Systems (All Top Conferences)

Rank Name Affiliation Total (A) (Rel)20-24(A5)(Rel5)24232221201918171615141312111098765<=4
1 Onur Mutlu ETH Zurich 183 6 32.96 59 9 7.211161515121220119107105651165232
2 Ion Stoica Univ. of California - Berkeley 161 6 31.36 42 7 6.336118125977977119533386817
3 Mahmut T. Kandemir Pennsylvania State University 158 4 37.56 35 5 6.98758967138356461166424434
4 Josep Torrellas Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 147 4 40.65 38 5 8.368767101254718104246556228
5 Yao-Wen Chang National Taiwan University 139 3 43.51 35 4 10.0828889441137877396685313
6 Yuan Xie 0001 HKUST 138 6 25.64 52 7 8.251111691577610710647853231
7 Xiangyu Zhang 0001 Purdue University 133 5 29.12 49 6 8.05911791391151285744532324
8 Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli Univ. of California - Berkeley 129 4 38.75 112232111456100
9 Scott Shenker Univ. of California - Berkeley 120 5 26.57 14 7 2.226221333473473223388739
10 Kang G. Shin University of Michigan 119 3 43.63 23 4 6.722585354567342225422439
11 Jason Cong Univ. of California - Los Angeles 118 3 36.38 21 5 4.67444272343435452544346
11 XiaoFeng Wang 0001 Indiana University 118 6 21.23 41 7 6.561097781191059943324323
13 Dawn Song Univ. of California - Berkeley 110 5 26.05 22 6 3.9156425931223510854595413
13 Martin D. F. Wong Hong Kong Baptist University 110 3 37.39 27 5 6.113788122245533216444
15 Christopher Krügel Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 107 6 21.11 26 8 3.966682415848510777425314
16 Arvind Krishnamurthy University of Washington 105 6 19.43 22 7 3.62642377589465337362411
17 Divesh Srivastava AT&T Inc 102 4 26.48 9 4 2.071231216327533688321233
18 Haibo Chen 0001 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 100 5 19.35 55 6 9.86121611115766574123121
18 Zhendong Su 0001 ETH Zurich 100 3 30.44 33 3 9.99674511955375722453514
18 Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi TU Darmstadt 100 5 19.27 39 5 7.461291044778111263322
21 Michael Backes 0001 CISPA Helmholtz Center 99 5 23.21 42 5 8.54109109474111223231243111
21 Lei Chen 0002 HKUST 99 4 26.75 48 4 12.04610128121641865434231111
21 Surajit Chaudhuri Microsoft 99 3 32.48 21 4 5.3165736433242116451432
24 Samuel Madden 0001 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 98 5 22.72 24 5 4.95542584453448346663635
24 Beng Chin Ooi National University of Singapore 98 5 21.78 25 6 4.34565543514471368353515
26 David Z. Pan University of Texas at Austin 97 4 24.66 23 6 4.15218486152827583364635
26 Giovanni Vigna Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 97 6 19.04 26 8 3.966682416851058643222117
28 David T. Blaauw University of Michigan 96 5 20.29 10 8 1.1233313421324154764634
28 Alin Deutsch Univ. of California - San Diego 96 3 31.33 15 4 3.99143743324214364733329
30 Hai Jin 0001 HUST 95 7 14.58 74 8 10.6922231676523112111121
30 H. V. Jagadish University of Michigan 95 3 32.29 16 4 4.05321552213252222244244
32 Torsten Hoefler ETH Zurich 94 5 22.78 46 6 8.64512141141233875622
33 Yale N. Patt University of Texas at Austin 93 3 32.03 7 3 2.67212212113325543452
33 Andrew B. Kahng Univ. of California - San Diego 93 4 30.29 12 5 3.37133323121914551211441
35 Hari Balakrishnan Massachusetts Institute of Technology 92 4 24.18 10 6 1.99123423232543416725627
36 Michael K. Reiter Duke University 91 3 30.10 18 3 5.4810214142142322233662625
37 Alex Aiken Stanford University 90 3 28.24 10 4 2.07125113444654372344522
37 Massoud Pedram University of Southern California 90 3 30.20 12 4 3.382226121143444222345
37 Vern Paxson Univ. of California - Berkeley 90 4 25.83 4 4 1.0621111995744643343419
37 Wenke Lee Georgia Institute of Technology 90 5 19.56 20 6 3.6935183266666624467144
41 Srini Devadas Massachusetts Institute of Technology 89 4 25.47 16 4 3.85245232242533111111244
41 Jeffrey F. Naughton Google Inc 89 4 25.85 4 12 0.45131134183111325249
43 Scott A. Mahlke University of Michigan 87 5 20.81 5 6 0.89112112528336546642223
43 Amin Vahdat Google 87 7 15.99 19 11 1.622553464224623123436218
45 Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau University of Wisconsin - Madison 86 5 18.60 15 6 2.6712345643357522512620
46 Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau University of Wisconsin - Madison 85 5 18.49 14 6 2.5012245643357522512620
47 Wen-Mei W. Hwu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 84 5 21.73 13 7 1.95421246114111111152
47 M. Frans Kaashoek Massachusetts Institute of Technology 84 4 21.29 10 5 2.22233113422242233533333
47 Xuemin Lin 0001 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 84 5 16.37 33 6 5.901021911736553511135321
50 Feifei Li 0001 Alibaba Group 83 6 16.50 50 7 7.983131411944273121221121
51 Trevor N. Mudge University of Michigan 82 5 19.97 8 9 0.8523211323423224412239
51 Adrian Perrig ETH Zurich 82 4 21.44 23 4 5.7136833121525333563515
51 Taesoo Kim Georgia Institute of Technology 82 5 17.90 25 5 5.623556698149822212
51 Xiapu Luo The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 82 7 13.20 72 7 10.801718171372121112
51 Bei Yu 0001 Chinese University of Hong Kong 82 6 15.66 62 6 10.8917198117124152311
51 Jörg Henkel Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 82 4 22.35 11 5 2.22314332187101125224311
51 Robert K. Brayton University of California 82 3 26.98 1 5 0.2012111423265
58 Christoforos E. Kozyrakis Stanford University 81 6 18.86 18 6 2.85226534656153324536415
58 Martin C. Rinard Massachusetts Institute of Technology 81 3 29.93 10 4 3.175542268326523121123
58 Yiran Chen 0001 Duke University 81 6 14.10 38 6 6.32678891255953613111
58 Z. Morley Mao University of Michigan 81 5 16.93 14 6 2.32322435245632846233347
58 Michael J. Franklin University of Chicago 81 4 21.01 11 5 2.321231423557534213129
58 Guoliang Li 0001 Tsinghua University 81 4 20.05 37 5 8.1210210968545642241111
64 Nam Sung Kim Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 80 6 15.82 33 8 4.56126474364684621115
64 Stefan Savage Univ. of California - San Diego 80 6 16.45 13 7 1.891136232415545743533112
66 Aditya Akella University of Texas at Austin 79 5 17.20 23 6 4.1219247344763533333117
66 Kui Ren 0001 Zhejiang University 79 7 12.32 66 7 10.14251614561123312
66 Mateo Valero Polytechnic University of Catalonia 79 5 17.34 6 8 0.8111112241452243541135
66 Jeffrey Xu Yu Chinese University of Hong Kong 79 4 20.14 19 4 5.03615342434710444432234
70 Kathryn S. McKinley University of Texas at Austin 78 4 22.96 2 4 0.501121324372636356221
70 Yunhao Liu 0001 Michigan State University 78 7 13.27 39 7 5.9695861153135514121431
72 Yang Liu 0003 Nanyang Technological University 77 7 11.52 49 8 6.7115147588574112
72 Michael J. Carey 0001 Univ. of California - Irvine 77 3 27.17 7 3 2.6231341152112152
74 David J. DeWitt University of Wisconsin-Madison 76 3 27.25 1 4 0.2511112211221556
75 Dean M. Tullsen Univ. of California - San Diego 75 4 21.21 15 6 2.673423333323314313212422
75 Thorsten Holz CISPA Helmholtz Center 75 5 15.66 30 6 5.6688527915347444211
77 Thomas E. Anderson University of Washington 74 5 15.19 8 6 1.323211132422231242544224
77 Margaret Martonosi Princeton University 74 4 20.67 18 5 3.5542573332521231125221
77 Lawrence T. Pileggi Carnegie Mellon University 74 3 24.19 3 4 0.73111112221132749
80 Raghu Ramakrishnan 0001 Microsoft 73 4 20.42 5 11 0.802122123112455636
80 Hector Garcia-Molina Stanford University 73 3 26.53 3211235311150
82 Gregory R. Ganger Carnegie Mellon University 72 6 14.84 15 7 2.424214436423111224523
82 Rajiv Gupta 0001 Univ. of California - Riverside 72 3 28.45 9 4 2.551332323331211113336
82 Somesh Jha University of Wisconsin - Madison 72 4 17.26 15 5 2.904425143325313544613
82 Zhiqiang Lin Ohio State University 72 4 18.74 38 4 10.31413858853125231112
82 Xiaokui Xiao National University of Singapore 72 5 16.99 24 5 4.8253547643555351213221
87 Vyas Sekar Carnegie Mellon University 71 5 14.18 26 5 5.264357743385245212312
88 Shan Lu 0001 Microsoft Research 70 5 14.56 19 6 3.43534347635335223213312
88 Ramesh Govindan University of Southern California 70 5 15.87 9 6 1.55222213447463441224112
90 Miodrag Potkonjak Univ. of California - Los Angeles 69 3 22.67 245311152
90 Joseph M. Hellerstein Univ. of California - Berkeley 69 4 18.46 10 8 1.5621252122323232223327
90 Martin T. Vechev ETH Zurich 69 4 17.68 20 4 5.17124765133542235112111
93 Anastasia Ailamaki EPFL 68 4 17.36 7 3 2.24214164245543433458
93 Babak Falsafi EPFL 68 4 16.70 9 6 1.6443231123443213332123
93 Nick Feamster University of Chicago 68 5 15.83 14 6 2.87541314244444244342243
93 Michael Stonebraker Massachusetts Institute of Technology 68 4 22.59 7 7 1.0521314133441111236
93 Divyakant Agrawal Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 68 4 16.56 13 5 2.70124513412223251214221
93 Hai-Xin Duan Tsinghua University 68 8 8.83 53 8 6.76201394714241111
93 Hongyu Zhang 0002 Chongqing University 68 6 12.00 43 6 6.884914975415311221
100 Moinuddin K. Qureshi Georgia Institute of Technology 67 3 22.94 21 4 6.088364744443232251221
100 David Brooks 0001 Harvard University 67 6 14.11 24 8 2.9442756232222121473435
100 Mark D. Hill University of Wisconsin-Madison 67 4 18.24 3 11 0.50111112234213344232
100 Antonio González 0001 Polytechnic University of Catalonia 67 3 20.99 7 4 2.003224321111133323428
100 Jingren Zhou Microsoft Research 67 7 11.40 41 8 5.2578513871111141333
100 Zhiyun Qian Univ. of California - Riverside 67 6 13.41 37 6 6.0783998384441312
100 Tim Kraska Massachusetts Institute of Technology 67 5 14.40 32 6 6.404458117253424121211
107 Mathias Payer EPFL 66 5 14.05 42 6 8.44912777454313211
108 Dan Boneh Stanford University 65 4 17.45 11 4 3.151134241414335241233113
108 Stephen W. Keckler NVIDIA 65 5 13.33 8 6 1.50213115337432143232114
108 Geoffrey M. Voelker Univ. of California - San Diego 65 6 12.06 11 7 1.841442322354452442428
111 Frederic T. Chong University of Chicago 64 6 10.94 27 7 4.0317946624111231311218
111 Dongyan Xu Purdue University 64 5 13.31 27 5 4.9554510315245342221114
111 Herbert Bos VU Amsterdam 64 5 14.52 21 5 4.36335464778333211112
111 Jun Yang 0002 University of Pittsburgh 64 4 15.98 24 4 5.725662544624151132124
111 Alex C. Snoeren Univ. of California - San Diego 64 5 15.09 16 6 3.162632314545311433437
111 Anand Raghunathan Purdue University 64 4 16.50 7 5 1.5814212243443212128
111 Sung Kyu Lim Georgia Institute of Technology 64 4 16.33 18 5 4.092317532215565423125
111 Wenfei Fan University of Edinburgh 64 4 16.85 18 4 4.47225453333234233114236
119 Joel S. Emer 63 5 13.87 21 5 4.5751122153223123222114
119 William J. Dally Stanford University 63 4 19.19 2 8 0.33113231212234142229
119 Narayanan Vijaykrishnan Pennsylvania State University 63 6 11.02 14 8 2.0024125221322252324217
119 Qi Li 0002 Tsinghua University 63 7 10.18 56 6 9.2025175544111
119 Sachin S. Sapatnekar University of Minnesota 63 4 18.91 16 6 2.692226414332231251416
119 Kian-Lee Tan National University of Singapore 63 4 16.40 6 4 1.701221216544141613316
119 Jiawei Han 0001 Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 63 4 17.59 164733556320
126 Yuanyuan Zhou 0001 Univ. of California - San Diego 62 5 13.54 8 4 1.9313221133222536443312
126 David E. Culler Google Inc. 62 5 15.28 6 8 0.971211122111111321535
126 Kaushik Roy 0001 Purdue University 62 4 16.44 8 4 1.7013222332232212233321
126 P. Sadayappan University of Utah 62 5 14.32 7 5 1.521212125144532214311116
126 Bin Cui 0001 Peking University 62 6 11.65 37 7 5.84371111523324511112
126 Kwang-Ting Cheng HKUST 62 4 20.32 11 7 1.874412111311211336
126 Ratul Mahajan University of Washington 62 5 13.86 6 5 1.162211257653326243224
126 Christian S. Jensen Aalborg University 62 5 14.70 21 6 3.58553442132213244321110
134 Nickolai Zeldovich Massachusetts Institute of Technology 61 4 15.63 11 5 2.2813421544235745422111
134 Chita R. Das Pennsylvania State University 61 6 11.43 13 6 2.01324223453323233421217
134 Youtao Zhang University of Pittsburgh 61 4 15.12 25 4 5.842765533623231131116
134 Feng Qian 0001 University of Southern California 61 8 9.14 38 8 5.1611487862421113111
134 Gilles Barthe Max Planck Society 61 5 11.99 27 5 5.1734695636423231211
134 Muhammad Shafique 0001 New York University Abu Dhabi 61 4 14.76 18 4 4.53122581335669241111
140 Gurindar S. Sohi University of Wisconsin - Madison 60 2 26.00 1 3 0.33111211121346
140 Randy H. Katz Univ. of California - Berkeley 60 3 20.28 1 7 0.14123311247
140 Bingsheng He National University of Singapore 60 5 12.72 31 6 5.416361153245541221
140 Gustavo Alonso ETH Zurich 60 4 16.52 21 5 4.643337532531531134224
140 Hai Li 0001 Duke University 60 6 11.66 24 6 4.4925386146253432213
140 Farinaz Koushanfar Univ. of California - San Diego 60 4 15.89 18 4 4.65272347234532512116
146 Cristiano Giuffrida VU Amsterdam 59 5 12.57 29 5 6.39746665687211
146 Srinivasan Seshan Carnegie Mellon University 59 5 12.44 12 6 2.35522123111143113522217
146 Ari Juels Cornell University 59 4 15.94 10 6 1.77142342344342213131111
146 Thomas Ristenpart Cornell University 59 5 12.48 19 6 3.235344354436843111
146 Xin Li 0001 Duke Kunshan University 59 4 17.25 43956354312266
146 Simon L. Peyton Jones Microsoft Research 59 4 18.72 6 4 1.32111323212522113222320
152 Lieven Eeckhout Ghent University 58 4 18.07 16 4 5.2444224351212242514343
152 Kunle Olukotun Stanford University 58 5 14.40 13 6 2.3343141122322112124121
152 Mark Horowitz Stanford University 58 5 14.85 5 9 0.68212113251431230
152 Christopher W. Fletcher Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 58 6 11.51 38 5 7.907851088413121
152 Phillip B. Gibbons Carnegie Mellon University 58 4 14.65 6 6 1.62112112432342214143413
152 Jennifer Rexford Princeton University 58 5 13.00 12 5 2.5522323221633133522427
152 Dina Katabi Massachusetts Institute of Technology 58 4 17.09 1314555553265134
152 Xinyu Zhang 0003 Univ. of California - San Diego 58 4 15.88 30 5 6.856836723756221
152 Tsung-Yi Ho Chinese University of Hong Kong 58 5 12.61 27 6 5.10585453222343342111
152 Thomas Neumann 0001 TU Munich 58 4 19.19 25 4 7.172376724115422223212
152 Sumit Gulwani Microsoft Research 58 3 18.43 13 7 2.4441531215344265431112
163 Luis Ceze University of Washington 57 4 12.91 4 5 0.881213333465445232222
163 G. Edward Suh Cornell University 57 4 14.90 16 4 3.2952531243353221321127
163 Abhik Roychoudhury National University of Singapore 57 4 15.65 18 4 4.1234434132431514141216
163 Luca Benini ETH Zurich 57 5 12.87 16 6 2.992613411132211211322
167 Ricardo Bianchini Microsoft Research 56 6 11.37 18 10 1.80432541324235113310
167 Michael M. Swift University of Wisconsin - Madison 56 4 14.35 19 5 4.5435614222234371122213
167 Tei-Wei Kuo National Taiwan University 56 4 15.32 17 7 2.8135522132263132122317
167 Ranjit Jhala Univ. of California - San Diego 56 4 13.75 13 8 2.0231144424321413236134
167 George Varghese Univ. of California - Los Angeles 56 4 14.50 6 6 1.0311112113433222111224
167 David Lo 0001 Singapore Management University 56 6 11.39 38 6 6.371479532112531111
167 Peng Li 0001 Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 56 3 21.70 5 3 1.5821221242346454536
167 Mohammad Alizadeh Massachusetts Institute of Technology 56 6 9.75 31 6 5.395648872462211
167 Srdjan Capkun ETH Zurich 56 4 14.94 19 5 4.90326354215334422421
167 Min Yang 0002 Fudan University 56 7 8.32 44 7 6.657138511161121
167 Vivek R. Narasayya Microsoft Research 56 4 15.12 16 4 3.65464245131111222121112
167 Giovanni De Micheli EPFL 56 3 18.41 7 3 2.06131111221112121233
179 Xipeng Shen North Carolina State University 55 4 13.39 23 5 4.6045365334155222212
179 Norman P. Jouppi Google 55 5 15.46 5 15 0.4532115362432122
179 Steven Swanson Univ. of California - San Diego 55 5 13.10 12 4 3.38122344273146164221
179 Matei Zaharia Univ. of California - Berkeley 55 5 10.25 23 5 3.891465765332433111
179 Tao Xie 0001 Peking University 55 6 11.02 17 6 2.782433562244142333121
179 Sylvia Ratnasamy Univ. of California - Berkeley 55 5 11.28 13 6 2.5932134526416133344
179 Jignesh M. Patel Carnegie Mellon University 55 4 16.36 8 4 2.03214141214632731211
179 Lothar Thiele ETH Zurich 55 4 14.97 3 5 0.70214863533413219
187 Xuehai Qian Tsinghua University 54 6 10.95 21 6 4.2414268109522311
187 James E. Smith 0001 University of Wisconsin-Madison 54 3 22.31 1 5 0.20111235239
187 John Kim 0001 KAIST 54 5 12.75 22 7 4.165554332231612341211
187 David A. Wood 0001 University of Wisconsin-Madison 54 4 15.65 1 5 0.20121252112133129
187 David G. Andersen Carnegie Mellon University 54 5 11.80 7 5 1.39161415343132391115
187 Elaine Shi Carnegie Mellon University 54 5 13.30 12 5 3.4533312122461263123
187 Willy Zwaenepoel University of Sydney 54 4 15.65 8 4 1.91211444331113141119
187 Tianyin Xu Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 54 7 8.53 36 6 5.92710757634221
187 Yun Liang 0001 Peking University 54 5 11.87 28 6 4.7081034332814131111
187 Dennis Sylvester University of Michigan 54 4 13.22 1 8 0.1211223153764415
187 Tarek F. Abdelzaher Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 54 5 12.84 6 8 0.8121121124211244522314
187 Philip S. Yu University of Illinois at Chicago 54 4 15.84 1 6 0.1711121222372228
187 Benjamin Livshits Imperial College 54 4 16.51 15 5 3.792224521214362515214
187 Ian T. Foster University of Chicago 54 5 11.34 9 8 1.33223221212212111227
187 Alfons Kemper TU Munich 54 4 14.61 11 5 2.441552312532223117
187 Nick Koudas University of Toronto 54 4 15.49 10 4 2.7612431111135444316
187 Laks V. S. Lakshmanan University of British Columbia 54 3 15.74 10 4 2.651522413142312221
187 Donald Kossmann Microsoft 54 4 13.21 6 10 0.64335232522211313313
