singapore 64 5 15.20 20 6 3.7042347542454351213221
20 Wenfei Fan University of Edinburgh 64 4 16.85 18 4 4.47225453333234233114236
22 Christian S. Jensen Aalborg University 62 5 14.70 21 6 3.58553442132213244321110
22 Kian-Lee Tan National University of Singapore 62 4 15.90 6 4 1.701221216444141613316
24 Divyakant Agrawal Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 61 4 14.90 10 4 2.2123413412223251214217
25 Bin Cui 0001 Peking University 60 6 11.40 35 7 5.59171111523324511112
26 Thomas Neumann 0001 TU Munich 57 4 18.99 24 4 6.972375724115422223212
27 Jiawei Han 0001 Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 56 4 16.13 153623455220
28 Joseph M. Hellerstein Univ. of California - Berkeley 55 4 15.93 7 8 1.101114212232311221224
29 Vivek R. Narasayya Microsoft Research 54 4 14.77 16 4 3.65464244131111222121111
29 Nick Koudas University of Toronto 54 4 15.49 10 4 2.7612431111135444316
29 Jingren Zhou Microsoft Research 54 7 9.86 33 8 4.35753108711111333
29 Laks V. S. Lakshmanan University of British Columbia 54 3 15.74 10 4 2.651522413142312221
33 Alfons Kemper TU Munich 52 4 14.11 11 5 2.441552312532212117
33 Anastasia Ailamaki EPFL 52 4 14.21 7 3 2.24214164244342122235
33 Jignesh M. Patel Carnegie Mellon University 52 4 15.49 7 4 1.8321314121463273129
33 Donald Kossmann Microsoft 52 4 12.54 6 10 0.64335132522211312313
37 Volker Markl TU Berlin 50 5 10.83 26 4 5.773359641221112316
37 Lu Qin 0001 University of Technology Sydney 50 6 9.71 18 6 3.02315366254534111
37 Philip S. Yu University of Illinois at Chicago 50 4 14.64 1 6 0.1711121222372224
40 Gautam Das 0001 University of Texas at Arlington 47 4 11.91 4 4 0.9022321263224441324
41 Christos Faloutsos Carnegie Mellon University 46 3 17.25 3 5 0.4811111111111233
42 Gao Cong Nanyang Technological University 45 4 12.13 18 4 4.3323733122322222213111
42 Alon Y. Halevy Facebook 45 4 12.92 1 6 0.171121112212422320
44 Yufei Tao 0001 Chinese University of Hong Kong 44 3 15.18 1 2 0.5011411242222423310
45 Minos N. Garofalakis Technical University of Crete 43 3 14.11 1 3 0.33112122211223221
46 Gustavo Alonso ETH Zurich 42 4 12.08 12 5 2.8612153315214113414
46 Nikos Mamoulis University of Ioannina 42 4 13.13 5 4 1.3731121333214423126
46 Jennifer Widom Stanford University 42 3 15.01 1113111112227
46 Johannes Gehrke Microsoft 42 4 9.90 5 9 0.633221133512232111
50 Tova Milo Tel Aviv University 41 4 12.68 9 4 2.52324111322122122111
50 Wenjie Zhang 0001 UNSW 41 5 8.32 20 5 4.11422844143312111
50 Andrew Pavlo Carnegie Mellon University 41 5 8.74 14 6 2.51222441565322111
53 Rakesh Agrawal 0001 Data Insights Laboratories 40 3 13.96 111136
54 Bolin Ding 39 6 7.73 18 6 2.88551521224231141
54 Amr El Abbadi Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 39 4 11.17 8 4 2.12133131213131111112
54 Jun Yang 0001 Duke University 39 4 11.63 4 4 0.84314241212211114414
57 Philip A. Bernstein Microsoft Research 38 3 12.50 6 6 1.13222122222219
57 Ying Zhang 0001 University of Technology Sydney 38 6 6.90 17 6 3.0331436624222111
57 Ihab F. Ilyas University of Waterloo 38 4 9.67 6 4 1.421414133222331215
60 Gang Chen 0001 Zhejiang University 37 6 6.21 15 6 2.4316143451324111
60 Aditya G. Parameswaran Univ. of California - Berkeley 37 5 8.89 13 6 2.4321253234342222
60 Yannis E. Ioannidis University of Athens 37 2 17.78 4 4 0.9513111129
63 Per-Åke Larson Microsoft Research 36 3 12.69 4 10 0.451121113213317
64 Nan Tang 0001 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Guangzhou (HKUST-GZ) 35 6 6.40 17 6 2.826461322331112
64 Stanley B. Zdonik Brown University 35 3 11.22 3111132222116
64 Bingsheng He National University of Singapore 35 5 7.64 23 5 4.2643484112111221
67 Ashwin Machanavajjhala Duke University 34 4 8.58 14 4 3.4313442242121212111
67 Elke A. Rundensteiner Worcester Polytechnic Institute 34 4 10.81 7 4 1.8512222123113312224
67 Anthony K. H. Tung National University of Singapore 34 4 8.98 4 4 1.121111221114432541
70 Stratos Idreos Harvard University 33 3 9.91 10 4 2.6814233334133111
70 AnHai Doan University of Wisconsin - Madison 33 5 6.64 3 5 0.66111121114211133423
70 Haixun Wang Instacart 33 4 8.06 1125554154
70 Wook-Shin Han POSTECH 33 5 7.44 13 6 2.62215522121111211221
70 S. Sudarshan 0001 IIT Bombay 33 4 10.14 11111212221
70 Guido Moerkotte University of Mannheim 33 3 13.87 2 4 0.50111121211112117
76 Xin Dong 0001 Amazon 32 4 9.34 4 5 1.52111112144123221212
76 Lijun Chang University of Sydney 32 5 7.83 11 3 3.1716131343313111
76 Jian Pei Duke University 32 4 7.97 6 4 1.58213221122223315
76 Carsten Binnig TU Darmstadt 32 5 7.78 15 4 4.084295142311
76 Dimitris Papadias HKUST 32 4 9.92 2 4 0.581112113122215
76 Ke Yi 0001 HKUST 32 4 9.10 10 4 3.452332111311432212
76 Gerhard Weikum Max Planck Society 32 3 12.72 1 1 1.00111132112316
83 M. Tamer Özsu University of Waterloo 31 4 9.04 5 4 1.321222111212142135
83 Renée J. Miller Northeastern University 31 4 10.06 6 4 1.60213121322111119
83 Badrish Chandramouli 31 4 8.23 13 5 2.65217331312211121
83 Peter A. Boncz CWI 31 4 8.45 9 3 2.8712241232111121214
83 Themis Palpanas Paris Descartes University 31 4 7.93 16 5 3.872461314132112
83 Christoph Koch 0001 EPFL 31 3 10.73 2 3 0.751125252122134
83 Reynold Cheng University of Hong Kong 31 5 6.65 11 5 2.3221323213221211122
83 Rajeev Rastogi Yahoo! 31 4 8.40 112324
91 Peter Bailis 30 5 6.53 13 5 2.26114251551221
91 Avi Silberschatz Yale University 30 3 9.75 11127
91 Chris Jermaine Rice University 30 4 8.80 7 4 1.811422111213113133
94 Goetz Graefe Google 29 3 9.67 7 14 0.82212221121114
94 Magdalena Balazinska University of Washington 29 4 7.70 5 6 1.042212121323231211
94 Daniel J. Abadi University of Maryland - College Park 29 3 8.70 2 4 0.45112141322222222
94 Graham Cormode University of Warwick 29 4 8.60 4 4 1.3311211121221321134
94 David B. Lomet Microsoft Research 29 2 15.21 1 12 0.081211111120
99 Jiannan Wang 0001 Simon Fraser University 28 5 6.39 9 5 1.613421214321221
99 Immanuel Trummer Cornell University 28 2 14.32 13 2 8.1414431512322
99 Ion Stoica Univ. of California - Berkeley 28 6 4.56 9 7 1.211223121122331112
99 Arun Kumar 0001 Univ. of California - San Diego 28 3 8.79 12 3 4.141214451411121
99 Raymond Chi-Wing Wong HKUST 28 4 8.47 5 2 2.1721111123451222
99 Chee Yong Chan National University of Singapore 28 3 10.02 111112121311210
105 Kenneth A. Ross Columbia University 27 3 9.69 1 5 0.201131221115
105 Ce Zhang 0001 University of Chicago 27 6 5.30 12 9 1.42146124311211
105 Wolfgang Lehner TU Dresden 27 5 6.62 6 5 1.231113441211111221
105 Peter J. Haas University of Massachusetts Amherst 27 5 6.99 2 6 0.371111122222210
105 Sihem Amer-Yahia IMAG 27 3 9.25 8 3 3.832312111111122116
105 Cong Yu 0001 Celonis Inc. 27 4 7.37 2 4 0.45231111222123213
105 Christopher Ré Stanford University 27 4 7.62 5 6 0.911111112322212421
112 Xiaofang Zhou 0001 HKUST 26 4 6.07 9 6 1.6113232312312111
112 Shaoxu Song Tsinghua University 26 4 6.56 13 5 3.1141431143311
112 Matei Zaharia Univ. of California - Berkeley 26 6 4.38 14 6 1.9713523251211
112 Viktor Leis TU Munich 26 4 8.43 17 3 6.75352341521
112 Yannis Papakonstantinou University of California 26 3 8.40 1 3 0.33113211111212
112 David Maier 0001 Portland State University 26 3 8.72 1 6 0.17111131211113
112 Eugene Wu 0002 Columbia University 26 4 6.78 12 5 2.8713422421211111
112 Sharad Mehrotra Univ. of California - Irvine 26 4 7.79 10 4 2.43232312211117
112 Tilmann Rabl Hasso Plattner Institute 26 4 6.15 15 4 3.6312525421211
112 Umeshwar Dayal Hitachi America 26 3 9.96 1111220
122 Sheng Wang 0011 Alibaba Group 25 9 3.42 17 9 2.031173523111
122 Meihui Zhang 0001 Beijing Institute of Technology 25 6 4.62 12 6 2.004233141121111
122 Wei Wang 0011 UNSW 25 5 5.38 5 6 0.85111212221131124
122 Hamid Pirahesh IBM Almaden Research Center 25 5 5.77 1 19 0.051222
122 Kyuseok Shim Seoul National University 25 3 9.12 1 3 0.33111211216
127 Saravanan Thirumuruganathan 24 5 5.23 7 4 1.69345214311
127 James Cheng Chinese University of Hong Kong 24 5 4.95 3 9 0.293121252431
127 Neoklis Polyzotis University of California 24 3 7.33 1 4 0.25111233314113
127 Hans-Peter Kriegel LMU Munich 24 4 8.03 11121
127 Hans-Arno Jacobsen TU Munich 24 2 8.51 8 2 3.4211421121221111111
127 Carlo Zaniolo Univ. of California - Los Angeles 24 3 10.21 1 3 0.331111231212
127 Raghav Kaushik Microsoft Research 24 3 7.15 3 16 0.25111112243116
127 Guy M. Lohman IBM Research 24 5 6.46 213216
135 Hong Cheng 0001 Chinese University of Hong Kong 23 4 5.57 6 4 1.371111211124221111
135 Yanlei Diao University of Massachusetts Amherst 23 4 6.20 4 5 0.7611211221331113
135 Sourav S. Bhowmick Nanyang Technological University 23 5 5.41 9 6 2.0711342113121111
135 Chen Li 0001 Univ. of California - Irvine 23 4 5.85 7 5 1.441331221111124
135 Felix Naumann Hasso Plattner Institute 23 3 6.70 9 3 2.3911322132221111
135 Jianzhong Li 0001 Harbin Institute of Technology 23 4 5.43 2 4 0.45112122422114
135 Yunjun Gao Zhejiang University 23 6 4.13 16 6 2.532724111131
135 Sudeepa Roy Duke University 23 4 6.78 12 4 3.41152441111111
135 Mourad Ouzzani Qatar Computing Research Institute 23 6 4.14 4 7 0.623112216111121
135 Jianhua Feng Tsinghua University 23 4 5.77 2 4 0.5011343124121
135 Serge Abiteboul Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan 23 4 7.08 1121
135 Raymond T. Ng University of British Columbia 23 3 8.03 111218
135 Hongjun Lu Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 23 3 8.12 320
148 Michael J. Cafarella University of Michigan 22 4 5.73 11 4 2.522312322211111
148 Aaron J. Elmore University of Chicago 22 5 4.28 11 5 2.132234211211111
148 Shivnath Babu Duke University 22 3 7.82 1 2 0.5012111114112123
148 Xiangyao Yu University of Wisconsin - Madison 22 4 4.67 16 4 3.3637333111
148 Amol Deshpande University of Maryland - College Park 22 3 8.32 211112242114
148 C. Mohan 0001 Tsinghua University 22 2 12.93 121
148 Miron Livny University of Wisconsin - Madison 22 3 7.21 121
155 Xiaoyong Du 0001 Renmin University of China 21 7 3.00 14 8 1.9151422211111
155 Dong Deng 0001 Rutgers University 21 4 6.05 6 2 2.31131121232212
155 Paolo Papotti EURECOM 21 5 4.44 2 4 0.58211126131111
155 Ashraf Aboulnaga University of Texas at Arlington 21 5 5.18 2 7 0.29111111222111114
155 Jorge-Arnulfo Quiané-Ruiz 21 5 4.73 8 4 2.2812513131121
155 Flip Korn 21 4 5.44 1211121111
155 Xifeng Yan Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 21 5 4.81 111424111221
155 Patrick Valduriez INRIA 21 3 8.00 11316
155 Nick Roussopoulos University of Maryland - College Park 21 2 9.25 21
164 Jayant R. Haritsa IISc Bangalore 20 3 7.15 4 2 1.5811111112119
164 Gerome Miklau University of Massachusetts Amherst 20 4 5.74 2 4 0.501114121122112
164 Zhewei Wei Renmin University of China 20 6 3.81 11 5 2.301124322212
164 Ugur Çetintemel Brown University 20 5 4.54 3 7 0.4331131112124
164 Jens Dittrich Saarland University 20 3 5.96 2 2 0.8311112121311122
164 Zhifeng Bao RMIT University 20 4 4.55 13 4 2.87214332221
164 Jianliang Xu Hong Kong Baptist University 20 4 4.70 14 5 2.873371111111
164 Abolfazl Asudeh University of Illinois at Chicago 20 4 5.33 10 4 2.95113323313
164 Yeye He 20 3 7.15 8 3 2.65213213221111
164 Nan Zhang 0004 Pennsylvania State University 20 4 5.39 111242123111
164 Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 20 3 6.35 1 6 0.17111214226
164 Clement T. Yu University of Illinois at Chicago 20 4 6.31 21314
164 S. Muthukrishnan 0001 Rutgers University 20 4 5.58 11414
177 Barzan Mozafari University of Michigan 19 4 5.32 2 4 0.50112321231111
177 Wang Chiew Tan Meta 19 4 4.96 5 5 1.0911311211111212
177 Alekh Jindal SmartApps 19 7 3.14 9 8 1.12153311311
177 Man Lung Yiu Hong Kong Polytechnic University 19 4 5.63 2 4 0.5311141121121111
177 Lu Chen 0001 Zhejiang University 19 6 3.17 15 6 2.47162511111
177 Ada Wai-Chee Fu Chinese University of Hong Kong 19 4 5.00 1 5 0.20111213212311
177 Ahmed K. Elmagarmid Purdue University 19 4 4.58 2 5 0.421111222117
177 Yin Yang 0001 Hamad bin Khalifa University 19 5 4.11 6 5 1.1611131311322
177 Yingxia Shao BUPT 19 5 3.88 10 6 1.682222222122
177 Sunita Sarawagi IIT Bombay 19 2 9.68 2 3 0.6721111112
177 Bernhard Seeger University of Marburg 19 3 7.06 1 3 0.33111115
177 Rajeev Motwani 0001 Stanford University 19 4 5.50 217
189 Sai Wu Zhejiang University 18 5 3.80 2 6 0.311112313411
189 Yannis Kotidis AUEB 18 4 5.90 3 4 0.78111112119
189 Wentao Wu 0001 Microsoft Research 18 6 3.23 10 8 1.38442131111
189 Alexandra Meliou University of Massachusetts Amherst 18 4 5.35 6 5 1.321212211221111
189 Yinghui Wu Case Western Reserve University 18 4 4.41 2121332121
189 Kai Zeng 0002 University of California 18 8 3.11 10 10 1.0423321111121
189 Krithi Ramamritham IIT Bombay 18 3 5.95 111213
189 Phillip B. Gibbons Carnegie Mellon University 18 3 6.40 2 7 0.2911111211
189 Boon Thau Loo University of Pennsylvania 18 6 3.38 7 6 1.2921311112213
189 Christopher Olston Carnegie Mellon University 18 3 5.21 11224116
189 Carlo Curino 18 6 3.47 5 10 0.481211331132
189 Walid G. Aref Purdue University 18 4 5.07 5 5 0.941221111117
189 Lei Cao 0004 University of Arizona 18 5 3.80 12 6 2.20513321111
189 Cyrus Shahabi University of Southern California 18 3 6.02 5 3 1.4521211111112112
189 Joy Arulraj Georgia Institute of Technology 18 4 4.73 9 4 2.13232221321
189 Timos K. Sellis Athena Research Center 18 3 7.06 12114
189 Zachary G. Ives University of Pennsylvania 18 3 5.52 3 2 1.33121121311113
189 Guoren Wang 18 6 3.24 15 6 2.5454411111
189 Lei Zou 0001 Peking University 18 4 4.51 6 4 1.5811222312112
189 Fatma Özcan Systems Research@Google 18 6 3.21 6 6 0.861511221122
189 Charu C. Aggarwal IBM T. J. Watson Research Center 18 3 8.46 1111111110
189 Sang-Won Lee 0001 Sungkyunkwan University 18 4 4.78 8 4 2.0333111111111111
189 Theodore Johnson AT&T Inc 18 4 6.20 2112210
212 Tianzheng Wang 0001 Simon Fraser University 17 4 4.47 12 4 2.68135121121
212 Sibo Wang 0001 Chinese University of Hong Kong 17 4 4.74 8 4 2.5011222121221
212 Panagiotis Karras University of Copenhagen 17 4 5.23 7 4 1.56421111211111
212 Ronghua Li 17 6 3.20 12 6 2.19425111111
212 Kyriakos Mouratidis Singapore Management University 17 3 6.25 2 3 0.67211111212221
212 Kenneth Salem University of Waterloo 17 4 5.68 1 5 0.2011212111115
212 Alvin Cheung Univ. of California - Berkeley 17 4 4.70 7 6 1.45221112311111
212 Jeffrey D. Ullman Stanford University 17 4 5.07 111113
212 Kaushik Chakrabarti Microsoft Research 17 4 5.32 122112215
212 Eric Lo 0001 Chinese University of Hong Kong 17 5 4.08 7 5 1.52213112112111
212 K. Selçuk Candan Arizona State University 17 5 4.06 11122415
212 Ju Fan Renmin University of China 17 6 2.64 7 8 0.90312133211
212 Juliana Freire New York University 17 4 4.57 7 4 1.902113112213
212 Sanjay Krishnan University of Chicago 17 5 3.55 8 5 1.651113221312
212 Eugene J. Shekita 17 4 4.40 31112
227 Nicolas Bruno Microsoft Research 16 2 6.11 1 19 0.0511111112124
227 Boris Glavic University of Illinois at Chicago 16 4 4.11 9 4 2.41112413211
227 Daniel Deutch Tel Aviv University 16 3 4.90 6 4 1.622132111122
227 Leong Hou U University of Macau 16 4 3.78 7 5 1.551123212211
227 Sudipto Das 16 4 3.51 2 14 0.291122213211
227 Byron Choi Hong Kong Baptist University 16 5 3.73 10 5 2.22145111111
227 Shuai Ma 0001 Beihang University 16 5 3.63 5 4 1.2311211123112
227 Jens Teubner TU Dortmund 16 3 5.53 2 2 1.0011111111131111
227 Shamkant B. Navathe Georgia Institute of Technology 16 3 6.30 2 4 0.4521112
227 Xiang Lian Kent State University 16 3 5.58 4 3 1.501111112113111
227 Dan Olteanu University of Oxford 16 3 5.74 4 4 1.7511111112121111
227 Zhenjie Zhang 16 5 3.36 1 25 0.0411123341
227 Susan B. Davidson University of Pennsylvania 16 4 4.52 2 3 0.6711111121115
227 César A. Galindo-Legaria 16 3 5.40 1 19 0.0511111110
227 Wolfgang Gatterbauer Northeastern University 16 4 4.73 7 3 1.95115113121
227 Mirek Riedewald Northeastern University 16 3 5.15 6 3 1.701141111114
227 Eric Simon INRIA 16 3 5.32 1 4 0.251114
227 Rubao Lee 16 6 3.07 5 7 0.943111123211
227 Xiaodong Zhang 0001 Ohio State University 16 6 2.77 6 6 0.982121112321
227 Dennis E. Shasha New York University 16 2 6.40 2 4 0.5811113
227 Yehoshua Sagiv Hebrew University of Jerusalem 16 3 6.12 1121110