187 James H. Anderson University of North Carolina 54 3 19.30 14 3 4.75134512243221123321219
206 Yanzhi Wang Northeastern University 53 7 8.78 26 8 3.582557746622232
206 T. N. Vijaykumar Purdue University 53 3 17.49 2 6 0.46111123125211626
206 Thomas F. Wenisch University of Michigan 53 5 12.49 10 5 2.231454345225521511111
206 Anand Sivasubramaniam Pennsylvania State University 53 5 12.77 8 6 1.422311132222211211122219
206 Guoqing Harry Xu Univ. of California - Los Angeles 53 6 12.81 27 8 4.7656646432332212112
206 Thomas W. Reps University of Wisconsin - Madison 53 3 17.93 11 3 3.20254234321121320
206 Koushik Sen Univ. of California - Berkeley 53 4 14.95 11 5 2.12213543234256342121
206 Yan Solihin University of Central Florida 53 4 13.90 20 4 4.9214465234212142123213
206 Andrew C. Myers Cornell University 53 3 18.05 7 4 1.95122222444213123122112
206 Ben Y. Zhao University of Chicago 53 6 9.37 14 6 2.504331332352442351113
206 Suman Nath 53 4 15.84 13 5 2.8135311221424332632222
206 Michael D. Ernst University of Washington 53 4 15.34 4 4 0.9031222325445231419
206 Sanjoy K. Baruah Washington University in St. Louis 53 3 25.75 13 5 3.185221321232121331222112
219 Xiaobo Sharon Hu University of Notre Dame 52 5 11.75 21 5 4.301863322531212310
219 Xin Jin 0008 Peking University 52 7 8.22 39 7 6.23912774342211
219 Yinqian Zhang SUSTech 52 4 12.43 27 5 6.10567547623211111
219 Shouling Ji Zhejiang University 52 7 7.87 43 8 5.9512799631221
219 Isil Dillig University of Texas at Austin 52 4 13.47 18 5 3.7841274387342112111
219 John A. Stankovic University of Virginia 52 4 14.11 1 8 0.12111131135431
219 Jian-Jia Chen TU Dortmund 52 4 16.25 16 6 3.543247141624423221121
226 Henry Hoffmann University of Chicago 51 4 13.72 20 6 4.713435545255112222
226 Rastislav Bodík University of Washington 51 3 15.69 5 4 1.40122133213123233514
226 Henry M. Levy University of Washington 51 4 13.94 4 8 0.5811111112112236
226 Niraj K. Jha Princeton University 51 3 17.15 1 3 0.3311122123137
226 Tadayoshi Kohno University of Washington 51 4 13.05 16 4 3.96642221232212332261212
226 Srikanth Kandula Microsoft Research 51 5 10.11 12 8 1.8243131311414334442221
226 Yu Jiang 0001 Tsinghua University 51 6 8.24 42 6 6.821897533231
226 Lu Qin 0001 University of Technology Sydney 51 6 9.87 19 6 3.19415366254534111
226 Farid N. Najm University of Toronto 51 2 23.33 1 3 0.3311322324224322
235 Jiwu Shu Tsinghua University 50 5 9.95 38 6 7.146137751123212
235 Timothy Sherwood Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 50 5 11.60 9 5 1.7011232522112115321438
235 Daniel Sánchez 0003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 50 3 16.91 21 3 6.925425536355111121
235 Parthasarathy Ranganathan Google Inc. 50 6 9.43 15 8 2.0924144332234142119
235 Peter Druschel Max Planck Society 50 4 12.71 4 4 0.9521122142221112233117
235 Michael Hicks 0001 Amazon Web Services 50 4 13.24 9 4 2.0313234121261321521217
235 Johannes Gehrke Microsoft 50 5 11.46 5 9 0.63321312136512232112
235 Lui Sha Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 50 4 14.67 3 9 0.37111123211214121125
235 Engin Kirda Northeastern University 50 5 11.14 11 5 2.1731322131512324532421
235 Volker Markl TU Berlin 50 5 10.83 26 4 5.773359641221112316
235 Lei He 0001 University of California 50 4 15.00 3 6 0.532131111163334515
235 Krishnendu Chakrabarty Arizona State University 50 3 16.40 8 6 1.652511241513314112148
235 Rupak Majumdar Max Planck Society 50 3 16.28 9 4 2.652121312122524234247
235 Nan Guan City University of Hong Kong 50 5 9.98 28 6 5.1411383355221111211
249 Minyi Guo Shanghai Jiao Tong University 49 8 6.86 37 8 4.611011124223212
249 Sharad Malik Princeton University 49 3 16.61 4 4 0.9312111121111135
249 Tulika Mitra National University of Singapore 49 4 14.82 9 4 1.9231311131512311172219
249 Karsten Schwan Georgia Institute of Technology 49 3 15.05 15341231122123
249 Christos Faloutsos Carnegie Mellon University 49 3 17.98 3 5 0.4811111111112334
249 Ninghui Li Purdue University 49 4 12.81 13 5 2.601214534332231112227
249 Chao Zhang 0008 Tsinghua University 49 7 7.13 40 7 5.7610144841211211
249 Yiyu Shi 0001 University of Notre Dame 49 5 10.31 23 6 4.012548421362123312
257 Lizy Kurian John University of Texas at Austin 48 4 13.73 3 5 0.70111144322235121213
257 Ying Wang 0001 Chinese Academy of Sciences 48 6 8.92 33 6 5.92576873143211
257 Jung Ho Ahn Seoul National University 48 6 8.34 19 7 2.639432111315221332212
257 Jason Nieh Columbia University 48 4 13.71 16 5 4.1122471422221213310
257 Brad Calder University of California 48 3 15.52 1124238
257 Shaojun Wei 48 6 8.08 31 7 4.3879636236141
257 Benjamin C. Pierce University of Pennsylvania 48 4 14.82 6 5 1.2412334221312313215
257 Angelos D. Keromytis Georgia Institute of Technology 48 4 11.95 5 8 0.68131442435223149
257 Igor L. Markov University of Michigan 48 3 14.80 6 4 1.982112234242441214
257 David Walker 0001 Princeton University 48 4 13.20 13 5 3.1421235132512122212326
257 Gautam Das 0001 University of Texas at Arlington 48 4 12.11 4 4 0.9022321263225441324
257 Ulf Schlichtmann Technical University of Munich 48 5 10.21 20 6 3.48244733433224211111
257 Jie-Hong Roland Jiang National Taiwan University 48 3 16.46 14 3 4.801224523315332131223
257 Derek Dreyer Max Planck Society 48 4 13.85 17 6 3.30274433232422221212
271 David I. August Princeton University 47 5 10.00 7 7 1.02221221112352145211
271 Michael Pradel University of Stuttgart 47 3 16.63 21 3 7.393573356423114
271 Keshav Pingali 47 3 15.08 5 5 1.0511123213221141112117
271 Doug Burger University of Texas at Austin 47 5 9.56 1 22 0.051211222423424116
271 Krste Asanovic SiFive 47 6 9.49 13 9 1.562412443121131141138
271 Yang Zhang 0016 CISPA Helmholtz Center 47 5 9.83 42 5 8.93109136441
271 Thomas R. Gross ETH Zurich 47 2 18.23 223511132
271 Prateek Mittal Princeton University 47 4 12.25 15 4 3.7413551562342222211
271 David Wetherall University of Washington 47 4 12.11 4 10 0.37211124314173539
271 David R. Choffnes Northeastern University 47 6 8.51 13 8 2.2716222337751311111
271 Shmuel Sagiv Tel Aviv University 47 4 10.91 5 4 1.08212142222245411210
271 Fabian Monrose Georgia Institute of Technology 47 4 11.39 7 6 1.263121213123242253217
271 Wenyuan Xu 0001 Zhejiang University 47 6 8.38 35 6 6.10101455131112211
271 Frank Piessens KU Leuven 47 4 13.32 11 5 2.22421134525425321111
285 Chun Jason Xue MBZUAI 46 6 8.26 22 6 3.7746444113653221
285 Andreas Moshovos University of Toronto 46 4 12.43 7 7 1.242122322332313222110
285 Jangwoo Kim Seoul National University 46 5 8.92 21 5 3.99324576611241112
285 Todd M. Austin University of Michigan 46 4 13.89 3 7 0.5411121221121322222
285 Gu-Yeon Wei 46 6 7.81 21 8 2.71417541222221114412
285 David Mazières Stanford University 46 4 12.20 6 4 1.50131131252311113215
285 Dongmei Zhang 0001 Microsoft Research Asia 46 10 5.55 29 12 2.754103753412322
285 Robert Tappan Morris Massachusetts Institute of Technology 46 4 11.51 1 4 0.25112212123225418
285 Gabriel H. Loh 46 4 14.10 6 8 0.80113134236133232242
285 Vitaly Shmatikov Cornell University 46 3 15.61 7 2 2.7521121123313644112224
285 Lili Qiu University of Texas at Austin 46 5 9.45 14 9 2.1855112323113122212117
285 Anja Feldmann Max Planck Society 46 5 10.43 11 6 2.1512125132252111213110
285 Amr El Abbadi Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 46 4 13.03 11 4 2.6111441311213131111115
285 Tian He 0001 University of Minnesota 46 4 11.68 6 6 1.02141124141331263225
285 Sushil Jajodia George Mason University 46 3 15.55 1 6 0.171111131235
285 Gene Tsudik Univ. of California - Irvine 46 4 12.88 16 4 3.801463221231131214
285 Shing-Chi Cheung HKUST 46 4 11.72 15 7 2.281345243151211112414
285 Krithi Ramamritham IIT Bombay 46 3 15.99 11111239
303 Yufei Ding Univ. of California - San Diego 45 6 8.41 38 6 6.568811561222
303 Madan Musuvathi Microsoft Research 45 4 10.94 8 6 1.381321151315212353213
303 Saman P. Amarasinghe Massachusetts Institute of Technology 45 4 11.18 9 4 2.34112321612131411114
303 Deming Chen Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 45 4 11.28 15 6 3.06142352132522123421
303 Jason Flinn Facebook 45 4 12.26 4 13 0.472111312232334123236
303 Rakesh Kumar 0002 Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 45 4 12.01 11 4 2.531322312541134131215
303 Trent Jaeger Univ. of California - Riverside 45 4 11.92 13 6 2.2954313251121222110
303 Mattan Erez 45 4 13.30 6 4 1.6612124524535212213
303 Minlan Yu Harvard University 45 6 8.23 24 6 4.0236438323233311
303 Mani Srivastava 0001 Univ. of California - Los Angeles 45 4 11.32 7 6 1.16122221112113114317
303 Samarjit Chakraborty University of North Carolina 45 4 10.82 6 5 1.381143131144131323225
303 Prateek Saxena National University of Singapore 45 4 10.52 15 4 3.61135423356231331
303 Davide Balzarotti EURECOM 45 4 11.76 21 5 4.78257431322331122211
303 Damon McCoy New York University 45 7 7.09 10 6 1.722443433162352111
303 Premkumar T. Devanbu University of California 45 4 13.39 3 4 0.951212336313121115
303 Gao Cong Nanyang Technological University 45 4 12.13 18 4 4.3323733122322222213111
303 Jennifer Widom Stanford University 45 3 16.04 1113111112230
303 Alon Y. Halevy Facebook 45 4 12.92 1 6 0.171121112212422320
303 Matthias Felleisen Northeastern University 45 3 16.97 5 3 1.5011121112113221111220
322 Myoungsoo Jung KAIST 44 4 11.59 24 4 6.63435482822321
322 John C. Mitchell Stanford University 44 3 17.00 1 4 0.251133421326
322 Lidong Zhou Microsoft Research 44 8 5.78 18 11 1.883622533124142111111
322 Satish Narayanasamy University of Michigan 44 5 10.58 7 7 1.0413333442234331212
322 Shouyi Yin 44 6 7.69 29 7 4.2995645234141
322 Jiang Hu Texas A&M University 44 4 10.26 16 6 2.8826531421111212228
322 Qiang Xu 0001 Chinese University of Hong Kong 44 4 11.67 8 6 1.36331113144724232111
322 Mohsen Imani Univ. of California - Irvine 44 5 9.34 33 6 6.491710963341
322 Ming Zhang 0005 Alibaba Group 44 6 7.54 9 14 0.7632421244234413122
322 Songwu Lu Univ. of California - Los Angeles 44 5 9.15 10 6 1.6732411212122312311210
322 Raluca A. Popa Univ. of California - Berkeley 44 5 10.20 24 5 5.67432784322211311
322 Barbara Liskov Massachusetts Institute of Technology 44 3 15.52 1 5 0.201121222112227
322 Deepak Ganesan University of Massachusetts Amherst 44 4 10.68 14 4 3.281344221224232212223
322 Alan Mislove Northeastern University 44 5 8.93 7 5 1.53123145555311212111
322 Cédric Fournet Microsoft Research 44 5 10.07 8 10 1.04231111125533131128
322 Patrick D. McDaniel University of Wisconsin - Madison 44 4 11.30 5 4 1.253112215321221223416
322 David A. Wagner 0001 Univ. of California - Berkeley 44 3 14.05 4 5 0.89221412211313211116
322 Jan Vitek Northeastern University 44 4 11.92 8 5 1.631432331423422136
322 Yufei Tao 0001 Chinese University of Hong Kong 44 3 15.18 1 2 0.5011411242222423310
341 Monica S. Lam Stanford University 43 2 17.30 1 4 0.251111121431
341 Mikko H. Lipasti University of Wisconsin-Madison 43 3 15.82 1234261332115
341 Sarita V. Adve Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 43 4 12.14 21113111133223
341 David A. Patterson 0001 Google 43 5 10.72 2 15 0.131111222211128
341 Junfeng Yang Columbia University 43 5 9.69 15 6 2.78423421212313143124
341 Todd C. Mowry Carnegie Mellon University 43 4 10.84 4 7 0.63111121422422218
341 Todd D. Millstein Univ. of California - Los Angeles 43 5 10.80 10 6 1.98121241124422411227
341 Rajeev Balasubramonian University of Utah 43 5 10.60 7 5 1.69212232133241423116
341 Yunxin Liu 43 7 7.06 30 7 4.42449941312411
341 Byoungyoung Lee Seoul National University 43 5 9.25 25 5 5.9836664433341
341 Daniel Gruss Graz University of Technology 43 6 8.16 25 6 5.094682574241
341 Rob A. Rutenbar University of Pittsburgh 43 3 15.67 11121113329
341 Rakesh Agrawal 0001 Data Insights Laboratories 43 3 15.29 111139
341 Ethan Katz-Bassett Columbia University 43 6 6.81 17 6 2.7551353132242422121
341 Guoliang Xing Michigan State University 43 5 8.68 20 6 3.334645111223353111
341 Jie Xiong 0001 University of Massachusetts Amherst 43 5 9.66 34 5 7.2696847311112
341 kc claffy University of California 43 5 8.48 22 6 3.9254544222222221112
341 Kangjie Lu University of Minnesota 43 5 9.72 30 5 6.6555785222331
341 Minos N. Garofalakis Technical University of Crete 43 3 14.11 1 3 0.33112122211223221
341 Evangeline F. Y. Young Chinese University of Hong Kong 43 3 13.56 16 4 4.2532425225122132232
361 Reetuparna Das University of Michigan 42 6 8.73 8 6 1.7311132246124422421
361 Bryan Parno Carnegie Mellon University 42 5 8.12 17 6 2.71243531222351111321
361 Tao Li 0006 University of Florida 42 4 11.38 2 6 0.3122745424132213
361 Martin Schulz 0001 TU Munich 42 6 9.30 4 3 1.3121152562322232112
361 Jae W. Lee Seoul National University 42 7 7.05 23 7 3.631447733212211211
361 Dan Grossman University of Washington 42 4 11.84 5 5 0.8513111232423253423
361 Xiaofei Liao HUST 42 8 5.83 35 8 4.651191032211111
361 Vijay Janapa Reddi Harvard University 42 6 8.71 14 8 1.812323424165121222
361 Binyu Zang Shanghai Jiao Tong University 42 6 7.21 19 6 3.212536324332123111
361 Li-Shiuan Peh National University of Singapore 42 4 11.77 4 5 0.83121222113126231219
361 Michael Kaminsky 42 4 9.55 4 5 0.781314153332243133
361 Yan Shoshitaishvili Arizona State University 42 8 5.74 26 10 2.83946341352221
361 Yibo Lin Peking University 42 5 9.12 34 6 7.33810763413
361 Yuval Yarom Ruhr-University Bochum 42 6 7.68 26 6 4.3668345533311
361 Tajana Rosing Univ. of California - San Diego 42 5 10.06 17 6 3.2445353163321114
361 Yuan-Hao Chang 0001 Academia Sinica 42 4 10.10 15 4 3.1017412163153311111
361 Jitendra Padhye Microsoft Research 42 6 7.81 3 9 0.2432423442311111217
361 Haitao Zheng 0001 University of Chicago 42 6 7.52 12 6 2.152331332342442231
361 Don Towsley University of Massachusetts Amherst 42 4 10.45 6 5 1.19132111211423317
361 Kai Chen 0012 Chinese Academy of Sciences 42 6 7.37 26 6 4.9789234315151
361 Michelle L. Mazurek University of Maryland - College Park 42 6 7.92 26 6 5.004764523241112
361 Bolin Ding 42 6 8.20 20 6 3.18652521224231151
361 Xinyu Xing Northwestern University 42 6 7.87 22 6 4.03555437343111
361 Philip A. Bernstein Microsoft Research 42 3 14.29 7 5 1.3321221122222221
361 Wenjie Zhang 0001 UNSW 42 5 8.49 21 5 4.28522844143312111
361 Nikos Mamoulis University of Ioannina 42 4 13.13 5 4 1.3731121333214423126
387 Huazhong Yang 41 8 5.63 21 8 2.6649413323342111
387 Ranveer Chandra 41 6 8.30 9 6 1.412412112233222124322
387 Murali Annavaram University of Southern California 41 4 10.84 6 3 1.712314146212321111114
387 Hai Zhou 0001 Northwestern University 41 3 14.45 4 4 0.811111111121434559
387 Xiaojing Liao Indiana University 41 7 7.09 26 6 5.048644462241
387 Yinzhi Cao Johns Hopkins University 41 5 8.83 28 5 5.76785351231411
387 Suman Jana Columbia University 41 5 9.50 18 5 3.49214742342324111
387 Gang Wang 0011 Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 41 6 8.05 21 6 3.83462725612231
387 Patrick Traynor University of Florida 41 6 7.90 14 7 2.14542213513221212131
387 Tova Milo Tel Aviv University 41 4 12.68 9 4 2.52324111322122122111
387 Andrew Pavlo Carnegie Mellon University 41 5 8.74 14 6 2.51222441565322111
387 Xuan Zeng 0001 Fudan University 41 5 8.02 19 6 3.2644353123211122412
387 Sheldon X.-D. Tan Univ. of California - Riverside 41 4 10.92 10 4 2.933223224422223134
387 Kurt Keutzer Univ. of California - Berkeley 41 3 14.50 2 6 0.31111112133
387 Ragunathan Rajkumar Carnegie Mellon University 41 3 12.66 1 6 0.1711312212223111216
387 Frank Tip Northeastern University 41 4 11.89 4 4 1.17121332131312123111
387 Xin Xia 0001 Huawei Technologies Co. 41 6 7.08 38 6 6.4691010723
404 Baris Kasikci University of Washington 40 6 7.34 28 6 4.89538934311111
404 Charles Zhang 0001 HKUST 40 4 12.03 22 4 5.22834431111424211
404 Hyesoon Kim Georgia Institute of Technology 40 4 10.29 16 5 3.332324521333322131
404 Peter M. Chen University of Michigan 40 4 10.24 2 5 0.422322313113112249
404 Yinhe Han 0001 Chinese Academy of Sciences 40 5 8.05 25 5 5.14783251123211121
404 Michael J. Freedman Princeton University 40 4 11.44 3 4 0.782111331414352324
404 Tushar Krishna Georgia Institute of Technology 40 5 9.83 22 5 4.773354727221121
404 Xuanzhe Liu Peking University 40 7 5.92 33 7 4.7881064522111
404 Valeria Bertacco University of Michigan 40 3 12.55 6 3 2.171111212122541312334
404 Gang Chen 0001 Zhejiang University 40 6 6.65 18 6 2.8618243451324111
404 Devesh Tiwari Northeastern University 40 4 9.88 27 4 7.1847646244111
404 Ronald G. Dreslinski University of Michigan 40 7 6.27 15 7 2.234362112543411111
404 Qingwei Lin 40 12 3.77 32 12 2.74396773311
404 Aamer Jaleel 40 5 8.52 10 4 2.1853112234232323211
404 Ang Li 0006 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 40 6 6.44 30 8 4.2861264231213
404 Guangyu Sun 0003 Peking University 40 6 7.21 17 6 2.836333231155112211
404 Rajesh K. Gupta 0001 Univ. of California - San Diego 40 4 10.20 4 5 0.731111322131122121114
404 Romit Roy Choudhury Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 40 4 11.53 4 4 1.1513152442454311
404 Suman Banerjee 0001 University of Wisconsin - Madison 40 4 10.07 6 6 1.122211111231452141134
404 Miron Livny University of Wisconsin - Madison 40 3 13.27 2137
404 Haoyu Wang 0001 HUST 40 7 6.15 36 7 5.709787522
404 Jonathan Katz University of Maryland - College Park 40 4 10.88 12 5 2.494242234341322112
404 Nick Nikiforakis Stony Brook University 40 4 10.07 20 4 5.20445433615122
404 Insik Shin KAIST 40 5 8.29 11 6 1.741324154213112121114
404 Insup Lee 0001 University of Pennsylvania 40 4 11.59 2 8 0.2711121222112312216
404 Ying Zhang 0001 University of Technology Sydney 40 6 7.21 19 6 3.3451436624222111
404 Sujit Dey University of California 40 3 12.45 2 5 0.402111134
404 Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska University of California 40 2 16.73 111222229
404 Thomas A. Henzinger IST Austria 40 4 11.88 1 5 0.20111122212312219
404 Tien N. Nguyen University of Texas at Dallas 40 4 10.04 14 4 3.8524332322125222221
434 Mosharaf Chowdhury University of Michigan 39 5 8.44 22 5 4.4137435132411131
434 Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh Univ. of California - Riverside 39 5 8.27 19 5 3.75351644342121111
434 Viktor Vafeiadis Max Planck Society 39 4 10.44 13 4 3.234234622242311111
434 Peter Steenkiste Carnegie Mellon University 39 4 12.45 5 5 0.9712211111231518
434 Leibo Liu 39 7 6.15 25 7 3.4529635233141
434 Heng Yin 0001 Univ. of California - Riverside 39 4 10.29 14 4 3.303443233223131311
434 Kaveh Razavi ETH Zurich 39 5 9.24 23 5 5.41437452523112
434 Andreas Haeberlen University of Pennsylvania 39 5 9.02 8 5 1.97143242122421222311
434 Dave Levin University of Maryland - College Park 39 6 7.91 14 6 2.9414432534432121
434 Martín Abadi University of California 39 4 12.45 1 2 0.50112112212112121
434 Yasemin Acar Paderborn University 39 6 7.47 29 6 5.88910641432
434 Zhong Shao Yale University 39 3 13.90 11 4 2.70123322132111122111
434 Yingying Chen 0001 Rutgers University 39 7 6.19 23 7 3.425762323133211
434 J. Alex Halderman University of Michigan 39 6 8.60 8 5 2.582213234335211211111
434 Ashwin Machanavajjhala Duke University 39 4 9.69 15 4 3.6814442344221212111
434 Lars Birkedal Aarhus University 39 4 10.27 19 5 4.368217141211322112
434 Stanley B. Zdonik Brown University 39 3 13.22 3111132222120
434 Jun Yang 0001 Duke University 39 4 11.63 4 4 0.84314241212211114414
434 Aloysius K. Mok University of Texas at Austin 39 3 14.61 1 6 0.171111111111128
434 Lu Zhang 0023 Peking University 39 5 7.24 15 6 2.592135423143223112
454 Youyou Lu Tsinghua University 38 5 8.07 31 5 5.996866521211
454 Wenyao Xu University at Buffalo 38 8 5.68 19 8 2.3715418745111
454 Yu Wang 0002 Tsinghua University 38 7 5.49 19 8 2.5639322212262121
454 Brandon Lucia Carnegie Mellon University 38 3 12.55 14 4 4.311243473123111221
454 James R. Larus École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 38 3 12.46 3 5 0.5312212111126
454 Emmett Witchel University of Texas at Austin 38 5 8.42 5 7 1.373211412323231424
454 Westley Weimer University of Michigan 38 4 9.90 14 4 3.2123234212212131414
454 Philip Alexander Levis Stanford University 38 6 8.10 4 6 0.6713143222242426
454 Changwoo Min 38 5 8.56 23 5 5.3026483333321
454 Björn B. Brandenburg Max Planck Society 38 3 13.62 12 4 3.18334213323622211
454 Y. Charlie Hu Purdue University 38 4 9.91 12 4 3.332423111322124212212
454 Ken Kennedy Rice University 38 2 16.01 1136
454 Adam Doupé Arizona State University 38 8 5.31 28 9 3.31104734412111
454 Hong Jiang 0001 University of Texas at Arlington 38 5 8.13 14 6 2.4331433231411121323
454 Guofei Gu Texas A&M University 38 6 8.24 12 8 2.1121324352122511211
454 Boon Thau Loo University of Pennsylvania 38 6 6.95 12 6 2.1141421214311413123
454 Michael D. Bailey Georgia Institute of Technology 38 6 7.16 6 6 0.9414152545412112
454 Hui Zhang 0001 Conviva Inc. 38 5 8.90 2 7 0.292212211121322115
454 Sascha Fahl CISPA Helmholtz Center 38 6 6.45 21 6 3.676743112533111
454 Ke Yi 0001 HKUST 38 4 11.30 16 3 5.6524532111311432212
454 Neil Zhenqiang Gong Duke University 38 4 9.99 26 4 6.2686561431112
454 Kevin R. B. Butler University of Florida 38 6 6.94 15 7 2.2856313413242121
454 Minhui Xue 0001 University of Adelaide 38 7 5.63 32 7 4.711482621311
454 Ihab F. Ilyas University of Waterloo 38 4 9.67 6 4 1.421414133222331215
454 Chung-Kuan Cheng Univ. of California - San Diego 38 4 10.59 1 4 0.251112212325
454 Cong Liu 0005 Univ. of California - Riverside 38 3 12.66 13 4 3.5233254523341111
454 Christian Kästner Carnegie Mellon University 38 4 9.22 12 4 2.741344241225123121
481 Zhiru Zhang Cornell University 37 5 8.66 19 6 3.115133711114311113
481 Hovav Shacham University of Texas at Austin 37 5 9.35 11 7 1.7833113232232321114
481 Steve Zdancewic University of Pennsylvania 37 4 11.01 10 4 2.722213222112221122216
481 Peter Sewell University of Cambridge 37 6 7.74 7 8 0.8321223115312312134
481 Daniel Genkin Georgia Institute of Technology 37 7 6.03 25 7 3.95775244431
481 Nikil D. Dutt Univ. of California - Irvine 37 4 9.63 3 6 0.511212232221316
481 Lingming Zhang 0001 Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 37 5 8.81 24 6 5.04210723221422
481 Bryan Ford EPFL 37 5 11.49 4 6 0.6512112332511212127
481 Kevin Skadron University of Virginia 37 5 9.19 7 5 1.312232312133221118
481 Aarti Gupta Princeton University 37 4 10.60 8 4 2.021131213111111332218
481 Sorin Lerner Univ. of California - San Diego 37 4 9.94 7 6 1.09521132231332513
481 Xiaowei Li 0001 Chinese Academy of Sciences 37 6 6.67 19 6 3.12623442333111211
481 Irith Pomeranz Purdue University 37 2 18.48 2112130
481 Rajeev Alur University of Pennsylvania 37 4 11.66 7 5 1.39231121211141212210
481 Sebastian G. Elbaum University of Virginia 37 4 10.71 10 4 2.74141412112121124423
481 Deborah Estrin Cornell University 37 4 10.56 1323325
481 John S. Heidemann University of Southern California 37 3 11.54 5 4 1.17111213212121241138
481 Zakir Durumeric Stanford University 37 5 6.81 17 5 3.403265121343421
481 Zhou Li 0001 Univ. of California - Irvine 37 6 6.54 19 6 3.33541813133221111
481 Antonio Bianchi Purdue University 37 6 6.67 25 6 4.777756232311
481 Chenyang Lu 0001 Washington University in St. Louis 37 5 8.00 2 6 0.3711211333212234125
481 Aditya G. Parameswaran Univ. of California - Berkeley 37 5 8.89 13 6 2.4321253234342222
481 Yannis E. Ioannidis University of Athens 37 2 17.78 4 4 0.9513111129
504 André Seznec IRISA/INRIA 36 2 18.58 1 7 0.14135331119
504 Mark Silberstein Technion 36 4 8.35 18 4 4.272471432231112111
504 Rachid Guerraoui EPFL 36 4 9.66 7 6 1.2032112542112212223
504 Wenguang Chen Tsinghua University 36 6 6.48 10 8 1.4332221352413221111
504 Thomas Moscibroda Microsoft Research 36 5 7.90 5 12 0.4112211223123324331
504 Garth A. Gibson Carnegie Mellon University 36 5 8.69 232223322114
504 Tor M. Aamodt University of British Columbia 36 4 10.54 13 6 2.84422231141151212121
504 Emery D. Berger University of Massachusetts 36 3 12.52 2 2 0.83113212131121223424
504 Satish Chandra 0001 Google 36 4 9.86 5 5 1.0712232213123111110
504 Pen-Chung Yew University of Minnesota 36 3 10.62 1 7 0.14122122211121
504 Kai Li 0001 Princeton University 36 4 9.30 1 5 0.2011121112125
504 Eran Yahav Technion 36 3 11.83 4 3 1.254141331351132112
504 Charalampos Papamanthou Yale University 36 4 10.01 14 4 3.82333142522232211
504 Suresh Jagannathan Purdue University 36 3 11.21 2 4 0.50233131214123127
504 Jaume Abella 0001 Barcelona Supercomputing Center 36 5 8.25 3 5 0.571214235641121111
504 Xiaodong Zhang 0001 Ohio State University 36 5 8.59 7 6 1.31312111124341211134
504 Yannis Smaragdakis University of Athens 36 3 11.83 5 5 1.0223143125122121123
504 Sachin Katti Stanford University 36 4 9.93 1 4 0.25121652434113111
504 Paramvir Bahl Microsoft Research 36 5 7.25 8 8 1.203311114113232226
504 Kyle Jamieson Princeton University 36 4 10.28 11 4 3.10233351323322112
504 Venkat N. Padmanabhan Microsoft Research 36 4 9.55 4 6 0.7512121134131221110
504 Magdalena Balazinska University of Washington 36 4 9.78 5 6 1.0422122313232323113
504 David Brumley Carnegie Mellon University 36 4 9.86 1112454441432
504 Avi Silberschatz Yale University 36 3 11.35 111132
504 Mira Mezini TU Darmstadt 36 4 11.33 2 5 0.4011222334112221216
504 Per-Åke Larson Microsoft Research 36 3 12.69 4 10 0.451121113213317
504 Nan Tang 0001 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Guangzhou (HKUST-GZ) 36 6 6.65 18 6 3.076462322331112
504 Rolf Ernst Braunschweig University of Technology 36 3 12.36 1 4 0.251311244211511
504 Gabriele Bavota Università della Svizzera italiana 36 6 6.60 16 6 3.342334432424131
533 Chao Li 0009 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 35 8 5.14 20 8 2.31846113143211
533 Dawson R. Engler Stanford University 35 3 12.85 1 3 0.3311111111423
533 Milind Kulkarni 0001 Purdue University 35 4 9.77 7 4 1.8212135324151511
533 Daniel A. Jiménez Texas A&M University 35 4 12.25 10 6 1.801324212242212124
533 Yajin Zhou Zhejiang University 35 6 6.63 22 7 3.4137741221224
533 Shiqing Ma University of Massachusetts Amherst 35 6 5.78 21 7 3.39552455522
533 Adam Morrison 0001 Tel Aviv University 35 4 9.09 25 5 6.002467623221
533 Minsoo Rhu KAIST 35 5 9.17 22 4 5.48816431231231
533 Umut A. Acar Carnegie Mellon University 35 4 9.35 11 4 2.39422312122123122122
533 Steven K. Reinhardt Microsoft 35 5 8.02 2 8 0.2611211311212217
533 Changhee Jung Purdue University 35 4 9.25 19 4 4.886533243132111
533 Miryung Kim Univ. of California - Los Angeles 35 4 8.21 15 6 2.853422441123132111
533 Armando Solar-Lezama Massachusetts Institute of Technology 35 3 9.85 8 4 1.7922132235331311111
533 Vivek Sarkar Georgia Institute of Technology 35 3 13.63 1 5 0.20113132121111116
533 Peng Liu 0005 Pennsylvania State University 35 5 7.80 9 6 1.65152116362131111
533 Srimat T. Chakradhar 35 4 9.59 1 7 0.141113443313110
533 Adam Chlipala Massachusetts Institute of Technology 35 3 17.77 9 4 2.831133122415211311111
533 Pradip Bose 35 5 7.82 5 13 0.56112111224312212117
533 Rami G. Melhem University of Pittsburgh 35 3 10.60 2 4 0.502132152211213
533 Franck Cappello University of Illinois 35 6 7.16 19 7 2.9657614113133
533 Sudhakar M. Reddy University of Iowa 35 2 14.98 1232
533 Marco Gruteser Rutgers University 35 6 6.32 3 8 0.3611135133313131311
533 Elisa Bertino Purdue University 35 4 9.28 10 6 1.863232211112116
533 Elke A. Rundensteiner Worcester Polytechnic Institute 35 4 11.31 7 4 1.8512222123113312225
533 Jaijeet S. Roychowdhury Univ. of California - Berkeley 35 2 16.09 2 3 0.751112222224313
533 Vladimir Zolotov 35 5 8.07 112213121516
533 Jens Palsberg Univ. of California - Los Angeles 35 2 14.87 9 2 3.371332221121212111
560 Jason Mars University of Michigan 34 6 6.72 1 7 0.141244753512
560 Quan Chen 0002 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 34 8 4.92 26 8 3.2757113221111
560 Prashant J. Shenoy University of Massachusetts Amherst 34 4 8.54 8 6 1.582321211312413215
560 John Paul Shen 34 3 11.25 2131
560 Assaf Schuster Technion 34 3 10.64 5 3 1.533212332221111316
560 Sandhya Dwarkadas University of Virginia 34 4 9.50 2 2 1.001112121122119
560 Boris Grot University of Edinburgh 34 4 8.37 11 4 2.771314223223322121
560 Jinjun Xiong University at Buffalo 34 5 7.19 10 6 1.911135412132221411
560 Xiaoyao Liang Shanghai Jiao Tong University 34 6 6.58 18 7 2.83714241223111122
560 Gagan Agrawal University of Georgia 34 3 10.39 5 6 0.99211111343123218
560 Haibing Guan Shanghai Jiao Tong University 34 6 5.70 12 6 2.003312324216322
560 Francisco J. Cazorla Barcelona Supercomputing Center 34 5 6.46 4 5 0.8211224135523221
560 Craig Chambers University of Washington 34 3 10.63 1112128
560 Gang Qu 0001 University of Maryland - College Park 34 4 11.12 13 6 2.5544221121321110
560 Kai Chen 0005 HKUST 34 7 5.15 19 8 2.6194511423311
560 Rachit Agarwal 0001 Cornell University 34 5 7.98 21 5 4.9183433232411
560 Shyamnath Gollakota University of Washington 34 4 8.84 7 5 1.55322331215414111
560 Peter Bailis 34 5 7.35 15 5 2.681153515512212
560 Xiang-Yang Li 0001 USTC 34 6 6.34 10 6 1.8621521115231111111211
560 Nate Foster Cornell University 34 5 6.14 8 8 1.182222432241222121
560 David A. Basin ETH Zurich 34 4 9.24 18 6 4.244813221142111111
560 Adam Bates 0001 Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 34 6 6.58 16 6 3.1533226272331
560 Kun Sun 0001 George Mason University 34 6 6.27 25 6 4.11945251113111
560 Lucas Davi University of Duisburg-Essen 34 6 6.21 8 4 1.7612131224662121
560 Deepak Garg 0001 Max Planck Society 34 5 7.85 12 6 2.5934326143212111
560 Florian Kerschbaum University of Waterloo 34 3 13.58 25 3 8.9237564112221
560 Mayur Naik University of Pennsylvania 34 4 8.54 5 6 0.801121141322313231111
560 Yier Jin University of Florida 34 6 7.31 19 6 3.6043354123342
560 Chris Jermaine Rice University 34 4 10.21 7 4 1.8114222312113113133
560 Anthony K. H. Tung National University of Singapore 34 4 8.98 4 4 1.121111221114432541
560 Alan Mishchenko 34 4 9.09 7 6 1.40113231111143318
560 Alan Burns 0001 University of York 34 2 13.53 7 4 1.8711231112111223111
560 Hridesh Rajan Tulane University 34 3 11.04 19 3 6.12355241311121212
560 Robert Harper 0001 Carnegie Mellon University 34 3 12.67 2 4 0.501121311111219
560 Sven Apel Saarland University 34 5 7.77 12 5 2.542451142512121111
560 Lionel C. Briand University of Luxembourg 34 4 9.63 8 4 2.152222212211212111
596 Lingjia Tang University of Michigan 33 6 6.22 1 7 0.14124475352
596 Mary Jane Irwin Pennsylvania State University 33 5 9.04 1122121122
596 Anoop Gupta Microsoft Research 33 4 9.96 33
596 John L. Hennessy Stanford University 33 3 11.24 33
596 Yuhao Zhu 0001 University of Rochester 33 4 8.31 20 6 3.615542441221111
596 Mendel Rosenblum Stanford University 33 5 8.19 2 5 0.4211111121111219
596 Haryadi S. Gunawi University of Chicago 33 6 5.78 7 7 1.09223543211212122
596 David Wentzlaff Princeton University 33 3 10.39 14 4 4.282621334232221
596 Susan J. Eggers University of Washington 33 3 10.43 11229
596 Hadi Esmaeilzadeh 33 6 5.44 11 9 1.5631223161432122
596 Xiaosong Ma MBZUAI 33 6 5.77 7 7 1.03331452342123
596 Ang Chen 0001 University of Michigan 33 6 6.35 25 6 4.646355632111
596 Christoph Koch 0001 EPFL 33 4 11.10 3 4 0.88111125252122134
596 Alexandru Nicolau Univ. of California - Irvine 33 3 11.42 2 4 0.45111121111122
596 Eduard Ayguadé Polytechnic University of Catalonia 33 5 6.69 2 12 0.2021213314115
596 Gang Tan Pennsylvania State University 33 4 9.76 13 6 2.6333331521122121111
596 Janak H. Patel 33 2 14.67 33
596 Sarma B. K. Vrudhula Arizona State University 33 3 11.37 2 4 0.451111111121115312
596 Chunyi Peng 0001 Purdue University 33 6 5.92 7 9 0.97111225232523121
596 Ravi Netravali Princeton University 33 4 7.48 25 5 5.2566445122111
596 Dinesh Bharadia Univ. of California - San Diego 33 5 7.41 20 6 3.87543353123211
596 Byung-Gon Chun Seoul National University 33 5 6.10 10 5 1.842233321212113241
596 Harsha V. Madhyastha University of Southern California 33 5 6.68 12 4 2.591222521413222121
596 Walter Willinger NIKSUN Inc. 33 4 7.60 6 6 1.131131121212242118
596 Hongqiang Harry Liu 33 9 3.87 17 13 1.53382451311311
596 Christo Wilson Northeastern University 33 6 5.69 1 13 0.08132564321321
596 Luyi Xing Indiana University 33 7 5.19 22 7 3.4464435114122
596 Matthew Green 0001 Johns Hopkins University 33 4 9.27 9 4 2.34133211353322112
596 Michael Schwarz 0001 CISPA Helmholtz Center 33 6 5.90 20 6 3.85257247411
596 Thomas Zimmermann 0001 Microsoft Research 33 4 9.39 9 5 1.9923423432222211
596 Jun Sun 0001 Singapore Management University 33 5 7.21 20 5 4.683544422121131
596 Stratos Idreos Harvard University 33 3 9.91 10 4 2.6814233334133111
596 AnHai Doan University of Wisconsin - Madison 33 5 6.64 3 5 0.66111121114211133423
596 Haixun Wang Instacart 33 4 8.06 1125554154
596 Wook-Shin Han POSTECH 33 5 7.44 13 6 2.62215522121111211221
596 Jian Pei Duke University 33 4 8.22 6 4 1.58213221122223415
596 S. Sudarshan 0001 IIT Bombay 33 4 10.14 11111212221
596 Gerhard Weikum Max Planck Society 33 3 12.97 1 1 1.00111132113316
596 Guido Moerkotte University of Mannheim 33 3 13.87 2 4 0.50111121211112117
635 Mary Lou Soffa University of Virginia 32 3 10.88 3 3 0.9211111112111119
635 Jingwen Leng Shanghai Jiao Tong University 32 7 5.04 23 8 3.357571312132
635 Vikram S. Adve Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 32 4 8.62 5 5 1.0921222321111312215
635 Karthikeyan Sankaralingam University of Wisconsin - Madison 32 4 8.50 3 6 0.482111231434111124
635 Alvin R. Lebeck Duke University 32 4 8.33 2 7 0.3111121111312116
635 Gennady Pekhimenko University of Toronto 32 7 5.36 15 6 2.8924144233342
635 Deian Stefan Univ. of California - San Diego 32 6 5.35 22 8 3.593527551112
635 Saugata Ghose Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 32 8 4.20 9 11 0.841143486311
635 Jidong Zhai Tsinghua University 32 6 4.94 18 8 2.585463541121
635 Hsien-Hsin S. Lee Intel 32 4 7.45 12 9 1.2721333114121424
635 Chengyu Song Univ. of California - Riverside 32 6 5.88 13 6 2.383415313462
635 Ling Ren 0001 Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 32 4 8.53 20 3 6.074644221131211
635 Shuaiwen Song University of Sydney 32 6 6.04 17 7 2.662626132442
635 Jishen Zhao Univ. of California - San Diego 32 5 7.05 6 5 1.32111126334411121
635 Peter A. Dinda Northwestern University 32 4 7.98 9 6 1.6842121211121114125
635 Eddie Kohler Harvard University 32 5 7.39 2 5 0.401111321234445
635 Dirk Grunwald University of Colorado Boulder 32 3 10.62 3 5 0.54111211124
635 Peter R. Pietzuch Imperial College London 32 5 6.50 13 5 2.842323324351121
635 Ramesh Karri New York University 32 4 8.90 13 6 2.075532122219
635 Shaz Qadeer Microsoft Research 32 4 9.88 2 6 0.33211312221232118
635 Alice C. Parker University of Southern California 32 2 13.56 32
635 Franziska Roesner University of Washington 32 4 7.66 11 4 2.284331323222121111
635 Ennan Zhai 32 8 3.96 22 10 2.388433441221
635 Neil Spring University of Maryland - College Park 32 4 8.16 5 11 0.5141122311133325
635 Ce Zhang 0001 University of Chicago 32 6 6.20 16 8 2.16258134311211