227 Vijayshankar Raman IBM Research 16 4 3.84 1 44 0.0212122116
227 Luis Gravano Columbia University 16 3 6.17 11113
250 Stefan Manegold CWI 15 3 4.18 1111131114
250 Chengliang Chai Tsinghua University 15 5 2.63 12 5 2.243531111
250 Ravishankar Ramamurthy 15 3 4.23 2 14 0.141111111211112
250 Yixiang Fang CUHK (SZ) 15 5 3.23 10 5 2.25312222111
250 Panos Kalnis KAUST 15 4 3.76 3111122112
250 Qiong Luo 0001 HKUST 15 5 4.01 7 4 2.04252114
250 Masaru Kitsuregawa University of Tokyo 15 3 5.40 1 4 0.2511112
250 Jayavel Shanmugasundaram Yahoo Research 15 6 2.84 213216
250 Chao Tian 0001 Alibaba Group 15 5 2.96 10 6 1.7712431121
250 Nesime Tatbul MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 15 6 2.98 6 7 0.893311111112
250 Ryan Marcus University of Pennsylvania 15 6 3.05 10 7 1.5013132311
250 Norman May SAP SE 15 5 2.94 5 5 0.871211212212
250 George Kollios Boston University 15 4 3.80 1 5 0.20111112112121
250 Stefano Ceri Politecnico di Milano 15 3 5.40 1113
250 Ye Yuan 0001 Beijing Institute of Technology 15 5 2.76 12 6 2.0643311111
250 Xu Chu Georgia Institute of Technology 15 5 3.27 6 6 1.103311331
250 Ruoming Jin Kent State University 15 4 3.82 13133211
250 Dimitrios Gunopulos University of Athens 15 4 3.58 11111226
250 Yinan Li 15 5 3.70 4 9 0.64222121221
250 Ge Yu 0001 Northeastern University 15 7 2.42 10 8 1.30323112111
250 Umar Farooq Minhas 15 6 2.40 6 9 0.751231211211
250 Ben Kao University of Hong Kong 15 5 3.10 2 8 0.27111111121131
250 Raul Castro Fernandez University of Chicago 15 5 4.29 9 4 3.2512331131
250 Wenyuan Yu 15 7 2.48 9 8 1.2411331111111
250 Philip Bohannon 15 4 3.58 11111127
250 Suman Nath 15 3 5.17 1 3 0.33111243111
250 Berthold Reinwald 15 5 2.90 112212213
277 Konstantinos Karanasos 14 7 2.31 8 8 1.0933221111
277 Alan D. Fekete University of Sydney 14 5 3.17 1 4 0.2511132111111
277 Xin Cao 0001 UNSW 14 4 3.42 5 5 0.8912211111112
277 Theodoros Rekatsinas 14 4 3.70 4 4 1.0011111321111
277 Chuan Xiao 0001 Osaka University 14 5 3.40 6 4 1.3811221112111
277 Xi He 0001 University of Waterloo 14 4 3.14 9 4 2.0213232111
277 Vassilis J. Tsotras Univ. of California - Riverside 14 4 3.86 1 4 0.2511111111123
277 Sainyam Galhotra Cornell University 14 4 3.78 10 4 2.6711531111
277 Siqiang Luo Nanyang Technological University 14 5 3.25 10 4 2.4742311111
277 Arijit Khan 0001 Aalborg University 14 4 3.58 5 5 0.9921221111111
277 Shimin Chen Chinese Academy of Sciences 14 3 5.45 6 3 2.0812211111112
277 Johann-Christoph Freytag Humboldt University of Berlin 14 3 5.45 2 4 0.5811111117
277 Rainer Gemulla University of Mannheim 14 4 4.08 3 4 1.0011121221111
277 Mohamed Zaït 14 6 3.24 1 8 0.121131215
277 Ioana Manolescu INRIA 14 4 3.57 2 4 0.50211111115
277 Manos Athanassoulis Boston University 14 3 4.52 4 4 1.252111321111
277 Martin L. Kersten CWI 14 3 4.53 13118
277 Sushil Jajodia George Mason University 14 4 4.48 111119
277 Arnon Rosenthal 14 4 4.75 11210
277 Betty Salzberg Northeastern University 14 2 5.33 1211
277 Won Kim 0001 Gachon University 14 2 6.98 14
277 Jim Gray 0001 Microsoft Research 14 4 4.44 113
277 Tomasz Imielinski Rutgers University 14 2 6.70 14
277 Stanley Y. W. Su University of Florida 14 2 6.80 14
277 Georges Gardarin 14 3 5.46 14
277 Bruce G. Lindsay 0001 IBM Almaden Research Center 14 4 3.88 14
303 Kun-Lung Wu 13 5 2.71 111213211
303 Michael Benedikt University of Oxford 13 4 4.07 2 4 0.45111113122
303 Peter Buneman University of Edinburgh 13 3 4.40 1 5 0.201129
303 Laura M. Haas University of Massachusetts Amherst 13 4 3.27 2110
303 Benny Kimelfeld Technion 13 3 3.69 4 4 1.001121211211
303 Xin Huang 0001 Hong Kong Baptist University 13 5 3.22 8 5 1.73133111111
303 Utkarsh Srivastava 13 6 2.73 134113
303 Jonathan Goldstein Microsoft Research 13 3 4.20 1 13 0.0813121113
303 Yuchen Li 0001 Singapore Management University 13 4 3.22 7 5 1.5552141
303 Jana Giceva TU Munich 13 3 3.98 10 3 3.15124321
303 Hanan Samet University of Maryland - College Park 13 2 5.50 21118
303 Jiawei Jiang 0001 Wuhan University 13 7 2.15 8 8 0.99251221
303 Semih Salihoglu University of Waterloo 13 4 4.27 5 3 1.7832131111
303 Venkatesh Ganti Microsoft Research 13 4 3.75 112225
303 Yanyan Shen Shanghai Jiao Tong University 13 4 3.02 8 4 2.0311312122
303 Ninghui Li Purdue University 13 4 3.18 5 5 1.0611311111111
303 Arvind Arasu Microsoft Research 13 3 3.77 2 14 0.14111112213
303 Bo Tang 0016 SUSTech 13 4 3.30 9 5 2.022142112
303 Chin-Wan Chung KAIST 13 3 5.00 21118
303 Yongxin Tong Beihang University 13 4 3.07 3 4 0.67211221112
303 David Wai-Lok Cheung University of Hong Kong 13 4 3.33 211231111
303 Kevin S. Beyer University of Wisconsin-Madison 13 5 2.67 1111135
303 Cheng Long Nanyang Technological University 13 4 3.16 5 4 1.1211121133
303 Zhen Hua Liu 13 5 2.85 3 8 0.4321211111111
303 Dong Xin 13 4 3.75 21221311
303 Sudipto Guha University of Pennsylvania 13 3 4.29 111217
303 Min Wang 0001 Google Research 13 3 3.85 1212115
303 F. Michael Waas 13 6 2.92 2 10 0.1911112115
303 Jun'ichi Tatemura 13 6 2.19 2 29 0.091131241
303 Ambuj K. Singh Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 13 3 4.82 11131114
303 Steffen Zeuch 13 5 2.53 11 5 2.08223411
303 Lucian Popa 0001 IBM Almaden Research Center 13 4 3.71 1 4 0.2511111125
303 Kyu-Young Whang KAIST 13 4 3.63 111127
303 Henry F. Korth Lehigh University 13 3 4.23 13
337 Jianmin Wang 0001 Tsinghua University 12 4 3.07 3 5 0.622113221
337 Matteo Interlandi Microsoft 12 8 1.77 10 8 1.4833411
337 Masatoshi Yoshikawa Kyoto University 12 4 3.73 6 5 1.402226
337 Wei Cao 0006 Alibaba Group 12 9 1.55 6 10 0.62141321
337 Hakan Hacigümüs 12 4 3.02 1 44 0.0216221
337 Yue Wang 0012 Shenzhen University 12 4 2.94 12 4 2.9412126
337 Tingjian Ge University of Massachusetts Lowell 12 2 5.25 2 2 0.8311211111111
337 Torsten Grust University of Tübingen 12 3 4.95 2 2 1.00111212112
337 Wenchao Zhou Georgetown University 12 6 1.95 6 10 0.68122121111
337 Georg Gottlob University of Oxford 12 3 3.88 1 5 0.201111224
337 Ippokratis Pandis Amazon Web Services 12 5 2.20 1 24 0.041112111211
337 Srinivasan Parthasarathy 0001 Ohio State University 12 4 3.50 1 8 0.12111213111
337 Bin Yang 0002 Aalborg University 12 6 2.21 9 7 1.42332112
337 Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles University of Copenhagen 12 5 2.94 3 5 0.60111111111111
337 Khuzaima Daudjee University of Waterloo 12 3 4.00 7 3 2.1712131211
337 Shixuan Sun Shanghai Jiao Tong University 12 5 2.57 12 5 2.5721243
337 Vagelis Hristidis Univ. of California - Riverside 12 4 3.57 1 4 0.2511111115
337 Mohamed A. Soliman University of Waterloo 12 6 2.43 2 8 0.261111122111
337 Assaf Schuster Technion 12 3 4.28 4 3 1.33311211111
337 Marios Hadjieleftheriou 12 4 3.27 1212114
337 Arnab Nandi 0001 Ohio State University 12 3 4.56 1 2 0.501121111112
337 Peter R. Pietzuch Imperial College London 12 4 3.03 3 4 0.7011112132
337 Rui Zhang 0003 University of Melbourne 12 4 2.99 2 6 0.382111112111
337 Weiyi Meng Binghamton University 12 4 3.01 1 3 0.33111135
337 Aoying Zhou East China Normal University 12 6 2.18 7 6 1.2031121112
337 Bongki Moon Seoul National University 12 4 3.52 2 5 0.422111111112
337 Matthias Boehm 0001 TU Berlin 12 6 2.62 5 3 1.32113111211
337 Marianne Winslett University of Illinois 12 4 2.98 1 10 0.10112131111
337 Sunil Prabhakar Purdue University 12 4 3.23 1 4 0.251121124
337 Jun Rao Columbia University 12 4 3.30 2 19 0.12111117
337 S. Seshadri 12 4 2.97 12
337 Dennis Tsichritzis 12 2 6.62 12
337 Stavros Christodoulakis 12 2 5.92 12
337 Jeffrey Scott Vitter University of Mississippi 12 3 3.50 111
337 Alberto O. Mendelzon University of Toronto 12 2 5.42 210
372 Eric N. Hanson 11 5 4.27 1 11 0.091111115
372 Xupeng Miao 11 7 1.75 10 7 1.5833221
372 Yang Cao 0012 University of Edinburgh 11 4 3.38 4 4 1.15112121111
372 Niv Dayan University of Toronto 11 3 3.40 5 6 1.2411211221
372 Francesco Bonchi 11 4 2.80 2 5 0.401111121111
372 Aristides Gionis KTH Royal Institute of Technology 11 4 3.23 2 4 0.582111114
372 Julia Stoyanovich New York University 11 4 2.88 4 4 1.0222121111
372 Tong Yang 0003 Peking University 11 6 1.88 7 6 1.161222211
372 Vinayak R. Borkar 11 8 1.88 31112111
372 John Paparrizos Ohio State University 11 5 2.85 9 5 1.85223211
372 Bill Howe University of Washington 11 4 3.03 4 4 1.13112112111
372 Lukasz Golab University of Waterloo 11 4 3.22 1 3 0.33111113111
372 Nadathur Satish 11 8 1.51 11211221
372 Pradeep Dubey 11 8 1.48 111122111
372 Anish Das Sarma Google 11 4 2.64 11222111
372 Ming-Syan Chen National Taiwan University 11 3 3.42 1118
372 Ravi Kumar 0001 Google 11 5 2.68 121223
372 Daniel Kifer Pennsylvania State University 11 3 4.57 2 4 0.4511111111111
372 Matthias Weidlich 0001 Humboldt University of Berlin 11 6 2.45 4 6 1.0343121
372 Jayant Madhavan 11 5 2.79 11211113
372 Reynold Xin 11 9 1.34 3 23 0.1311111111111
372 Yi Chen 0001 New Jersey Institute of Technology 11 3 3.58 113222
372 Chenjuan Guo Aalborg University 11 6 1.79 8 7 1.09332111
372 Angela Bonifati University of Lyon 11 4 2.73 7 3 1.742212211
372 Jian Li 0015 Tsinghua University 11 5 2.82 2 6 0.37211111211
372 Babak Salimi Univ. of California - San Diego 11 4 2.78 9 4 2.20241211
372 Hua Lu 0001 Aalborg University 11 5 2.17 9 5 1.7533122
372 Arnd Christian König Microsoft Research 11 4 2.78 4 6 0.622113121
372 Chi Wang 0001 Microsoft Research 11 6 1.83 7 7 1.072231111
372 Philippe Pucheral Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University 11 4 3.13 2117
372 Chuan Lei 11 4 2.43 6 5 1.091231211
372 Stratis Viglas University of Edinburgh 11 3 3.96 2 6 0.3721224
372 Jieming Shi 11 5 2.27 8 6 1.4812113111
372 Cecilia M. Procopiuc AT&T Inc 11 5 2.57 2112212
372 Senjuti Basu Roy NJIT 11 5 2.76 5 4 1.1631121111
372 Xiaoyang Sean Wang Fudan University 11 4 2.70 5 6 0.78311114
372 Amir Gilad Hebrew University of Jerusalem 11 4 3.07 9 4 2.40242111
372 Paraschos Koutris University of Wisconsin - Madison 11 3 3.15 4 4 1.032231111
372 Val Tannen University of Pennsylvania 11 3 3.37 2 4 0.531112114
372 Jiaheng Lu University of Helsinki 11 5 2.69 12111122
372 Erhard Rahm University of Leipzig 11 3 4.92 1118
372 Prasad Deshpande University of Wisconsin-Madison 11 4 2.78 111116
372 Mitch Cherniack Brandeis University 11 5 3.11 119
372 Adam Silberstein Yahoo Research 11 5 2.32 1212212
372 Richard Hull 0001 IBM T. J. Watson Research Center 11 2 4.48 119
372 Richard T. Snodgrass University of Arizona 11 3 4.10 1118
372 Hans-Jörg Schek University of Konstanz 11 3 3.70 110
372 Arie Shoshani Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 11 2 5.70 110
372 Nathan Goodman 11 2 4.83 11
372 Matthias Jarke RWTH Aachen University 11 3 4.20 11
372 Doron Rotem 11 3 4.20 11
423 Xiaohui Yu 0001 York University 10 4 2.84 7 4 1.76123112
423 Hiren Patel 10 8 1.47 6 9 0.8113213
423 Michael Hay 10 4 2.16 13111111
423 Seung-won Hwang Seoul National University 10 4 2.73 1113112
423 Bishwaranjan Bhattacharjee 10 5 2.16 121222
423 Dongxiang Zhang UESTC 10 4 2.35 1 6 0.17121123
423 Silu Huang 10 4 3.27 2 2 1.3311211211
423 Chenhao Ma 0001 CUHK (SZ) 10 5 2.13 9 5 1.97214111
423 Kai Zheng 0001 UESTC 10 6 1.95 4 8 0.52222211
423 Peng Cheng 0003 East China Normal University 10 5 2.17 7 5 1.362122111
423 Stavros Papadopoulos 0001 Intel Labs & MIT 10 4 2.95 2131111
423 Laxman Dhulipala University of Maryland - College Park 10 5 2.20 10 5 2.201153
423 Ping Lu 0005 Beihang University 10 6 1.90 5 6 0.842323
423 Baihua Zheng Singapore Management University 10 5 2.28 4 5 0.7411212111
423 Mauricio A. Hernández 10 4 2.88 121114
423 Xuanhe Zhou 10 4 2.24 9 4 1.99221311
423 Daisy Zhe Wang University of Florida 10 4 2.47 1 3 0.33111111112
423 Jian Tan 10 7 1.40 9 7 1.305311
423 Ziawasch Abedjan TU Berlin 10 5 2.52 5 3 1.701221121
423 Anand Rajaraman Stanford University 10 4 3.08 221113
423 Thomas Seidl 0001 LMU Munich 10 4 3.20 1 4 0.2512115
423 Oliver Kennedy University at Buffalo 10 4 2.90 4 4 1.0313111111
423 Nikolaus Augsten University of Salzburg 10 3 3.18 3 5 0.731111111111
423 Meikel Pöss 10 2 3.73 2111113
423 Fatemeh Nargesian University of Rochester 10 4 2.90 7 3 2.151312111
423 Andrew Witkowski 10 7 1.67 1 4 0.251111123
423 Alin Dobra University of Florida 10 4 2.98 11112121
423 Pankaj K. Agarwal Duke University 10 4 2.54 3 5 0.59211111111
423 Chengkai Li 0001 University of Texas at Arlington 10 4 2.49 2 6 0.34211111111
423 Andreas Kipf Amazon Web Services 10 6 1.60 9 7 1.35114121
423 Sergey Melnik 0001 Google 10 4 2.54 1 12 0.0811113111
423 HweeHwa Pang Singapore Management University 10 3 3.58 11111113
423 Ulf Leser Humboldt University of Berlin 10 4 3.32 2 2 0.831111111111
423 Yanfeng Zhang 10 8 1.51 9 8 1.17322111
423 Michael H. Böhlen University of Zurich 10 3 3.12 3 3 0.9212111112
423 Mohamed Y. Eltabakh Worcester Polytechnic Institute 10 4 2.48 3 4 0.601111312
423 Hongrae Lee 10 4 2.42 1 4 0.2511131111
423 Bolong Zheng HUST 10 6 1.47 7 7 1.00231121
423 Vasilis Vassalos AUEB 10 3 3.48 111214
423 Yu Xu 10 4 2.49 3 7 0.4612111112
423 Randy H. Katz Univ. of California - Berkeley 10 2 3.92 19
423 Yuanyuan Tian 10 6 1.64 3 10 0.26121111111
423 Stavros Harizopoulos MIT 10 4 2.46 1 10 0.10111112111
423 Sebastian Breß 10 5 2.84 4 5 0.771321111
423 Steven Euijong Whang KAIST 10 5 2.75 3 5 0.9011111122
423 Zechao Shang University of Chicago 10 5 2.53 4 5 0.8522111111
423 Antonios Deligiannakis Technical University of Crete 10 4 2.85 212113
423 Shahram Ghandeharizadeh University of Southern California 10 3 3.24 1 2 0.501117
423 Brian F. Cooper 10 6 1.71 1121221
423 Viswanath Poosala Bell Labs 10 3 3.67 10
423 Ramakrishnan Srikant Google 10 3 3.58 19
423 Witold Litwin 10 3 5.14 19
423 Gio Wiederhold Stanford University 10 3 3.70 10
423 Sophie Cluet 10 3 3.17 10
477 Jinfeng Li 9 7 1.61 4 6 0.76131211
477 Holger Pirk Imperial College London 9 4 2.37 4 4 1.171111221
477 Heng Tao Shen UESTC 9 5 2.13 11111121
477 Avrilia Floratou Microsoft 9 5 1.84 4 6 0.6921111111
477 Sayan Ranu IIT Delhi 9 3 2.73 2 4 0.4511112111
477 Yi Lu 0010 MIT CSAIL 9 4 2.04 2 4 0.50111114
477 Leonid Libkin University of Edinburgh 9 5 2.11 3 17 0.36211113
477 Franz Färber 9 6 1.73 32211
477 Wen-Syan Li 9 5 2.44 2115
477 Georgia Koutrika HP Labs 9 4 2.78 3 4 0.921211121
477 Julian Shun Massachusetts Institute of Technology 9 4 2.43 8 4 2.18441
477 Jae-Gil Lee 0001 KAIST 9 4 2.37 1 4 0.2511112111
477 Xiaolei Li 0001 Twitter 9 4 2.57 12222
477 Jianguo Wang 0001 Purdue University 9 6 1.49 7 7 1.0721222
477 Rong Zhu 9 8 1.12 8 8 0.992331
477 Frank Wm. Tompa University of Waterloo 9 2 4.58 1 2 0.5011214
477 Cong Yan 9 4 2.84 6 6 1.34411111
477 Haibo Hu 0001 Hong Kong Polytechnic University 9 4 2.43 3 5 0.5921111111
477 Ryan Johnson 0001 LogicBlox 9 4 2.49 11112111
477 Mohammad Javad Amiri Stony Brook University 9 4 2.23 7 4 1.7021222
477 Huanchen Zhang Tsinghua University 9 6 1.63 6 6 1.18122121
477 Mehul A. Shah Hewlett-Packard Labs 9 4 2.29 1 18 0.061211112
477 Marco Serafini University of Massachusetts Amherst 9 6 1.44 3 6 0.541211121
477 Rimma V. Nehme 9 4 2.47 1211112
477 Hazem Elmeleegy 9 4 2.08 112122
477 Vanja Josifovski 9 5 1.97 111123
477 Lucja Kot Cornell University 9 5 2.22 11111211
477 Anastasios Kementsietsidis 9 4 2.43 11111112
477 Lin Ma 0006 University of Michigan 9 6 1.53 6 6 1.031122111
477 Jianbin Qin Shenzhen University 9 5 1.90 3 7 0.47111111111
477 Bernhard Mitschang University of Stuttgart 9 3 3.73 2 4 0.581116
477 Yue Wang 9 4 2.52 3 5 0.65111111111
477 Jennie Rogers Northwestern University 9 5 2.06 3 5 0.5711111121
477 Ali Ghodsi 0002 University of California 9 6 1.29 1 21 0.05111222
477 Yoshiharu Ishikawa 9 4 2.24 4 4 1.041211112
477 Lise Getoor Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 9 3 2.92 2 4 0.6711111112
477 Ziyang Liu 0001 Facebook 9 3 3.33 111321
477 Alan J. Demers 9 6 1.49 2111112
477 Justin J. Levandoski Google 9 5 2.04 33111
477 Vladislav Shkapenyuk 9 4 2.25 1111221
477 Yang Li 0106 Tencent Inc. 9 7 1.27 8 7 1.072331
477 Wentao Zhang 9 7 1.32 9 7 1.3222131
477 Florian Kerschbaum University of Waterloo 9 3 2.95 6 3 1.951122111
477 Junhao Gan University of Melbourne 9 4 2.92 4 5 0.832211111
477 Li Xiong 0001 Emory University 9 5 1.81 6 6 1.08312111
477 Daniel Kang Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 9 5 1.87 7 5 1.33131211
477 Soumen Chakrabarti IIT Bombay 9 3 3.28 126
477 Vuk Ercegovac 9 6 1.93 1 23 0.04111111111
477 Binhang Yuan 9 7 1.38 7 6 1.132511
477 Andrey Balmin 9 4 2.08 121113
477 Jing Tang 0004 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Guangzhou (HKUST-GZ) 9 6 1.74 5 5 1.0413122
477 Dmitri V. Kalashnikov University of California 9 3 2.64 212112
477 Dong Wen 0001 UNSW 9 6 1.49 7 6 1.123111111
477 Sebastian Schelter University of Amsterdam 9 6 1.76 5 3 1.121112112
477 Srikanth Kandula Microsoft Research 9 4 2.26 3 4 0.781113111
477 Yannis Velegrakis Utrecht University 9 4 2.57 11111112
477 Willis Lang University of Wisconsin 9 5 1.99 4 8 0.5612111111
477 Marc T. Friedman 9 7 1.34 3 10 0.31122211
477 Eamonn J. Keogh Univ. of California - Riverside 9 4 3.18 1111113
477 Martin Theobald University of Luxembourg 9 4 2.55 111111111
477 Elisa Bertino Purdue University 9 4 2.43 1125
477 José A. Blakeley 9 4 2.85 1116
477 Praveen Seshadri Cornell University 9 4 2.62 18
477 Meichun Hsu 9 3 2.48 2115
477 Inderpal Singh Mumick 9 3 2.82 9
477 Yahiko Kambayashi 9 2 3.83 9
477 Balakrishna R. Iyer 9 3 2.95 9
477 Z. Meral Özsoyoglu Case Western Reserve University 9 2 3.75 117
477 Jerry Kiernan IBM Almaden Research Center 9 4 2.48 18
477 Ravi Krishnamurthy 9 3 2.95 9
477 Harry K. T. Wong 9 2 3.70 9
477 Donovan A. Schneider 9 3 3.42 18
477 Roberta Cochrane 9 4 2.30 18
477 Catriel Beeri Hebrew University of Jerusalem 9 3 3.42 117
551 Yuliang Li 0001 Megagon Labs 8 4 1.94 6 4 1.46121211
551 Frank Neven Hasselt University 8 4 2.08 1 4 0.251121111
551 Stijn Vansummeren Hasselt University 8 4 1.90 2 6 0.3711111111
551 Shaleen Deep Microsoft Gray Systems Lab. 8 4 2.12 6 6 1.3721311
551 Sriram Rao 8 7 1.14 41111
551 Karthikeyan Ramasamy University of Wisconsin-Madison 8 4 1.54 1 3 0.3311114
551 Tarique Siddiqui University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 8 5 1.74 7 5 1.5413121
551 Mohammad Sadoghi Univ. of California - Davis 8 4 2.40 2 3 0.7511111111
551 Kostas Tzoumas 8 4 2.14 12221
551 Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu University of Warwick 8 3 2.83 5 3 1.751112111
551 Ingo Müller 0002 ETH Zurich 8 5 1.70 5 5 1.10122111
551 Kaiyu Feng 8 4 1.73 4 6 0.781211111
551 Hong Gao 0001 Harbin Institute of Technology 8 4 1.85 1 4 0.251211111
551 Yaliang Li 8 8 1.01 6 9 0.7122112
551 Thorsten Papenbrock Hasso Plattner Institute 8 4 2.21 4 3 1.1711222
551 Hector Gonzalez 8 4 1.74 11111111
551 Yasuhiro Fujiwara 8 4 2.08 1 5 0.201112111
551 Makoto Onizuka Osaka University 8 4 1.83 3 7 0.60211121
551 Janet L. Wiener Stanford University 8 5 1.98 11114
551 Parke Godfrey York University 8 4 2.09 1 6 0.1711111111
551 Jatin Chhugani 8 8 1.15 122111
551 Natacha Crooks Univ. of California - Berkeley 8 6 1.18 6 8 0.81122111
551 Alexander van Renen 8 8 1.37 7 8 1.26112121
551 Manoj Syamala 8 5 1.71 1 23 0.0411111111
551 Tien Tuan Anh Dinh SUTD 8 6 1.22 5 7 0.78311111
551 Torben Bach Pedersen Aalborg University 8 4 2.15 3 4 0.78211112
551 Mohammad Alizadeh Massachusetts Institute of Technology 8 7 1.31 7 7 1.191331
551 Bailu Ding 8 4 1.91 3 4 0.8312122
551 Hyungsoo Jung 0001 Hanyang University 8 6 1.63 4 6 0.6811111111
551 Dixin Tang 8 6 1.27 6 6 1.0111312
551 Georg Lausen University of Freiburg 8 3 2.83 116
551 Wan Shen Lim 8 6 1.39 7 7 1.14211211
551 Matthew Butrovich Carnegie Mellon University 8 6 1.34 8 6 1.3421221
551 Chengfei Liu Swinburne University of Technology 8 6 1.40 5 6 0.90131111
551 Sebastian Link University of Auckland 8 2 3.50 4 2 1.831111211
551 Weiguo Zheng 8 4 1.95 4 4 1.172111111
551 Zhiwei Zhang 8 5 1.63 5 5 0.981112111
551 Marcelo Arenas Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile 8 4 2.12 1 3 0.331111112
551 Songting Chen 8 6 2.28 11231
551 Tsz Nam Chan Shenzhen University 8 5 1.80 7 5 1.5512311
551 Sam Lightstone 8 7 1.37 21113
551 Ke Wang 0001 Simon Fraser University 8 4 2.20 11114
551 Mohamed F. Mokbel University of Minnesota 8 3 2.83 3 2 1.2511111111
551 Nilesh N. Dalvi 8 3 2.92 113111
551 Muhammad Aamir Cheema Monash University 8 5 1.83 3 5 0.60111221
551 Todd C. Mowry Carnegie Mellon University 8 4 1.93 1 5 0.20111122
551 Spyros Blanas Ohio State University 8 5 1.79 2 4 0.531111121
551 Hai Jin 0001 HUST 8 6 1.60 6 4 1.301121111
551 Wilfred Ng HKUST 8 4 1.91 1121111
551 Florin Rusu Univ. of California - Merced 8 4 2.78 1 4 0.251211111
551 Fei Xu 8 5 2.03 1 22 0.051111211
551 Laure Berti-Équille 8 4 2.05 1 5 0.20111122
551 Hanuma Kodavalla 8 6 1.61 3 7 0.54122111
551 Ziheng Wei 8 4 2.37 6 6 1.5312212
551 Hongzhi Wang 0001 Harbin Institute of Technology 8 5 1.63 2 6 0.371121111
551 Jia Zou 0001 Arizona State University 8 7 1.35 3 7 0.45122111
551 Giansalvatore Mecca Università della Basilicata 8 4 2.09 1111112
551 Kangfei Zhao 8 5 1.88 7 5 1.38113111
551 Shi Qiao 0001 Microsoft Corporation 8 6 1.53 4 8 0.62112121
551 Asterios Katsifodimos TU Delft 8 4 1.72 3 4 0.572111111
551 Olga Papaemmanouil Brandeis University 8 4 2.41 2111111
551 Xiaochun Yang 0001 Northeastern University 8 4 2.37 11111111
551 Min-Soo Kim 0002 KAIST 8 4 2.34 2 3 0.6711111111
551 Bugra Gedik Bilkent University 8 5 2.00 1 3 0.331111121
551 Frederick Reiss 0001 IBM Research - Almaden 8 5 1.89 2111111
551 Yannis Sismanis 8 4 2.20 12212
551 Alexandros Labrinidis University of Pittsburgh 8 4 2.75 11114
551 Panos K. Chrysanthis University of Pittsburgh 8 3 2.83 11114
551 António L. Furtado 0001 Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro 8 3 2.92 17
551 Lipyeow Lim University of Hawaii at Manoa 8 4 2.09 11312
551 Lyublena Antova Cornell University 8 8 1.20 3 10 0.361111121
551 Theo Härder Kaiserslautern University of Technology 8 3 3.58 125
551 Haifeng Jiang 8 4 1.85 11114
551 Inderpal Narang IBM Almaden Research Center 8 2 3.14 116
551 V. S. Subrahmanian Northwestern University 8 4 2.33 8
551 Roger King 8 2 3.83 8
551 Patrick E. O'Neil 8 4 2.07 17
551 Joachim W. Schmidt Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg 8 3 3.45 8
551 Lawrence A. Rowe University of California 8 2 4.50 8
630 Hideaki Kimura 0001 Google 7 3 2.71 111121
630 Xiaolan Wang 0001 Megagon Labs 7 3 2.14 2 4 0.581111111
630 Da Yan 0001 Indiana University 7 4 1.57 2 4 0.4511131
630 Zhi Yang 0001 Peking University 7 7 1.03 7 7 1.03115
630 Yang Cao 0011 Tokyo Institute of Technology 7 5 1.54 7 5 1.54232
630 Mihnea Andrei 7 7 1.19 1 7 0.14112111
630 Brandon Haynes University of Washington 7 6 1.19 5 7 0.834111
630 Qizhen Zhang 0001 University of Toronto 7 7 1.14 5 6 0.87121111
630 Fan Zhang 0036 Guangzhou University 7 5 1.30 4 6 0.7321112
630 Ruiqi Xu 7 6 1.16 6 6 1.022131
630 Chunbin Lin University of California 7 5 1.57 1 3 0.3312211
630 Shaofeng Cai 7 6 1.32 6 6 1.07111121
630 Weiyuan Wu 7 5 1.21 7 5 1.21241
630 Yongjoo Park Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 7 4 1.78 3 5 0.70121111
630 Muyang Liu 7 5 1.39 6 4 1.2311131
630 Xin Wang 0064 Southwest Petroleum University 7 4 1.92 12121
630 Ziniu Wu 7 8 0.88 7 8 0.88142
630 Alex Thomo University of Victoria 7 4 2.00 3 4 0.83111121
630 Herodotos Herodotou Cyprus University of Technology 7 2 3.17 1 2 0.50111121
630 Jeff Shute 7 14 0.57 3 13 0.2212112
630 John Cieslewicz 7 4 1.49 1 17 0.061111111
630 Qing Liu 0008 Zhejiang University 7 5 1.38 6 6 1.18121111
630 Alan Halverson 7 6 1.05 111112
630 Tieying Zhang 7 10 0.76 5 10 0.5621112
630 Qian Lin 0002 National University of Singapore 7 6 1.15 1 7 0.14121111
630 Ben Sowell Cornell University 7 7 1.11 1 18 0.061111111
630 Peter Triantafillou University of Warwick 7 3 2.50 1 6 0.17111112
630 Jesús Camacho-Rodríguez 7 9 1.06 4 10 0.5622111
630 Jiexing Li 7 5 1.26 1 23 0.041111111
630 Jialin Ding 7 5 1.22 6 6 1.021231
630 Jagan Sankaranarayanan 7 6 1.43 2 29 0.09112111
630 Yaoshu Wang 7 5 1.42 5 5 0.971111111
630 Min Xie 7 4 1.82 4 4 1.031111111
630 Fangcheng Fu 7 5 1.42 4 6 0.6712112
630 Long Yuan 7 5 1.43 5 6 1.03112111
630 Anil Shanbhag 7 4 1.89 2 4 0.58112111
630 Adriane Chapman University of Southampton 7 3 2.09 2 4 0.581111111
630 Alexander Shraer Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 7 12 0.84 3 12 0.23121111
630 Yuval Moskovitch Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 7 3 2.03 4 4 1.03121111
630 Milos Nikolic 0001 University of Edinburgh 7 3 2.14 1 4 0.251111111
630 Essam Mansour 0001 Concordia University 7 5 1.21 1 5 0.20111211
630 Rebecca Taft Cockroach Labs 7 8 0.89 2 14 0.14111112
630 Olga Poppe Worcester Polytechnic Institute 7 4 1.38 4 6 0.6321112
630 Azade Nazi 7 5 1.54 2212
630 You Wu 0001 Duke University 7 4 1.57 2 4 0.45211111
630 Barna Saha Univ. of California - San Diego 7 3 2.08 2 4 0.581111111
630 Yudian Zheng 7 5 1.37 2311
630 Kwanghyun Park 0001 Yonsei University 7 6 1.20 4 8 0.6213111
630 Ji-Rong Wen Renmin University of China 7 6 1.29 2 6 0.371111111
630 Johes Bater Tufts University 7 5 1.48 5 4 1.12112111
630 Xuntao Cheng 7 10 0.68 5 13 0.3822111
630 Manos Karpathiotakis 7 4 1.95 1 3 0.3311311
630 Kun Ren 7 3 2.08 12121
630 Harish Doraiswamy New York University 7 4 2.12 2 3 0.75111121
630 Zografoula Vagena 7 4 1.78 111112
630 Frank McSherry Materialize Inc. 7 4 2.45 2 4 0.451111111
630 Kunsoo Park Seoul National University 7 6 1.45 5 6 1.08112111
630 Wentao Li 0001 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 7 6 1.20 6 6 1.0313111
630 Karthik Ramachandra 0002 Microsoft Jim Gray Systems Lab 7 4 2.14 3 3 1.08111121
630 Bin Wu 0003 Alibaba Group 7 6 1.11 6 6 0.864111
630 Calisto Zuzarte 7 3 1.89 1 6 0.17111112
630 Philippe Cudré-Mauroux University of Fribourg 7 5 1.44 5 5 1.02111211
630 Rafi Ahmed 7 4 1.81 2 5 0.42111112
630 Xiao Hu 0005 University of Waterloo 7 5 1.66 6 4 1.461321
630 Renchi Yang Hong Kong Baptist University 7 5 1.35 5 5 0.981132
630 Yikai Zhang 0001 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 7 4 2.40 4 3 1.4522111
630 Michalis Petropoulos University at Buffalo 7 6 1.31 2 14 0.24111211
630 Qiang Yin 0002 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 7 7 1.00 5 9 0.694111
630 Shangyu Luo 7 6 1.23 3 4 0.56121111
630 Johann Gamper Free University of Bozen-Bolzano 7 3 2.37 1 2 0.501111111
630 Dirk Habich Dresden University of Technology 7 4 1.82 3 5 0.62111211
630 Prithviraj Sen 7 4 1.65 2 4 0.581111111
630 Tyson Condie University of California at Los Angeles 7 6 1.16 121111
630 Wang-Pin Hsiung 7 5 1.33 133
630 Yao Lu 7 4 1.70 6 4 1.454111
630 Nguyen Quoc Viet Hung Griffith University 7 6 1.28 4 6 0.703121
630 Zoi Kaoudi 7 5 1.38 4 4 0.9531111
630 Sang Kyun Cha 7 4 2.03 1114
630 Gi-Hwan Oh 7 4 1.65 3 4 0.671111111
630 Richard Sidle 7 9 0.97 1 19 0.05112111
630 Curtis E. Dyreson Utah State University 7 3 3.58 1114
630 Jinsoo Lee 7 4 1.98 1111111
630 Akrivi Vlachou Norwegian University of Science and Technology 7 4 1.92 11221
630 Christos Doulkeridis University of Piraeus 7 4 1.92 11221
630 Dong Xie 0001 Pennsylvania State University 7 4 1.92 3 4 0.8321112
630 Jeff M. Phillips University of Utah 7 4 1.95 2 4 0.45211111
630 Miao Qiao Massey University 7 5 1.70 3 6 0.67211111
630 Bin Wang 0015 Northeastern University 7 4 1.87 1111111
630 Mariano P. Consens University of Toronto 7 4 2.33 1 4 0.251123
630 Jianyong Wang 0001 Tsinghua University 7 5 1.60 1 6 0.1711113
630 Niels Nes 7 4 1.65 1 6 0.17111112
630 Donghui Zhang 7 4 1.90 11212
630 Yaron Kanza Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 7 4 1.87 1 4 0.25111112
630 Sara Cohen Hebrew University of Jerusalem 7 2 4.28 1 2 0.50111121
630 Subramanian Arumugam 0002 University of Florida 7 5 1.65 13111
630 Luis Leopoldo Perez 7 6 1.45 11131
630 Russell Sears 7 4 1.90 22111
630 Piotr Indyk Massachusetts Institute of Technology 7 4 1.81 115
630 David G. Andersen Carnegie Mellon University 7 6 1.40 3 5 0.623211
630 Wei Wang 0009 Fudan University 7 5 1.60 1 5 0.20111211
630 Arash Termehchy Oregon State University 7 5 1.45 4 6 0.75121111
630 Till Westmann 7 8 1.05 111112
630 Luc Bouganim INRIA 7 3 2.05 115
630 Shuigeng Zhou Fudan University 7 5 1.63 1 5 0.20111121
630 Wei Wang 0010 Univ. of California - Los Angeles 7 4 1.95 124
630 Dirk Van Gucht Indiana University 7 3 2.70 16
630 Tore Risch Uppsala University 7 2 4.50 115
630 Michael Kifer Stony Brook University 7 2 2.92 115
630 Yuri Breitbart 7 4 1.98 16
630 Sumit Ganguly IIT Kanpur 7 3 2.70 7
630 Shalom Tsur University of California 7 3 2.56 7
630 Gultekin Özsoyoglu Case Western Reserve University 7 3 2.50 7
630 Peter Dadam University of Ulm 7 4 1.76 7
630 Vincent Y. Lum 7 4 1.55 7
630 Prasan Roy 7 4 1.57 115
630 George P. Copeland 7 2 2.83 7
630 Christian Böhm 0001 University of Vienna 7 4 1.87 1114
630 Eugene Wong 0001 University of California 7 2 3.33 7
630 Alexander Borgida Rutgers University 7 2 3.25 7
630 Peter Widmayer ETH Zurich 7 3 2.42 7
630 Narain H. Gehani NJIT 7 3 2.53 7
630 Junghoo Cho Univ. of California - Los Angeles 7 2 2.87 124
630 Frank Olken Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 7 3 2.37 7
630 Tok Wang Ling National University of Singapore 7 3 2.42 1123
630 Sailesh Krishnamurthy 7 7 1.23 11113
630 Jörg Sander 0001 University of Alberta 7 4 2.03 16
630 Oded Shmueli Technion 7 3 2.83 7
630 Yossi Matias Tel Aviv University 7 3 2.58 7
630 Ronald Fagin IBM Almaden Research Center 7 3 3.28 16
759 Yangyu Tao 6 6 1.03 5 7 0.8611121
759 Michael Armbrust 6 8 0.78 1 21 0.0511211
759 David A. Patterson 0001 Google 6 6 1.19 1113
759 Kui Ren 0001 Zhejiang University 6 6 1.01 6 6 1.012211
759 Arnab Bhattacharya 0001 IIT Kanpur 6 3 2.08 1 3 0.33111111
759 Thomas Willhalm 6 6 0.90 1 10 0.1011211
759 Harumi A. Kuno Hewlett Packard Labs 6 4 1.54 11211
759 Su Chen 6 4 1.62 11112
759 Anna Fariha University of Utah 6 4 1.62 5 5 1.1212111
759 Sanjib Das 6 10 0.60 11112
759 Ting Yu 0001 Qatar Computing Research Institute 6 4 1.43 11112
759 Srikanta J. Bedathur IIT Delhi 6 5 1.30 2 4 0.4511112
759 Lisi Chen UESTC 6 4 1.83 11121
759 Xun Jian 0001 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 6 4 1.60 5 5 1.2711121
759 Jianjun Chen 0001 ByteDance 6 12 0.67 2 20 0.10111111
759 Mohamed Ziauddin 6 6 1.06 2 5 0.4211112
759 Hong Su 6 6 1.24 2 5 0.4211211
759 Zheng Li 6 2 2.53 1 5 0.2012111
759 Wenguang Chen Tsinghua University 6 6 1.00 4 8 0.5512111
759 Wei Lu 0015 Renmin University of China 6 6 1.03 2 8 0.2511121
759 Yan Gu 0001 Univ. of California - Riverside 6 4 1.32 6 4 1.321122
759 Qingqing Zhou 6 4 1.24 5 4 1.121221
759 Anisoara Nica 6 6 1.13 1212
759 Kihong Kim 6 4 1.37 2 4 0.452112
759 Erik Vee 6 6 1.07 213
759 Paul Boniol 6 4 1.53 6 4 1.531311
759 Abdul Quamar 6 6 1.14 4 6 0.61411
759 Manolis Terrovitis 6 4 1.71 1 4 0.2511211
759 Zhengping Qian 6 10 0.64 4 11 0.423111
759 Mukesh K. Mohania IIIT Delhi 6 4 1.62 111111
759 S. Venkatesh 0001 University of Victoria 6 4 1.75 2 4 0.5811121
759 Jaroslaw Szlichta 6 5 1.29 1 6 0.17111111
759 Changkyu Kim 6 8 0.84 1221
759 Tianhao Wang 0001 University of Virginia 6 5 1.25 5 5 1.11141
759 Prashant Pandey 0001 University of Utah 6 6 1.13 5 6 0.8811211
759 Edward Gan 6 5 1.48 2 4 0.53222
759 Libin Zheng 6 5 1.33 5 5 0.991131
759 Radek Vingralek 6 3 2.27 213
759 Simonas Saltenis Aalborg University 6 4 1.92 11112
759 Sergei Vassilvitskii Google 6 6 1.19 12111
759 Feng Li 6 4 1.21 1 23 0.0412111
759 Pingcheng Ruan 6 6 1.04 4 6 0.7621111
759 Cong Yue 6 6 1.07 6 6 1.07132
759 Dumitrel Loghin 6 6 1.04 4 6 0.68111111
759 Supun Nakandala University of California 6 3 1.93 5 3 1.602121
759 YongChul Kwon 6 4 1.75 111111
759 Jun Gao 0003 Peking University 6 4 1.42 3 4 0.832112
759 Paolo Ciaccia University of Bologna 6 3 2.08 1 3 0.331113
759 Davide Martinenghi Politecnico di Milano 6 3 2.17 1 3 0.33111111
759 Sandeep Tata 6 4 1.78 1 6 0.1711211
759 Niloy Mukherjee 6 10 0.70 12111
759 Ji Sun 6 4 1.59 4 4 0.89312
759 Joseph Gonzalez 0001 Univ. of California - Berkeley 6 8 0.80 5 8 0.641131
759 Floris Geerts University of Antwerp 6 4 1.82 11211
759 William Zhang 6 7 0.97 6 7 0.972112
759 Jianxin Li 0001 Deakin University 6 6 1.07 4 6 0.731212
759 Karima Echihabi Mohammed VI Polytechnic University 6 4 1.40 4 5 0.9011211
759 Henning Köhler Massey University 6 3 1.95 2 4 0.58111111
759 Yu Yang 0001 City University of Hong Kong 6 5 1.23 3 5 0.621221
759 Zhuoyue Zhao University at Buffalo 6 4 1.65 4 3 1.20111111