635 Subhabrata Sen 32 5 6.76 1 3 0.33132112332412214
635 Paul Barford University of Wisconsin - Madison 32 4 9.92 6 4 1.573212212121123126
635 Rajeev Rastogi Yahoo! 32 4 8.65 112325
635 Kirill Levchenko Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 32 6 5.58 2 5 0.48112251323431211
635 Gianluca Stringhini Boston University 32 6 6.84 17 5 3.655255123121311
635 Qi Alfred Chen Univ. of California - Irvine 32 6 5.62 17 6 3.0141156412323
635 Aniket Kate Purdue University 32 4 7.32 18 5 4.1064242324311
635 Xiaoyu Ji 0001 Zhejiang University 32 6 5.55 27 6 4.528105432
635 Kenneth G. Paterson ETH Zurich 32 3 10.40 16 3 5.12354131511311111
635 Amir Houmansadr University of Massachusetts Amherst 32 3 10.04 15 4 4.091433422221121211
635 Karthikeyan Bhargavan INRIA 32 4 7.45 9 4 1.911222211443221113
635 Xin Peng 0001 Fudan University 32 6 5.49 23 6 3.926581341121
635 Sharad Mehrotra Univ. of California - Irvine 32 4 9.32 11 4 2.68123231122111111
635 Denys Poshyvanyk College of William and Mary 32 6 6.04 13 6 2.313334232133311
635 Manu Sridharan Univ. of California - Riverside 32 4 8.18 7 4 1.52111222123151231112
635 M. Tamer Özsu University of Waterloo 32 4 9.54 5 4 1.321222111212142136
635 Xin Dong 0001 Amazon 32 4 9.34 4 5 1.52111112144123221212
635 Lijun Chang University of Sydney 32 5 7.83 11 3 3.1716131343313111
635 James Cheng Chinese University of Hong Kong 32 6 6.08 9 8 1.13531231252431
635 Themis Palpanas Paris Descartes University 32 4 8.27 16 5 3.872461314132122
635 Carsten Binnig TU Darmstadt 32 5 7.78 15 4 4.084295142311
635 Dimitris Papadias HKUST 32 4 9.92 2 4 0.581112113122215
635 Reynold Cheng University of Hong Kong 32 5 6.76 12 5 2.4321333213221211122
635 Wang Yi 0001 Uppsala University 32 5 7.84 11 6 1.861521214122211232
635 Jacob K. White 0001 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 32 3 11.18 211325
635 Chris C. N. Chu Iowa State University 32 3 11.73 13431111421514
635 Wanli Chang 0001 Hunan University 32 6 5.93 28 6 5.27115571111
635 Jack J. Dongarra University of Tennessee 32 4 9.03 3 6 0.591222124121212117
688 George Candea EPFL 31 4 9.09 9 4 2.73422121241422121
688 Abhishek Bhattacharjee Yale University 31 4 9.68 11 6 1.885422541121211
688 Steve D. Gribble University of Washington 31 4 7.45 2 22 0.091121112222313
688 Jian Huang 0006 Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 31 5 6.85 16 5 3.413522483121
688 Ruoyu Wang 0001 Arizona State University 31 9 3.67 21 10 2.097543224211
688 Eric A. Brewer Univ. of California - Berkeley 31 4 8.32 11111513215
688 Sriram K. Rajamani Microsoft Research 31 4 7.71 2 7 0.2921112231432126
688 Kenneth A. Ross Columbia University 31 3 10.54 1 5 0.20111142221115
688 Frank Mueller 0001 North Carolina State University 31 4 10.80 3 4 0.75111331121121229
688 Natalie D. Enright Jerger University of Toronto 31 4 8.12 7 6 1.321213226252122
688 Alok N. Choudhary Northwestern University 31 5 7.69 1 6 0.1711113131118
688 Xiangyao Yu University of Wisconsin - Madison 31 5 6.29 19 5 3.8858333111222
688 Luca P. Carloni Columbia University 31 4 9.38 6 7 0.94113132131113118
688 Edward W. Felten Princeton University 31 4 7.97 1 4 0.25111212211118
688 Rodrigo Fonseca Microsoft Research 31 5 6.00 10 8 1.2823113312412121211
688 Michael Walfish New York University 31 5 7.21 6 5 1.2731111333531123
688 Mo Li 0001 Nanyang Technological University 31 5 7.37 13 5 2.681442211144322
688 Bruce M. Maggs Duke University 31 6 5.08 6 8 0.9112121132112111317
688 Haining Wang 0001 Virginia Tech 31 4 8.04 10 4 2.0722321141221111121111
688 Georgios Smaragdakis TU Delft 31 5 6.06 17 5 3.413514422113212
688 Nachiappan Nagappan Facebook 31 4 8.24 9 6 1.43242122221312412
688 Juan Caballero IMDEA Software Institute 31 4 7.67 8 3 2.414112122133122213
688 Carl A. Gunter Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 31 4 8.57 5 6 0.9812214231411117
688 Graham Cormode University of Warwick 31 4 9.30 6 4 2.0322211121221321134
688 Nikita Borisov Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 31 3 9.41 2 4 0.50111212324223223
688 Baojun Liu 31 9 3.55 26 9 2.9388334311
688 Shuai Wang 0011 HKUST 31 5 7.57 24 4 6.146115221211
688 Jeffrey S. Foster Tufts University 31 4 9.32 3 3 0.872123111224112116
688 Christian Rossow CISPA Helmholtz Center 31 5 9.01 12 4 3.584132214333212
688 Jeff Huang 0001 Texas A&M University 31 3 12.64 7 4 1.782221362441121
688 Stephanie Weirich University of Pennsylvania 31 4 10.33 7 4 2.2321131111312212216
688 Hakjoo Oh Korea University 31 3 10.05 17 3 5.905435344111
688 Renée J. Miller University of Waterloo 31 4 10.06 6 4 1.60213121322111119
688 Badrish Chandramouli 31 4 8.23 13 5 2.65217331312211121
688 Peter A. Boncz CWI 31 4 8.45 9 3 2.8712241232111121214
688 Daniel J. Abadi University of Maryland - College Park 31 3 9.32 2 4 0.451121142322222222
688 Taewhan Kim 31 2 13.28 6 2 2.70212121121111312
688 Charles J. Alpert 31 4 8.16 2422111315
688 Mark Harman Facebook 31 4 7.80 11 4 2.771343123343211
688 Gregg Rothermel North Carolina State University 31 4 8.88 12111211131115
728 David R. Cheriton Stanford University 30 2 14.60 1121124
728 Dongyoon Lee Stony Brook University 30 5 6.75 12 5 2.543513442311111
728 Milo M. K. Martin 30 4 7.03 3 15 0.211114412222127
728 Kang Chen Tsinghua University 30 6 5.18 19 7 3.1057232133211
728 Jie Liu 0001 Harbin Institute of Technology 30 6 6.26 1 10 0.1013327322421
728 Margo I. Seltzer University of British Columbia 30 4 8.54 5 5 0.892122111121115
728 Yubin Xia Shanghai Jiao Tong University 30 6 5.57 18 6 3.16443431221411
728 Lin Zhong 0001 Yale University 30 3 9.85 2 5 0.4211111352231211113
728 Darko Marinov Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 30 5 6.84 7 6 1.272212311122211211212
728 Michael C. Huang 0001 University of Rochester 30 4 8.43 9 6 1.512232211111212135
728 Sanidhya Kashyap EPFL 30 5 6.07 14 6 2.693325164321
728 Andrew A. Chien University of Chicago 30 3 11.11 2 4 0.6711113221117
728 Arvind Massachusetts Institute of Technology 30 4 9.41 6 5 1.4812323121111111
728 Milos Prvulovic Georgia Institute of Technology 30 4 9.18 2 4 0.5022212211313235
728 Danfeng Zhang Duke University 30 4 7.68 11 5 2.393242433222111
728 Alvin Cheung Univ. of California - Berkeley 30 4 7.90 11 5 2.3022313353311111
728 Bronis R. de Supinski 30 6 5.92 1 4 0.2511222521333131
728 Stefanos Kaxiras Uppsala University 30 4 9.77 10 4 2.58121332311427
728 Xulong Tang University of Pittsburgh 30 5 5.89 20 6 3.94482633211
728 Prithviraj Banerjee Northwestern University 30 2 11.78 11127
728 Laurent Vanbever ETH Zurich 30 4 7.08 14 4 3.73135232522311
728 Ganesh Ananthanarayanan 30 6 5.52 8 8 1.0723111141423111121
728 Nick McKeown Stanford University 30 6 6.12 4 7 0.5622115133221115
728 Mark Handley University College London 30 4 8.41 2 6 0.441112121131112210
728 Roberto Perdisci University of Georgia 30 5 6.73 9 5 1.6132112122131213212
728 Jörg Schwenk Ruhr-University Bochum 30 5 6.19 16 5 3.33253514221212
728 Saurabh Bagchi Purdue University 30 6 5.89 13 6 2.1134152212213211
728 Matteo Maffei TU Wien 30 4 7.40 15 4 3.423434122322112
728 Ian Goldberg University of Waterloo 30 3 11.16 5 3 1.672111111232351312
728 Yongdae Kim KAIST 30 6 6.15 10 6 1.67143114111211212211
728 Xiao Wang 0012 Northwestern University 30 5 6.41 20 5 4.056235412142
728 Marianne Winslett University of Illinois 30 4 8.46 1 10 0.101111213111112112
728 Ting Wang 0006 Stony Brook University 30 7 4.53 25 8 3.37241054311
728 Long Lu Northeastern University 30 5 6.34 13 4 3.032215314123111111
728 Junjie Chen 0003 Tianjin University 30 7 4.53 24 7 3.66173942211
728 David Evans 0001 University of Virginia 30 3 11.98 5 6 1.142111113111231317
728 Hans-Arno Jacobsen TU Munich 30 3 10.71 8 2 3.42114211222311111114
728 Sri Parameswaran UNSW 30 3 9.52 4 4 1.25211111341332115
728 Rolf Drechsler University of Bremen 30 4 8.52 9 4 2.821323224322312
728 Rodolfo Pellizzoni University of Waterloo 30 4 9.09 5 4 1.391111131343311321
728 Marco Caccamo Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 30 4 7.61 9 5 1.85232211111122128
728 Laxmikant V. Kalé Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 30 3 9.98 1 4 0.2511366131215
728 Massimiliano Di Penta University of Sannio 30 6 5.53 6 4 1.45424242413112
771 José F. Martínez Cornell University 29 3 9.25 7 4 1.811231211122122224
771 Yongwei Wu Tsinghua University 29 6 5.52 14 6 2.5216241432321
771 Carole-Jean Wu Facebook AI Research 29 7 5.02 20 8 3.08136552111112
771 Jaehyuk Huh 0001 KAIST 29 4 7.14 10 5 2.1721223221311221112
771 Michael L. Scott University of Rochester 29 5 7.83 212111120
771 Ryan Kastner Univ. of California - San Diego 29 5 6.68 5 5 1.13113315111122124
771 Huiyang Zhou North Carolina State University 29 4 7.93 14 4 3.963233311311111212
771 Nathan Beckmann Carnegie Mellon University 29 4 7.91 14 5 3.16422243322311
771 Michael Stumm University of Toronto 29 4 7.39 6 4 1.32222211331211116
771 John K. Ousterhout Stanford University 29 3 11.37 3 3 1.673131221115
771 Fan Yang 0024 Microsoft Research Asia 29 9 3.07 25 9 2.61710441111
771 Timothy Roscoe ETH Zurich 29 5 5.85 5 5 0.992312131311131213
771 Gokhan Memik 29 4 7.68 113236139
771 Yan Chen 0004 Northwestern University 29 6 5.44 3 5 0.6021212311314125
771 Jeffrey S. Chase Duke University 29 4 7.64 1 7 0.1412113219
771 Mao Yang 0004 Microsoft Research 29 8 3.39 26 8 3.0088316111
771 Christos A. Papachristou Case Western Reserve University 29 2 12.92 128
771 Tiark Rompf Purdue University 29 4 8.51 7 4 1.9321112442225111
771 Wujie Wen North Carolina State University 29 6 4.91 14 6 2.44622412141312
771 Wolfgang Lehner TU Dresden 29 5 7.09 6 5 1.2311134412211111221
771 Dongsu Han KAIST 29 6 5.31 8 6 1.48211131142522211
771 Larry L. Peterson University of Arizona 29 4 8.83 1111322
771 Chuanxiong Guo 29 8 4.79 7 9 0.8033144114112112
771 Vincent Liu 0001 University of Pennsylvania 29 5 6.09 20 6 4.1145416211113
771 Lorenzo Alvisi Cornell University 29 6 5.52 6 5 1.18121213212221212112
771 Ke Xu 0002 Tsinghua University 29 7 5.00 27 6 4.771293122
771 Junchen Jiang University of Chicago 29 7 4.49 15 7 2.21623313213221
771 Rong Chen 0001 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 29 5 5.97 16 5 3.1435341122221111
771 Jing (Dave) Tian Purdue University 29 6 5.48 20 6 3.8545434121311
771 Manuel Egele Boston University 29 5 6.32 16 4 3.80352331313212
771 Frank Li 0001 Georgia Institute of Technology 29 4 8.75 17 3 6.1855142161211
771 Ben Stock CISPA Helmholtz Center 29 4 7.80 19 5 5.25443532111212
771 Andreas Zeller CISPA Helmholtz Center 29 3 10.02 12 3 3.51323411111213213
771 Goetz Graefe Google 29 3 9.67 7 14 0.82212221121114
771 Dingwen Tao Indiana University 29 8 3.77 21 8 2.7246632323
771 David B. Lomet Microsoft Research 29 2 15.21 1 12 0.081211111120
771 Fan Yang 0001 Fudan University 29 6 5.28 19 6 3.235524311121121
771 Chao Wang 0001 University of Southern California 29 3 9.80 3 3 1.081112152412211113
771 Giorgio C. Buttazzo Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna 29 3 10.47 5 4 1.152322131114
771 Jinkyu Lee 0001 Sungkyunkwan University 29 4 8.32 11 5 2.3022421331122222
771 Matthew B. Dwyer University of Virginia 29 3 8.49 7 4 1.9523211121112210
771 Chang Xu 0001 Nanjing University 29 5 6.46 14 5 2.8323452153121
813 Rachata Ausavarungnirun King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok 28 8 3.68 13 9 1.641342334211121
813 Daniel J. Sorin Duke University 28 4 7.94 4 5 0.901111111323238
813 Calvin Lin University of Texas at Austin 28 3 10.70 4 3 1.17111141124122115
813 Kevin Fu Northeastern University 28 6 5.63 8 6 1.243212311123111114
813 Rahul Sharma 0001 Microsoft Research 28 4 7.09 8 6 1.46112132334224
813 David R. Kaeli Northeastern University 28 4 7.45 9 9 1.43311221211121127
813 Caiwen Ding University of Minnesota 28 9 3.33 23 9 2.82310361212
813 Donald E. Porter University of North Carolina 28 6 5.03 5 11 0.6411121233231224
813 Sasa Misailovic Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 28 4 6.39 9 4 2.071113363113221
813 Sanjit A. Seshia Univ. of California - Berkeley 28 4 8.29 3 4 0.6821212122123122121
813 Michael Franz Univ. of California - Irvine 28 6 4.62 9 6 1.552111423352121
813 Jack Sampson Pennsylvania State University 28 7 4.64 9 6 1.9721213222521212
813 Jeremie S. Kim 28 8 3.59 20 8 2.286772321
813 Alec Wolman Microsoft 28 6 5.30 6 6 0.9221122322322213
813 Edward S. Davidson University of Michigan 28 2 11.58 127
813 Andrew W. Appel Princeton University 28 2 11.57 3 3 1.0312122111116
813 Robert Bruce Findler Northwestern University 28 4 8.93 2 4 0.70111112123222117
813 Alper Buyuktosunoglu 28 6 4.64 7 10 0.86212232222132112
813 Michael J. Cafarella University of Michigan 28 4 7.20 13 4 2.8723224324111111
813 Marc Casas 28 5 6.48 14 4 3.78313342422211
813 Puneet Gupta 0001 University of California Los Angeles 28 4 7.73 4 5 0.833111124121326
813 Pradeep Dubey 28 8 3.79 1 16 0.06111463234111
813 Christopher Ré Stanford University 28 4 7.87 5 6 0.911111112422212421
813 Huawei Li 0001 Chinese Academy of Sciences 28 5 5.16 19 6 3.2153344212211
813 John P. Hayes University of Michigan 28 2 12.37 2 3 0.75211211112115
813 Phillipa Gill University of Massachusetts - Amherst 28 5 5.46 7 7 1.02121211422232221
813 Oliver Spatscheck 28 5 6.12 112432122415
813 Michalis Polychronakis Stony Brook University 28 4 6.61 8 5 1.632132232114331
813 Iasonas Polakis University of Illinois at Chicago 28 4 7.05 20 4 5.16346341111211
813 Wouter Joosen KU Leuven 28 5 6.25 9 5 1.84113221222611211
813 Raheem A. Beyah Georgia Institute of Technology 28 6 4.83 15 8 2.4842441213421
813 Michael R. Lyu Chinese University of Hong Kong 28 6 5.23 22 6 3.645124121111
813 Zhenchang Xing 28 6 4.85 20 6 3.2356216311111
813 Dennis E. Shasha New York University 28 3 10.44 4 4 1.08112111120
813 Jiannan Wang 0001 Simon Fraser University 28 5 6.39 9 5 1.613421214321221
813 Immanuel Trummer Cornell University 28 2 14.32 13 2 8.1414431512322
813 David Maier 0001 Portland State University 28 3 9.30 1 6 0.17111131211115
813 Jeffrey D. Ullman Stanford University 28 3 10.07 111124
813 Arun Kumar 0001 Univ. of California - San Diego 28 3 8.79 12 3 4.141214451411121
813 Raymond Chi-Wing Wong HKUST 28 4 8.47 5 2 2.1721111123451222
813 Chee Yong Chan National University of Singapore 28 3 10.02 111112121311210
813 Cheng Zhuo Zhejiang University 28 6 5.58 15 7 2.35234421111141111
813 Gail C. Murphy University of British Columbia 28 3 10.18 1 7 0.1411113113214
856 Sam H. Noh Virginia Tech 27 5 5.50 9 5 1.80142114121211132
856 Joseph Devietti University of Pennsylvania 27 5 5.68 8 7 1.211124124221111121
856 Gilles Pokam 27 6 4.79 12 6 1.9621234112211211111
856 Prashant J. Nair University of British Columbia 27 4 6.97 13 4 3.38434112322212
856 Benjamin C. Lee University of Pennsylvania 27 4 8.35 1313223323121
856 Christina Delimitrou Massachusetts Institute of Technology 27 6 6.15 16 6 2.854434151311
856 Simon Peter 0001 University of Washington 27 5 5.34 11 5 2.4111342312321211
856 Gernot Heiser UNSW 27 4 6.99 1 7 0.141113134134221
856 John M. Mellor-Crummey Rice University 27 3 9.78 4 4 1.12311214112128
856 Samuel T. King Univ. of California - Davis 27 4 6.61 3 6 0.53121313332233
856 Simha Sethumadhavan Columbia University 27 4 7.43 5 4 1.37113212222221213
856 Dan Tsafrir Technion 27 4 6.44 8 4 1.701133121251111121
856 Kai Shen University of Rochester 27 3 11.01 213124113342
856 Jingling Xue UNSW 27 6 6.45 15 9 2.3144433311112
856 Jinyang Li 0001 New York University 27 5 5.84 5 7 0.8621111113122123113
856 Aurojit Panda New York University 27 6 4.10 10 8 1.44232121244222
856 Youngjin Kwon KAIST 27 6 4.74 20 6 3.56362362131
856 Ashraf Aboulnaga University of Texas at Arlington 27 5 6.37 3 8 0.39111211133211111114
856 Yu Hua 0001 HUST 27 4 6.69 15 4 4.091435232111211
856 Alan L. Cox Rice University 27 3 7.94 1 3 0.331121211132111
856 Miquel Moretó 27 7 4.13 11 7 1.79141232412232
856 Weimin Zheng 27 6 5.46 8 7 1.35131322412122111
856 Stefan Saroiu 27 5 5.57 5 6 0.90111211224322113
856 Sreenivas Subramoney 27 7 4.43 17 8 2.19214642311111
856 Alberto Ros 0001 University of Murcia 27 4 8.47 14 4 4.1353422222311
856 Anantha P. Chandrakasan Massachusetts Institute of Technology 27 3 8.08 5 5 1.07131111112312
856 Dan Feng 0001 HUST 27 6 4.72 12 6 1.963711212122311
856 Jesús Labarta Polytechnic University of Catalonia 27 5 6.05 1 18 0.06123223111110
856 Michael Kishinevsky 27 5 6.34 4 6 0.70221211111213
856 Dhabaleswar K. Panda 0001 Ohio State University 27 5 6.50 2 7 0.291111211311211217
856 Yannis Papakonstantinou University of California 27 3 8.65 1 3 0.33114211111212
856 Diana Marculescu Carnegie Mellon University 27 3 10.13 312111312210
856 Houman Homayoun Univ. of California - Davis 27 6 4.85 18 7 2.986342311111112
856 Daniel Gajski University of California 27 2 11.34 225
856 Virgil D. Gligor Carnegie Mellon University 27 2 12.15 1 3 0.33111121111116
856 Prabal Dutta Univ. of California - Berkeley 27 4 7.03 4 4 1.031211122231231311
856 J. Eliot B. Moss University of Massachusetts Amherst 27 3 9.98 121221
856 Albert G. Greenberg Microsoft 27 6 4.53 1 71 0.01111234214125
856 Yibo Zhu 27 7 4.03 12 6 2.05242135211321
856 Ryan Beckett 27 5 6.23 22 5 5.0055426122
856 Shriram Krishnamurthi Brown University 27 4 8.30 3 2 1.251112212312128
856 Wei Wang 0011 HKUST 27 5 5.62 7 7 1.091121212221131124
856 Yuan Zhang 0009 Fudan University 27 7 3.84 20 7 2.9235336142
856 Brent Waters University of Texas at Austin 27 3 8.66 2 4 0.58111224124513
856 Feng Lin 0004 Zhejiang University 27 8 3.69 24 8 3.1677514111
856 Cas Cremers CISPA Helmholtz Center 27 4 8.16 16 3 4.593514321111221