759 Klemens Böhm Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 6 4 1.92 1 2 0.5011112
759 Tuan Cao 6 7 0.88 111111
759 Michael Abebe 0001 University of Waterloo 6 3 1.83 6 3 1.83123
759 Nikos Sarkas 6 4 1.67 11211
759 Ahmed Eldawy Univ. of California - Riverside 6 4 1.43 1 4 0.25111111
759 Mian Lu 6 6 1.06 3 10 0.38111111
759 Ismail Oukid 6 5 1.52 2 4 0.452121
759 Jinyang Gao 6 4 1.31 1 6 0.17111111
759 Peter T. Wood Birkbeck University of London 6 2 3.00 114
759 Walker M. White Cornell University 6 7 0.89 11112
759 Jimmy Lin University of Waterloo 6 5 1.55 11112
759 Kapil Vaidya 6 6 1.01 6 6 1.011311
759 Kostas Zoumpatianos Harvard University 6 4 1.48 1 5 0.201131
759 Yu Liu 0070 Beijing Jiaotong University 6 6 1.21 3 4 0.73111111
759 Can Lu 6 4 1.50 3 4 0.7512111
759 Yongluan Zhou University of Copenhagen 6 5 1.39 3 5 0.60111111
759 Chen Wang 6 6 0.97 4 6 0.70411
759 Ilya Kolchinsky 6 2 2.50 3 3 1.002112
759 Ling Liu 0001 Georgia Institute of Technology 6 3 2.12 12111
759 Bin Shao 6 5 1.33 1131
759 Faisal Nawab Univ. of California - Irvine 6 4 1.43 111111
759 Prashanth Menon 6 6 1.18 4 8 0.5112111
759 Thomas Heinis Imperial College London 6 4 1.68 1 7 0.14111111
759 Anshuman Dutt 6 4 1.75 3 4 0.75111111
759 Eliezer Levy 6 9 1.02 2 13 0.182112
759 Maximilian Bandle Technische Universität München 6 4 1.77 6 4 1.771131
759 Jarek Gryz York University 6 3 1.73 11112
759 Mike Zwilling Microsoft 6 7 0.97 1 16 0.061122
759 Rathijit Sen 6 6 1.07 6 6 1.07321
759 Srikanth Bellamkonda 6 8 0.84 11121
759 Ahmed Metwally 0001 Uber 6 4 2.58 2 2 1.2521111
759 Yingyi Bu 6 6 0.90 1 23 0.041311
759 Ashwin Lall 6 4 1.57 111111
759 Jun (Jim) Xu Georgia Institute of Technology 6 4 1.32 4 4 0.8711211
759 Garret Swart 6 4 1.90 111111
759 Yu Gu 0002 Northeastern University 6 8 0.85 4 8 0.493111
759 Dongyan Zhao 0001 Peking University 6 6 1.15 21111
759 Sven Helmer University of Zurich 6 3 2.75 2 4 0.581113
759 Andrew Tomkins 6 6 1.28 222
759 Wai Kit Wong 6 5 1.38 11121
759 Zongheng Yang 6 8 0.81 3 7 0.4212111
759 Peixiang Zhao 0001 Florida State University 6 2 2.58 2 2 1.0011121
759 Yanghua Xiao Fudan University 6 5 1.21 2112
759 Yuxiang Zeng 6 4 1.51 4 4 1.0112111
759 Xueyan Tang Nanyang Technological University 6 4 1.39 2 4 0.5811121
759 Hassan Chafi 6 7 0.94 1221
759 Narayanan Sundaram 6 8 0.74 11121
759 Parimarjan Negi 6 8 0.79 4 7 0.581311
759 Mohan Yang 6 5 1.09 111111
759 Kai-Uwe Sattler TU Ilmenau 6 4 1.48 3 5 0.731221
759 Xinyi Zhang 0002 Renmin University of China 6 7 0.81 6 7 0.81321
759 Panagiotis Bouros University of Mainz 6 3 1.95 1 3 0.33111111
759 Kexin Rong 0001 Georgia Institute of Technology 6 5 1.41 3 5 0.6011112
759 Hongzhi Yin University of Queensland 6 6 1.07 2 6 0.332211
759 Fei Chiang McMaster University 6 4 1.65 1 4 0.25111111
759 Wim Martens University of Bayreuth 6 8 0.96 4 14 0.3812111
759 Dimitris Tsirogiannis 6 4 1.57 11121
759 Nicola Onose University of California 6 4 1.29 11112
759 Alexander Rasin DePaul University 6 6 0.98 1311
759 Jose M. Faleiro Microsoft Research 6 3 1.90 2 5 0.40111111
759 Pekka Kostamaa 6 4 1.87 11112
759 Barbara Liskov Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6 4 1.73 1 5 0.20114
759 Seongyun Ko 6 7 1.22 3 7 0.451212
759 Qiange Wang 6 8 0.80 6 8 0.802211
759 Kamesh Munagala Duke University 6 4 1.57 11121
759 Ana Klimovic ETH Zurich 6 5 1.18 6 5 1.18213
759 Wenqing Lin 6 4 1.45 2 5 0.42111111
759 Alexander Thomson 6 3 1.92 1221
759 Sumit Gulwani Microsoft Research 6 4 1.97 4 6 0.9721111
759 Shirish Tatikonda 6 6 1.43 111111
759 Erkang Zhu 6 4 1.62 2 4 0.53111111
759 Alberto Lerner University of Fribourg 6 3 2.08 5 4 1.5711211
759 Emanuel Zgraggen 6 6 1.02 3 6 0.541212
759 Ramana Yerneni Stanford University 6 6 1.10 1122
759 Weining Qian 6 5 1.27 4 6 0.8711211
759 Stelios Paparizos 6 4 1.87 2112
759 Rahul Gupta 6 4 1.90 111111
759 Melanie Herschel University of Stuttgart 6 4 1.78 3 6 0.5812111
759 Sudipta Sengupta 6 4 1.51 12111
759 Laura Chiticariu University of California 6 4 1.73 111111
759 Jun-Ki Min 6 3 2.00 1113
759 Alex Galakatos 6 6 0.97 2 10 0.2321111
759 Peer Kröger LMU Munich 6 5 1.21 1113
759 Mingxi Wu University of Florida 6 7 1.22 3 8 0.4321111
759 Kristen LeFevre University of Michigan 6 3 2.00 12111
759 Lin Qiao Tsinghua University 6 9 0.67 11112
759 Karl Aberer EPFL 6 4 1.42 2 6 0.3321111
759 Radu Sion Stony Brook University 6 2 2.81 1113
759 Benoît Dageville 6 7 1.10 1122
759 Tobias Ziegler 0001 TU Darmstadt 6 5 1.31 5 5 1.113111
759 Cheng Sheng 0001 Chinese University of Hong Kong 6 4 1.62 1221
759 Gabriel Bender 6 5 1.27 1113
759 Sakti Pramanik Michigan State University 6 2 2.83 15
759 Slava Novgorodov 6 4 1.40 3 4 0.7021111
759 Erfan Zamanian Brown University 6 4 1.53 1 4 0.2511112
759 Jingbo Xu 0001 Alibaba Group 6 6 1.23 1 18 0.0611121
759 George Fletcher 0001 TU Eindhoven 6 7 1.16 3 10 0.4112111
759 Gang Luo 0001 University of Washington 6 4 2.17 213
759 Swarup Acharya 6 3 1.83 6
759 Sridhar Ramaswamy 6 3 1.95 6
759 S. Bing Yao 6 2 2.67 6
759 Arun N. Swami 6 2 3.03 6
759 Malú Castellanos 6 4 1.27 111111
759 Jérôme Siméon 6 4 1.73 114
759 Sudarshan S. Chawathe 6 2 2.83 6
759 Mong-Li Lee National University of Singapore 6 4 1.65 114
759 Elizabeth J. O'Neil 6 4 2.07 114
759 Peter Pistor 6 6 1.60 6
759 Il-Yeol Song 6 4 1.45 1113
759 Douglas Stott Parker Jr. University of California 6 2 2.58 15
759 Abhijit Pol 6 4 1.78 231
759 Narayanan Shivakumar Stanford University 6 3 1.95 6
759 Arthur M. Keller 6 3 2.62 6
759 William Kent 6 1 5.33 6
759 Jack A. Orenstein 6 1 4.75 6
759 Xiaolei Qian 6 2 3.50 6
759 Bee-Chung Chen 6 4 1.78 1221
759 Michael Hammer 6 2 3.00 6
759 Dennis McLeod University of Southern California 6 2 2.75 6
759 Raymond A. Lorie 6 4 2.03 6
759 Amihai Motro George Mason University 6 1 5.00 6
759 Hui-I Hsiao 6 4 1.83 15
759 Peter C. Lockemann Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 6 2 2.31 6
759 Jagannathan Srinivasan 6 4 1.35 1122
759 Haran Boral 6 2 2.67 6
759 Tobin J. Lehman 6 2 2.70 6
759 Chun Zhang 6 6 1.05 24
759 Donald D. Chamberlin IBM Almaden Research Center 6 4 1.82 15
759 François Bancilhon 6 2 2.42 6
759 Werner Kießling University of Augsburg 6 2 3.67 6
759 Richard R. Muntz University of California 6 2 2.42 6
759 Nelson Mendonça Mattos Google 6 6 2.19 6
759 Michel E. Adiba IMAG 6 2 3.03 6
759 Marco A. Casanova PUC-RIO 6 3 1.92 6
953 Radu Stoica 5 4 1.40 2 4 0.502111
953 Wen Hua 5 5 1.15 3 5 0.571211
953 Ken Q. Pu 5 4 1.34 1 5 0.2011111
953 Xiaonan Nie 5 7 0.70 5 7 0.70122
953 Lei Chen 5 8 0.83 5 8 0.8341
953 Yiwen Zhu 5 14 0.39 5 14 0.391121
953 Vibhor Rastogi 5 3 1.75 1211
953 Zi Huang University of Queensland 5 5 1.05 1211
953 Prashant J. Shenoy University of Massachusetts Amherst 5 4 1.37 122
953 Yael Amsterdamer Bar-Ilan University 5 4 1.28 2111
953 Fumiyuki Kato 5 5 1.07 5 5 1.07212
953 Wolfgang Nejdl University of Hannover 5 3 2.33 11111
953 Fotis Psallidas 5 6 1.13 3 9 0.381211
953 Paul Suganthan G. C. 5 12 0.57 11111
953 Han Li 5 10 0.46 2 9 0.2311111
953 Dong He 0002 University of Washington 5 7 0.80 5 7 0.80212
953 Peter Kraft 5 10 0.58 4 8 0.512111
953 Mustafa Canim 5 5 1.10 1121
953 Orri Erling 5 8 0.51 3 8 0.3611111
953 Wei Wang 0059 TikTok 5 6 0.79 2 6 0.3311111
953 Amitabha Bagchi IIT Delhi 5 5 1.02 3 5 0.622111
953 Zuozhi Wang 5 6 0.85 5 6 0.85122
953 Yiping Ke Nanyang Technological University 5 5 1.07 1211
953 Azza Abouzeid NYU Abu Dhabi 5 5 1.07 2 6 0.3711111
953 Eli Upfal Brown University 5 4 1.11 1211
953 Dinesh Das 5 7 0.68 2111
953 Edith Cohen Google Research 5 3 1.87 1211
953 Haim Kaplan Tel Aviv University 5 3 1.78 1211
953 Felix Martin Schuhknecht Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz 5 3 1.75 1 2 0.5011111
953 Aoqian Zhang 5 4 1.28 1 5 0.201112
953 Yuyu Luo Tsinghua University 5 5 0.98 5 5 0.982111
953 Anqun Pan 5 7 0.66 4 7 0.55221
953 Yuncheng Wu Renmin University of China 5 5 0.89 5 5 0.891211
953 Reza Sherkat 5 9 0.89 11111
953 John Liagouris Boston University 5 4 1.42 1121
953 Anja Gruenheid Google 5 5 1.15 2 6 0.37221
953 Kristin Tufte University of Wisconsin-Madison 5 6 0.68 1112
953 Evimaria Terzi Boston University 5 3 1.62 1 4 0.2511111
953 Parag Agrawal 5 4 1.32 1211
953 Botong Huang 5 5 1.28 1 13 0.081121
953 Jieping Ye 5 6 0.89 1 12 0.08131
953 Xiaoyang Wang 0002 University of New South Wales 5 5 0.91 3 6 0.512111
953 Bettina Kemme McGill University 5 2 2.08 11111
953 Shengliang Lu 5 4 1.15 5 4 1.1532
953 Bart Samwel 5 23 0.24 2 23 0.0911111
953 Ian Rae 5 14 0.56 1 17 0.061121
953 Jiaxin Jiang 5 6 0.81 4 6 0.701211
953 Zhongle Xie 5 7 0.81 3 7 0.54122
953 Tianyi Li 0005 Aalborg University 5 8 0.79 5 8 0.791211
953 Indranil Gupta Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 5 7 0.87 2 6 0.361121
953 René Müller 0001 Huawei Technologies 5 3 1.72 113
953 Marcus Fontoura 5 6 0.93 11111
953 Uwe Röhm University of Sydney 5 4 1.37 2 4 0.532111
953 Chenggang Wu 0001 Aqueduct Inc. 5 7 1.05 2 5 0.48221
953 Alexander Zhou 0001 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 5 4 1.37 5 4 1.372111
953 Xike Xie USTC 5 6 0.92 2 9 0.2511111
953 Sanjay Agrawal 0001 Microsoft Research 5 3 1.42 113
953 Georgios Giannikis 5 4 1.10 11111
953 Rui Shi 5 15 0.36 5 15 0.36221
953 Venky Harinarayan 5 8 0.99 212
953 Lu Chen 0008 Swinburne University of Technology 5 6 0.90 4 6 0.731211
953 Rui Zhou 0001 Swinburne University of Technology 5 6 0.90 4 6 0.731211
953 Wei Fan 0001 Tencent Medical AI Lab 5 6 0.88 311
953 Hongchao Qin 5 6 0.93 5 6 0.93311
953 David R. Karger Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5 5 1.57 1 6 0.1711111
953 Mohammed J. Zaki Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 5 2 2.17 11111
953 Farhana Murtaza Choudhury University of Melbourne 5 6 1.08 2 4 0.501121
953 Jiong Yang 0001 Case Western Reserve University 5 4 1.37 14
953 Gabriel Ghinita University of Massachusetts Boston 5 4 1.37 2 4 0.582111
953 Victor Vianu Univ. of California - San Diego 5 2 2.03 113
953 Ahmed R. Mahmood 5 5 1.26 3 5 0.621211
953 Minhao Jiang 5 4 1.28 1 5 0.2011111
953 Karl Schnaitter 5 3 1.34 11111
953 Ajay Kalhan 5 8 0.49 4 16 0.351211
953 Bogdan Cautis University of Paris-Sud 5 4 1.42 1 4 0.2511111
953 Evgeny Kharlamov Bosch 5 4 1.62 1 5 0.2011111
953 Laurel J. Orr Stanford University 5 3 1.58 2 4 0.5811111
953 Torsten Hoefler ETH Zurich 5 5 1.04 3 4 0.641211
953 Jiong He 5 3 1.38 1 8 0.1211111
953 Hongzhi Chen 5 7 0.64 4 8 0.4941
953 Yu Shen 0003 Tencent 5 8 0.62 5 8 0.62113
953 Tao Guan HUST 5 10 0.50 3 13 0.292111
953 Dingming Wu 0001 Shenzhen University 5 4 1.33 1 6 0.1711111
953 Christian A. Lang IBM Research 5 5 1.32 11111
953 Charalampos Papamanthou Yale University 5 4 1.43 1 5 0.2011111
953 Ahmed M. Aly 5 7 0.96 1 8 0.1211111
953 Tianyu Wo 5 5 1.02 2111
953 Kris Ganjam Microsoft Research 5 4 1.25 1211
953 Yizhou Yan 5 5 0.85 2 6 0.331121
953 Dongmei Zhang 0001 Microsoft Research Asia 5 5 0.92 2 7 0.3511111
953 Hasso Plattner Hasso Plattner Institute 5 6 1.59 11111
953 Atish Das Sarma 5 4 1.23 11111
953 Feng Zhang 0007 Renmin University of China 5 7 0.68 4 8 0.48221
953 Raja Appuswamy EURECOM 5 5 1.05 2 8 0.2711111
953 Jinfei Liu Zhejiang University 5 6 0.88 4 6 0.681121
953 You Peng 5 6 0.93 3 5 0.6211111
953 Chang Ge 0002 University of Minnesota 5 4 1.13 1 4 0.25131
953 Edward Y. Chang 5 4 1.53 1112
953 Xiang Li 5 5 1.07 5 5 1.07221
953 Xiangyu Ke Zhejiang University 5 5 1.18 3 6 0.511211
953 Huan Li 0003 Zhejiang University 5 5 1.02 5 5 1.02131
953 Sebastian Kruse 0001 University of Potsdam 5 4 1.32 2111
953 Nicolas Anciaux 5 4 1.13 2111
953 Longbin Lai 5 5 0.78 2 12 0.262111
953 Martin Hirzel 5 4 1.26 1 3 0.3311111
953 Nitin Gupta 0003 Google 5 7 0.71 122
953 Hua-Gang Li 5 6 0.94 1121
953 Stephen Macke 5 6 0.88 3 6 0.471112
953 Odysseas Papapetrou Eindhoven University of Technology 5 3 1.40 3 3 0.871211
953 Haitao Yuan 0002 Tsinghua University 5 4 1.18 4 4 1.081211
953 Amr El-Helw 5 6 0.77 1121
953 Anton Dignös Free University of Bozen-Bolzano 5 3 1.40 1 5 0.2011111
953 Keke Huang 5 6 0.93 2 5 0.4211111
953 Junyang Gao 5 4 1.20 2 4 0.4511111
953 Qin Zhang 0001 Indiana University 5 2 2.03 1 2 0.5011111
953 Dana Van Aken 5 6 0.95 2 7 0.29212
953 Qiang Huang 5 4 1.32 4 4 1.1211111
953 Dawn Song Univ. of California - Berkeley 5 5 0.92 2 9 0.2811111
953 Stavros Sintos University of Illinois at Chicago 5 4 1.28 3 4 0.701112
953 Yusong Gao 5 8 0.55 3 10 0.292111
953 Anthony D. Nguyen 5 9 0.62 2111
953 Amit Somech Bar-Ilan University 5 3 1.57 4 3 1.37221
953 Zhenying He Fudan University 5 6 0.87 5 6 0.8741
953 Dan Zhang 5 6 0.88 3 6 0.5111111
953 Ioannis Alagiannis 5 4 1.32 1121
953 Timothy Roscoe ETH Zurich 5 4 1.03 1 4 0.2511111
953 Amélie Marian Rutgers University 5 4 1.65 1 2 0.501112
953 Dimitrije Jankov 5 6 0.95 4 5 0.8141
953 Sergio Greco University of Calabria 5 3 2.42 11111
953 Arun Iyengar IBM Research 5 5 1.04 2 6 0.312111
953 Yu Rong 5 5 0.98 5 5 0.9811111
953 Wang-Chien Lee Pennsylvania State University 5 4 1.12 2 6 0.3711111
953 Carl-Christian Kanne University of Mannheim 5 2 1.96 11111
953 Marc H. Scholl University of Konstanz 5 3 1.87 113
953 Marcin Zukowski 5 4 1.17 11111
953 Todd J. Green Amazon Web Services 5 4 1.00 1 24 0.041211
953 Chunwei Liu 5 4 1.12 5 4 1.12122
953 Wei Lu 0002 Rupert Labs 5 4 1.37 1121
953 Ira Assent Aarhus University 5 4 1.28 1121
953 Shivakumar Venkataraman 5 17 0.74 11111
953 Panagiotis Antonopoulos 5 10 0.53 2 12 0.211121
953 Karrie Karahalios Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 5 6 0.85 3 6 0.511211
953 Hong Wu 5 7 0.68 5 7 0.681211
953 Feng Chen 0005 Louisiana State University 5 3 1.57 3 3 1.1711111
953 Tim Januschowski 5 9 0.62 2 18 0.1211111
953 Stefano Paraboschi 5 5 1.23 1112
953 Pierangela Samarati University of Milan 5 5 1.07 1112
953 Zsolt István TU Darmstadt 5 3 1.58 1 3 0.33122
953 Yuan Yuan 0014 Ohio State University 5 7 0.89 1121
953 Liping Peng 5 5 1.40 1112
953 Anna Liu 5 5 1.15 1112
953 Sunil Chakkappen 5 6 0.89 11111
953 Jeffrey Jestes 5 4 1.42 11111
953 Michael Rys 5 5 0.89 1 15 0.071112
953 Lei Sheng 5 8 0.67 1 6 0.171121
953 Liuba Shrira Brandeis University 5 3 1.48 2 4 0.702111
953 Norbert Ritter University of Hamburg 5 3 1.25 2 8 0.421112
953 Michael A. Bender Stony Brook University 5 8 0.75 3 8 0.4011111
953 Pawel Terlecki 5 4 1.45 11111
953 Peter Zabback 5 4 1.25 1112
953 Anil K. Nori 5 5 1.92 1 19 0.05113
953 Adam J. Storm 5 10 0.55 1 19 0.0511111
953 Ron Barber 5 18 0.47 1 19 0.051121
953 Hyun Jin Moon 5 3 1.45 122
953 Francesco Gullo UniCredit 5 4 1.53 1 4 0.2511111
953 Kjetil Nørvåg NTNU 5 4 2.00 1211
953 John McPherson 5 5 1.07 1112
953 Kavitha Srinivas IBM Research 5 5 0.96 1 5 0.2011111
953 Lidan Shou Zhejiang University 5 5 0.97 1 5 0.201121
953 Davood Rafiei University of Alberta 5 2 2.50 11111
953 Joshua Spiegel 5 8 1.18 1 10 0.1011111
953 Vikas Arora 5 6 0.97 1 10 0.1011111
953 Jiwon Seo 0002 Hanyang University 5 5 1.04 2 5 0.4811111
953 Xiang Zhang 0001 Pennsylvania State University 5 3 1.50 1112
953 Jiwu Shu Tsinghua University 5 6 0.99 5 6 0.99131
953 Xiaodong Li 0009 University of Hong Kong 5 6 0.83 3 6 0.4711111
953 Torsten Suel New York University 5 3 1.70 113
953 Nectarios Koziris NTUA 5 5 1.03 1 8 0.12113
953 Prasang Upadhyaya 5 3 1.53 11111
953 Eric Sedlar 5 9 0.99 1 5 0.2011111
953 Hannes Voigt Neo4j 5 9 0.65 1 18 0.061121
953 A. Prasad Sistla University of Illinois at Chicago 5 3 1.62 14
953 Akhil Arora 0001 EPFL 5 3 1.45 1 5 0.2011111
953 Wenbo Tao 5 6 1.05 1 6 0.171121
953 Warren Shen University of Wisconsin 5 5 0.90 1112
953 Kaiping Zheng 5 6 0.87 5 6 0.871121
953 Peng Wang 0027 Fudan University 5 5 1.15 2 6 0.3711111
953 Diwen Zhu 5 6 0.81 2 12 0.2211111
953 Phokion G. Kolaitis Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 5 4 1.33 11111
953 Hao Zhang 0098 Chinese University of Hong Kong 5 5 1.18 4 5 0.852111
953 C. T. Howard Ho 5 5 1.01 11111
953 Hantian Zhang 5 5 0.90 3 5 0.5311111
953 Paolo Atzeni Roma Tre University 5 3 1.83 1 4 0.25113
953 Peter M. Fischer 0001 University of Augsburg 5 6 0.98 11111
953 Mo Sha 0002 National University of Singapore 5 4 1.33 2 4 0.501112
953 Leonidas Fegaras University of Texas at Arlington 5 2 3.00 1 2 0.5014
953 Martin Kiefer 5 4 1.28 3 4 0.7011111