856 Tianhao Wang 0001 University of Virginia 27 5 5.37 22 5 4.24463361211
856 J. Gregory Morrisett Cornell University 27 3 8.37 2 5 0.4011111221212111
856 Z. Berkay Celik Purdue University 27 5 5.33 24 5 4.52875412
856 Zhishan Guo North Carolina State University 27 5 6.14 18 5 3.6024435321111
856 Alessandro Orso Georgia Institute of Technology 27 3 8.57 4 4 0.9822121211111112125
856 Saravanan Thirumuruganathan 27 5 5.80 10 5 2.2611445214311
856 Bogdan Vasilescu Carnegie Mellon University 27 4 6.49 14 4 3.33434363112
856 Peter J. Haas University of Massachusetts Amherst 27 5 6.99 2 6 0.371111122222210
856 Sihem Amer-Yahia IMAG 27 3 9.25 8 3 3.832312111111122116
856 Cong Yu 0001 Celonis Inc. 27 4 7.37 2 4 0.45231111222123213
856 Eugene Wu 0002 Columbia University 27 4 6.89 13 5 2.9814422421211111
856 Sheng Wang 0011 Alibaba Cloud 27 9 3.67 19 9 2.281273623111
856 Umeshwar Dayal Hitachi America 27 3 10.21 1111221
856 Hassani Messaoud 27 4 7.93 16 4 4.984213647
856 Qi Zhu 0002 Northwestern University 27 5 5.92 7 5 1.4111524541121
856 Iris Hui-Ru Jiang 27 4 7.59 9 4 1.992251121241213
856 Robert I. Davis 0001 University of York 27 3 9.45 5 3 1.6211312123122111113
856 Sriram Krishnamoorthy 27 5 6.30 2314243212111
856 Satoshi Matsuoka Tokyo Institute of Technology 27 5 6.47 4 7 0.5512131224119
856 Martin Odersky EPFL 27 3 10.25 2 4 0.4511111133211110
856 Nenad Medvidovic University of Southern California 27 4 7.10 7 4 1.601111311121211118
923 Per Stenström Chalmers/GU 26 3 10.08 2 4 0.531111112111114
923 Lin Tan 0001 Purdue University 26 4 6.13 9 6 1.741312212331111112
923 Dong Li 0001 Univ. of California - Merced 26 4 5.83 16 5 3.3132110131131
923 Christopher J. Rossbach University of Texas at Austin 26 6 4.97 8 4 1.551212232211111213
923 John Kubiatowicz Univ. of California - Berkeley 26 4 5.75 111212122112
923 Jeffrey C. Mogul Google Research 26 3 10.71 2 14 0.1911111312114
923 Vijay Nagarajan University of Utah 26 4 7.46 8 4 1.8411331423122111
923 Anant Agarwal Massachusetts Institute of Technology 26 4 7.51 13111118
923 Rodrigo Rodrigues 0001 Universidade de Lisboa 26 4 6.33 6 4 1.53141252421112
923 Chia-Lin Yang National Taiwan University 26 4 6.75 7 6 1.50122112111121221113
923 R. Sekar 0001 Stony Brook University 26 3 9.00 3 3 0.92111111211112210
923 Marcos K. Aguilera VMware 26 5 5.79 8 6 1.412213111231311112
923 Peng Huang 0005 University of Michigan 26 4 5.84 12 4 3.102231423311211
923 Yongpan Liu 26 8 3.72 8 8 1.08421123391
923 Joel H. Saltz Stony Brook University 26 5 5.86 1 5 0.2011111120
923 Tong Geng University of Rochester 26 9 3.24 23 9 2.85395423
923 Daniel P. Siewiorek Carnegie Mellon University 26 2 10.59 26
923 Dinghao Wu Pennsylvania State University 26 5 5.73 9 6 1.63222312531122
923 Li Jiang 0002 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 26 7 4.04 18 7 2.5963333121211
923 Mohammad Abdullah Al Faruque Univ. of California - Irvine 26 3 8.38 13 3 4.372342214211211
923 Srinivasan Parthasarathy 0001 Ohio State University 26 5 6.55 2 6 0.3311312112132125
923 Ying Zhang 0022 Facebook 26 8 3.89 17 9 1.9165241111122
923 Swarun Kumar Carnegie Mellon University 26 5 5.57 12 6 2.19232531121222
923 Zhenhua Li 0001 Tsinghua University 26 8 3.24 15 8 1.8132433411311
923 Linh T. X. Phan University of Pennsylvania 26 4 6.59 8 4 2.041114142213111111
923 Xinbing Wang Shanghai Jiao Tong University 26 7 4.37 19 7 2.9656431211111
923 Vinod Yegneswaran 26 5 4.97 7 5 1.30222121313211113
923 Alan J. Demers 26 5 7.39 211111217
923 Mahadev Satyanarayanan Carnegie Mellon University 26 4 7.89 1 6 0.17112122116
923 Xusheng Xiao Arizona State University 26 8 3.63 12 8 1.5523524313111
923 Guanhong Tao 0001 University of Utah 26 7 3.79 22 8 3.066553331
923 Zhenkai Liang National University of Singapore 26 5 5.70 9 6 1.713141212111211122
923 Carmela Troncoso EPFL 26 4 6.99 17 4 4.3455341122111
923 William Enck North Carolina State University 26 5 5.31 11 5 1.9222223122121111111
923 Kurt Thomas 26 9 3.46 9 9 1.1631122222322121
923 Kehuan Zhang The Chinese University of Hong Kong 26 5 5.22 8 6 1.36132223131112211
923 Shuang Hao 0001 University of Texas at Dallas 26 7 4.37 12 9 1.903113425121111
923 Ning Zhang 0017 Washington University in St. Louis 26 6 5.39 24 6 4.979851111
923 Cormac Flanagan Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 26 2 10.46 1 2 0.501211231111111
923 Lu Su 0001 Purdue University 26 7 3.72 13 7 1.84322332123311
923 Rui Tan 0001 Nanyang Technological University 26 5 5.53 10 5 2.11223212211112321
923 Erez Zadok Stony Brook University 26 4 6.56 3 8 0.5711113122111218
923 Jayant R. Haritsa IISc Bangalore 26 3 9.23 4 2 1.58111111121115
923 Xiaofang Zhou 0001 HKUST 26 4 6.07 9 6 1.6113232312312111
923 Shaoxu Song Tsinghua University 26 4 6.56 13 5 3.1141431143311
923 Viktor Leis TU Munich 26 4 8.43 17 3 6.75352341521
923 Guy E. Blelloch Carnegie Mellon University 26 3 8.52 6 4 1.403122111121110
923 Neoklis Polyzotis University of California 26 4 7.58 1 4 0.251112313414113
923 Tilmann Rabl Hasso Plattner Institute 26 4 6.15 15 4 3.6312525421211
923 Philip Wadler University of Edinburgh 26 2 12.97 1 8 0.1212211111115
923 Fabio Somenzi 26 3 8.19 111221
923 Robert Wille TU Munich 26 3 8.25 13 3 4.053231422321111
923 Zhuo Feng 26 2 12.58 6 2 2.922121121113223121
923 James D. Herbsleb Carnegie Mellon University 26 3 9.70 3 3 0.921111122223217
977 Yonghwi Kwon 0001 University of Maryland - College Park 25 6 4.50 14 5 2.871434232132
977 Matthew Hicks Virginia Tech 25 4 8.28 15 4 4.73324421132111
977 Karin Strauss 25 5 5.05 222432311122
977 Tzi-cker Chiueh Industrial Technology Research Institute 25 2 13.69 111111217
977 Benjamin G. Zorn Microsoft Research 25 3 7.59 1 10 0.10111122221111
977 Zachary Tatlock University of Washington 25 5 5.67 6 6 0.95111212412231121
977 Felix Xiaozhu Lin University of Virginia 25 4 7.18 9 3 2.981421143222111
977 Mike O'Connor 25 5 4.75 3 7 0.4511113315342
977 Tim Harris 0001 Microsoft 25 4 7.05 2312211241123
977 Asaf Cidon Columbia University 25 6 4.38 14 6 2.2236324211111
977 Xiaoming Chen 0003 Chinese Academy of Sciences 25 5 6.34 16 4 4.5445223221211
977 Hong Hu 0004 Pennsylvania State University 25 6 5.15 17 6 3.44325524121
977 Zili Shao Chinese University of Hong Kong 25 5 5.72 11 5 2.7612224211321211
977 Julia Lawall Sorbonne University 25 4 6.71 6 6 1.021142311221124
977 Jon Howell 25 5 5.72 4 10 0.4321112231122223
977 Samira Manabi Khan University of Virginia 25 5 4.91 9 6 1.591521213132121
977 Costin Raiciu University Politehnica of Bucharest 25 5 4.77 6 8 0.821121113313113111
977 Miguel Castro 0001 Microsoft Research 25 5 5.45 3 14 0.24211111221229
977 Jaejin Lee Seoul National University 25 4 6.32 9 4 2.2311232131121115
977 Yang Hu 0001 Tsinghua University 25 7 4.83 14 8 2.128311132321
977 Aaron Schulman Univ. of California - San Diego 25 7 4.83 10 7 1.631323164212
977 Michael D. Bond Ohio State University 25 4 7.57 6 4 1.341141112122221211
977 Adrián Cristal 25 6 4.36 6 8 0.721221122112222112
977 Atanas Rountev Ohio State University 25 4 7.25 5 5 1.07122121121212313
977 Xi Wang 0005 University of Washington 25 5 4.91 3 4 0.7012122213111224
977 Ravi R. Iyer 0001 Intel Labs 25 7 5.28 111122331311113
977 Petros Maniatis 25 5 5.75 2 4 0.451121111332423
977 Amro Awad North Carolina State University 25 4 7.17 17 4 4.601447131121
977 Ru Huang 0001 Peking University 25 7 3.77 24 7 3.68795121
977 Yingyan (Celine) Lin Georgia Institute of Technology 25 6 3.96 24 6 3.79385621
977 Wei Zhang 0012 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 25 4 5.64 13 5 2.60441312511111
977 Michael Orshansky 25 3 7.39 1112112111724
977 KyoungSoo Park KAIST 25 5 5.65 5 5 0.9812111212212111132
977 Emin Gün Sirer Cornell University 25 3 7.87 221113112254
977 Antony I. T. Rowstron Microsoft Research 25 5 5.59 1 57 0.021122312113233
977 Brighten Godfrey Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 25 5 5.33 8 6 1.37321212141221111
977 Longfei Shangguan University of Pittsburgh 25 7 4.60 16 7 2.514342321213
977 Michael Dahlin University of Texas at Austin 25 6 5.33 1221323227
977 Chenren Xu Peking University 25 9 3.20 21 9 2.766731422
977 Mingwei Xu Tsinghua University 25 7 3.59 24 8 3.45765241
977 Carlo Curino 25 6 4.41 7 9 0.83121311532132
977 Jacob R. Lorch Microsoft Research 25 5 5.40 2 11 0.201111121212122124
977 Christian Bird University of California 25 4 6.28 3 9 0.4712111233511211
977 Yin Zhang 0001 University of Texas at Austin 25 5 6.00 11123312128
977 Bobby Bhattacharjee University of Maryland - College Park 25 5 5.39 1 5 0.201133221231312
977 Zhi-Li Zhang University of Minnesota 25 4 5.93 8 10 0.922312113124113
977 Helen J. Wang Microsoft Research 25 5 5.78 112221116323
977 Matthew J. Luckie University of Waikato 25 5 6.57 7 5 1.31221222221221211
977 Pierre-Yves Strub 25 6 4.21 4 6 0.64121214423212
977 Manos Antonakakis Georgia Institute of Technology 25 5 4.47 8 6 1.2713421421211111
977 Benjamin Grégoire Research Centre Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée: Valbonne 25 6 4.66 8 8 1.271142323212121
977 Jean-Pierre Hubaux EPFL 25 5 5.42 5 6 0.87122122312211113
977 Elie Bursztein Google 25 6 4.09 3 6 0.4921213323431
977 Benny Pinkas Bar-Ilan University 25 4 7.42 7 6 1.52121341131111113
977 Mark M. Tehranipoor University of Florida 25 4 6.31 7 5 1.38121311212231212
977 Roya Ensafi University of Michigan 25 5 4.74 17 5 3.245241523111
977 Jianjun Chen 0005 Tsinghua University 25 8 3.17 21 9 2.651171213
977 Nicolas Christin Carnegie Mellon University 25 5 6.03 8 6 1.81311123212212211
977 Nikhil Swamy 25 6 4.55 5 10 0.55122213112213121
977 Chunyang Chen TU Munich 25 6 5.23 21 6 4.3548243211
977 Bill Lin 0001 Univ. of California - San Diego 25 3 8.93 11112118
977 Sarfraz Khurshid University of Texas at Austin 25 4 5.86 5 6 0.86212111124212131
977 Meihui Zhang 0001 Beijing Institute of Technology 25 6 4.62 12 6 2.004233141121111
977 Hamid Pirahesh IBM Almaden Research Center 25 5 5.77 1 19 0.051222
977 Kyuseok Shim Seoul National University 25 3 9.12 1 3 0.33111211216
977 Cheng-Kok Koh Purdue University 25 3 8.30 2111111116
977 Naehyuck Chang KAIST 25 4 5.70 233421111322
977 Louis-Noël Pouchet Colorado State University 25 5 5.26 1 5 0.20123244222111
977 John P. Lehoczky 25 3 10.68 2 5 0.40223
977 Matthew Flatt University of Utah 25 3 9.22 1 2 0.50112212211111
977 Anders Møller Aarhus University 25 3 8.67 4 3 1.37133341122131
977 Arie van Deursen TU Delft 25 4 7.16 6 5 1.26212122222221211
1049 Xiaoyong Du 0001 Renmin University of China 24 7 3.45 17 7 2.3652523211111
1049 Xu Liu 0001 North Carolina State University 24 4 6.30 7 6 1.321321543212
1049 Olivier Temam 24 4 7.68 3313111119
1049 Brian N. Bershad University of Washington 24 4 7.09 24
1049 Dimitrios Vytiniotis 24 4 5.96 2 6 0.3811112443111112
1049 Chris Wilkerson Intel 24 5 4.87 1 10 0.101121152111116
1049 Xian-He Sun Illinois Institute of Technology 24 4 6.31 10 6 1.85242212121214
1049 Tiffany Bao Arizona State University 24 9 2.94 21 10 2.3564632111
1049 Santosh Pande Georgia Institute of Technology 24 3 8.40 5 3 1.45111112121121216
1049 Adwait Jog University of Virginia 24 6 4.81 9 4 2.29133226111121
1049 Sungjin Lee 0001 DGIST 24 6 4.51 10 6 1.8023122422321
1049 Katherine A. Yelick Univ. of California - Berkeley 24 6 6.05 4 6 0.7712111321111
1049 Sanjay J. Patel 24 4 6.19 123114111
1049 Mircea R. Stan University of Virginia 24 5 5.67 4 5 0.76131211421116
1049 Ahmed Louri 24 4 7.26 13 4 3.5623152221111111
1049 Brucek Khailany 24 6 4.36 12 4 2.5243412111115
1049 Li Shang 24 5 5.01 7 6 1.05241142343
1049 Nicholas D. Lane University of Cambridge 24 5 4.74 7 5 1.36211312312311111
1049 Aaron J. Elmore University of Chicago 24 5 5.03 11 5 2.132234222211111
1049 Laxmi N. Bhuyan University of California 24 3 8.70 1 3 0.33121221112110
1049 Jeffrey S. Vetter 24 3 7.98 1 4 0.2514333217
1049 Mehdi Baradaran Tahoori Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 24 4 6.10 9 6 1.491221311222331
1049 Randal E. Bryant Carnegie Mellon University 24 2 10.21 1221
1049 Wyatt Lloyd Princeton University 24 5 5.04 10 4 2.46112244222211
1049 James W. Mickens Harvard University 24 4 7.85 7 5 1.45211212321211221
1049 Shivaram Venkataraman University of Wisconsin - Madison 24 5 4.75 10 5 2.111422133221111
1049 Viktor Kuncak EPFL 24 3 8.03 2 2 0.83111113142132111
1049 Gareth Tyson HKUST 24 7 3.79 21 7 3.197442421
1049 Paul Francis Max Planck Society 24 3 8.77 1 6 0.17112221125124
1049 Jia Wang 0001 AT&T Labs-Research 24 6 4.91 1114415115
1049 Jianping Wu Tsinghua University 24 8 3.46 19 8 2.71573221112
1049 Michael Waidner TU Darmstadt 24 4 7.33 13 4 3.2243331118
1049 David A. Maltz Microsoft Research 24 7 3.77 2 42 0.10111322233213
1049 Fabián E. Bustamante Northwestern University 24 4 6.60 9 5 1.842212211131111122
1049 Xiaojiang Chen Northwest University 24 7 3.57 14 6 2.15332333331
1049 Sebastian Angel University of Pennsylvania 24 5 5.78 17 5 3.622453312211
1049 Justine Sherry Carnegie Mellon University 24 6 4.51 14 6 2.60423231113112
1049 Joseph Gonzalez 0001 Univ. of California - Berkeley 24 7 3.57 18 8 2.46252361212
1049 Konstantina Papagiannaki 24 4 5.89 113113223232
1049 Kyu-Han Kim 24 4 7.23 1 5 0.2013422212112111
1049 Micah Sherr Georgetown University 24 6 4.96 6 6 1.184111131223131
1049 Ding Li 0001 Peking University 24 8 3.75 14 8 1.8246121231112
1049 Peng Ning Samsung Research American 24 4 7.38 11151221217
1049 Emiliano De Cristofaro Univ. of California - Riverside 24 5 5.63 13 3 3.2641712221211
1049 Nicholas Weaver 24 6 4.64 1242223211112
1049 William K. Robertson Northeastern University 24 5 5.62 2 6 0.312132611211112
1049 Bo Li 0026 University of Chicago 24 6 3.95 18 6 2.995524242
1049 Xuxian Jiang 24 4 6.71 2 8 0.24111352331112
1049 Steven M. Bellovin Columbia University 24 2 12.95 2 3 0.67111212115
1049 Thomas Schneider 0003 TU Darmstadt 24 5 5.41 9 5 1.743123112142211
1049 N. Asokan University of Waterloo 24 4 5.75 9 4 2.4062111242113
1049 Radu Sion Stony Brook University 24 3 8.83 6 4 1.6212122122222113
1049 Dan S. Wallach Rice University 24 4 7.26 1 4 0.2511111411112
1049 Mourad Ouzzani Qatar Computing Research Institute 24 6 4.30 5 6 0.7813112216111121
1049 Barzan Mozafari University of Michigan 24 4 6.56 3 5 0.701113341232111
1049 Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez IMDEA Networks Institute 24 6 3.77 11 7 1.692135262111
1049 Swarat Chaudhuri University of Texas at Austin 24 4 7.33 2 4 0.5311122114142211
1049 Robbert Krebbers Radboud University 24 4 6.56 16 4 3.951264314111
1049 Xifeng Yan Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 24 5 5.54 1 3 0.331111424211231
1049 Daniel Lohmann University of Hannover 24 4 6.05 5 5 1.113113222312211
1049 Chen Li 0001 Univ. of California - Irvine 24 4 5.96 8 6 1.5511331221111124
1049 Sheng Di 24 7 3.84 17 7 2.5946614111
1049 Shivnath Babu Duke University 24 3 8.22 1 2 0.50121111141212123
1049 Jianliang Xu Hong Kong Baptist University 24 4 5.74 16 5 3.24413711121111
1049 Hans-Peter Kriegel LMU Munich 24 4 8.03 11121
1049 Carlo Zaniolo University of California 24 3 10.21 1 3 0.331111231212
1049 Raghav Kaushik Microsoft Research 24 3 7.15 3 16 0.25111112243116
1049 Guy M. Lohman IBM Research 24 5 6.46 213216
1049 Jordi Cortadella Polytechnic University of Catalonia 24 4 7.03 11221413
1049 Karem A. Sakallah University of Michigan 24 3 8.77 111120
1049 Yu Cao 0001 Arizona State University 24 5 4.79 4 8 0.64131123121423
1049 Zebo Peng Linköping University 24 4 6.80 1 4 0.251112122322115
1049 David Notkin University of Washington 24 3 8.51 112111116
1049 Danny Dig University of Colorado Boulder 24 4 5.61 4 4 1.1212121234112121
1049 Yingfei Xiong 0001 Peking University 24 6 4.22 14 6 2.5312236222211
1049 Éric Tanter University of Chile 24 3 6.91 6 4 1.48221142122211111
1049 Daniel Jackson 0001 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 24 3 10.75 42212211
1049 Christoph Treude Singapore Management University 24 5 6.04 15 6 2.811235411211111
1049 Sebastián Uchitel University of Buenos Aires 24 4 6.74 112113133224
1049 Ahmed E. Hassan Queen’s University 24 5 6.44 6 6 0.99131144222121
1129 Dejan Kostic KTH Royal Institute of Technology 23 5 4.24 8 6 1.3412231111221114
1129 Toshio Nakatani 23 3 6.88 322313
1129 David W. Nellans 23 5 4.25 8 6 1.5023341223111
1129 Ding Yuan 0004 University of Toronto 23 6 4.37 8 6 1.611133222212211
1129 Ramesh K. Sitaraman University of Massachusetts Amherst 23 4 6.22 13 5 3.07412331131211
1129 Arkaprava Basu IISc Bangalore 23 3 6.50 13 3 4.1731261412111
1129 Brian Demsky Univ. of California - Irvine 23 2 8.52 7 3 2.1222312113111212
1129 Jiang Ming 0002 Tulane University 23 5 4.73 14 6 2.601236213221
1129 Eric Rotenberg North Carolina State University 23 3 7.68 2 4 0.501111112114
1129 Alastair F. Donaldson Imperial College London 23 4 5.99 6 5 1.2311313344111
1129 David Hung-Chang Du University of Minnesota 23 4 7.02 3 4 0.8312213113
1129 Dimitrios Skarlatos 0002 Carnegie Mellon University 23 6 3.92 17 6 2.56163342211
1129 Michael A. Kozuch 23 7 3.65 2 7 0.29112113423212
1129 George C. Necula Univ. of California - Berkeley 23 3 8.81 1111222112
1129 Joy Arulraj Georgia Institute of Technology 23 4 5.99 12 4 2.81134222132111
1129 Tirthak Patel Rice University 23 4 6.55 21 4 5.80236462
1129 Íñigo Goiri 23 7 3.56 13 9 1.56531221123111
1129 Cheng Li 0001 USTC 23 8 3.40 17 8 2.053725111111
1129 Fan Long University of Toronto 23 5 5.62 7 6 1.412111222521112
1129 Christopher Batten Cornell University 23 5 4.70 9 7 1.381313121241112