953 Andrew Crotty Northwestern University 5 7 0.77 2 10 0.232111
953 Kien A. Hua University of Central Florida 5 2 2.08 113
953 Maria Luisa Sapino University of Turin 5 3 1.50 122
953 Shivakumar Vaithyanathan 5 5 1.04 11111
953 George Papadakis 0001 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 5 4 1.28 2 4 0.4511111
953 Srini Devadas Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5 5 1.07 2 4 0.4511111
953 Barbara T. Blaustein 5 3 1.78 14
953 Alexandre V. Evfimievski Cornell University 5 5 1.04 11111
953 Lele Yu 5 4 1.14 1 7 0.141121
953 Jun Zhang 0063 Google Inc. 5 5 1.13 11111
953 Peter M. Schwarz 5 3 1.78 14
953 Timothy Malkemus 5 6 1.00 122
953 Shengqi Yang 5 4 1.12 1121
953 Tao Guo 5 4 1.20 1 6 0.1711111
953 Sooyong Kang Hanyang University 5 6 1.03 3 6 0.5311111
953 Roberto J. Bayardo IBM Almaden Research Center 5 4 1.81 14
953 Xin Jin 5 4 1.11 1121
953 Jinglin Peng 5 5 1.01 3 5 0.511211
953 Yifan Li 0006 York University 5 3 1.34 4 4 1.011211
953 P. P. S. Narayan Bell Labs 5 5 1.00 113
953 Calton Pu Georgia Institute of Technology 5 2 2.58 1 4 0.2514
953 Anthony Tomasic 5 3 1.48 113
953 Marc Gyssens Hasselt University 5 3 1.87 14
953 Paolo Merialdo Roma Tre University 5 4 1.37 1 4 0.251112
953 Yasushi Sakurai Osaka University 5 3 1.50 113
953 Colette Rolland University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne 5 3 2.00 5
953 Zhengjie Miao 5 4 1.37 3 4 0.78122
953 Latha S. Colby 5 5 1.82 113
953 Wilburt Labio Stanford University 5 3 1.62 5
953 Jeff LeFevre 5 6 0.85 1121
953 David Scott Warren Stony Brook University 5 3 1.87 5
953 Daniel Ting 5 1 4.00 3 2 2.002111
953 Michael Kaminsky 5 6 0.95 1 6 0.171211
953 Ouri Wolfson Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 5 2 2.08 5
953 Shinichi Morishita University of Tokyo 5 3 1.67 14
953 Peter M. G. Apers University of Twente 5 3 1.75 5
953 Daniel A. Keim University of Konstanz 5 3 2.37 5
953 Ning Ruan 5 4 1.20 2111
953 Rada Chirkova North Carolina State University 5 3 1.83 1 6 0.1711111
953 B. R. Badrinath Rutgers University 5 2 2.33 5
953 Frank Manola 5 2 2.58 5
953 Edward Omiecinski Georgia Institute of Technology 5 3 3.00 5
953 Christophe de Maindreville 5 2 2.17 5
953 Oliver Po 5 6 0.88 1112
953 Yang-Sae Moon 5 4 1.28 113
953 Arvola Chan 5 5 1.28 5
953 Amit Shukla 0001 Twitter Inc. 5 4 1.16 14
953 Yannis Theodoridis University of Piraeus 5 4 1.37 14
953 Sridhar Rajagopalan 5 4 1.28 5
953 Gunter Schlageter University of Hagen 5 4 2.08 5
953 Spiros Papadimitriou Rutgers University 5 3 1.75 1121
953 Ming-Ling Lo 5 4 1.67 5
953 Chinya V. Ravishankar Univ. of California - Riverside 5 2 2.08 14
953 Dean Jacobs 5 5 1.20 1112
953 Daniel M. Dias 5 3 1.67 5
953 Paul Brown 5 4 1.59 14
953 Marek Rusinkiewicz University of Houston 5 4 1.01 5
953 Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis New York University 5 3 1.75 14
953 Keki B. Irani University of Michigan 5 2 2.33 5
953 Dina Bitton 5 3 1.46 113
953 C. J. Date 0001 Independent Consultant 5 1 5.00 5
953 Ashish Gupta 0001 Helion 5 3 1.64 5
953 Waqar Hasan 5 3 1.76 14
953 Sergey Brin Alphabet Inc. 5 3 2.17 5
953 Mario Schkolnick 5 2 3.06 5
953 Prabhakar Raghavan Stanford University 5 4 1.42 5
953 Mayank Bawa 5 4 1.17 5
953 Alain Pirotte 0001 Université catholique de Louvain 5 2 2.75 5
953 Ming-Chien Shan 5 3 1.58 5
953 Eduardo B. Fernández Florida Atlantic University 5 3 1.75 5
953 Nicolas Spyratos University of Paris-Sud 5 2 3.00 5
953 Victor M. Markowitz 5 2 3.17 14
953 Stuart E. Madnick MIT 5 2 2.83 5
953 David K. Hsiao 5 2 2.33 5
1224 Dong Young Yoon 4 3 1.25 1111
1224 Vassilis Papadimos 4 6 0.62 1111
1224 Lei Li 0003 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 4 4 0.95 3 5 0.70211
1224 Jiabin Liu 4 4 0.90 4 4 0.9031
1224 Hailin Zhang 0004 Peking University 4 7 0.57 4 7 0.57121
1224 Abhishek Roy 0008 Snowflake Inc. 4 8 0.46 3 8 0.3231
1224 Kanat Tangwongsan 4 4 1.17 1 3 0.331111
1224 Hui Li 0005 Xidian University 4 5 0.90 2 4 0.501111
1224 Daniel Booss 4 10 0.42 1 10 0.10121
1224 Adel Ardalan 4 10 0.54 121
1224 Haojun Zhang 4 13 0.54 1111
1224 Ganesh Krishnan 4 10 0.38 1111
1224 Rohit Deep 4 10 0.38 1111
1224 Vijay Raghavendra 4 10 0.38 1111
1224 Maureen Daum University of Washington 4 6 0.70 4 6 0.7022
1224 Taesung Lee 4 5 0.81 1 7 0.141111
1224 Christoforos E. Kozyrakis Stanford University 4 8 0.58 3 10 0.331111
1224 Lalith Suresh 4 8 0.53 3 10 0.36211
1224 Edward Bortnikov 4 6 0.60 2 10 0.24112
1224 Peng Wang 4 8 0.45 2 13 0.18112
1224 Xi Wu 0001 Google Inc 4 6 0.64 1111
1224 Davide Mottin Aarhus University 4 6 0.73 2 6 0.311111
1224 Pedro Pedreira 4 8 0.69 3 8 0.361111
1224 Kevin Wilfong 4 10 0.41 2 8 0.241111
1224 Xiaoyan Yang 4 4 1.12 1111
1224 Huanhuan Wu 4 4 0.92 22
1224 Dawei Jiang Zhejiang University 4 4 0.84 112
1224 Ahmad Ghazal 4 6 0.61 1111
1224 Yali Zhu 4 4 1.03 1111
1224 Khaled Yagoub 4 4 0.87 13
1224 Paolo Guagliardo University of Edinburgh 4 6 0.96 1 4 0.251111
1224 Nilesh Bansal University of Toronto 4 4 1.17 1111
1224 Rui Mao 0001 Shenzhen University 4 6 0.77 2 8 0.271111
1224 Limsoon Wong National University of Singapore 4 3 1.20 112
1224 Alex X. Liu Michigan State University 4 4 0.88 211
1224 Zitao Li 4 5 0.90 4 5 0.901111
1224 Yiqiu Wang 4 4 1.03 3 4 0.78211
1224 Rachel Pottinger University of British Columbia 4 2 1.67 1 3 0.33112
1224 Brian Hentschel 4 3 1.20 2 3 0.67112
1224 Weijie Zhao 0001 Rochester Institute of Technology 4 4 0.93 2 5 0.48211
1224 Yueting Chen 4 4 0.89 4 4 0.891111
1224 Bogdan Alexe 4 4 1.17 1111
1224 Mary Roth 4 3 1.37 112
1224 Georgios Kellaris 4 3 1.45 1 5 0.201111
1224 Xinjun Yang 4 14 0.37 4 14 0.37112
1224 Ruochun Jin 4 6 0.68 4 6 0.6822
1224 James Cheney University of Edinburgh 4 2 1.67 1111
1224 Hao Wang 4 18 0.23 3 22 0.15211
1224 Min Xu 4 10 0.51 4 10 0.51112
1224 Ang Chen 0001 University of Michigan 4 7 0.54 3 7 0.401111
1224 Quanqing Xu 4 12 0.35 4 12 0.35121
1224 Chuanhui Yang 4 12 0.35 4 12 0.35121
1224 Audrey Cheng 4 8 0.52 4 8 0.521111
1224 Xiao Yan 0002 Southern University of Science and Technology 4 8 0.50 2 10 0.2722
1224 Fan Yang 0091 Chinese University of Hong Kong 4 8 0.71 112
1224 De-Nian Yang 4 4 0.87 2 6 0.371111
1224 Fernando Seabra Chirigati 4 6 0.74 1 5 0.20121
1224 Benjamin C. Reed 4 4 1.14 1111
1224 Chen Jason Zhang 4 4 1.12 1 3 0.331111
1224 Zijing Tan Fudan University 4 4 0.92 3 4 0.751111
1224 Himani Apte 4 16 0.27 1 9 0.111111
1224 Matthias Renz University of Kiel 4 6 0.68 1111
1224 Bahman Bahmani 4 3 1.20 211
1224 James F. Terwilliger 4 5 0.88 1111
1224 Evan P. C. Jones 4 4 1.17 22
1224 Xinjing Zhou 4 4 0.84 3 4 0.641111
1224 Xiangpeng Hao 4 4 1.12 3 4 0.921111
1224 Qingchao Cai 4 8 0.53 31
1224 Lingyang Chu 4 5 0.82 1 4 0.25121
1224 Jeffrey Pound University of Waterloo 4 4 0.93 1 6 0.171111
1224 Yuhao Zhang 4 2 1.46 3 3 0.961111
1224 Robert Walzer 4 8 0.56 2 10 0.191111
1224 Karla Saur 4 6 0.68 4 6 0.6831
1224 Zhihong Tian 4 6 0.70 4 6 0.7031
1224 Thomas Legler 4 4 1.03 1 5 0.201111
1224 Yuanyuan Zhu 4 4 1.00 3 6 0.671111
1224 Hyuck Han 4 4 0.95 1111
1224 Amit Ganesh 4 6 0.71 1111
1224 Hoang Tam Vo 4 5 0.93 1111
1224 Vikram Sreekanti University of California 4 5 0.93 3 7 0.6031
1224 Yunjia Zhang 4 5 0.86 4 5 0.86211
1224 Ravi Mayuram 4 4 0.84 1 7 0.1413
1224 Lampros Flokas 4 6 0.70 4 6 0.70211
1224 Khaled Ammar 4 4 1.17 1 4 0.25121
1224 Riccardo Torlone Roma Tre University 4 4 1.33 2 4 0.581111
1224 Sebastian Michel 0001 TU Kaiserslautern 4 2 1.58 1 2 0.501111
1224 Mingxuan Yuan 4 6 0.82 1 4 0.25121
1224 Tobias Schmidt 4 4 1.03 4 4 1.03112
1224 Dominik Durner 4 3 1.25 4 3 1.25112
1224 Xiaoyong Chai 4 5 0.75 121
1224 Jiajie Xu 0001 Soochow University 4 6 0.73 4 6 0.73121
1224 Tobias Mühlbauer 4 5 0.92 121
1224 Murat Demirbas University at Buffalo 4 6 0.90 2 6 0.44211
1224 Takuya Akiba 4 4 1.17 1111
1224 Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi National Institute of Informatics 4 4 1.08 112
1224 Adam Marcus 0002 B12 4 4 0.90 1111
1224 Qi Fan 4 4 0.84 2 8 0.341111
1224 J. Shane Culpepper University of Queensland 4 6 0.78 1 6 0.171111
1224 Brit Youngmann 4 4 1.12 4 4 1.12112
1224 Yiming Lin 4 5 1.08 4 5 1.08121
1224 Liwen Sun 4 4 0.75 1 21 0.051111
1224 Mostafa Mokhtar 4 22 0.23 3 23 0.131111
1224 Erik Paulson 0001 Johnson Control 4 7 0.59 1111
1224 Srinath Shankar 4 8 0.62 1111
1224 John C. S. Lui Chinese University of Hong Kong 4 5 1.04 211
1224 Balder ten Cate University of Amsterdam 4 4 0.96 1111
1224 Raghunath Othayoth Nambiar Cisco Systems 4 2 1.83 1111
1224 Baotong Lu 4 5 0.82 4 5 0.821111
1224 George Konstantinidis 0001 University of Southampton 4 2 1.67 2 3 0.671111
1224 Shize Xu 4 15 0.37 3 23 0.221111
1224 Subarna Chatterjee 4 5 0.92 4 5 0.92121
1224 Shumo Chu Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 4 4 0.95 1 6 0.171111
1224 José Cambronero Microsoft 4 6 0.77 3 7 0.52211
1224 Darko Makreshanski 4 4 1.08 1111
1224 Markus Pilman 4 4 0.90 112
1224 Cristian Riveros Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile 4 4 1.03 2 4 0.531111
1224 Matthew O. Ward 4 4 1.12 1111
1224 Micah Sherr Georgetown University 4 6 0.71 112
1224 Xiaofeng Meng 0001 Renmin University of China 4 4 0.90 3 5 0.651111
1224 Rahul Potharaju 4 12 0.37 2 15 0.141111
1224 Shivaram Venkataraman University of Wisconsin - Madison 4 8 0.54 1 6 0.171111
1224 Mohamed Yakout 4 4 0.98 1111
1224 George A. Mihaila Megagon Labs 4 6 0.65 112
1224 Roberto Tamassia Brown University 4 4 0.98 2 4 0.58211
1224 Ke Zhou 0001 HUST 4 10 0.44 3 9 0.351111
1224 Benjamin Hilprecht 4 2 1.50 4 2 1.50112
1224 Stephan Günnemann TU Munich 4 4 0.90 211
1224 Domagoj Vrgoc 4 5 0.81 3 6 0.56211
1224 Quoc Trung Tran 4 3 1.29 1111
1224 Matteo Ceccarello IT University of Copenhagen 4 4 1.28 1 2 0.50112
1224 Ibrahim Sabek University of Southern California 4 4 1.25 4 4 1.25112
1224 Vijay Chidambaram University of Texas at Austin 4 4 0.95 4 4 0.95121
1224 Vahab S. Mirrokni Google Research 4 6 0.68 2 6 0.371111
1224 Wojciech M. Golab University of Waterloo 4 3 1.37 1111
1224 Kai Wang 0037 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4 5 0.82 3 5 0.62121
1224 Paul Johns 4 4 1.03 3 4 0.70211
1224 Hao Wei 0004 Chinese University of Hong Kong 4 4 0.92 211
1224 Yizhou Sun Univ. of California - Los Angeles 4 5 0.93 1 5 0.201111
1224 Dario Colazzo Université Paris Dauphine 4 4 1.00 1 6 0.171111
1224 Yuhang Chen 4 5 0.75 4 5 0.75112
1224 Aarati Kakaraparthy 4 4 1.12 3 4 0.88121
1224 Danica Porobic Oracle 4 5 0.78 1 8 0.121111
1224 Pinar Tözün IT University of Copenhagen 4 4 0.95 1111
1224 Yinjun Wu 4 4 1.12 2 3 0.671111
1224 Zengfeng Huang Fudan University 4 6 0.69 2 8 0.24211
1224 Zhaojing Luo 4 6 0.66 4 6 0.66211
1224 Gunter Saake University of Magdeburg 4 4 1.08 112
1224 Jianmin Wang 4 6 0.70 4 6 0.704
1224 Xuan Zhou 0001 East China Normal University 4 4 0.87 3 5 0.621111
1224 Vasiliki Kalavri Boston University 4 4 1.00 1 4 0.251111
1224 Guanyu Feng 4 8 0.55 4 8 0.55121
1224 Xiaowei Zhu 4 8 0.55 4 8 0.55121
1224 Andrey Gubarev 4 14 0.34 1 12 0.081111
1224 Navneet Potti University of Wisconsin 4 5 1.04 1 6 0.171111
1224 Jianzhong Qi 0001 University of Melbourne 4 4 0.87 2 4 0.451111
1224 Martin Kaufmann 4 6 1.44 112
1224 Cristian Diaconu 4 9 0.45 211
1224 Scott Schneider 0001 Meta Platforms Inc. 4 4 1.04 2 6 0.46211
1224 Pierre Senellart Télécom Paris 4 4 1.00 1111
1224 Yahui Sun 0001 Renmin University of China 4 6 0.87 4 6 0.87211
1224 Chavdar Botev Cornell University 4 6 0.65 1111
1224 Thierry Cruanes 4 7 0.51 1111
1224 Rui Liu 4 6 0.83 1 10 0.101111
1224 Doris Xin 4 6 0.68 3 6 0.52211
1224 Dong-Wan Choi 4 3 1.42 1 2 0.501111
1224 Roberto Yus Univ. of Maryland - Baltimore County 4 4 0.84 4 4 0.8413
1224 Mijin An 4 4 1.03 4 4 1.0322
1224 Tatsunori B. Hashimoto Stanford University 4 5 0.77 4 5 0.771111
1224 V. Srinivasan 4 4 1.27 1 7 0.141111
1224 Hyunjoon Kim 4 6 0.87 3 6 0.671111
1224 Mitsunori Ogihara University of Miami 4 4 0.87 4 4 0.87112
1224 Aidong Zhang University of Virginia 4 4 1.12 13
1224 Jianying Wang 4 10 0.47 3 10 0.371111
1224 Yang Liu 4 12 0.52 4 12 0.52211
1224 Xiaojie Feng 4 8 0.51 2 8 0.241111
1224 Saehan Jo 4 6 0.64 1 6 0.1713
1224 Xuezhi Wang 0002 Google Research 4 6 0.76 31
1224 Victor W. Lee 4 9 0.48 211
1224 Alexander Behm 4 23 0.26 2 23 0.09112
1224 Maurizio Lenzerini Sapienza University of Rome 4 2 1.58 13
1224 Neil Immerman University of Massachusetts Amherst 4 4 1.17 1111
1224 Malte Schwarzkopf Brown University 4 4 0.83 3 4 0.75211
1224 Yuchao Tao 4 4 0.84 3 4 0.70211
1224 Eric Liang 4 8 0.50 1 7 0.141111
1224 Sonia Bergamaschi University of Modena and Reggio Emilia 4 4 0.98 2 4 0.45211
1224 Louis Woods 4 3 1.33 211
1224 Kaisong Huang 4 4 0.95 4 4 0.95112
1224 Zhongxian Gu 4 8 0.50 112
1224 Sanjeev Khanna University of Pennsylvania 4 4 1.33 112
1224 Renata Borovica University of Melbourne 4 4 1.12 2 4 0.581111
1224 Nodira Khoussainova University of Washington 4 4 1.17 112
1224 Lizhu Zhou 4 5 0.74 121
1224 Richard Michael Grantham Wesley 4 2 1.53 1111
1224 Juan F. Sequeda 4 8 0.73 3 4 0.64121
1224 Yuming Liang 4 16 0.27 4 16 0.27121
1224 Sajjadur Rahman 4 6 0.65 2 6 0.311111
1224 Jan Gasthaus 4 11 0.48 2 18 0.121111
1224 Yuyang Wang 0001 Amazon Web Services 4 11 0.48 2 18 0.121111
1224 Kaibo Wang 4 6 0.62 1111
1224 Filip Murlak University of Warsaw 4 14 0.55 4 14 0.55121
1224 Oktie Hassanzadeh IBM Research 4 6 0.74 1111
1224 Shun Takagi 4 6 0.73 4 6 0.7322
1224 Zhihan Guo 4 5 0.88 4 5 0.88211
1224 Ziyu Guan Xidian University 4 6 0.87 1 6 0.17112
1224 Dian Ouyang 4 6 0.67 3 6 0.50121
1224 Wolf-Tilo Balke TU Braunschweig 4 3 1.42 112
1224 Yin Huai 4 8 0.56 1111
1224 Fusheng Wang 0001 Stony Brook University 4 6 1.01 1 5 0.201111
1224 Marie Jacob University Of Pennsylvania 4 4 1.09 1111
1224 Izchak Sharfman 4 4 0.95 1111
1224 Daniel Keren University of Haifa 4 4 1.08 1111
1224 Yasser Altowim 4 4 0.83 2 4 0.45112
1224 Pinghui Wang Xi'an Jiaotong University 4 6 0.68 2 8 0.27211
1224 Peng Li 4 6 0.59 3 5 0.541111
1224 Jiansheng Huang 4 4 1.14 1111
1224 Ting Chen 4 4 1.03 112
1224 Xiaofei Zhang 0002 University of Memphis 4 3 1.26 1 11 0.091111
1224 Jong-Hyeok Park 4 4 0.95 3 5 0.62211
1224 Lawrence Benson 4 4 1.17 4 4 1.17112
1224 Andrew McGregor 0001 University of Massachusetts Amherst 4 5 0.82 112
1224 Martin Farach-Colton New York University 4 8 0.50 3 8 0.401111
1224 Rob Johnson 4 7 0.64 2 7 0.291111
1224 Ahmet Erdem Sariyüce University at Buffalo 4 4 1.16 121
1224 Yuichi Yoshida National Institute of Informatics 4 3 1.25 1111
1224 Jie Liu 4 6 0.74 2 5 0.421111
1224 Wei Lin 0016 Alibaba Group 4 8 0.64 2 12 0.181111
1224 Akanksha Baid 4 5 0.85 1111
1224 Zhimin Chen 4 4 1.33 1111
1224 Kai Zhang 0006 Fudan University 4 8 0.56 2 8 0.251111
1224 Congcong Ge 4 6 0.70 4 6 0.70121
1224 Chaoji Zuo 4 3 1.24 4 3 1.24112
1224 Zhaoguo Wang Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4 8 0.55 3 8 0.38121
1224 Haibo Chen 0001 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4 8 0.55 3 8 0.38121
1224 Bhargav Kanagal 4 2 1.50 1111
1224 Zimu Zhou 4 6 0.57 1 11 0.09121
1224 Ke Xu 0001 Beihang University 4 6 0.57 1 11 0.091111
1224 Evaggelia Pitoura University of Ioannina 4 2 2.00 1111
1224 Tianyu Li 0001 MIT CSAIL 4 6 0.63 4 6 0.631111
1224 Amadou Ngom 4 6 0.63 4 6 0.63112
1224 Kimberly Keeton Google Systems Research Group 4 6 0.64 3 6 0.501111
1224 Jan Rittinger Technical University Munich 4 4 1.03 1111
1224 Sahaana Suri 4 8 0.59 2 7 0.351111
1224 Fabian Hueske 4 6 0.77 1 8 0.121111
1224 Yuanbing Li 4 5 0.83 1 5 0.20112
1224 Ming-Chuan Wu 4 4 1.65 112
1224 Hoa Nguyen 4 5 0.90 211
1224 Vraj Shah 4 4 1.12 3 4 0.781111
1224 Tyler Akidau 4 9 0.48 1 8 0.121111
1224 Beda Christoph Hammerschmidt 4 5 0.83 2 8 0.301111
1224 Yong Wang 4 4 1.33 3 4 1.00211
1224 Peter Scheuermann Northwestern University 4 3 1.87 13
1224 Youze Tang 4 4 1.03 1111
1224 David E. Simmen 4 5 0.84 112
1224 Yihan Gao 4 2 1.67 2 2 0.831111
1224 Hao Xin 4 3 1.20 2 4 0.531111
1224 Youyou Lu Tsinghua University 4 6 0.82 4 6 0.82121
1224 Qing Wang 0031 Tsinghua University 4 6 0.82 4 6 0.82121
1224 Tiark Rompf Purdue University 4 3 1.42 2 2 0.831111
1224 Justin Zobel University of Melbourne 4 3 1.33 13
1224 Sriram Padmanabhan IBM Research 4 6 0.73 112