1129 Yang Wang 0009 Ohio State University 23 6 4.38 10 8 1.343212232112121
1129 Juan Gómez-Luna 23 9 2.61 18 10 1.8322662122
1129 Sameh Elnikety 23 6 4.35 9 7 1.38312212112221111
1129 Scott Rixner Rice University 23 3 7.39 1 3 0.331111211111318
1129 Vivek S. Pai 23 3 7.83 111312158
1129 Shuangchen Li 23 8 3.20 10 8 1.41212543132
1129 Weidong Cui 23 4 5.70 6 6 1.291211113111113221
1129 Jon Crowcroft University of Cambridge 23 5 6.21 1112211239
1129 Francky Catthoor Catholic University of Leuven 23 5 4.51 4 6 0.671211132111
1129 Guang R. Gao University of Delaware 23 3 8.03 111119
1129 Won Woo Ro 23 5 5.42 14 4 3.292711312141
1129 Yepang Liu 0001 SUSTech 23 6 4.37 16 6 2.56262513121
1129 Nadathur Satish 23 7 3.55 2343122411
1129 Alvin M. Despain University of Southern California 23 2 9.20 23
1129 Jingtong Hu 23 6 4.00 11 6 1.79113332361
1129 Cong Xu 23 6 4.12 1 5 0.20123254231
1129 Jacob A. Abraham University of Texas at Austin 23 3 8.12 111119
1129 Hang Liu 0001 Stevens Institute of Technology 23 5 5.50 14 6 2.221343333111
1129 A. Richard Newton University of California 23 3 8.17 23
1129 Edward W. Knightly Rice University 23 4 6.50 5 6 0.901112211123116
1129 Cristina Nita-Rotaru Northeastern University 23 5 4.72 9 5 1.775311332131
1129 Fadel Adib Massachusetts Institute of Technology 23 4 6.57 9 4 2.18414222111311
1129 Vijay Chidambaram University of Texas at Austin 23 6 4.47 13 6 2.671235223221
1129 Krishna P. Gummadi Max Planck Society 23 5 4.88 1 6 0.171121112223214
1129 Michael Schapira Hebrew University of Jerusalem 23 5 4.95 7 7 1.321123222211231
1129 Yi-Chao Chen 0001 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 23 6 3.95 12 8 1.5944211331211
1129 Yingnong Dang 23 12 2.30 13 12 1.07214152422
1129 Patrice Godefroid 23 3 10.74 2 5 0.48111111112131125
1129 Patrick P. C. Lee Chinese University of Hong Kong 23 5 5.38 14 6 2.5712353122112
1129 Elissa M. Redmiles Georgetown University 23 5 5.72 14 5 2.80531412412
1129 Adam J. Aviv George Washington University 23 4 5.51 16 4 3.81234611222
1129 Chris Kanich University of Illinois at Chicago 23 5 4.53 8 4 1.79212211221111321
1129 Yanick Fratantonio 23 5 4.74 7 4 1.83331434311
1129 Gerome Miklau University of Massachusetts Amherst 23 4 6.39 3 4 0.6411114221122212
1129 Yin Yang 0001 Hamad bin Khalifa University 23 5 4.84 7 5 1.41121321411322
1129 Ling Liu 0001 Georgia Institute of Technology 23 4 6.93 2 4 0.45111113131122221
1129 Earl T. Barr University College London 23 4 6.08 6 4 1.581113312512111
1129 Marcus Peinado 23 5 5.16 4 4 1.003114131121212
1129 Jun Luo 0001 Nanyang Technological University 23 5 4.70 20 5 3.9763254111
1129 Eric Bodden Paderborn University 23 4 6.98 4 4 1.2511111124242111
1129 Shuvendu K. Lahiri Microsoft Research 23 4 6.50 7 5 1.43132131114111111
1129 Sang Hyuk Son Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology 23 4 7.20 131216
1129 Amol Deshpande University of Maryland - College Park 23 3 8.57 311112242114
1129 Hong Cheng 0001 Chinese University of Hong Kong 23 4 5.57 6 4 1.371111211124221111
1129 Yanlei Diao University of Massachusetts Amherst 23 4 6.20 4 5 0.7611211221331113
1129 Sourav S. Bhowmick Nanyang Technological University 23 5 5.41 9 6 2.0711342113121111
1129 Felix Naumann Hasso Plattner Institute 23 3 6.70 9 3 2.3911322132221111
1129 Jianzhong Li 0001 Harbin Institute of Technology 23 4 5.43 2 4 0.45112122422114
1129 Yunjun Gao Zhejiang University 23 6 4.13 16 6 2.532724111131
1129 Sudeepa Roy Duke University 23 4 6.78 12 4 3.41152441111111
1129 Jianhua Feng Tsinghua University 23 4 5.77 2 4 0.5011343124121
1129 Serge Abiteboul Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan 23 4 7.08 1121
1129 Zhenjiang Hu Peking University 23 4 6.20 6 4 1.70111321212225
1129 Raymond T. Ng University of British Columbia 23 3 8.03 111218
1129 Hongjun Lu Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 23 3 8.12 320
1129 Jianli Chen 23 7 3.61 18 7 2.7116335311
1129 Tsung-Wei Huang 23 3 6.40 13 4 3.12434221111211
1129 Jürgen Teich University of Erlangen–Nuremberg 23 5 4.91 4 4 1.0313112123112113
1129 Li-C. Wang University of California 23 4 6.73 11211223226
1129 Donald E. Thomas Carnegie Mellon University 23 2 9.11 1121
1129 Zizhong Chen Univ. of California - Riverside 23 6 5.94 6 6 0.86121114341221
1129 Barbara G. Ryder Virginia Tech 23 3 8.90 1211117
1129 Jeff Kramer Imperial College London 23 3 8.48 111111215
1129 Klaus Ostermann University of Tübingen 23 3 7.38 6 4 1.6212322121211113
1129 Yuriy Brun University of Massachusetts Amherst 23 4 7.08 8 3 2.6112232111321211
1214 Amer Diwan University of Colorado 22 3 7.07 2 5 0.402111311129
1214 Mingyu Gao 0001 Tsinghua University 22 5 5.04 17 4 3.87473211112
1214 Brendan Saltaformaggio Georgia Institute of Technology 22 6 3.84 12 6 1.9932151211231
1214 Xue Lin Northeastern University 22 8 3.39 11 8 1.4013342122112
1214 Yungang Bao Chinese Academy of Sciences 22 7 3.55 13 7 1.86431321111311
1214 Santosh Nagarakatte Rutgers University 22 3 7.67 6 2 2.42231112222312
1214 Dmitry V. Ponomarev Binghamton University 22 4 5.88 2 6 0.33111133121111113
1214 Ardalan Amiri Sani Univ. of California - Irvine 22 5 6.04 11 5 2.3613322133121
1214 Dan R. K. Ports 22 6 3.88 12 7 1.741233311121211
1214 Robert N. M. Watson University of Cambridge 22 9 2.95 5 12 0.382124224311
1214 Zhi Wang 0004 Florida State University 22 5 4.64 7 7 1.092142111113131
1214 David Lie University of Toronto 22 3 6.70 7 3 1.96114111121112113
1214 Mark Oskin University of Washington 22 5 4.74 4 12 0.371111221121216
1214 Paul Gratz Texas A&M University 22 6 4.62 8 6 1.932332111222111
1214 Tae Jun Ham Seoul National University 22 7 3.32 16 8 2.132773111
1214 Xing Hu 0001 Chinese Academy of Sciences 22 9 2.51 14 12 1.3352133431
1214 Tianshi Chen 0002 Cambricon Technologies 22 10 2.43 9 14 0.68431111233111
1214 Timothy M. Jones 0001 University of Cambridge 22 4 6.55 11 3 3.6111135112121111
1214 Pedro Fonseca 0001 Purdue University 22 4 5.47 13 4 3.32246121111111
1214 Iulian Neamtiu NJIT 22 4 6.87 3 4 0.8311132212311211
1214 Emina Torlak Amazon Web Services 22 4 6.49 2 4 0.501124361121
1214 Michael D. Smith 0001 Harvard University 22 3 6.69 121117
1214 P. Madhusudan Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 22 3 6.55 3 5 0.871112212212211111
1214 Osman S. Unsal 22 6 3.90 6 8 0.721221132112222
1214 Ronghui Gu Columbia University 22 6 3.83 14 6 2.392145221131
1214 Anirudh Sivaraman New York University 22 6 4.25 12 6 2.5012324132121
1214 Christopher J. Hughes 22 5 4.85 6 6 0.86112211122126
1214 Sudhanva Gurumurthi 22 5 5.02 5 6 0.762211121212214
1214 Akash Kumar 0001 Ruhr-University Bochum 22 4 5.74 10 4 2.8723412114121
1214 John Regehr University of Utah 22 4 7.57 3 4 0.781211112211216
1214 Glenn Reinman Univ. of California - Los Angeles 22 4 5.39 1 5 0.20111311113216
1214 Naveen Muralimanohar 22 5 4.66 1224432211
1214 David H. Albonesi Cornell University 22 4 7.19 3 6 0.5331111114
1214 Hasan Hassan 22 8 3.12 11 8 1.4812443431
1214 A. Giray Yaglikçi ETH Zürich 22 8 2.74 18 8 2.2971343211
1214 Sherief Reda Brown University 22 3 7.52 3 3 1.0011112112321132
1214 J. Ramanujam Louisiana State University 22 6 5.74 12111112111
1214 Ingrid Verbauwhede KU Leuven 22 4 5.62 7 4 1.82312111221125
1214 Adam Wierman California Institute of Technology 22 5 4.80 14 6 2.79142252111111
1214 Barton P. Miller University of Wisconsin - Madison 22 2 8.81 1 2 0.5011111116
1214 Danyang Zhuo Duke University 22 7 3.35 19 7 2.915353312
1214 Amar Phanishayee 22 5 4.44 8 4 2.04122322221221
1214 Brian D. Noble University of Michigan 22 3 7.13 212123110
1214 Yongguang Zhang 22 6 4.70 1 9 0.111143114124
1214 Haitham Hassanieh EPFL 22 5 4.75 10 5 1.9541321511211
1214 Changhoon Kim 22 7 3.32 6 8 0.71132113313211
1214 Matthew Caesar 0001 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 22 5 5.03 1 5 0.201113222311122
1214 Manya Ghobadi Massachusetts Institute of Technology 22 6 3.98 11 6 1.861224221221111
1214 Ramachandran Ramjee 22 5 4.49 4 6 0.652111111222413
1214 Aruna Balasubramanian Stony Brook University 22 4 5.37 5 4 1.0911214131112121
1214 Anthony Rowe 0001 Carnegie Mellon University 22 4 5.46 7 5 1.433133122111211
1214 Arun Venkataramani University of Massachusetts Amherst 22 5 5.25 1 3 0.33122233432
1214 Karthikeyan Sundaresan Georgia Institute of Technology 22 5 5.58 5 5 1.3522111112231131
1214 Srinath T. V. Setty 22 5 4.49 7 5 1.40111132132322
1214 Wei Meng 0001 Chinese University of Hong Kong 22 4 6.37 15 3 5.2354321111121
1214 Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy Univ. of California - Riverside 22 6 3.98 8 8 1.112222421111121
1214 Tong Yang 0003 Peking University 22 7 3.18 15 7 2.09143524111
1214 Wenchao Zhou Georgetown University 22 6 3.90 7 9 1.01122114221222
1214 Taejoong Chung Virginia Tech 22 7 3.54 12 6 2.01423124123
1214 Mauro Pezzè Università della Svizzera italiana 22 3 6.85 1 4 0.2511233213114
1214 Jun (Jim) Xu Georgia Institute of Technology 22 5 5.24 4 4 0.87112131331114
1214 Nick G. Duffield Texas A&M University 22 4 6.49 1 10 0.101112312227
1214 Edward A. Lee Univ. of California - Berkeley 22 4 8.05 11323331113
1214 Dan Pei Tsinghua University 22 9 3.05 10 12 0.841313212111123
1214 Zubair Shafiq Univ. of California - Davis 22 5 5.17 16 5 3.65443321311
1214 Eran Tromer Tel Aviv University 22 4 5.94 9 5 1.903321111312112
1214 Bihuan Chen 0001 Fudan University 22 6 4.11 10 6 1.72314232421
1214 Ting Chen 0002 UESTC 22 7 3.36 16 8 2.197512112111
1214 Marcel Böhme Max Planck Society 22 4 6.92 15 4 4.774322412112
1214 Zhemin Yang Fudan University 22 7 3.13 13 7 1.84224514121
1214 Jeyavijayan Rajendran Texas A&M University 22 5 4.39 13 6 2.374441141111
1214 Stefan Mangard Graz University of Technology 22 6 4.35 10 5 1.983421331311
1214 Xiaofei Xie Singapore Management University 22 7 3.10 16 8 2.17361333111
1214 Dong Deng 0001 Rutgers University 22 4 6.30 7 3 2.56231121232212
1214 Nan Zhang 0004 Pennsylvania State University 22 4 5.74 111242224111
1214 Paolo Papotti EURECOM 22 6 4.58 3 4 0.731211126131111
1214 Julian Dolby 22 4 6.59 2 7 0.311111612211113
1214 C. Mohan 0001 Tsinghua University 22 2 12.93 121
1214 David F. Bacon Google 22 4 5.37 131213218
1214 Bing Li 0005 Technical University of Munich 22 5 4.90 9 6 1.57322232311111
1214 Weikang Qian 22 4 5.89 13 5 3.10134231112211
1214 Subhasish Mitra Stanford University 22 6 4.60 6 8 0.76331112212411
1214 Haoxing Ren 22 4 4.79 15 5 3.0924522111121
1214 Melvin A. Breuer University of Southern California 22 2 10.67 121
1214 Petru Eles Linköping University 22 4 5.47 1 4 0.251112122322113
1214 Nobuko Yoshida Imperial College London 22 3 8.28 6 4 1.6124411121123
1214 Ali Mesbah 0001 University of British Columbia 22 3 7.77 5 3 1.9222133223112
1301 Tony Nowatzki Univ. of California - Los Angeles 21 4 5.26 11 5 2.392522313111
1301 Sang Lyul Min Seoul National University 21 5 5.07 121116
1301 Jonathan M. McCune 21 5 4.89 1313333112
1301 Adrian Sampson Cornell University 21 4 4.43 10 5 1.932114211311211
1301 Alaa R. Alameldeen Simon Fraser University 21 5 5.09 3 7 0.3521121131111114
1301 Cliff Young 21 9 3.83 4 13 0.4211211113217
1301 Gaetano Borriello University of Washington 21 3 7.30 111117
1301 Kourosh Gharachorloo 21 4 4.89 120
1301 Ryan Newton Indiana University 21 5 4.61 4 7 0.5622222223121
1301 Heming Cui University of Hong Kong 21 8 3.17 12 9 1.393621212112
1301 Youngsok Kim Yonsei University 21 6 3.62 11 6 1.8124221231112
1301 Haikun Liu HUST 21 7 3.36 13 8 1.635341211211
1301 Trevor E. Carlson National University of Singapore 21 4 5.96 14 3 4.4544321111211
1301 James R. Goodman University of Auckland 21 3 9.31 120
1301 Hermann Härtig TU Dresden 21 4 5.53 6 9 0.8022231112115
1301 Engin Ipek Microsoft Research 21 4 6.25 2 8 0.2811212122122211
1301 Yu Feng 0001 Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 21 5 4.83 11 5 2.41451122411
1301 Dimin Niu 21 7 3.26 8 9 0.981421111111223
1301 Gilles Muller 21 5 4.58 6 6 0.921232211111123
1301 Pramod Bhatotia TU Munich 21 5 4.08 11 5 2.092243232111
1301 John Shalf Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 21 6 3.70 4 5 0.77131111221422
1301 Simone Campanoni Northwestern University 21 6 3.65 13 6 2.0952213121211
1301 Mohammad Sadrosadati 21 9 2.43 17 9 1.91546114
1301 Maciej Besta ETH Zürich 21 6 4.44 10 12 1.0014323111221
1301 Amir Roth 21 3 9.08 1121259
1301 Mohit Tiwari 21 6 4.07 1 6 0.171322411421
1301 Siddhartha Sen 0001 Microsoft Research New York City 21 5 4.88 10 4 2.50131321331111
1301 Patrick Eugster Università della Svizzera italiana 21 4 6.28 7 5 1.604311221111112
1301 Grigore Rosu Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 21 3 7.47 3 5 0.901211412321111
1301 Mengjia Yan 0001 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 21 5 4.37 12 5 2.50134134311
1301 Baishakhi Ray Columbia University 21 5 4.24 12 5 2.06223231112121
1301 Henk Corporaal Eindhoven University of Technology 21 4 5.86 2 10 0.21111133137
1301 Tianwei Zhang 0004 Nanyang Technological University 21 7 3.38 20 7 2.8813431
1301 Marco Canini KAUST 21 6 3.62 12 7 2.0252321211112
1301 Kaustav Banerjee University of California 21 3 7.01 1221519
1301 Michel Dubois 0001 University of Southern California 21 2 8.18 111117
1301 Loris D'Antoni Univ. of California - San Diego 21 4 6.36 7 4 2.001123117122
1301 Thomas Ball 0001 Microsoft Research 21 3 6.97 221112210
1301 Laurie J. Hendren McGill University 21 3 7.13 1212213
1301 Ryan Stutsman University of Utah 21 6 4.07 6 8 1.131122252312
1301 Ethan L. Miller Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 21 4 5.95 1 5 0.201311223125
1301 Chaitali Chakrabarti 21 6 4.60 3 8 0.35111122221233
1301 Guihai Chen Shanghai Jiao Tong University 21 9 2.76 18 10 1.956642111
1301 Saibal Mukhopadhyay Georgia Institute of Technology 21 4 5.54 5 4 1.431411221131112
1301 Sungjoo Yoo Seoul National University 21 4 5.00 1 49 0.02112222231113
1301 Matt Welsh Harvard University 21 5 5.40 112231128
1301 Paolo Ienne EPFL 21 3 6.48 2 3 0.7511112123216
1301 David A. Padua Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 21 3 6.31 111117
1301 Dennis Gannon Indiana University 21 4 5.83 11118
1301 Ju Ren 0001 Tsinghua University 21 7 3.15 21 7 3.1595511
1301 Zaoxing Liu University of Maryland - College Park 21 6 4.15 16 5 3.3544332311
1301 Guobin Shen 21 6 3.96 3 6 0.471111173312
1301 Yuanjie Li Tsinghua University 21 7 3.11 10 10 1.2032131222311
1301 Sanjay G. Rao Purdue University 21 5 4.07 9 5 1.7923121122111112
1301 T. S. Eugene Ng Rice University 21 6 5.17 7 6 1.245211111414
1301 Hongxin Hu University at Buffalo 21 6 4.02 16 6 2.7354223221
1301 Balachander Krishnamurthy AT&T Inc 21 4 5.72 2211141126
1301 Limin Jia 0001 Carnegie Mellon University 21 4 5.14 7 3 2.031421212221111
1301 Yuan He 0004 Tsinghua University 21 6 3.58 12 6 2.061341311111211
1301 J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 21 2 9.58 120
1301 Arvind Narayanan Princeton University 21 5 5.17 5 10 0.61212112211121112
1301 David S. Rosenblum George Mason University 21 3 7.51 1 7 0.1411221111236
1301 Roy H. Campbell Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 21 3 6.55 1 3 0.331111113111
1301 Ting Yu 0001 MBZUAI 21 5 5.19 6 6 0.951122112111116
1301 Aseem Rastogi 21 7 3.22 10 7 1.372442131121
1301 Juraj Somorovsky Paderborn University 21 6 5.12 8 6 1.2812122231211111
1301 Abhi Shelat Northeastern University 21 4 6.09 3 5 0.56111332312211
1301 Ivan Martinovic University of Oxford 21 5 5.15 9 5 2.0321423221211
1301 Nitesh Saxena Texas A&M University 21 4 5.67 8 7 1.55251112213111
1301 Pierangela Samarati University of Milan 21 4 5.83 1111116
1301 Stephen Chong Harvard University 21 3 7.29 3 3 1.171112311221123
1301 Xuhong Zhang 0002 Zhejiang University 21 8 2.73 20 8 2.4855641
1301 Giuseppe Ateniese George Mason University 21 3 7.09 7 4 1.9521311113134
1301 Lujo Bauer Carnegie Mellon University 21 6 4.19 7 5 1.594211122112121
1301 Aviel D. Rubin Johns Hopkins University 21 3 8.15 1 4 0.2511111214
1301 Eric Wustrow University of Colorado Boulder 21 5 4.61 8 5 1.561113241121112
1301 Alexandros Kapravelos North Carolina State University 21 6 4.66 11 5 2.38311422111221
1301 Yuan Tian 0001 Univ. of California - Los Angeles 21 6 3.59 13 8 2.28422233212
1301 Kartik Nayak Duke University 21 5 4.55 16 4 3.56262421121
1301 Yuekang Li UNSW 21 9 2.62 16 9 1.9253323311
1301 Wolfgang Kunz TU Kaiserslautern 21 4 6.60 7 6 1.2412112111128
1301 Deliang Fan Arizona State University 21 4 5.35 16 4 3.69412541211
1301 Li Li 0029 Beihang University 21 6 3.91 16 5 3.3142532311
1301 Rongxin Wu Xiamen University 21 6 3.67 10 6 1.691322243112
1301 Zhewei Wei Renmin University of China 21 6 3.96 12 6 2.441134322212
1301 Alexandra Meliou University of Massachusetts Amherst 21 3 6.52 7 5 1.651213222221111
1301 Jorge-Arnulfo Quiané-Ruiz 21 5 4.73 8 4 2.2812513131121
1301 Flip Korn 21 4 5.44 1211121111
1301 Patrick Valduriez INRIA 21 3 8.00 11316
1301 Nick Roussopoulos University of Maryland - College Park 21 2 9.25 21
1301 S. Muthukrishnan 0001 Rutgers University 21 4 6.08 11415
1301 Hussam Amrouch TU Munich 21 5 3.88 14 6 2.37417211131
1301 Sani R. Nassif 21 4 5.23 211232235
1301 C. L. Liu 0001 National Cheng Kung University 21 2 8.70 21
1301 Enrico Macii 21 5 4.73 3 8 0.42111111114
1301 Hyoseung Kim 0001 Univ. of California - Riverside 21 4 6.27 12 4 2.9412162311211
1301 Song Han 0002 University of Connecticut 21 5 4.65 13 5 3.02241511121111
1301 David Garlan Carnegie Mellon University 21 3 6.66 4 5 0.8911111111112
1301 Gabriel Parmer George Washington University 21 4 6.36 7 5 1.76131212112112111