1224 Liang Jeff Chen 4 4 1.18 1111
1224 Hao Zhang 0029 National University of Singapore 4 12 0.41 2 29 0.091111
1224 Brad Adelberg 4 3 1.74 1 14 0.0713
1224 Indrajit Roy 0001 Google 4 11 0.47 2 29 0.091111
1224 Maximilian Schleich University of Washington 4 4 1.12 2 4 0.581111
1224 Zeyuan Shang 4 6 0.77 1 8 0.12121
1224 Sheng Wang 0007 Wuhan University 4 4 1.03 3 4 0.831111
1224 Ruben Mayer University of Bayreuth 4 3 1.42 4 3 1.42112
1224 Junxiong Wang 4 5 0.89 3 4 0.731111
1224 Wentian Guo 4 5 0.78 1 6 0.17112
1224 Chaoyi Chen 4 8 0.53 4 8 0.53211
1224 Eduard C. Dragut Temple University 4 4 1.12 1 3 0.33121
1224 Ryan McKenna 4 4 0.92 2 4 0.50112
1224 David Pujol 4 4 1.08 4 4 1.081111
1224 Vassilis Athitsos University of Texas at Arlington 4 4 1.03 1111
1224 Lei Zhang 4 14 0.33 3 17 0.201111
1224 Rui Wang 0002 Microsoft Research 4 4 0.95 1 6 0.171111
1224 Claude Barthels 4 4 0.90 121
1224 Wendy Hui Wang Stevens Institute of Technology 4 4 1.33 121
1224 Hari Balakrishnan Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4 6 0.71 1 9 0.111111
1224 Kaan Kara 4 5 0.83 1 12 0.081111
1224 Peeyush Gupta 4 6 0.78 3 5 0.621111
1224 Matthias Brantner 4 4 1.12 1111
1224 Gabriela Jacques-Silva Facebook 4 6 0.60 1111
1224 Woon-Hak Kang 4 5 0.93 1111
1224 Giorgio Ghelli University of Pisa 4 4 1.00 1 6 0.17112
1224 Renzhi Wu 4 6 0.65 4 6 0.6513
1224 Jaeho Shin 0001 Stanford University 4 5 0.82 121
1224 Keishi Tajima Kyoto University 4 2 2.25 13
1224 Douglas Burdick IBM Research 4 5 0.79 1111
1224 Lefteris Sidirourgos 4 4 1.15 1 4 0.251111
1224 Philipp Eichmann 4 8 0.60 3 8 0.49121
1224 Lu Wang 0002 Shenzhen University 4 4 0.92 211
1224 Robert Christensen 4 4 0.87 121
1224 Françoise Fabret 4 4 1.03 13
1224 François Llirbat INRIA 4 4 1.03 13
1224 Yu Xia 0005 University of Edinburgh 4 6 0.76 3 5 0.59211
1224 Niketan Pansare 4 6 0.71 1111
1224 Pit Fender 4 3 1.23 112
1224 Huey-Eng Chua 4 5 0.77 2 6 0.37211
1224 Cheng Xu 0004 Hong Kong Baptist University 4 4 1.08 2 4 0.501111
1224 Alkis Simitsis Athena Research Center 4 4 1.00 1 4 0.251111
1224 Gopi K. Attaluri 4 18 0.26 1 26 0.04121
1224 Naresh Chainani 4 18 0.26 1 24 0.04121
1224 Konstantinos Morfonios National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 4 5 1.03 1111
1224 Donatella Firmani 4 4 1.08 2 4 0.50211
1224 Tobias Lindaaker 4 11 0.35 1 18 0.06112
1224 Stefan Plantikow 4 11 0.35 1 18 0.06112
1224 Holger Schwarz University of Stuttgart 4 4 0.98 2 4 0.581111
1224 Philipp M. Grulich TU Berlin 4 8 0.64 4 8 0.6431
1224 Ning Zhang 0002 Facebook 4 6 0.66 1111
1224 Reinhard Pichler TU Wien 4 4 1.07 2 5 0.401111
1224 Michail Vlachos University of Lausanne 4 4 0.98 112
1224 Valter Crescenzi Roma Tre University 4 4 1.03 1 4 0.251111
1224 Yan Qi 0002 Department of Computer Science and Engineering 4 4 0.99 112
1224 Jeong-Hoon Lee 4 6 0.85 1111
1224 Jieying She 4 4 1.00 1111
1224 Vasilis Efthymiou Harokopio University of Athens 4 6 0.64 4 6 0.6413
1224 Leilani Battle University of Washington 4 6 0.77 1 9 0.111111
1224 Jimeng Sun 0001 Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 4 4 0.90 1 6 0.171111
1224 Ji Liu 0002 University of Rochester 4 10 0.48 3 12 0.28211
1224 Hongfei Guo 4 4 1.03 1111
1224 Leonidas Galanis 4 9 0.57 112
1224 Karl Dias 4 8 0.51 112
1224 Sudip Roy 0002 Google 4 7 0.58 112
1224 Ioannis Demertzis Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 4 4 1.23 1 5 0.201111
1224 Yi-Cheng Tu University of South Florida 4 4 1.28 1 3 0.331111
1224 Kenneth Y. Goldberg Univ. of California - Berkeley 4 5 0.77 211
1224 Yannis Chronis University of Wisconsin-Madison 4 4 1.00 3 4 0.671111
1224 Rui Ding 0001 Microsoft Research Asia 4 5 0.82 1 4 0.251111
1224 Zoltán Gyöngyi Stanford University 4 4 1.33 1111
1224 Lingjiao Chen 4 4 1.06 31
1224 Zhongjun Jin 4 4 1.08 3 4 0.83121
1224 Yingjun Wu 4 4 0.98 121
1224 Somesh Jha University of Wisconsin - Madison 4 6 0.63 2 6 0.33211
1224 Alireza Rezaei Mahdiraji 4 5 1.46 3 5 0.461111
1224 Jan Paredaens University of Antwerp 4 4 1.12 13
1224 Dhruba Borthakur 4 8 0.60 211
1224 Alfred G. Dale 4 2 1.83 4
1224 Giuseppe Pelagatti Politecnico di Milano 4 2 1.58 4
1224 Philippe Richard 4 2 2.17 4
1224 Curt J. Ellmann 4 4 0.82 4
1224 David DeHaan 4 4 1.28 1111
1224 Jianwen Su Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 4 2 2.08 13
1224 Chenghong Wang Indiana University 4 4 0.87 4 4 0.87121
1224 Ivan T. Bowman 4 2 1.46 1 8 0.12112
1224 Wen-Te K. Lin 4 4 1.87 4
1224 Anshumali Shrivastava Rice University 4 4 0.96 2 6 0.38211
1224 Kevin Wilkinson 4 4 1.33 112
1224 Kesheng Wu Lawrence Berkeley National Lab 4 4 0.98 1111
1224 Naga K. Govindaraju 4 4 0.93 1111
1224 Jose Picado Oregon State University 4 4 1.00 2 5 0.421111
1224 Rajasekar Krishnamurthy 4 4 0.92 13
1224 M. Muralikrishna 4 2 2.67 4
1224 Jong-Bin Kim 4 6 0.70 3 6 0.531111
1224 Gerald J. Popek UCLA 4 2 1.83 4
1224 Michael Duller 4 10 0.46 2 10 0.191111
1224 Malcolm P. Atkinson 0001 University of Edinburgh 4 2 2.08 4
1224 Wynne Hsu National University of Singapore 4 4 1.12 112
1224 Arie Segev University of California 4 2 2.00 4
1224 Guozhu Dong Wright State University 4 4 1.65 4
1224 Paris C. Kanellakis 4 2 1.58 4
1224 Louiqa Raschid University of Maryland - College Park 4 2 1.53 4
1224 Milind Joshi 4 4 1.06 112
1224 R. Erbe 4 8 0.85 4
1224 Georg Walch 4 8 0.85 4
1224 Carlos Ordonez 0001 University of Houston 4 1 3.50 112
1224 Yang Xiang Zhejiang University 4 4 0.95 1111
1224 Atul Adya Microsoft Research 4 4 0.94 22
1224 Kyoungmin Kim 0002 Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) 4 6 0.71 3 6 0.581111
1224 Mary F. Fernández 4 4 1.12 4
1224 Yanqing Peng 4 5 0.77 3 5 0.57211
1224 Romila Pradhan 4 4 1.17 3 4 0.83211
1224 Stephen Fox 4 6 0.78 4
1224 Daniel R. Ries 4 6 0.78 4
1224 Daniel J. Rosenkrantz State University at Albany 4 2 2.50 4
1224 Ekow J. Otoo 4 2 2.83 4
1224 Shariq Rizvi 4 3 1.42 13
1224 King-Lup Liu 4 5 0.78 13
1224 Orestis Polychroniou 4 3 1.21 1 24 0.04112
1224 Norman W. Paton University of Manchester 4 4 1.23 1 5 0.2013
1224 Brian Babcock 4 2 1.58 13
1224 Wen-Chi Hou 4 3 1.37 13
1224 Bin He 0001 IBM Almaden Research Center 4 3 1.37 112
1224 Anant Jhingran 4 3 2.00 4
1224 Witold Lipski Jr. University of Paris-Sud 4 2 2.00 4
1224 Ramez Elmasri University of Texas at Arlington 4 2 1.67 4
1224 Gurmeet Singh Manku Stanford University 4 2 1.67 13
1224 Yirong Xu 4 4 1.00 4
1224 Tolga Bozkaya 4 8 0.89 22
1224 Sankar Subramanian 4 8 0.50 121
1224 Philippe Bonnet University of Copenhagen 4 2 1.83 1 2 0.501111
1224 Feng Tian 4 4 1.04 4
1224 Kurt A. Shoens 4 2 1.53 4
1224 Eric Chu 4 4 1.07 121
1224 Chris Douglas 4 14 0.35 1 10 0.101111
1224 Eugene Inseok Chong 4 5 0.77 112
1224 Souripriya Das 4 5 0.77 112
1224 Shaul Dar 4 4 1.15 4
1224 Wen Jin 4 4 1.33 1 3 0.331111
1224 Zvi M. Kedem New York University 4 3 1.50 4
1224 Seth J. White 4 2 1.58 4
1224 Claude Delobel 4 2 1.58 4
1224 Gregory R. Ganger Carnegie Mellon University 4 4 1.03 13
1224 Igor Tatarinov 4 4 1.25 4
1224 Matthias Nicola 4 2 1.58 1111
1224 Dallan Quass 4 2 1.67 4
1224 Byron Dom 4 3 1.25 4
1224 Yuan-Chi Chang 4 6 0.87 112
1224 R. G. G. Cattell 4 2 2.17 4
1224 Kenneth C. Sevcik University of Toronto 4 2 2.17 4
1224 Esther Pacitti LIRMM Montpellier 4 3 1.25 121
1224 Yannis Manolopoulos Open University of Cyprus 4 3 1.42 4
1224 Chris Clifton Purdue University 4 2 1.48 13
1224 Shankar Pal 4 6 0.76 13
1224 Gideon Schaller 4 8 0.50 13
1224 Alexandros Biliris 4 4 1.53 4
1224 Roberto V. Zicari Goethe University Frankfurt 4 4 1.23 4
1224 Joel E. Richardson 4 2 2.25 4
1224 Banu Özden University of Southern California 4 4 1.17 4
1224 Michel Scholl CNAM-Laboratoire Cédric 4 4 1.33 4
1224 Ralf Hartmut Güting University of Hagen 4 1 3.25 4
1224 Guna Prasaad 4 4 1.03 2 4 0.53211
1224 Paula B. Hawthorn 4 2 3.00 4
1224 Janis A. Bubenko Jr. Stockholm University 4 1 3.50 4
1224 Gösta Grahne Concordia University 4 2 2.33 4
1224 Domenico Saccà University of Calabria 4 2 1.83 4
1224 Yasuhiko Morimoto 4 4 1.03 4
1224 David W. Stemple University of Massachusetts Amherst 4 2 1.67 4
1224 Prasanna Ganesan 4 3 1.09 4
1224 Jaideep Srivastava University of Minnesota 4 3 1.33 4
1224 Alejandro P. Buchmann TU Darmstadt 4 2 1.75 13
1224 Klaus Peithner 4 4 1.08 4
1224 Sharma Chakravarthy University of Texas at Arlington 4 4 1.17 4
1224 Yuan Wang 4 4 1.09 4
1224 Ron Sacks-Davis 4 3 1.33 4
1224 Jochen Van den Bercken 4 2 1.48 4
1224 Manish Mehta 0002 IBM Almaden Research Center 4 2 1.58 4
1224 Ralf Schenkel University of Trier 4 3 1.20 121
1224 Martin Ester Simon Fraser University 4 4 1.03 112
1224 Gerald A. Wilson 4 2 2.25 4
1224 Luiz Tucherman 4 3 1.25 4
1224 Volker Linnemann University of Lübeck 4 4 1.19 4
1224 Kazimierz Subieta Institute of Computer Science 4 2 2.08 4
1668 Michal Nowakiewicz 3 6 0.46 111
1668 Eli Cortez Microsoft Corporation 3 4 0.70 12
1668 Altigran S. da Silva 3 4 0.70 12
1668 Edleno Silva de Moura 3 4 0.70 12
1668 Atreyee Dey 3 5 0.57 111
1668 Max Heimel Snowflake Inc. 3 4 0.78 111
1668 Mengxuan Zhang 0001 Iowa State University 3 5 0.70 3 5 0.7021
1668 Xiang Yu 3 9 0.46 2 6 0.36111
1668 Yining Shi 0001 Peking University 3 7 0.49 3 7 0.49111
1668 Guoliang Li 3 4 0.75 3 4 0.753
1668 Matteo Lissandrini Aalborg University 3 3 0.92 1 3 0.33111
1668 Weiran Liu 3 8 0.30 1 8 0.12111
1668 Zhan Qin Zhejiang University 3 8 0.39 3 8 0.39111
1668 Rhonda Baldwin Datometry 3 10 0.67 111
1668 Ke Wang 3 2 1.75 1 4 0.25111
1668 Jian Dai 3 6 0.51 1 7 0.14111
1668 Giorgio Orsi 0001 Meltwater 3 4 0.89 111
1668 Nikos Ntarmos University of Glasgow 3 3 0.87 1 5 0.20111
1668 Robert Schulze 3 16 0.31 1 5 0.20111
1668 Ivan Schreter 3 11 0.40 1 4 0.25111
1668 Dan Lin 0001 Vanderbilt University 3 3 0.87 111
1668 Ashvin Agrawal 3 5 0.56 2 6 0.36111
1668 Narasimhan Rampalli 3 7 0.48 12
1668 Zhongyuan Wang 0006 Meituan-Dianping Group 3 5 0.65 111
1668 Qian Li 0027 DBOS Inc. 3 10 0.31 3 10 0.3121
1668 Moshe Twitto 3 6 0.74 3 6 0.7412
1668 Zhenjun Liu 3 10 0.27 2 16 0.14111
1668 Yuhui Wang 3 11 0.26 2 17 0.1321
1668 Fatemeh Zardbani 3 4 0.64 3 4 0.643
1668 Fabian Nagel 3 5 0.57 1 24 0.0412
1668 Avinash Kumar 3 4 0.61 3 4 0.61111
1668 Shengquan Ni 3 4 0.61 3 4 0.61111
1668 Yingli Zhou 3 4 0.70 3 4 0.7021
1668 Shuo Shang UESTC 3 6 0.50 111
1668 Dingwen Tao Indiana University 3 8 0.39 3 8 0.39111
1668 Byung-Gon Chun Seoul National University 3 8 0.38 2 6 0.33111
1668 Markus Weimer 3 14 0.26 2 11 0.2021
1668 Eduardo H. M. Pena Federal University of Technology Paraná 3 3 1.00 2 3 0.67111
1668 Fábio Porto 0001 National Laboratory of Scientific Computing (LNCC) 3 4 0.75 1 3 0.33111
1668 Matteo Brucato 3 5 0.62 2 6 0.37111
1668 Li Zhang 3 19 0.16 2 20 0.10111
1668 Nick G. Duffield Texas A&M University 3 4 0.78 111
1668 Ngai Meng Kou 3 4 0.70 21
1668 Lukas Rupprecht 3 5 0.62 2 8 0.29111
1668 Ankur Sharma 0002 Saarland University 3 3 0.92 111
1668 Yulin Che 3 5 0.54 3 5 0.543
1668 Daniele Bonetta 3 3 1.17 2 3 0.67111
1668 Yi Zhang 3 3 1.00 3 3 1.00111
1668 Kurt Stockinger Zurich University of Applied Sciences 3 5 0.70 2 4 0.50111
1668 Haixiang Li 3 7 0.40 2 7 0.29111
1668 Andreas Pieris University of Edinburgh 3 3 1.17 1 3 0.33111
1668 Roee Shraga Northeastern University 3 3 1.08 3 3 1.08111
1668 Kevin P. Gaffney 3 6 0.67 3 6 0.6721
1668 Ali Dasdan 3 4 0.62 111
1668 Jinyang Li 3 7 0.49 3 7 0.49111
1668 Idit Keidar Technion 3 6 0.51 1 7 0.1412
1668 Trinabh Gupta Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 3 6 0.54 2 6 0.38111
1668 Zhenhui Li Pennsylvania State University 3 4 0.67 111
1668 Lin Guo 3 6 0.56 111
1668 Yingqiang Zhang 3 11 0.30 3 11 0.3012
1668 Spiros Skiadopoulos 3 4 0.75 111
1668 Peizhi Wu 3 5 0.77 3 5 0.7712
1668 Andreas Pfadler 3 8 0.34 3 8 0.3412
1668 Guy E. Blelloch Carnegie Mellon University 3 7 0.54 2 7 0.29111
1668 Mohammad Hammoud Carnegie Mellon University Qatar 3 5 0.57 1 4 0.25111
1668 Sherif Sakr University of Tartu 3 4 0.78 111
1668 Akash Das Sarma 3 3 0.92 111
1668 Mahashweta Das Hewlett Packard Enterprise Labs 3 4 0.78 111
1668 Vincent Liu 0001 University of Pennsylvania 3 7 0.40 2 8 0.25111
1668 Fusheng Han 3 13 0.25 3 13 0.25111
1668 Helen Xu 0001 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 3 5 0.59 3 5 0.59111
1668 Brian Wheatman 3 5 0.59 3 5 0.59111
1668 Xiao Shi 3 10 0.32 3 10 0.32111
1668 Shilpa Lawande 3 10 0.30 2 12 0.18111
1668 Yuzhen Huang 3 9 0.35 111
1668 Qingqing Ye 0001 Hong Kong Polytechnic University 3 5 0.59 3 5 0.5921
1668 Knut Stolze University of Jena 3 6 0.55 1 6 0.17111
1668 Zhaoyan Sun 3 5 0.64 3 5 0.64111
1668 Steven Swanson Univ. of California - San Diego 3 5 0.62 21
1668 Muhammad Yousuf Ahmad 3 4 0.88 1 4 0.25111
1668 Ben Handy 3 17 0.16 111
1668 David Menestrina 3 5 0.60 111
1668 Andreas Züfle Emory University 3 6 0.51 111
1668 Tobias Emrich Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich 3 6 0.51 111
1668 Michael Barnett 0001 Microsoft Research 3 7 0.39 1 13 0.08111
1668 Rajgopal Kannan 3 4 0.70 2 4 0.45111
1668 Viktor K. Prasanna University of Southern California 3 4 0.70 2 4 0.45111
1668 Chenyuan Wu 3 6 0.53 3 6 0.53111
1668 Sameh Elnikety 3 4 0.67 111
1668 Jack Ng 3 11 0.37 2 12 0.17111
1668 Nikhil Teletia 3 5 0.73 111
1668 Jie Chen 3 10 0.31 2 10 0.2121
1668 Siyuan Liu 3 5 0.57 1 6 0.17111
1668 Steve Suh 3 12 0.25 2 12 0.16111
1668 Andrew Fogarty 3 14 0.21 3 14 0.21111
1668 Yoonjae Park 3 3 0.74 1 14 0.07111
1668 Subru Krishnan 3 14 0.23 3 14 0.23111
1668 Robert Brunel 3 6 0.67 111
1668 Peter Bumbulis 3 10 0.69 111
1668 Alan Gates 3 10 0.26 111
1668 Christian Bizer University of Mannheim 3 2 1.50 1 2 0.50111
1668 Danfeng Zhang Duke University 3 4 0.70 2 4 0.45111
1668 Michael J. Whittaker 3 5 0.81 1 9 0.11111
1668 Michalis Potamias 3 5 0.65 21
1668 Sona Hasani 3 4 0.70 1 4 0.25111
1668 Georgios Theodorakis 3 4 0.83 3 4 0.83111
1668 Çagatay Demiralp 3 7 0.41 3 7 0.41111
1668 Vikram Nathan 3 4 0.62 3 4 0.6212
1668 Houman Alborzi 3 3 0.74 111
1668 Songyun Duan 3 3 1.08 111
1668 Jan Schaffner Hasso Plattner Institute 3 6 0.56 12
1668 Jens Krüger 0003 Hasso Plattner Institute 3 6 0.53 111
1668 Jason Y. Zien 3 6 0.51 111
1668 Krishna Kunchithapadam 3 9 0.46 111
1668 Wei Zhang 0051 Oracle Corporation 3 9 0.46 111
1668 Huanran Xue 3 5 0.54 3 5 0.5421
1668 Siddhartha Sahu 3 4 0.95 2 3 0.75111
1668 Kamil Bajda-Pawlikowski 3 4 0.70 111
1668 Chunyan Miao Nanyang Technological University 3 5 0.62 2 5 0.4221
1668 Andrey Gubichev 3 8 0.32 12
1668 Alexander Böhm 0002 Google Germany GmbH 3 5 0.57 1 5 0.20111
1668 Doris Jung Lin Lee 3 10 0.36 3 10 0.3621
1668 Scott Dugas 3 13 0.21 1 10 0.10111
1668 Zhihao Jia Carnegie Mellon University 3 5 0.70 2 4 0.53111
1668 Richard T. B. Ma National University of Singapore 3 8 0.45 2 8 0.25111
1668 Wei Chen 0013 Microsoft Research Asia 3 3 1.00 1 3 0.33111
1668 Bo Zhao 0001 Pinterest 3 6 0.54 21
1668 Ferdinand Kossmann 3 8 0.38 2 8 0.27111
1668 Ran Ben-Basat University College London 3 4 0.78 2 4 0.45111
1668 Chen Luo 0002 University of California Irvine 3 2 1.50 1 2 0.5012
1668 Wei Chen 0133 Alibaba Group 3 11 0.31 3 11 0.31111
1668 Aditya Ramesh 3 6 0.54 111
1668 Mohammed Eunus Ali BUET 3 6 0.53 1 5 0.2012
1668 Xiao Wang 0012 Northwestern University 3 5 0.57 3 5 0.57111
1668 Side Li 3 3 1.08 2 3 0.75111
1668 Shreya Shankar 3 5 0.80 3 5 0.8012
1668 Madelon Hulsebos UC Berkeley 3 6 0.47 3 6 0.47111
1668 Sameer Paranjpye 3 23 0.13 3 23 0.13111
1668 Herman Van Hovell 3 23 0.13 3 23 0.13111
1668 Michal Switakowski 3 10 0.48 1 21 0.05111
1668 Avanika Narayan 3 6 0.56 3 6 0.56111
1668 Zhepeng Yan 3 5 0.48 111
1668 Partha P. Talukdar IISc Bangalore 3 5 0.68 111
1668 Eric Robinson 3 7 0.49 111
1668 Yue Chen 3 5 0.54 3 5 0.5421
1668 Yanif Ahmad Johns Hopkins University 3 4 0.95 111
1668 Hui Xiong 0001 Rutgers University 3 6 0.53 3 6 0.53111
1668 Mauro Sozio 3 4 0.75 1 4 0.25111
1668 Wei Dong 0007 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 3 3 1.03 3 3 1.03111
1668 Ahmed El-Roby Carleton University 3 3 1.03 1 3 0.33111
1668 Weiren Yu University of Warwick 3 5 0.87 1 6 0.17111
1668 Kejing Lu 3 4 0.83 3 4 0.83111
1668 Albert Kim 3 5 0.62 111
1668 Songlu Cai 3 11 0.28 3 11 0.2821
1668 Yunyao Cheng 0001 Aalborg University 3 7 0.38 3 7 0.383
1668 Miao Zhang 3 6 0.41 3 6 0.4121
1668 Dalitso Banda 3 10 0.31 3 10 0.3121
1668 Qun Guo 3 7 0.32 2 16 0.18111
1668 Morgan Oslake 3 23 0.22 3 23 0.22111
1668 Danyang Zhuo Duke University 3 6 0.56 3 6 0.5621
1668 Brad Glasbergen 3 4 0.83 3 4 0.833
1668 Zhaonian Zou Harbin Institute of Technology 3 4 0.92 3 4 0.92111
1668 Ryan Stutsman University of Utah 3 3 0.87 1 3 0.3312
1668 Renato Marroquín ETH Zurich 3 5 0.73 2 4 0.53111
1668 Onur Mutlu ETH Zurich 3 6 0.42 1 18 0.06111
1668 Tamraparni Dasu 3 4 1.00 111
1668 Caleb Welton 3 11 0.38 111
1668 Changji Li 3 9 0.29 3 9 0.293
1668 Chenguang Zheng 3 9 0.29 3 9 0.293
1668 Min Xie 0002 Instacart 3 3 0.92 111
1668 Jiaxiang Liu 3 5 0.65 3 5 0.6521
1668 Qiang Zeng 0002 University of Wisconsin 3 3 1.17 12
1668 Chaokun Wang Tsinghua University 3 4 0.67 1 6 0.17111
1668 Paolo Costa 3 6 0.42 111
1668 Terry Kim 3 12 0.23 2 15 0.14111
1668 Jaliya Ekanayake 3 9 0.39 111
1668 Zhicheng Yin 3 9 0.32 21
1668 Francesco Guerra 0001 University of Modena and Reggio Emilia 3 4 0.70 2 4 0.5021
1668 Ergute Bao 3 5 0.59 3 5 0.59111
1668 Andrea Pietracaprina University of Padua 3 4 0.78 12
1668 Geppino Pucci University of Padua 3 4 0.78 12
1668 Christopher Musco New York University 3 5 0.65 3 5 0.6512
1668 Michael Mitzenmacher Harvard University 3 6 0.48 3 6 0.483
1668 Tim Furche Oxford University 3 5 0.59 111
1668 Christian Schallhart Oxford University 3 5 0.59 111
1668 Houda Benbrahim 3 4 0.70 1 5 0.20111
1668 Hua Fan 0002 University of Waterloo 3 5 0.80 1 10 0.10111
1668 Zhao Chen 0003 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 3 6 0.51 2 6 0.37111
1668 Xian Li 3 5 0.57 1 5 0.20111
1668 Brian Kroth 3 4 0.67 2 5 0.4221
1668 Jiongli Zhu 3 4 0.64 3 4 0.64111
1668 Alexander Zeier Hasso Plattner Institute 3 6 0.44 111
1668 Miguel Branco 3 5 0.65 12
1668 Yuxing Chen 3 7 0.41 3 7 0.4121
1668 Angelos-Christos G. Anadiotis CNIT UdR Catania 3 5 0.57 2 6 0.3821
1668 Yurong Cheng 3 6 0.58 2 6 0.33111
1668 Jian Lou 0001 Zhejiang University 3 6 0.51 3 6 0.5112
1668 Shuhao Zhang 0001 Nanyang Technological University 3 4 0.71 1 8 0.12111
1668 Jiewen Huang 3 2 1.33 111
1668 Zuhair Khayyat King Abdullah University of Science and Technology 3 8 0.49 12
1668 Jeffrey Cohen 3 7 0.43 111
1668 Thibault Sellam 3 4 1.42 21
1668 Xiangdong Huang 0001 Tsinghua University 3 6 0.53 3 6 0.5321
1668 Shantanu Sharma 0001 NJIT 3 6 0.50 2 6 0.33111
1668 Yin Li 0001 Dongguan University of Technology 3 6 0.50 2 6 0.33111
1668 Nisha Panwar Augusta University 3 6 0.50 2 6 0.33111
1668 David Taniar Monash University 3 4 0.78 1 5 0.2012
1668 Jiacheng Yang 3 17 0.29 1 17 0.06111
1668 Sujaya Maiyya University of Waterloo 3 5 0.65 1 5 0.2012
1668 Yi Shan 3 8 0.37 3 8 0.3721
1668 Monica Chiosa 3 4 0.78 3 4 0.78111
1668 Huayu Wu 0001 Institute for Infocomm Research 3 4 0.70 111
1668 Yoshihiko Suhara 3 6 0.51 3 6 0.5112
1668 Jilian Zhang 3 3 1.00 111
1668 Ilan Bronshtein 3 14 0.25 2 13 0.1821
1668 Hillel Avni 3 8 0.68 2 13 0.1821
1668 David Dominguez-Sal 3 8 0.53 1 8 0.12111
1668 Derek Paulsen 3 8 0.51 2 6 0.46111
1668 Yash Govind 3 8 0.51 2 6 0.46111
1668 Jude W. Shavlik University of Wisconsin-Madison 3 4 0.64 111
1668 Xiaoming Li 0001 Peking University 3 7 0.47 111
1668 Yeounoh Chung 3 4 0.69 111
1668 Theodoros Lappas 3 5 0.62 2 6 0.37111
1668 Michael R. Anderson 3 4 0.83 1 4 0.25111
1668 Tomas Talius 3 11 0.39 2 15 0.14111
1668 Lev Novik 3 11 0.34 2 15 0.14111
1668 Matthew Perron 3 4 0.69 1 4 0.25111
1668 Luigi Bellomarini 3 4 0.83 1 4 0.25111
1668 Emanuel Sallinger Technische Universität Wien 3 4 0.78 2 4 0.45111
1668 Nikos R. Katsipoulakis University of Pittsburgh 3 5 0.70 21
1668 Shigang Chen University of Florida 3 5 0.60 2 5 0.40111
1668 Fuheng Zhao 3 5 0.62 3 5 0.62111
1668 Junhua Zhang 3 6 0.53 3 6 0.53111
1668 Qi Liu 3 11 0.25 3 11 0.2512
1668 Nikolaos Tziavelis Northeastern University 3 3 0.87 3 3 0.8712
1668 Sattam Alsubaiee 3 8 0.50 1 3 0.3312
1668 Bo Wang 3 13 0.21 3 13 0.2121
1668 Mihai Budiu VMware Research 3 5 0.57 2 5 0.4021
1668 Marcos K. Aguilera VMware 3 6 0.67 1 6 0.17111
1668 Shoumik Palkar 3 12 0.38 1 23 0.0412
1668 Firas Abuzaid 3 5 0.53 21
1668 Avigdor Gal Technion 3 4 0.78 1 3 0.3312
1668 Xuguang Ren 3 2 1.25 111
1668 Junhu Wang 3 2 1.25 111
1668 Jianling Sun Zhejiang University 3 6 0.53 3 6 0.53111
1668 Xuan Liu 3 5 0.62 111
1668 Michael Simpson 0001 University of Britsh Columbia 3 3 1.00 2 3 0.67111
1668 Danupon Nanongkai Max Planck Society 3 4 0.70 111
1668 Lilong Jiang 3 3 1.17 111
1668 Mourad Khayati 3 4 0.70 3 4 0.7012
1668 Sam Idicula 3 11 0.30 1 11 0.09111
1668 Nipun Agarwal 3 11 0.30 1 11 0.09111
1668 Jianye Yang 0001 Guangzhou University 3 6 0.67 3 6 0.6721
1668 Yun Peng 3 5 0.66 3 5 0.66111
1668 Boduo Li 3 5 0.73 111
1668 Xibo Sun 3 4 0.70 3 4 0.7021
1668 Shweta Patwa 3 5 0.73 3 5 0.73111
1668 Panagiotis Papapetrou 3 4 0.70 111
1668 Allison W. Lee 3 7 0.70 111
1668 Long Gong 3 5 0.62 3 5 0.6212
1668 Tianyuan Jin 3 5 0.57 2 6 0.37111
1668 Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos University of Minnesota-Twin Cities 3 5 0.70 12
1668 Vladimir Zadorozhny University of Pittsburgh 3 5 0.70 111
1668 Werner Nutt Free University of Bozen-Bolzano 3 2 1.25 111
1668 Geoffrey X. Yu 3 7 0.43 3 7 0.43111
1668 Markos Markakis 3 7 0.43 3 7 0.43111
1668 Xueling Lin 3 3 1.03 2 4 0.53111
1668 Michele Dallachiesa 3 4 0.73 111
1668 Tongyu Liu 3 6 0.50 2 6 0.33111
1668 George Karypis University of Minnesota 3 6 0.62 2 7 0.2921
1668 Jianlin Feng 3 4 0.78 111
1668 Qiong Fang 3 4 0.78 111
1668 Hung Q. Ngo 0001 University at Buffalo 3 5 0.60 1 5 0.20111
1668 Libin Wang 3 6 0.81 1 2 0.50111
1668 Ibrahim Abdelaziz 3 5 0.65 1 5 0.2012
1668 Qing Liu 0001 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) 3 5 0.62 111
1668 Zhiyong Huang 3 5 0.60 2 5 0.4021
1668 Wagner Meira Jr. UFMG 3 5 0.73 111
1668 Eduardo C. de Almeida Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) 3 3 1.00 1 3 0.3312
1668 Kartik Nayak Duke University 3 4 0.75 3 4 0.75111
1668 Yinan Jing Fudan University 3 8 0.45 3 8 0.4521
1668 Bernard Wong 0001 University of Waterloo 3 5 0.68 1 3 0.33111
1668 Alexandros Koliousis 3 6 0.58 1 4 0.25111
1668 Yan Li 3 3 1.03 2 2 0.83111
1668 Cindy X. Chen University of Massachusetts Lowell 3 3 0.92 1 3 0.33111
1668 Amir Shaikhha University of Edinburgh 3 4 0.67 1 4 0.25111
1668 Matthaios Olma 3 7 0.39 1 23 0.04111
1668 Wei Tian 3 8 0.37 3 8 0.37111
1668 Chunming Hu Beihang University 3 4 0.75 111
1668 Lukas Blunschi ETH Zurich 3 5 0.73 111
1668 Feng Yan 0001 University of Houston 3 7 0.48 3 7 0.48111
1668 Yue Cheng 0001 University of Virginia 3 5 0.62 3 5 0.6212
1668 Huayi Zhang 3 5 0.65 3 5 0.65111
1668 Edward Hung University of Maryland 3 5 0.73 111
1668 Nedyalko Borisov 3 3 1.08 3
1668 Giovanni Simonini 3 4 0.78 2 4 0.4521
1668 Wes McKinney 3 6 0.46 3 6 0.4621
1668 Qichen Wang 0001 Hong Kong Baptist University 3 2 1.25 3 2 1.25111
1668 Dhaval Patel 0002 IIT Roorkee 3 6 0.58 2 10 0.2421
1668 Xueli Liu 3 4 0.67 1 6 0.1712
1668 Anthony D. Joseph Univ. of California - Berkeley 3 10 0.32 2 8 0.24111
1668 Manish Bhide 3 6 0.67 111
1668 Venkatesh Raghavan 3 14 0.29 1 19 0.05111
1668 Jianqiao Zhu 3 6 0.54 111
1668 Hyunjung Park 0001 Stanford University 3 2 1.17 111
1668 Elena Kakoulli 3 2 1.50 1 2 0.50111
1668 Lianggui Weng 3 6 0.43 3 6 0.4321
1668 Mohammed Elseidy 3 4 0.83 3
1668 Rodrigo Rodrigues 0001 Universidade de Lisboa 3 4 0.70 1 4 0.25111
1668 Nuno M. Preguiça Universidade NOVA de Lisboa 3 4 0.78 1 3 0.33111
1668 Khaled Elmeleegy 3 3 1.53 111
1668 Ritesh Sarkhel 3 2 1.25 2 3 0.75111
1668 Theodore L. Willke Intel Labs 3 5 0.57 1 5 0.2012
1668 Michael J. Anderson 3 8 0.32 111
1668 Hongzi Mao 3 7 0.43 2 6 0.3121
1668 Hui J. Chang 3 5 0.55 1 10 0.10111
1668 Alexander Ratner 3 6 0.58 1 3 0.33111
1668 Sen Wu 0002 Stanford University 3 6 0.48 111
1668 Hao Jiang 0021 Harvard University 3 5 0.62 3 5 0.6221
1668 Çigdem Aslay Aarhus University 3 5 0.62 1 6 0.17111
1668 Jakub Lacki Google Research 3 6 0.51 3 6 0.51111
1668 Petros Venetis 3 8 0.40 12
1668 David Wilhite 3 13 0.60 1 13 0.08111
1668 Jun Xu 3 17 0.15 1 17 0.06111
1668 Craig Chasseur 3 3 0.86 111
1668 Thanh Do 3 36 0.30 2 24 0.27111
1668 Ashish Gupta 3 19 0.18 111
1668 Wei Ding 3 17 0.20 2 20 0.10111
1668 Ioannis Mytilinis 3 3 0.79 1 3 0.33111
1668 Cheng Chen 0008 ByteDance 3 12 0.27 3 12 0.27111
1668 Florian Wolf 3 6 0.58 1 6 0.1712
1668 Michael Grossniklaus University of Konstanz 3 3 1.00 1 2 0.50111
1668 Walter Cai 3 4 0.83 2 4 0.5021
1668 Iraklis Psaroudakis 3 5 0.73 111
1668 Xiaoxuan Liu 3 8 0.39 3 8 0.3921
1668 Yun Chi 3 4 0.83 21
1668 Wahbeh H. Qardaji 3 3 0.92 111
1668 Jianneng Cao 3 4 1.00 21
1668 Weimo Liu 3 5 0.65 21
1668 Sebastian Maneth University of Bremen 3 4 1.00 111
1668 Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati University of Milan 3 5 0.57 111
1668 Sara Foresti Università degli Studi di Milano 3 5 0.57 111
1668 Xiaowei Jiang 3 13 0.30 2 10 0.22111
1668 Dan Pei Tsinghua University 3 19 0.17 3 19 0.17111
1668 Xiaoning Ding NJIT 3 7 0.49 111
1668 George Papastefanatos 3 4 0.83 1 4 0.25111
1668 Jin Wang 0007 Megagon Labs 3 5 0.70 3 5 0.70111
1668 Shuai Zhang 3 10 0.25 3 10 0.2512
1668 Wei Yang 0011 University of Science and Technology of China 3 6 0.49 3 6 0.4912
1668 Aharon Avitzur 3 14 0.23 1 18 0.06111
1668 Philip Alexander Levis Stanford University 3 7 0.49 1 5 0.2012
1668 Thanh Tam Nguyen Griffith University 3 6 0.53 1 5 0.2012
1668 Stefan Richter 0007 Saarland University 3 6 0.67 111
1668 Jörg Schad 3 6 0.67 12
1668 Sicheng Pan 3 10 0.48 3 10 0.4812
1668 Xiao He 0008 Alibaba Group 3 5 0.44 3 5 0.4421
1668 Foto N. Afrati 3 4 0.83 111
1668 Marina Barsky 3 4 0.75 1 4 0.25111
1668 Chao Li 0009 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 3 12 0.25 2 13 0.15111
1668 Kan Wu 3 6 0.54 3 6 0.54111
1668 Mohamed A. Sharaf University of Queensland 3 4 0.75 111
1668 Joel H. Saltz Stony Brook University 3 6 0.51 1 5 0.20111
1668 Rachid Guerraoui EPFL 3 4 0.75 111
1668 Anne-Marie Kermarrec EPFL 3 4 0.83 12
1668 Jidong Zhai Tsinghua University 3 7 0.44 2 8 0.24111
1668 Zheng Zhang 0001 New York University Shanghai 3 7 0.58 1 10 0.10111
1668 Juwei Shi 3 7 0.45 21
1668 Chen Wang 0018 Tsinghua University 3 6 0.51 1 5 0.20111
1668 Young-Seok Kim 3 8 0.50 21
1668 Conor Power 3 15 0.30 3 15 0.3012
1668 Minyi Guo Shanghai Jiao Tong University 3 12 0.32 2 14 0.15111
1668 Subhadeep Sarkar Brandeis University 3 4 1.00 3 4 1.00111
1668 Satyanarayana R. Valluri 3 8 0.40 1 8 0.12111
1668 Dingyu Yang 3 6 0.51 1 7 0.14111
1668 Michaela Götz Cornell University 3 3 1.00 111
1668 Kayhan Dursun 3 5 0.59 111
1668 Juchang Lee 3 8 0.38 1 7 0.14111
1668 Shufeng Gong 3 8 0.57 2 8 0.24111
1668 Nga Tran 0001 InfluxData 3 11 0.31 1 11 0.09111
1668 Li Wang 3 6 0.44 1 14 0.07111
1668 Soyee Choi 3 4 0.67 3 4 0.67111
1668 Thanh T. L. Tran University of Massachusetts Amherst 3 5 0.65 12
1668 Jiayi Wang 0002 Tsinghua University 3 5 0.57 3 5 0.57111
1668 Xiaomeng Yi 3 15 0.25 3 15 0.25111
1668 Charles Xie 3 15 0.25 3 15 0.25111
1668 Wolfram Wingerath University of Oldenburg 3 6 0.58 2 8 0.42111
1668 Felix Gessert 3 6 0.58 2 8 0.42111
1668 Brett Walenz 3 3 1.08 111
1668 Hyeonji Kim 3 4 0.64 2 4 0.50111
1668 Donatello Santoro 3 6 0.56 111
1668 Dimitrios Koutsoukos 3 5 0.57 3 5 0.5712
1668 Peter Carlin 3 7 0.39 111
1668 Yuhao Deng 3 8 0.31 3 8 0.313
1668 Yuping Wang 3 8 0.35 3 8 0.3521
1668 Xiaoye Miao 3 6 0.50 2 6 0.33111
1668 Christian Garcia-Arellano 3 7 0.40 1 19 0.05111
1668 Fabian M. Suchanek Télécom Paris 3 3 1.00 111
1668 Jeyhun Karimov 3 3 0.78 3
1668 Tao Zou 0002 Google 3 14 0.29 2 29 0.09111
1668 Mohammad Raza 3 7 0.77 3 7 0.7721
1668 Gurbinder Gill 3 4 0.70 2 4 0.4521
1668 Roshan Dathathri 3 4 0.70 2 4 0.4521
1668 Keshav Pingali 3 4 0.70 2 4 0.4521
1668 Kefei Wang 3 3 1.17 3 3 1.17111
1668 Jian Liu 3 3 0.71 3 3 0.71111
1668 Haichuan Shang 3 4 0.95 111
1668 Jelle Hellings 3 3 1.08 2 3 0.75111
1668 Martin Boissier 0001 Hasso-Plattner-Institut 3 3 1.58 3 3 1.58111
1668 Liang Lin Sun Yat-sen University 3 8 0.36 1 7 0.14111
1668 Jesse Kamp 3 13 0.24 12
1668 Xi Zhao 0006 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 3 6 0.51 3 6 0.5121
1668 Kai Huang 3 5 0.60 2 5 0.40111
1668 Xiaodong Zhang 3 7 0.60 3 7 0.60111
1668 Jinyang Li 0001 New York University 3 8 0.40 2 8 0.24111
1668 Sandeep Pandey 3 5 0.70 111
1668 Chen Chen 0005 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3 6 0.67 111
1668 Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau University of Wisconsin - Madison 3 6 0.53 2 6 0.33111
1668 Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau University of Wisconsin - Madison 3 6 0.53 2 6 0.33111
1668 Andreas Kunft 3 6 0.49 111
1668 Utku Sirin 3 3 1.08 2 2 0.83111
1668 Nave Frost 3 4 0.83 2 4 0.50111
1668 Shen Li 3 11 0.31 2 14 0.15111
1668 Y. C. Tay National University of Singapore 3 2 1.33 111
1668 Jan Chomicki University at Buffalo 3 2 1.25 111
1668 Bohan Zhang 3 7 0.50 1 7 0.1412
1668 Junjie Yao 3 5 0.62 111
1668 Manasi Vartak 3 5 0.62 111
1668 Slava Chernyak 3 10 0.32 1 8 0.12111
1668 Daniel Mills 3 10 0.32 1 8 0.12111
1668 Yujie Wang 3 10 0.34 2 8 0.24111
1668 Douglas Mcmahon 3 5 0.63 1 10 0.10111
1668 Zhuhua Cai 3 6 0.48 111
1668 Zekai J. Gao 3 6 0.56 111
1668 Hatem A. Mahmoud 3 5 0.90 111
1668 Vaibhav Arora 3 5 0.62 21
1668 Hyesoon Kim Georgia Institute of Technology 3 5 0.60 3 5 0.60111
1668 Yubao Wu Georgia State University 3 3 0.92 111
1668 Kai Han 0003 Soochow University 3 6 0.48 1 6 0.17111
1668 Suraj Shetiya 3 4 0.70 2 4 0.45111
1668 Guihai Chen Shanghai Jiao Tong University 3 10 0.37 2 12 0.17111
1668 Farhan Tauheed 3 5 0.70 111
1668 Tung Kieu Aalborg Universitet 3 7 0.45 3 7 0.4521
1668 Katerina Doka 3 8 0.45 1 8 0.1212
1668 Jiafeng Hu 3 5 0.62 111
1668 Yannis Klonatos 3 5 0.62 111
1668 Ziquan Fang 3 6 0.51 2 6 0.34111
1668 Mosha Pasumansky 3 4 0.83 2 7 0.58111
1668 Kevin Lai 3 19 0.15 2 29 0.09111
1668 Gokul Nath Babu Manoharan 3 17 0.15 2 29 0.09111
1668 Cheqing Jin 3 5 0.70 1 6 0.17111
1668 Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein University of Melbourne 3 4 1.00 1 4 0.25111
1668 Jees Augustine University of Texas at Arlington 3 5 0.54 2 5 0.40111
1668 Zhiyuan Chen 0003 University of Maryland 3 3 1.03 111
1668 Amine Mhedhbi University of Waterloo 3 3 1.03 1 3 0.33111
1668 Chaoqun Zhan 3 7 0.40 2 6 0.31111
1668 Yuan Sun 0003 University of Melbourne 3 4 0.83 3 4 0.83111
1668 Helena Galhardas Universidade de Lisboa 3 4 0.78 1 4 0.25111
1668 Justin Moeller 3 8 0.42 3 8 0.42111
1668 Kenneth S. Bøgh 3 3 0.92 111
1668 Sean Chester University of Victoria 3 4 0.83 111
1668 Martín Ugarte 3 5 0.70 111
1668 Gregor Hackenbroich 3 4 0.67 111
1668 Ariel Fuxman Microsoft Research 3 5 0.70 111
1668 Zezhou Huang 3 4 0.95 3 4 0.9521
1668 George Beskales 3 3 0.92 111
1668 Fei Wu 0003 Google Research 3 8 0.45 111
1668 Ying Yan 0006 Microsoft Research 3 7 0.62 111
1668 Jonas Traub 3 8 0.49 2 6 0.38111
1668 Felix Bießmann 3 3 0.83 2 3 0.67111
1668 Bonaventura Del Monte 3 4 0.61 2 4 0.50111
1668 Clemens Lutz 3 5 0.51 2 5 0.40111
1668 Artin Avanes Humboldt University of Berlin 3 8 0.68 111
1668 Wen-Mei W. Hwu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3 6 0.54 3 6 0.54111
1668 Ziyun Wei 3 3 1.08 3 3 1.08111
1668 Moe Kayali 3 6 0.83 3 6 0.83111
1668 Kongzhang Hao 3 5 0.61 2 4 0.5321
1668 Qingsong Wen 3 7 0.38 3 7 0.3821
1668 Rajkumar Sen 3 4 0.75 12
1668 Konstantin Taranov 3 4 0.78 2 4 0.58111
1668 Junghoon Kim 0007 Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology 3 6 0.58 3 6 0.5821
1668 Iris Miliaraki 3 4 0.83 12
1668 Jiamin Huang 3 4 0.70 111
1668 Tirthankar Lahiri 3 13 0.38 111
1668 Dong Wei 0001 New Jersey Institute of Technology 3 4 0.83 3 4 0.8321
1668 Brandon Fain Duke University 3 4 0.75 2 4 0.50111
1668 Shiming Zhang 3 4 0.83 111
1668 Ilia Petrov 0001 Reutlingen University 3 5 0.56 2 7 0.31111
1668 Richard J. Lipton Georgia Institute of Technology 3 3 1.03 12
1668 Divya Mahajan 0001 Microsoft 3 6 0.58 2 5 0.42111
1668 Su Feng 3 4 0.83 2 4 0.58111
1668 Zihuan Xu 3 2 1.33 3 2 1.3321
1668 Pedro Bizarro Feedzai 3 4 0.83 1 4 0.2512
1668 Takeshi Mishima 3 2 1.20 111
1668 Alex Aiken Stanford University 3 3 0.83 12
1668 Jie Liu 0001 Harbin Institute of Technology 3 4 0.83 12