1301 Milos Gligoric 0001 University of Texas at Austin 21 4 4.55 8 4 1.68121223231211
1301 Geoffrey C. Fox University of Virginia 21 4 6.17 318
1301 William G. Griswold University of California 21 3 7.56 12111213
1301 Brad A. Myers Carnegie Mellon University 21 3 7.43 5 4 1.23221111113215
1301 Sunghun Kim 0001 HKUST 21 4 6.52 21222512211
1301 Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira University of Hong Kong 21 3 7.37 8 3 2.831313111142111
1301 David Van Horn University of Maryland - College Park 21 3 7.21 3 3 1.081222123112211
1301 Chung-Kil Hur Seoul National University 21 5 4.53 7 6 1.2711231231211111
1301 Victor R. Basili University of Maryland 21 3 8.57 11118
1301 Lori A. Clarke University of Massachusetts Amherst 21 3 7.51 2217
1301 Audris Mockus University of Tennessee 21 3 8.34 3 3 0.831111221221115
1301 Shahar Maoz Tel Aviv University 21 2 8.26 8 2 2.8923111122211211
1301 Emerson R. Murphy-Hill North Carolina State University 21 4 5.24 4 7 0.58111122113221111
1413 Michael Carbin Massachusetts Institute of Technology 20 4 5.15 10 4 2.8215411111311
1413 Ninghui Sun Chinese Academy of Sciences 20 6 3.32 5 8 0.63131213231111
1413 Daniel Lustig Nvidia Corporation 20 4 5.05 6 5 1.2711313231212
1413 Vinod Ganapathy IISc Bangalore 20 4 5.51 5 3 1.6711121112121231
1413 Vasileios P. Kemerlis Brown University 20 5 4.57 9 5 2.174321122113
1413 Jihong Kim 0001 Seoul National University 20 5 4.18 6 6 1.081121122221113
1413 Wenbo Shen Zhejiang University 20 7 3.15 14 7 2.09463111121
1413 Angelos Bilas University of Crete 20 4 5.34 4 4 0.91111111111110
1413 Steve Blackburn 20 4 5.17 2 6 0.46211122211115
1413 Guangming Tan Chinese Academy of Sciences 20 5 3.57 12 7 1.803451111121
1413 H. T. Kung 0001 Harvard University 20 3 8.20 2 4 0.58112115
1413 Hao Chen 0003 Univ. of California - Davis 20 3 6.60 2 5 0.4011111121122114
1413 James Tuck 0001 North Carolina State University 20 4 5.71 5 3 1.53112124211122
1413 Arrvindh Shriraman Simon Fraser University 20 4 5.04 3 4 0.7011112122321111
1413 Hamid Sarbazi-Azad Sharif University of Technology 20 4 5.13 9 6 1.92223111211312
1413 Stelios Sidiroglou-Douskos 20 5 4.18 1521222212
1413 Chunqiang Tang 20 11 3.47 15 13 1.17552211112
1413 Gang Huang 0001 Peking University 20 7 2.81 14 8 1.843422311211
1413 Feng Qin Ohio State University 20 5 4.18 1 5 0.2011122121111222
1413 Mahesh Balakrishnan 0001 Confluent 20 6 3.71 5 13 0.462121113113211
1413 Manuel Costa Microsoft Research 20 6 3.84 2 15 0.131113221221121
1413 Michael B. Taylor University of Washington 20 6 5.82 8 6 1.9012412111412
1413 Wei Lin 0016 Alibaba Group 20 9 2.52 12 10 1.353331211213
1413 Todd Mytkowicz Microsoft Corporation 20 4 4.51 4 8 0.601323331121
1413 Song Jiang 0001 University of Texas at Arlington 20 5 5.05 3 4 0.70122212212212
1413 Joshua San Miguel University of Wisconsin - Madison 20 4 5.80 9 5 2.38141331322
1413 Michael Pellauer 20 6 3.65 7 6 1.21132132221111
1413 Ashvin Goel University of Toronto 20 4 5.59 5 3 1.701121211121111112
1413 Jonathan M. Smith University of Pennsylvania 20 4 5.08 142211126
1413 Bo Yuan 0001 Rutgers University 20 6 3.46 13 5 2.4124331313
1413 G. Ramalingam Microsoft Research 20 3 7.85 121311110
1413 Yu David Liu Binghamton University 20 3 7.19 6 5 1.5222111122311111
1413 Manish Parashar University of Utah 20 4 4.86 1 6 0.171113121226
1413 Kaushik Veeraraghavan 20 8 2.98 4 18 0.231211212322111
1413 Sangho Lee 0001 Microsoft Research 20 4 5.49 6 4 2.233213241211
1413 Cristian Cadar Imperial College London 20 4 6.11 1 4 0.25151111212221
1413 Vilas Sridharan 20 5 4.46 4 6 0.6012142212311
1413 Ana Klimovic ETH Zurich 20 6 4.03 12 6 2.353224114111
1413 Zhihao Jia Carnegie Mellon University 20 8 2.73 15 10 1.83454211111
1413 Ming-Chang Yang Chinese University of Hong Kong 20 4 5.24 14 4 3.65722211212
1413 Donghyuk Lee 20 7 3.03 2 7 0.311112721221
1413 Alexander V. Veidenbaum Univ. of California - Irvine 20 4 6.55 1 5 0.2011112212
1413 Sangyeun Cho Samsung 20 4 5.54 2 8 0.251133112111212
1413 Liang Shi 20 6 3.53 11 6 1.901322312321
1413 Rajeev Motwani 0001 Stanford University 20 4 5.67 218
1413 Xuan Zhang 0001 Harvard University 20 6 3.39 15 6 2.5124513131
1413 John Wilkes Google 20 4 6.57 2 10 0.222121113
1413 Zheng Zhang 0001 New York University Shanghai 20 6 4.62 1 10 0.101111116116
1413 Lee-Sup Kim 20 4 4.99 11 4 3.0311252411111
1413 Hans-Juergen Boehm Google 20 2 13.27 1 1 1.001111111112
1413 Katerina J. Argyraki EPFL 20 4 5.50 6 3 1.921221322211111
1413 Kannan Srinivasan 0001 Ohio State University 20 4 4.97 2 4 0.701122123211211
1413 Deepak Vasisht Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 20 4 4.75 14 4 3.303442111211
1413 Alberto Dainotti Georgia Institute of Technology 20 6 3.55 11 6 1.77133222121111
1413 Natacha Crooks Univ. of California - Berkeley 20 6 3.17 13 6 2.0526231321
1413 Hitesh Ballani 20 4 5.05 2 8 0.29111323221211
1413 Zhuotao Liu Tsinghua University 20 8 2.93 17 7 2.47763121
1413 Alex X. Liu Michigan State University 20 4 4.54 4 10 0.432111333132
1413 Jiesheng Wu 20 14 1.86 16 16 1.254822112
1413 Sampath Rangarajan 20 5 4.68 2 6 0.372111112321131
1413 Yang Richard Yang Yale University 20 5 4.07 1 6 0.171213331213
1413 Konstantinos Karanasos 20 7 3.19 10 8 1.4333221312111
1413 Ori Lahav 0001 Tel Aviv University 20 4 6.01 10 3 3.462143313111
1413 Sang Kil Cha KAIST 20 4 5.46 8 4 2.28413211121112
1413 Phillip A. Porras SRI International 20 4 5.22 3 5 0.62111121411115
1413 Mark Crovella Boston University 20 3 6.54 1 6 0.171121312216
1413 Paul Hudak Yale University 20 2 8.45 11117
1413 Theodore Johnson AT&T Inc 20 4 6.95 2112212
1413 Mark Allman 20 4 7.35 1 1 1.00122212112213
1413 Yousra Aafer University of Waterloo 20 6 3.94 11 6 2.35224314121
1413 Ian Miers University of Maryland - College Park 20 4 5.78 7 4 1.65122113132121
1413 Blase Ur University of Chicago 20 7 2.96 9 7 1.50231214211111
1413 Georgios Portokalidis IMDEA Software Institute 20 4 4.76 6 5 1.102211111224111
1413 Nicholas Hopper University of Minnesota 20 3 6.09 2 6 0.311122721211
1413 Marco Gaboardi Boston University 20 5 4.88 5 4 1.3322131332111
1413 Xiaokuan Zhang George Mason University 20 6 3.99 15 7 2.7964221122
1413 Paul C. van Oorschot Carleton University 20 3 8.03 11122111136
1413 Aggelos Kiayias University of Edinburgh 20 3 6.21 7 3 2.061131121132211
1413 Ralf Küsters University of Stuttgart 20 3 6.55 6 6 1.181321121212121
1413 Ting Su 0001 East China Normal University 20 7 3.32 10 8 1.561313243111
1413 Rahul Chatterjee 0001 University of Wisconsin - Madison 20 5 3.78 11 5 2.08145141112
1413 Moritz Lipp Amazon Web Services 20 6 3.36 10 6 1.851513442
1413 Sven Bugiel CISPA Helmholtz Center 20 4 5.23 6 4 1.82113132231111
1413 Andrew D. Gordon 0001 Microsoft Research 20 3 6.63 13121129
1413 Zhuo Zhang 0002 Purdue University 20 6 3.39 18 6 3.05652412
1413 Martin Johns TU Braunschweig 20 4 5.22 10 4 2.8033121131212
1413 Giancarlo Pellegrino CISPA Helmholtz Center 20 4 6.27 11 3 4.2842122321111
1413 Atul Prakash 0001 University of Michigan 20 3 6.54 4 4 0.8711111322116
1413 Jin Song Dong National University of Singapore 20 6 3.72 13 7 2.002424111212
1413 Chris Hawblitzel 20 6 4.16 5 10 0.5721212112221111
1413 Jan Hoffmann 0002 Carnegie Mellon University 20 3 6.57 8 3 2.781522331111
1413 Tianzheng Wang 0001 Simon Fraser University 20 4 4.96 12 4 2.681351211231
1413 Ugur Çetintemel Brown University 20 5 4.54 3 7 0.4331131112124
1413 Jens Dittrich Saarland University 20 3 5.96 2 2 0.8311112121311122
1413 Zhifeng Bao RMIT University 20 4 4.55 13 4 2.87214332221
1413 Kenneth Salem University of Waterloo 20 4 6.25 1 5 0.201121211112115
1413 Abolfazl Asudeh University of Illinois at Chicago 20 4 5.33 10 4 2.95113323313
1413 Yeye He 20 3 7.15 8 3 2.65213213221111
1413 Zachary G. Ives University of Pennsylvania 20 4 5.92 3 2 1.3312111121311113
1413 Ge Yu 0001 Northeastern University 20 6 3.51 10 8 1.30323112112211
1413 Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 20 3 6.35 1 6 0.17111214226
1413 Wenyuan Yu 20 8 2.97 14 8 1.7414441111111
1413 Clement T. Yu University of Illinois at Chicago 20 4 6.31 21314
1413 Chakib Ben Njima 20 5 3.94 18 6 3.351033211
1413 Luciano Lavagno 20 4 5.10 20
1413 Xunzhao Yin Zhejiang University 20 6 3.28 18 6 2.874155311
1413 Luca Daniel Massachusetts Institute of Technology 20 3 7.53 1 4 0.251112213234
1413 Radu Marculescu Carnegie Mellon University 20 3 6.93 2 3 0.67112112111
1413 Vishwani D. Agrawal 20 3 8.03 20
1413 Dian Zhou 20 6 3.56 10 6 1.554121213123
1413 Massimo Poncino 20 5 4.54 2 7 0.29111112112
1413 Masahiro Fujita 20 4 6.35 121214
1413 Saurabh Sinha Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 20 5 4.52 3 6 0.521111221221213
1413 Krishnendu Chatterjee IST Austria 20 4 5.17 6 5 1.30424312211
1413 Abhinav Bhatele University of Maryland - College Park 20 5 4.26 3 5 0.6211123313221
1413 Todd Gamblin Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 20 6 3.47 4 5 0.83121213232111
1413 Hongseok Yang KAIST 20 4 5.36 3 4 0.7111111121421211
1413 Jonathan Aldrich Carnegie Mellon University 20 4 6.47 4 4 1.00131212121123
1413 Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami University of Cambridge 20 2 8.60 6 2 2.172112311132111
1413 Ondrej Lhoták University of Waterloo 20 3 7.10 4 2 1.534142112122
1413 Sam Tobin-Hochstadt Indiana University 20 4 5.63 2 4 0.58113111225111
1413 Richard N. Taylor University of California 20 3 6.93 11112113
1413 Sam Malek Univ. of California - Irvine 20 3 6.60 5 3 1.831112233211111
1413 Rocco Oliveto University of Molise 20 6 3.27 6 6 0.963121124141
1413 Anita Sarma Oregon State University 20 4 4.50 12 6 2.242312411111111
1538 Ali JavadiAbhari 19 6 3.22 13 6 2.32334122211
1538 Mingxing Zhang 19 6 2.98 8 7 1.0834123321
1538 Jean-Loup Baer University of Washington 19 2 7.16 19
1538 Jongse Park KAIST 19 6 2.97 8 7 1.16431214211
1538 Jisung Park 0001 POSTECH 19 8 2.59 16 8 2.0331642111
1538 Lois Orosa 0001 Galicia Supercomputing Center (CESGA) 19 8 2.37 14 8 1.63365221
1538 Rob Johnson 0001 VMware Research 19 7 2.83 8 8 0.961111412112211
1538 Sudarsun Kannan Rutgers University 19 5 4.53 12 6 2.75231333211
1538 Xun Jian 0002 Virginia Tech 19 4 5.00 9 5 1.87313111212112
1538 Ting Cao 19 7 2.85 16 7 2.296352111
1538 Zidong Du 19 10 1.86 12 12 1.025321111221
1538 Hakim Weatherspoon Cornell University 19 6 3.80 3 6 0.422122221111112
1538 Andreas Pavlogiannis Aarhus University 19 4 6.27 11 4 4.07433122121
1538 Cheng-Zhong Xu 0001 University of Macau 19 5 4.87 10 5 2.094421112121
1538 Mengwei Xu BUPT 19 6 3.19 17 7 2.79832312
1538 Youfeng Wu 19 5 5.50 2112211216
1538 Hong Wang 0003 Intel Santa Clara 19 5 3.76 3112219
1538 Jie Zhang 0048 Peking University 19 7 4.03 14 7 2.81923131
1538 Yinlong Xu USTC 19 6 3.21 15 7 2.2326241112
1538 Arif Merchant 19 5 4.23 5 6 0.88113211111313
1538 Eiman Ebrahimi 19 6 3.38 4 8 0.492232311212
1538 Nikos Hardavellas Northwestern University 19 6 3.52 6 8 0.9523111111111212
1538 Jan Reineke 0001 Saarland University 19 3 6.45 6 3 2.15221131211221
1538 Boris Köpf IMDEA Software Institute 19 4 5.22 11 5 2.2733113122111
1538 Robert P. Dick University of Michigan 19 5 4.74 12362113
1538 Hong Mei 0001 Peking University 19 6 3.93 2 6 0.31223233211
1538 Kapil Vaswani 19 4 4.54 3 12 0.351111222111312
1538 Minesh Patel Rutgers University 19 8 2.84 13 9 1.74166321
1538 Pengfei Zuo 19 6 3.66 15 6 2.6334233121
1538 Shimin Chen Chinese Academy of Sciences 19 4 6.25 7 3 2.23123111141112
1538 Weng-Fai Wong National University of Singapore 19 4 4.69 5 6 0.782311211314
1538 Xiaolin Xu 0001 Northeastern University 19 4 4.89 15 4 3.81443311111
1538 Michael B. Sullivan 0001 NVIDIA 19 5 3.91 7 5 1.2312211142212
1538 Hung-Wei Tseng 0001 Univ. of California - Riverside 19 3 6.01 8 3 2.6222222221112
1538 Yuzhe Ma 19 6 3.72 16 6 3.123423412
1538 Ranga Vemuri University of Cincinnati 19 2 7.70 121213
1538 Yehea I. Ismail American University in Cairo 19 3 6.93 32410
1538 Marilyn Wolf University of Nebraska-Lincoln 19 2 9.45 1 2 0.501117
1538 Mor Harchol-Balter Carnegie Mellon University 19 3 5.42 8 4 2.05441321211
1538 Richard W. Vuduc Georgia Institute of Technology 19 5 4.16 4 6 0.6321122112421
1538 Christopher D. Gill Washington University in St. Louis 19 6 3.75 2 7 0.291112212121122
1538 Xiaorui Wang Ohio State University 19 4 5.09 31131212221
1538 Robert B. Ross Argonne National Laboratory 19 7 3.02 3 7 0.4211111121221311
1538 Seda Ogrenci Memik Northwestern University 19 4 6.28 111133414
1538 K. K. Ramakrishnan Univ. of California - Riverside 19 4 5.99 3 5 0.6631112218
1538 Michael T. Niemier University of Notre Dame 19 6 3.30 7 6 1.04221222111113
1538 David M. Ungar 19 2 8.48 19
1538 Lionel M. Ni HKUST 19 3 6.90 111115
1538 Lakshminarayanan Subramanian New York University 19 4 4.59 1 7 0.141121232124
1538 Jay Lepreau University of Utah 19 5 3.86 212113
1538 Farnam Jahanian Carnegie Mellon University 19 3 6.68 3111211
1538 Ali Ghodsi 0002 University of California 19 6 3.16 1 21 0.05111322522
1538 Andy Warfield Amazon Web Services 19 6 3.46 2 13 0.1511121221311111
1538 Haya Schulmann Goethe University Frankfurt 19 4 5.26 15 4 3.8643341121
1538 Robert Beverly 19 4 6.21 7 3 2.202321211112111
1538 Panos Kalnis KAUST 19 4 4.48 1 10 0.101131112122112
1538 Joseph Bonneau New York University 19 5 5.37 7 5 1.4632211622
1538 Jiliang Wang Tsinghua University 19 5 4.13 13 5 2.893313311121
1538 Lei Yang 0025 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 19 5 4.14 12 5 2.4944211111121
1538 Yinglian Xie Microsoft Research 19 5 4.19 1252321111
1538 Bodhi Priyantha 19 5 4.28 1 12 0.081111422124
1538 Qian Wang 0002 Wuhan University 19 7 2.71 14 8 1.9763412111
1538 Vincent Lenders armasuisse 19 5 4.10 11 4 2.423131313121
1538 Edmund M. Clarke Carnegie Mellon University 19 4 6.91 1117
1538 Brian Neil Levine University of Massachusetts Amherst 19 3 6.07 3 4 1.003111233113
1538 Amr Sabry Indiana University 19 3 7.08 4 4 1.332111111119
1538 Matthew Smith 0001 University of Bonn 19 5 3.98 4 4 1.08111122341111
1538 Yuval Ishai Technion 19 4 4.43 9 5 1.8432313121111
1538 Paul Pearce Georgia Institute of Technology 19 6 4.19 11 4 3.054231111411
1538 Justin Hsu Cornell University 19 5 4.59 7 4 1.78223322212
1538 Christian Kreibich 19 7 3.60 11114421121
1538 Zhan Qin Zhejiang University 19 7 3.04 15 7 2.4692221111
1538 Jinyuan Jia 0001 Penn State University 19 4 5.22 16 4 4.184443121
1538 Nadia Heninger Univ. of California - San Diego 19 5 3.95 7 5 1.442113113121111
1538 Rob Jansen 19 3 5.70 4 3 1.25121131122311
1538 Kasper Bonne Rasmussen University of Oxford 19 4 5.87 3 3 1.1733122121121
1538 George Danezis Microsoft Research 19 4 6.05 2 8 0.331121231113111
1538 Ziming Zhao 0001 Northeastern University 19 6 3.69 13 6 2.455312221111
1538 Kassem Fawaz University of Wisconsin - Madison 19 4 4.87 12 4 2.5425221111121
1538 Michel van Eeten Delft University of Technology 19 5 3.76 13 5 2.59453121111
1538 Yan Cai 0001 Chinese Academy of Sciences 19 5 5.12 9 5 1.86231211123111
1538 Feng Yuan 19 4 5.26 3362311
1538 Kevin Moran University of Central Florida 19 5 3.61 13 6 2.374131412111
1538 Tevfik Bultan Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 19 3 6.79 4 4 1.0822112121211111
1538 Guojie Luo Peking University 19 5 4.86 13 5 3.22434211211
1538 Wang Chiew Tan Meta 19 4 4.96 5 5 1.0911311211111212
1538 Alekh Jindal SmartApps 19 7 3.14 9 8 1.12153311311
1538 Man Lung Yiu The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 19 4 5.63 2 4 0.5311141121121111
1538 Lu Chen 0001 Zhejiang University 19 6 3.17 15 6 2.47162511111
1538 Christopher Olston Carnegie Mellon University 19 3 5.46 11225116
1538 Jian Tan 19 7 3.10 10 7 1.3563123112
1538 Ada Wai-Chee Fu Chinese University of Hong Kong 19 4 5.00 1 5 0.20111213212311
1538 Ahmed K. Elmagarmid Qatar Computing Research Institute 19 4 4.58 2 5 0.421111222117
1538 Mingxuan Yuan 19 7 3.13 13 8 1.891932112
1538 Guoren Wang 19 6 3.41 16 6 2.7154421111
1538 Yingxia Shao BUPT 19 5 3.88 10 6 1.682222222122
1538 Sang-Won Lee 0001 Sungkyunkwan University 19 4 4.98 8 4 2.0333111121111111
1538 Sunita Sarawagi IIT Bombay 19 2 9.68 2 3 0.6721111112
1538 Bernhard Seeger University of Marburg 19 3 7.06 1 3 0.33111115
1538 Nadia Polikarpova Univ. of California - San Diego 19 5 4.02 15 6 2.7411265211
1538 Shao-Yun Fang 19 3 6.53 7 3 2.6712132231121
1538 Weiwen Jiang George Mason University 19 7 3.11 17 8 2.771356211
1538 Andreas Kuehlmann University of California 19 3 7.37 1112113
1538 Wayne Wei-Ming Dai University of California 19 3 7.25 19
1538 Aviral Shrivastava Arizona State University 19 3 5.43 2 6 0.38234123211
1538 Pai H. Chou National Tsing Hua University 19 2 7.37 2 6 0.33231211
1538 Sriram Sankaranarayanan 0001 University of Colorado Boulder 19 3 6.07 112232112112
1538 Alessandro Biondi 0001 Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna 19 4 5.60 11 4 2.9311144143
1538 Rajesh Krishna Balan Singapore Management University 19 4 5.39 2121111131221
1538 Peter Thiemann 0001 University of Freiburg 19 2 8.62 4 2 2.171121121118
1538 Amal Ahmed 0001 Northeastern University 19 3 6.62 2 4 0.58112421112121
1538 Karl Crary Carnegie Mellon University 19 2 11.67 1121113
1538 François Pottier 19 2 11.25 6 3 2.251111211111116
1538 Matthew Might University of Utah 19 3 7.18 331213213
1538 Mitchell Wand Northeastern University 19 2 11.92 1111114
1538 Mary Jean Harrold Georgia Institute of Technology 19 3 6.76 1111114
1538 Martin P. Robillard McGill University 19 2 9.62 1 1 1.001211131211113
1538 Qing Wang 0001 Chinese Academy of Sciences 19 7 2.93 16 7 2.3735413111