1668 Subramanya Dulloor 3 8 0.58 12
1668 Yong Li 0020 Jiangsu University 3 9 0.29 2 14 0.17111
1668 Eleni Tzirita Zacharatou IT University of Copenhagen 3 5 0.65 2 4 0.45111
1668 Bin Liu 0002 NEC Labs America 3 4 0.95 111
1668 Zhao Chang 3 3 0.92 1 4 0.2512
1668 Antonio Badia University of Louisville 3 2 1.33 111
1668 Kukjin Lee 3 4 0.58 1 4 0.25111
1668 Bhuvan Bamba 3 4 0.95 111
1668 Mark Callaghan 3 3 1.08 1 2 0.50111
1668 Eric A. Brewer Univ. of California - Berkeley 3 3 1.17 111
1668 Jongsoo Park 3 6 0.53 111
1668 Jun Zhang 3 4 0.70 111
1668 Patricia C. Arocena 3 4 0.75 21
1668 Wei Hu 0007 Nanjing University 3 5 0.68 3 5 0.6812
1668 Yu Liu 0040 Huazhong University of Science and Technology 3 10 0.38 1 10 0.10111
1668 Alexander Kalinin 0001 Brown University 3 3 0.73 111
1668 Panos Parchas 3 5 0.49 2 14 0.24111
1668 Li Qian 3 3 1.00 111
1668 Biswapesh Chattopadhyay 3 8 0.30 1 8 0.12111
1668 Muhsen Owaida 3 5 0.65 1 5 0.20111
1668 Huayi Wang 3 4 0.70 3 4 0.70111
1668 Harald Lang 3 6 0.58 1 6 0.17111
1668 Sebastian Burckhardt 3 8 0.37 3 8 0.37111
1668 Slawomir Staworko CRIStAL 3 10 0.66 2 14 0.16111
1668 Leonard J. Seligman 3 5 0.90 111
1668 Xiaohang Zhang 3 3 0.77 111
1668 Qian Chen 0020 Hong Kong Baptist University 3 3 0.92 111
1668 Zhiguo Gong University of Macau 3 4 0.70 111
1668 Marco Tagliasacchi Politecnico di Milano 3 3 1.08 111
1668 Josep Aguilar-Saborit 3 8 0.72 1 2 0.50111
1668 Debabrata Dash Carnegie Mellon University 3 3 0.92 21
1668 Paris Carbone 3 4 0.67 1 4 0.25111
1668 Vincent KulandaiSamy 3 18 0.27 111
1668 Aixin Sun Nanyang Technological University 3 6 0.56 111
1668 Mingsheng Hong Cornell University 3 6 0.47 111
1668 Alastair Green 3 10 0.27 1 18 0.06111
1668 Victor Marsault 3 10 0.27 1 18 0.06111
1668 Petra Selmer 3 10 0.27 1 18 0.06111
1668 Xiaojin Zhu 0001 University of Wisconsin - Madison 3 4 0.73 111
1668 Grace Fan 3 6 0.51 3 6 0.5112
1668 Berni Schiefer 3 10 0.49 111
1668 Chi Thang Duong 3 6 0.58 2 6 0.3321
1668 Hotham Altwaijry 3 3 0.71 111
1668 Xiaolin Han 3 4 0.70 3 4 0.703
1668 Zhuowei Bao 3 3 0.92 111
1668 Tianyi Wu 3 4 0.78 111
1668 Renzo Angles 3 12 0.34 2 11 0.26111
1668 Dhrubajyoti Ghosh 3 5 0.62 3 5 0.6221
1668 Eljas Soisalon-Soininen Aalto University 3 3 0.92 12
1668 Ziqiang Yu 3 4 0.64 3 4 0.64111
1668 Yon Dohn Chung Korea University 3 4 0.78 1 4 0.25111
1668 Hiroyuki Yamada 3 4 1.00 3 4 1.00111
1668 Wanyun Cui SUFE 3 5 0.62 111
1668 Garth A. Gibson Carnegie Mellon University 3 3 0.92 12
1668 Yannis Katsis 3 4 0.83 111
1668 Xingguang Chen 3 4 0.89 3 4 0.8912
1668 Shaoduo Gan 3 12 0.27 3 12 0.2712
1668 Jia Yu 0001 Washington State University 3 5 0.78 1 12 0.08111
1668 Mohamed Sarwat Arizona State University 3 4 1.00 1 4 0.25111
1668 Navendu Jain 3 7 0.45 111
1668 Campbell Fraser 3 11 0.24 1 11 0.09111
1668 Prasenjit Mitra 3 3 0.92 111
1668 C. Lee Giles Pennsylvania State University 3 4 0.78 111
1668 Amrita Mazumdar University of Washington 3 6 0.51 1 7 0.14111
1668 Luis Ceze University of Washington 3 6 0.51 1 7 0.14111
1668 Yiming Li 3 4 0.78 3 4 0.78111
1668 Nikos Armenatzoglou 3 5 0.57 1 24 0.04111
1668 Dongqing Xiao 3 4 1.00 111
1668 Guozhang Wang 3 8 0.41 1 12 0.08111
1668 Pingchuan Ma 0004 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 3 4 0.95 3 4 0.9512
1668 Peter Alvaro Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 3 3 1.08 1 2 0.50111
1668 Meihao Liao 3 5 0.59 3 5 0.5912
1668 Ying Hu 3 4 0.83 111
1668 Yuxiong He 3 4 0.67 1 4 0.25111
1668 Chun Chen 0001 Zhejiang University 3 4 0.78 21
1668 Kenneth Eguro 3 7 0.46 1 16 0.06111
1668 Yue Pan 3 7 0.40 111
1668 Ruihong Huang Texas A&M University 3 4 0.67 3 4 0.6721
1668 Fabio Casati University of Trento 3 4 0.75 1 4 0.25111
1668 Hyungyu Shin 3 8 0.45 111
1668 Sungpack Hong 3 6 0.49 111
1668 Rodrigo Fonseca Microsoft Research 3 5 0.65 21
1668 Yu-Shan Lin 3 5 0.57 1 5 0.20111
1668 Shan-Hung Wu National Tsing Hua University 3 5 0.57 1 5 0.20111
1668 Han Su 3 8 0.44 2 8 0.2421
1668 Tao Lin 3 13 0.35 1 44 0.02111
1668 Sourashis Roy 3 5 0.56 1 44 0.0212
1668 Pengfei Li 0005 Zhejiang University 3 6 0.53 3 6 0.5321
1668 Henrique Andrade IBM Research 3 7 0.49 111
1668 Hang Liu 0001 Stevens Institute of Technology 3 3 0.83 1 6 0.17111
1668 Ailidani Ailijiang 3 3 0.78 2 6 0.4421
1668 Aleksey Charapko University of New Hampshire 3 3 0.78 2 6 0.4421
1668 Edmon Begoli 3 6 0.49 1 8 0.12111
1668 André Kohn 0001 Technical University of Munich 3 3 1.00 3 3 1.0012
1668 Xiaodong He 3 7 0.45 111
1668 Manas Joglekar 3 4 0.70 111
1668 Dmitry Lychagin 3 7 0.43 111
1668 Jizhou Luo 3 5 0.62 111
1668 Marios Fragkoulis 3 4 0.57 3 4 0.5721
1668 Mangesh Bendre 3 6 0.51 2 6 0.31111
1668 Klaus Berberich htw saar 3 4 0.70 12
1668 Zhao Li 0007 Alibaba Group 3 5 0.51 3 5 0.513
1668 Kaiyu Li 3 4 0.83 2 4 0.50111
1668 Feida Zhu 0001 Singapore Management University 3 5 0.70 111
1668 Qiang Qu 3 4 0.75 111
1668 Wangchao Le 3 5 0.59 1 5 0.20111
1668 Yan Yan 3 6 0.56 3 6 0.5621
1668 Naoto Ohsaka 3 4 1.50 1 1 1.00111
1668 Xing Xie 0001 Microsoft Research Asia 3 5 0.73 111
1668 Kaustubh Beedkar Technische Universität Berlin 3 3 1.08 2 4 0.58111
1668 Ios Kotsogiannis 3 6 0.56 111
1668 Mayuresh Kunjir 3 4 1.00 2 3 0.75111
1668 Yun Wang 3 4 1.38 1 4 0.2512
1668 Jakub Szymaszek 3 16 0.25 3 16 0.25111
1668 Niccolò Meneghetti 3 4 0.78 12
1668 Favyen Bastani 3 4 0.86 2 6 0.61111
1668 Feng Pan 0001 Microsoft 3 4 0.78 21
1668 Yupeng Fu 3 3 1.03 1 2 0.50111
1668 Rares Vernica 3 4 0.63 111
1668 Amit Manjhi 3 6 0.64 111
1668 Wenjia He 0001 University of Michigan 3 4 1.00 3 4 1.00111
1668 Mohammed Al-Kateb 3 4 0.60 1 10 0.10111
1668 Oskar van Rest 3 12 0.31 1 18 0.06111
1668 Li-Yan Yuan University of Alberta 3 4 0.95 111
1668 Henning Funke 3 3 1.03 1 2 0.50111
1668 Owen O'Malley 3 10 0.35 111
1668 Georgios John Fakas Uppsala University 3 3 1.00 1 3 0.33111
1668 Chendong Zou 3 2 1.25 12
1668 W. Bradley Rubenstein 3 3 1.58 3
1668 Muralidhar Krishnaprasad 3 5 0.70 111
1668 Junyi Xie 3 3 0.92 21
1668 Panayiotis Tsaparas University of Ioannina 3 3 1.00 111
1668 Gregory Cobena 3 4 0.70 3
1668 Abhinandan Das 3 3 0.92 3
1668 Yang-Suk Kee 3 5 0.57 111
1668 Ioana Stanoi IBM Research 3 4 0.75 12
1668 Alain Crolotte 3 6 0.56 111
1668 Wensheng Wu 3 4 0.75 12
1668 Sibel Adali Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 3 4 0.83 3
1668 John T. Robinson 3 1 2.25 3
1668 Siddharth Seth 3 13 0.29 111
1668 Emiran Curtmola University of California 3 4 0.83 12
1668 Daniel F. Lieuwen Bell Labs 3 5 0.90 3
1668 Qiming Chen 3 2 2.00 3
1668 Bin Dong 0002 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 3 5 0.65 111
1668 Dinesh Manocha University of Maryland - College Park 3 4 0.78 111
1668 Sameer Agarwal 0002 University of California 3 5 0.66 111
1668 Nikos Giatrakos 3 5 0.73 111
1668 Windsor W. Hsu 3 3 1.17 111
1668 Kevin Keliang Zhao 3 5 0.65 111
1668 Stephen Blott Dublin City University 3 3 1.17 3
1668 Dimitrios Tsoumakos 3 4 0.78 12
1668 SungRan Cho 3 4 0.83 12
1668 Jaeseon Yu 3 6 0.53 3 6 0.53111
1668 Chung-Min Chen 3 2 1.14 3
1668 Iyer N. Subramanian 3 3 1.17 3
1668 Shashi K. Gadia Iowa State University 3 2 1.33 3
1668 Ilsoo Ahn 3 2 2.00 3
1668 Shay Gershtein 3 4 0.70 3 4 0.7021
1668 Pei Wang 3 4 0.92 21
1668 Jean-François Pons 3 4 1.00 3
1668 Peter Peinl Fulda University of Applied Science 3 2 1.33 3
1668 Andreas Reuter 0001 Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) 3 2 1.83 3
1668 Christophe Lécluse 3 2 1.33 3
1668 Fernando Vélez 3 3 0.92 3
1668 Klaus Küspert University of Jena 3 9 0.56 3
1668 Jürgen Günauer 3 8 0.57 3
1668 Victor E. Lee TigerGraph 3 4 0.56 2 10 0.31111
1668 Tom W. Keller 3 4 1.00 3
1668 Navin Kabra University of Wisconsin-Madison 3 5 0.77 3
1668 Annita N. Wilschut 3 3 1.00 3
1668 Jan Flokstra University of Twente 3 3 1.00 3
1668 Stefan Berchtold Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich 3 3 0.87 3
1668 Bernhard Braunmüller 3 4 0.70 3
1668 Larry Kerschberg George Mason University 3 2 1.33 3
1668 Wei-Shinn Ku Auburn University 3 4 0.67 111
1668 L. S. Schneider 3 2 2.00 3
1668 Tak W. Yan Stanford University 3 2 1.33 3
1668 Sandra Heiler 3 3 1.08 3
1668 Ellis E. Chang 3 2 1.33 3
1668 Omar Benjelloun Stanford University 3 5 0.62 12
1668 Miguel Castro 0001 Microsoft Research 3 9 0.33 1 14 0.07111
1668 Umesh Maheshwari MIT 3 4 0.86 3
1668 Ambuj Shatdal 3 2 1.33 3
1668 In Seo 3 7 0.43 2 6 0.31111
1668 Hans-Werner Six University of Hagen 3 3 1.00 3
1668 Behrouz Derakhshan 3 5 0.46 3 5 0.46111
1668 Nimrod Megiddo Stanford University 3 4 0.67 12
1668 Asit Dan 3 2 1.33 3
1668 Hwanjo Yu POSTECH 3 5 0.60 12
1668 Mohammad Dashti 0001 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 3 4 0.75 12
1668 Esteban Arcaute 3 9 0.31 111
1668 William E. Weihl 3 3 1.03 3
1668 Gang Gou 3 2 1.33 111
1668 Daniel Alexander Ford 3 2 1.50 3
1668 Rahul Shah 0001 Louisiana State University 3 5 0.90 12
1668 Anurag Gupta 3 10 0.33 111
1668 Deepak Agarwal 3 5 0.84 111
1668 Michael Flaster 3 4 0.75 12
1668 Piero Fraternali Politecnico di Milano 3 3 0.87 111
1668 Elena Baralis 3 3 1.17 1 3 0.3312
1668 G. C. H. Sharman 3 1 2.50 3
1668 Jo-Mei Chang 3 1 2.50 3
1668 Arunprasad P. Marathe Huawei Technologies Canada Co. 3 2 1.17 3
1668 Timothy G. Griffin University of Cambridge 3 2 1.20 3
1668 Thaddeus Diamond 3 4 0.75 111
1668 Octavian Udrea 3 4 0.73 111
1668 Youngchoon Park 3 9 0.27 111
1668 Scott T. Leutenegger University of Denver 3 3 1.08 3
1668 Tolga Urhan 3 3 1.03 3
1668 Douglas B. Terry Microsoft Research 3 4 0.62 1 24 0.0412
1668 Yuanhao Li 0003 University of Edinburgh 3 4 0.67 3 4 0.67111
1668 Zhen Zhang 0001 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3 3 0.83 111
1668 Alec Grieser 3 13 0.22 2 16 0.1521
1668 Arjun Dasgupta 3 4 0.78 111
1668 Matthias Jasny 3 5 0.65 3 5 0.65111
1668 Rosana S. G. Lanzelotte 3 3 1.17 3
1668 Mehmet Altinel 3 5 0.87 12
1668 Roy Goldman Stanford University 3 2 1.25 3
1668 Tzi-cker Chiueh Industrial Technology Research Institute 3 2 2.00 3
1668 K. Lam 3 4 1.00 3
1668 Tobias Mayr 0001 Cornell University 3 4 0.95 3
1668 Christof Bornhövd 3 6 0.58 12
1668 Salvatore J. Stolfo Columbia University 3 4 1.00 3
1668 Markos Zaharioudakis 3 3 1.03 3
1668 Erik G. Hoel Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) 3 2 1.50 3
1668 Ming Hua 0001 Facebook Inc. 3 4 0.70 21
1668 Josef Burger 3 11 0.50 3
1668 Quang Hieu Vu 3 4 0.78 111
1668 Song Wang 0001 Hewlett-Packard Laboratories 3 4 0.64 111
1668 T. H. Merrett McGill University 3 2 1.83 3
1668 Mechtild Wallrath 3 7 0.59 3
1668 V. Srinivasan 0001 University of Wisconsin-Madison 3 2 1.25 3
1668 Björn Þór Jónsson 0001 IT University of Copenhagen 3 3 0.87 3
1668 Hyeontaek Lim 3 7 0.62 21
1668 George Eadon 3 4 0.67 111
1668 Anthony C. Klug 3 2 1.83 3
1668 Wenjian Xu 3 4 0.78 12
1668 Ziqiang Feng 3 4 0.78 12
1668 Mihalis Yannakakis Columbia University 3 2 2.00 3
1668 Prakash Ramanan Wichita State University 3 1 2.33 12
1668 Laurent Mignet University of Toronto 3 4 0.67 12
1668 Yunyao Li 0001 Apple 3 3 0.98 111
1668 Scott Shenker Univ. of California - Berkeley 3 6 0.53 12
1668 Donald S. Fussell University of Texas at Austin 3 3 1.00 3
1668 Marvin H. Solomon University of Wisconsin-Madison 3 3 0.75 3
1668 John Mylopoulos University of Toronto 3 2 1.17 3
1668 Dengfeng Gao 3 3 1.03 3
1668 Xin Xu 3 4 0.78 21
1668 Vassilis Christophides University of Crete 3 3 0.92 3
1668 Daniel S. Weld University of Washington 3 4 0.78 3
1668 Felipe Cariño 3 3 1.08 3
1668 Markus M. Breunig Fachhochschule Rosenheim 3 4 0.75 3
1668 Peter Lyngbæk 3 2 1.50 3
1668 Haozhou Wang 3 5 0.50 1 19 0.05111
1668 Marcel Kornacker 3 2 1.83 3
1668 Edward P. F. Chan University of Waterloo 3 2 2.00 3
1668 Kee Yuan Ngiam 3 6 0.50 2 6 0.33111
1668 Geert Jan Bex 3 4 0.83 111
1668 Masaya Nakayama 3 3 0.87 3
1668 Chanik Park POSTECH 3 5 0.70 111
1668 Frederick H. Lochovsky HKUST 3 2 1.25 3
1668 Edward Sciore Boston College 3 1 2.50 3
1668 Andrew Lim 0001 National University of Singapore 3 5 0.68 1 5 0.20111
1668 Kian Win Ong 3 4 0.78 111
1668 Ryan Huebsch 3 5 0.62 12
1668 Manolis M. Tsangaris 3 2 1.25 12
1668 Alexander L. Wolf Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 3 4 0.75 12
1668 Donghyoung Han 3 3 0.83 2 3 0.67111
1668 Andrea J. Borr 3 1 2.50 3
1668 James Clifford 3 2 1.33 3
1668 Yannis Vassiliou 3 1 2.33 3
1668 Istvan Cseri 3 6 0.42 12
1668 Mark R. Tuttle 3 2 1.50 3
1668 Ben Shneiderman University of Maryland - College Park 3 2 1.70 12
1668 Stratos Papadomanolakis 3 6 0.59 111
1668 Marie-Anne Neimat 3 3 1.17 3
1668 Donald E. Swartwout 3 2 2.00 3
1668 James P. Fry 3 5 0.76 3
1668 Oliver Seeliger 3 11 0.29 111
1668 Marian H. Nodine 3 4 0.81 3
1668 Darrell Woelk 3 3 0.90 3
1668 Daniel Engovatov 3 8 0.35 111
1668 Simon Loesing 3 4 0.83 21
1668 Thomas Brinkhoff Jade Hochschule 3 3 1.08 3
1668 Fereidoon Sadri University of North Carolina at Greensboro 3 3 1.17 3
1668 Shi Han 3 5 0.65 1 4 0.25111
1668 Christos A. Polyzois 3 3 1.17 3
1668 Lei Chen 0003 University of Wisconsin 3 4 0.78 111
1668 Jaeyoung Do Microsoft Research 3 6 0.42 1 12 0.08111
1668 Anupam Bhide 3 3 1.58 3
1668 Edward L. Wimmers 3 4 1.00 3
1668 Amirhesam Shahvarani 3 2 1.50 2 2 1.00111
1668 Yunhao Liu 0001 Michigan State University 3 4 0.70 111
1668 Kurt P. Brown 3 3 0.92 3
1668 Patricia G. Selinger 3 5 1.40 3
1668 Sheldon J. Finkelstein 3 2 1.75 3
1668 Yunyue Zhu 3 2 1.33 3
1668 Takeshi Fukuda 3 4 0.70 3
1668 Takeshi Tokuyama 3 4 0.70 3
1668 Joachim Biskup Technical University of Dortmund 3 2 1.33 3
1668 Tim Sheard 3 3 1.17 3
1668 J. Eliot B. Moss University of Massachusetts Amherst 3 3 1.67 3
1668 Jiri Schindler 3 4 0.78 12
1668 Ulrich Güntzer University of Tübingen 3 3 1.17 3
1668 George Lapis 3 5 0.47 12
1668 Dik Lun Lee HKUST 3 3 0.87 111
1668 Seema Sundara 3 4 0.65 111
1668 Michael S. Kester 3 3 0.87 21
1668 Young-Koo Lee 3 4 0.62 12
1668 Mirella M. Moro UFMG 3 3 1.00 21
1668 Michael Steinbrunn 3 4 0.83 3
1668 Alistair Moffat University of Melbourne 3 3 0.92 12
1668 Richard A. Hankins 3 3 1.17 12
1668 Pradeep Shenoy 3 5 0.62 3
1668 Myoung-Ho Kim 3 2 1.20 111
1668 Matthew Morgenstern 3 1 3.00 3
1668 Shawn R. Jeffery 3 3 0.92 111
1668 Weimin Du 3 3 1.17 3
1668 W. Bruce Croft University of Massachusetts Amherst 3 2 1.33 3
1668 Wolfgang Käfer 3 3 1.03 3
1668 Rivka Ladin 3 3 1.00 3
1668 Tian Xia 0001 Teradata Corporation 3 4 1.00 21
1668 Claudio Bettini University of Milan 3 4 0.75 3
1668 Toby J. Teorey University of Michigan 3 3 0.90 3
1668 Alfonso F. Cardenas University of California 3 4 0.78 3
1668 Oliver Spatscheck 3 4 0.67 111
1668 Setrag Khoshafian 3 3 1.08 3
1668 Philippe Rigaux Paris Dauphine University 3 3 0.92 12
1668 T. Y. Cliff Leung 3 7 0.77 3
1668 Ralf Rantzau 3 4 0.75 12
1668 D. Sivakumar 0001 Google Inc. 3 6 0.67 12
1668 Esen A. Ozkarahan 3 2 1.50 3
1668 Y. Edmund Lien 3 2 1.83 3
1668 Yidong Yuan 3 4 0.67 111
1668 Stefan Deßloch TU Kaiserslautern 3 2 1.11 3
1668 Alexandra Poulovassilis Birkbeck University of London 3 2 1.50 3
1668 Carol Small 3 2 1.50 3
1668 Michael E. Senko 3 1 2.50 3
1668 Serge Rielau 3 8 0.57 3
1668 Daniel Sagalowicz 3 3 1.67 3
1668 Akifumi Makinouchi 3 4 1.45 3
1668 Antoni Olivé 3 1 2.50 3
1668 Amit P. Sheth University of South Carolina 3 4 0.61 3
1668 Alexander Hinneburg University of Halle-Wittenberg 3 3 1.17 3
1668 Shetal Shah 3 3 1.00 12
1668 Anat Eyal 3 4 0.67 111
1668 Jean-Pierre Cheiney 3 4 0.95 3
1668 Jean-Marc Thévenin 3 4 0.83 3
1668 Kotagiri Ramamohanarao University of Melbourne 3 3 1.00 3
1668 Honesty C. Young 3 3 1.08 3
1668 Michel Léonard 3 3 1.17 3
1668 Hong-Tai Chou 3 2 1.50 3
1668 ZhaoHui Tang 3 3 1.00 3
1668 Sin Yeung Lee 3 2 1.33 3
1668 Clifford A. Lynch 3 2 2.00 3
1668 Frank Ramsak 3 6 0.61 3
1668 Kenneth P. Smith The MITRE Corporation 3 3 1.17 3
1668 Mikio Takagi 3 3 0.92 3
1668 Svein-Olaf Hvasshovd NTNU 3 4 0.83 3
1668 Øystein Torbjørnsen 3 4 0.83 3
1668 Klaus Elhardt 3 6 0.53 3
1668 Rudolf Bayer Technical University Munich 3 6 0.53 3
1668 Robert Demolombe 3 1 2.20 3
1668 Sakti P. Ghosh 3 5 0.51 3
1668 Cheng Hian Goh 3 3 0.92 3
1668 Katsumi Tanaka 3 2 1.33 3
1668 Benjamin W. Wah Chinese University of Hong Kong 3 4 0.70 3
1668 Antonio Albano University of Pisa 3 4 0.83 3
1668 Renzo Orsini Ca' Foscari University of Venice 3 4 0.83 3