1538 Tim Menzies North Carolina State University 19 4 5.77 3 3 0.9221323131111
1538 Baowen Xu Nanjing University 19 6 3.40 8 6 1.331222112152
1658 Trishul M. Chilimbi 18 3 6.72 111221136
1658 Michael Ferdman Stony Brook University 18 4 3.94 5 4 1.12121121112222
1658 Sebastian Burckhardt 18 4 4.22 5 6 0.7911111111111511
1658 Zhijia Zhao 0001 Univ. of California - Riverside 18 4 5.36 9 3 2.7311124121131
1658 Guohao Dai Shanghai Jiao Tong University 18 8 2.40 17 8 2.302103111
1658 Karthik Pattabiraman University of British Columbia 18 3 5.48 6 3 2.174221221211
1658 Heiner Litz Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 18 6 3.46 13 6 2.29215322111
1658 Krishna Chintalapudi University of Southern California 18 5 3.96 7 6 1.28231111113211
1658 Nadav Amit Technion 18 4 5.34 5 3 1.3411123223111
1658 Rui Hou 0001 Institute of Information Engineering 18 7 2.59 14 7 2.01622221111
1658 Dan Meng 18 6 2.79 15 7 2.176232221
1658 Chandramohan A. Thekkath 18 4 4.72 2 6 0.331121112
1658 Keval Vora Simon Fraser University 18 3 6.34 7 3 2.26114142212
1658 Ed Nightingale 18 4 4.36 21112311213
1658 Yeongjin Jang 18 5 3.53 7 5 1.471121211234
1658 Stephen McCamant University of Minnesota 18 5 4.14 4 4 0.90221111122311
1658 Yulei Sui UNSW 18 6 4.20 14 6 2.8722424121
1658 Jagadish Kotra 18 4 4.29 10 4 2.551132314111
1658 Zeshan Chishti 18 6 4.11 2 7 0.291111123111212
1658 Timothy G. Rogers 18 4 4.60 13 4 3.28311442111
1658 Michael F. P. O'Boyle University of Edinburgh 18 4 5.68 6 5 1.3915121121112
1658 Naifeng Jing 18 7 2.79 11 7 1.71314312121
1658 Thu D. Nguyen Rutgers University 18 5 4.21 1131121116
1658 Edouard Bugnion EPFL 18 5 4.63 4 4 1.2331421124
1658 Daniel S. Berger 18 8 2.97 15 9 2.104422321
1658 Bradford M. Beckmann 18 4 3.92 4 4 0.711121111231112
1658 Nandita Vijaykumar University of Toronto 18 8 2.45 7 9 0.99212222241
1658 Christof Fetzer TU Dresden 18 6 3.37 2 4 0.501124322111
1658 Xiaowei Jiang 18 8 2.81 7 10 0.81341232111
1658 Liqun Li 18 12 2.12 12 14 0.92152223111
1658 Li Chen 0008 Zhongguancun Laboratory 18 7 2.89 11 8 1.4131522131
1658 James C. Hoe Carnegie Mellon University 18 4 4.47 3 6 0.461111321116
1658 Yeseong Kim 18 6 3.49 13 6 2.2112532122
1658 Qinru Qiu Syracuse University 18 4 4.57 4 6 0.781212411123
1658 Ben Liblit University of Wisconsin-Madison 18 4 4.77 121112411112
1658 Chang Liu 0021 University of California 18 6 2.63 7 12 0.731114231221
1658 Xueqing Li 18 8 2.34 11 8 1.50343111131
1658 Asit K. Mishra Penn State 18 6 3.28 111414132
1658 Tao Wei 18 6 3.12 8 8 1.162213111112111
1658 Long Zheng 0003 HUST 18 9 2.34 17 9 2.2054621
1658 Yiannakis Sazeides 18 4 5.20 5 7 0.704121127
1658 Matthew K. Farrens Univ. of California - Davis 18 3 6.78 315
1658 Runsheng Wang 18 7 2.77 17 7 2.6949311
1658 Vivek Seshadri 18 7 2.88 3 7 0.58122214141
1658 Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai Carnegie Mellon University 18 4 4.52 1112337
1658 Daehyeok Kim University of Texas at Austin 18 6 3.41 11 6 1.9615212112111
1658 Zheng Li 18 5 4.78 6 5 1.14212121213111
1658 Song Han 0003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 18 7 3.30 15 7 2.513343221
1658 Rubao Lee 18 6 3.74 6 6 1.2841111232111
1658 Eduardo Quiñones 18 5 4.03 1114521111
1658 Won Kim 0001 Gachon University 18 3 8.18 18
1658 Andrew Lumsdaine 18 3 5.40 1 21 0.05112123332
1658 Stanley Y. W. Su University of Florida 18 2 7.91 18
1658 David L. Dill Stanford University 18 4 5.77 117
1658 Rudolf Eigenmann University of Delaware 18 3 6.50 1 2 0.5011111121216
1658 Weisheng Zhao 18 7 2.42 14 7 1.917322211
1658 Henry Corrigan-Gibbs 18 4 5.17 10 4 2.63243113121
1658 Xiaowei Yang 0001 Duke University 18 4 4.56 7 5 1.341221112122111
1658 Wei Bai 0001 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) 18 6 2.89 11 6 1.6144121123
1658 Sharad Agarwal Microsoft Research 18 5 3.92 6 6 1.1311211113112111
1658 Zheng Yang 0002 Tsinghua University 18 7 3.20 10 7 1.651432122111
1658 Pengyu Zhang 18 5 3.59 7 12 0.52421132212
1658 Adam Belay Massachusetts Institute of Technology 18 5 3.53 12 5 2.434314321
1658 Xia Zhou Columbia University 18 6 3.71 6 6 0.8822221321111
1658 Douglas B. Terry Microsoft Research 18 6 3.58 3 15 0.2312111345
1658 K. V. Rashmi Carnegie Mellon University 18 5 4.03 12 5 2.54342123111
1658 Ming Wu 0007 Conflux Foundation 18 8 2.37 4 6 0.64121212121113
1658 Matt Calder 18 6 3.20 9 6 1.861114211121111
1658 John R. Douceur 18 4 4.94 112212324
1658 Dennis Cai 18 14 1.35 18 14 1.3575312
1658 Thomas Karagiannis 18 4 4.09 1 12 0.08111233111121
1658 Bo Han 0001 George Mason University 18 5 3.72 16 5 3.36825111
1658 Jinsong Han Zhejiang University 18 7 2.76 13 7 2.0434321113
1658 Feng Zhao 0001 Microsoft Research Asia 18 6 3.22 161211231
1658 Dingyi Fang Northwest University 18 7 2.73 8 6 1.24121312431
1658 Lintao Zhang 18 6 3.25 4 11 0.501111311111114
1658 Riad S. Wahby Carnegie Mellon University 18 6 3.28 6 4 1.311211113431
1658 Kenneth L. McMillan University of Texas at Austin 18 4 5.17 2 4 0.452111211
1658 Sharon Shoham Tel Aviv University 18 4 4.42 8 4 1.981122231411
1658 Yun Shen 18 5 4.14 16 5 3.39636111
1658 Dimitrios Papadopoulos 0001 HKUST 18 4 4.43 10 4 2.70511312122
1658 Arthur Gervais University College London 18 5 3.73 9 5 1.712223222111
1658 Yang Zhang 18 6 2.82 10 8 1.366112211121
1658 Chen Yan 0001 Zhejiang University 18 6 2.99 16 6 2.574731111
1658 Simon P. Chung 18 5 3.54 5 5 1.03141411141
1658 Zhongjie Ba Zhejiang University 18 8 2.51 16 8 2.179411111
1658 Jonathan Protzenko 18 4 4.19 11 4 2.7313232241
1658 Wei You Renmin University of China 18 6 2.81 11 6 1.713332322
1658 Bradley Reaves North Carolina State University 18 5 3.56 9 5 1.692313211221
1658 Lorrie Faith Cranor Carnegie Mellon University 18 5 3.48 5 4 1.171112112113211
1658 Jun Xu 0024 University of Utah 18 6 3.07 12 6 2.0715312222
1658 Yupeng Zhang 0001 Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 18 5 4.26 11 5 2.221343112111
1658 Tam Vu 0001 Dartmouth College 18 8 2.32 6 10 0.63241332111
1658 Haojin Zhu Shanghai Jiao Tong University 18 8 2.64 12 8 1.57431311311
1658 George Kollios Boston University 18 4 4.50 2 5 0.4011111212112121
1658 Santiago Zanella Béguelin 18 6 2.94 6 8 0.791232211132
1658 Dominique Devriese KU Leuven 18 3 5.85 6 4 1.621113211212111
1658 Peter Müller 0001 ETH Zurich 18 4 5.62 8 5 2.1212232121112
1658 Carl Kesselman University of Southern California 18 5 3.74 1116
1658 Andrew Miller 0001 Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 18 5 3.51 6 6 1.07122124222
1658 Wei Yang 0013 University of Texas at Dallas 18 5 3.48 10 5 1.941133222211
1658 Wei Zou 18 8 2.82 6 9 0.901122321111111
1658 Saumya K. Debray University of Arizona 18 3 7.31 213111
1658 Calton Pu Georgia Institute of Technology 18 4 6.04 1 4 0.2511221110
1658 Panagiotis Karras University of Copenhagen 18 4 5.43 8 4 1.76431111211111
1658 Yves Le Traon University of Luxembourg 18 7 3.09 5 7 0.7512231123111
1658 Xue (Steve) Liu 18 4 4.63 1 7 0.1411411112213
1658 Aleksandar Nanevski IMDEA Software Institute 18 3 6.33 4 4 1.341211111321112
1658 Sai Wu Zhejiang University 18 5 3.80 2 6 0.311112313411
1658 Yannis Kotidis AUEB 18 4 5.90 3 4 0.78111112119
1658 Wentao Wu 0001 Microsoft Research 18 6 3.23 10 8 1.38442131111
1658 Yinghui Wu Case Western Reserve University 18 4 4.41 2121332121
1658 Kai Zeng 0002 University of California 18 8 3.11 10 10 1.0423321111121
1658 Shuai Ma 0001 Beihang University 18 5 3.94 5 4 1.23112111223112
1658 Walid G. Aref Purdue University 18 4 5.07 5 5 0.941221111117
1658 Lei Cao 0004 University of Arizona 18 5 3.80 12 6 2.20513321111
1658 Cyrus Shahabi University of Southern California 18 3 6.02 5 3 1.4521211111112112
1658 Timos K. Sellis Athena Research Center 18 3 7.06 12114
1658 Zhenjie Zhang 18 5 3.72 1 25 0.041111123341
1658 Juliana Freire New York University 18 4 4.77 7 4 1.9021131122113
1658 Lei Zou 0001 Peking University 18 4 4.51 6 4 1.5811222312112
1658 Susan B. Davidson University of Pennsylvania 18 4 5.35 2 3 0.6711111121117
1658 Fatma Özcan Systems Research@Google 18 6 3.21 6 6 0.861511221122
1658 Charu C. Aggarwal IBM T. J. Watson Research Center 18 3 8.46 1111111110
1658 Eugene J. Shekita 18 4 4.51 131112
1658 Arjun Radhakrishna 18 6 3.28 10 7 1.512332311111
1658 Gail E. Kaiser Columbia University 18 3 6.53 2 6 0.371111419
1658 Giuseppe Castagna Université de Paris 18 3 7.08 3 3 1.5811111111112114
1658 Yih-Lang Li National Chiao Tung University 18 4 4.45 6 4 1.271231222221
1658 Rajendran Panda 18 6 3.52 22113
1658 Carl Sechen 18 2 8.50 11115
1658 Ernest S. Kuh 18 3 6.78 117
1658 Georges G. E. Gielen Catholic University of Leuven 18 4 4.98 1 2 0.50111114
1658 Ankur Srivastava 0001 University of Maryland 18 3 6.89 6 3 1.89121212111111111
1658 Tsun-Ming Tseng 18 5 3.56 8 6 1.53211313112111
1658 Joel R. Phillips Cadence Research Labs 18 3 8.23 11214
1658 Youngsoo Shin 18 3 6.33 1 4 0.2512111222213
1658 Xu Jiang 0004 University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 18 6 3.30 15 6 2.6017412111
1658 Chang-Gun Lee Seoul National University 18 4 4.24 3 4 0.8321111111126
1658 Jeremy G. Siek Indiana University 18 4 5.54 24121111212
1658 William G. J. Halfond University of Southern California 18 4 5.02 3 3 0.92111111333111
1658 Joseph Tassarotti New York University 18 5 3.78 12 6 2.1242333111
1658 Xiaoxing Ma Nanjing University 18 6 3.13 11 6 1.88223421211
1658 Ming Wen 0001 HUST 18 6 2.85 13 6 2.101911132
1658 Nicolas Wu Imperial College London 18 3 6.12 11 4 3.5312521211111
1658 Sebastian Erdweg University of Mainz 18 3 5.40 5 3 1.5013123121112
1658 Hoan Anh Nguyen 18 4 3.74 1 4 0.2511211322122
1658 Aditya V. Nori Microsoft Research 18 4 5.23 11323112211
1658 Xavier Leroy INRIA 18 2 10.53 1 2 0.501111111119
1658 Ralph E. Johnson University of Illinois 18 3 7.67 22111119
1658 Alberto Bacchelli University of Zurich 18 4 4.88 7 4 1.931321332111
1658 Paolo Tonella Università della Svizzera italiana 18 4 5.13 7 4 2.17111422111112
1658 Vladimir Filkov Univ. of California - Davis 18 4 4.45 4 4 1.061111211331111
1658 Peter C. Rigby Concordia University 18 3 6.06 9 6 2.313411311211
1658 Dan Hao 0001 Peking University 18 6 3.06 7 7 1.2021211131411
1813 Yuxiong He 17 6 3.34 6 8 0.8212111112223
1813 Sanjeev Kumar 17 6 3.37 23111225
1813 Lixin Zhang 0002 Chinese Academy of Sciences 17 6 2.86 3 8 0.361111111212122
1813 David E. Irwin 0001 University of Massachusetts Amherst 17 5 4.14 5 6 0.8822111221122
1813 Lei Wang 17 6 2.64 12 8 1.6562311211
1813 Irene Zhang 17 7 2.68 10 7 1.491135112111
1813 Anirudh Badam 17 6 3.12 5 10 0.671121144111
1813 Jaswinder Pal Singh Princeton University 17 4 4.98 17
1813 Yu Zhang 0027 HUST 17 8 2.13 14 8 1.69634121
1813 Xiao Zhang 17 6 3.17 7 6 1.1713111212311
1813 Zhichun Li 17 7 2.50 1 4 0.25124131131
1813 Mahesh Viswanathan 0001 Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 17 3 5.32 8 4 2.32213212111111
1813 Sudhakar Yalamanchili Georgia Institute of Technology 17 4 4.03 1 5 0.20111322115
1813 Al Davis University of Utah 17 5 3.45 1111322213
1813 Gail-Joon Ahn Arizona State University 17 7 2.57 9 10 0.96123332111
1813 Mary Baker Hewlett-Packard Labs 17 2 6.24 11114
1813 Changkyu Kim 17 7 2.50 1234111112
1813 Siddharth Garg New York University 17 4 4.15 5 6 0.834122211211
1813 Úlfar Erlingsson Reykjavík University 17 5 3.50 1 12 0.081213132112
1813 Alexandra Fedorova University of British Columbia 17 6 3.30 2 8 0.29111212112212
1813 Vijay S. Pai 17 3 5.85 31211117
1813 Catalin Hritcu Max Planck Society 17 7 2.68 3 7 0.5221123121211
1813 Chengnian Sun University of Waterloo 17 5 3.94 6 6 1.08221111231111
1813 Kaisheng Ma 17 6 3.54 11 4 2.86432111113
1813 Binoy Ravindran Virginia Tech 17 4 4.80 7 3 2.31114121111112
1813 Myeongjae Jeon POSTECH 17 6 2.92 10 6 1.70243131111
1813 Wenjun Hu Yale University 17 4 4.42 8 3 2.3121231212111
1813 John Sartori 17 3 5.25 3 3 0.92121511132
1813 Thomas M. Conte Georgia Institute of Technology 17 3 5.29 111113
1813 Chen Zhang 0001 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 17 7 2.41 14 8 1.863452111
1813 Baptiste Lepers University of Neuchâtel 17 6 3.65 8 6 1.68311312111111
1813 Tao Wang 17 6 3.48 8 7 1.52213211112111
1813 Lei Jiang 0001 Indiana University 17 4 4.70 6 2 2.311112121323
1813 Ruby B. Lee Princeton University 17 3 6.11 1 3 0.331111212121211
1813 Jacob Nelson 0001 Microsoft Research 17 7 2.58 11 8 1.51122512211
1813 Hassan Chafi 17 7 2.53 1 12 0.081123211141
1813 Yifan Yuan 17 8 2.36 13 8 1.644422131
1813 Onur Kayiran 17 7 2.40 2 38 0.2111153312
1813 Xupeng Miao 17 7 2.37 16 7 2.20543221
1813 Yi Li 17 4 4.28 15 4 3.862543111
1813 Shaolei Ren Univ. of California - Riverside 17 3 5.23 9 3 2.62242131121
1813 R. Govindarajan IISc Bangalore 17 3 5.65 3 5 0.6521112211114
1813 Hugo De Man KU Leuven 17 4 5.02 17
1813 Radu Teodorescu Ohio State University 17 4 4.94 4 4 0.951111311121121
1813 Kemal Ebcioglu 17 3 6.74 215
1813 Aws Albarghouthi University of Wisconsin-Madison 17 4 4.96 4 4 1.08211342211
1813 Samuel P. Midkiff Purdue University 17 4 4.28 1111131116
1813 Mario Tokoro 17 2 6.92 17
1813 Duo Liu Chongqing University 17 7 2.76 7 7 1.00131211112211
1813 Xin Fu 17 4 4.23 7 6 1.5532222111111
1813 Yi Chen 17 8 2.20 12 8 1.603513311
1813 Ajay Joshi 17 7 2.76 12 7 1.9353221211
1813 Rickard Ewetz University of Central Florida 17 4 5.63 15 4 4.303434111
1813 José Duato Polytechnic University of Valencia 17 4 4.14 1 4 0.25111111119
1813 Alex K. Jones University of Pittsburgh 17 4 4.12 9 5 1.961431212111
1813 Ali Raza Butt Virginia Tech 17 7 3.27 5 9 0.612111213111111
1813 Mustafa Karaköy 17 4 4.33 5 4 1.371222112213
1813 John B. Carter University of Utah 17 5 3.74 111111218
1813 Mikhail Smelyanskiy 17 9 2.13 5 16 0.32321113111111
1813 Daniel Mossé University of Pittsburgh 17 3 4.96 122210
1813 Swarup Bhunia University of Florida 17 3 4.78 2 6 0.392123221112
1813 Xiaoning Ding NJIT 17 6 3.12 3 6 0.481111121112113
1813 Seokhyeong Kang 17 4 4.72 9 4 2.324322222
1813 Muhammet Mustafa Ozdal Bilkent University 17 3 6.00 2 35 0.082121111323
1813 Nina Taft 17 6 3.48 5 6 0.85122112121112
1813 Wei Wang 17 8 2.65 12 8 1.8254311111
1813 David Gay 17 4 5.06 1 6 0.17111213125
1813 Haifeng Yu National University of Singapore 17 3 5.78 3 3 1.081111112144
1813 Petar Tsankov 17 5 3.52 4 5 0.852228111
1813 Rui Miao 17 9 2.40 8 15 0.58212122111112
1813 Mun Choon Chan National University of Singapore 17 5 4.27 9 5 1.76132312122
1813 Ranjita Bhagwan 17 8 2.81 7 8 0.9412121211111111
1813 Malte Schwarzkopf Brown University 17 5 3.16 8 4 1.651322221211
1813 Keith Winstein Stanford University 17 6 3.59 4 8 0.561313311121
1813 Ítalo S. Cunha UFMG 17 6 2.96 8 6 1.5323311211111
1813 Kun Tan 17 7 2.55 5 7 0.8223112112211
1813 Dahlia Malkhi Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 17 5 3.65 4 4 1.011122111112112
1813 Yuan Yu 17 5 3.95 11311231112
1813 Nicolas Bruno Microsoft Research 17 3 6.28 1 19 0.0511112112124
1813 Yu Kang 0006 Microsoft Research 17 12 1.56 16 12 1.31352241
1813 Sriram Rao 17 7 2.45 15133121
1813 Kanak Agarwal 0001 Arm Research 17 5 4.18 11144111111
1813 Zihui Ge 17 6 3.06 3 7 0.471111111142111
1813 Liuba Shrira Brandeis University 17 3 5.30 2 4 0.7021111128
1813 Zhikun Zhang 0001 Stanford University 17 7 2.56 16 7 2.3625541
1813 Tudor Dumitras University of Maryland - College Park 17 5 4.46 3 5 0.7311114213111
1813 Pedro Moreno-Sanchez IMDEA Software Institute 17 4 4.31 10 4 2.493432131
1813 Robert H. Deng Singapore Management University 17 5 3.84 6 6 1.084211111114
1813 Yunheung Paek Seoul National University 17 5 3.44 5 5 1.07111221221211
1813 Paul F. Syverson Naval Research Laboratory 17 3 7.52 11221118
1813 Zhengxiong Li University of Colorado - Denver 17 8 2.26 12 8 1.51135332
1813 V. N. Venkatakrishnan University of Illinois at Chicago 17 4 4.04 2 6 0.3411211121121111
1813 Qingkai Shi Nanjing University 17 5 3.65 15 5 3.322433311
1813 Ilya Sergey National University of Singapore 17 4 5.33 6 4 1.4311133221111
1813 Shuo Chen 0001 Microsoft Research 17 5 3.50 3 6 0.56111122221121
1813 Aravind Machiry 17 7 2.62 9 7 1.29221221511
1813 Yujie Wang 17 7 2.84 10 8 1.474231331
1813 Chris Grier 17 6 2.92 15224111
1813 Alexandra Dmitrienko University of Würzburg 17 5 3.66 13 5 3.047321121
1813 Leyla Bilge 17 5 4.31 9 5 2.043231111311
1813 Nicholas Carlini Google 17 6 4.25 11 8 2.3922241111111
1813 Guozhu Meng Chinese Academy of Sciences 17 6 2.67 12 6 1.9634212311
1813 Sarah Meiklejohn 17 5 3.85 6 8 0.7922113122111
1813 Chaoshun Zuo 17 5 3.80 10 6 2.11232124111
1813 Omer Tripp Amazon Web Services 17 4 4.87 1 12 0.08122421311
1813 Yun Lin 0001 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 17 6 2.86 11 6 1.8624131111111
1813 Xiaoyin Wang University of Texas at San Antonio 17 5 4.02 6 4 1.62112222111211
1813 Daniel Deutch Tel Aviv University 17 3 5.15 7 4 1.8712132111122
1813 Philip Brisk Univ. of California - Riverside 17 4 5.08 2121211322
1813 Kathleen Fisher Tufts University 17 4 4.92 2 4 0.581112111311121
1813 Matei Ripeanu University of British Columbia 17 4 4.55 2 4 0.5811111111121113
1813 Zhi Yang 0001 Peking University 17 7 2.38 13 7 1.67141521111
1813 Sibo Wang 0001 Chinese University of Hong Kong 17 4 4.74 8 4 2.5011222121221
1813 Ashish Tiwari 0001 SRI International 17 4 4.35 7 8 0.9712121123211
1813 Masaru Kitsuregawa University of Tokyo 17 3 6.15 1 4 0.25111113
1813 Ronghua Li 17 6 3.20 12 6 2.19425111111
1813 Kyriakos Mouratidis Singapore Management University 17 3 6.25 2 3 0.67211111212221
1813 Kaushik Chakrabarti Microsoft Research 17 4 5.32 122112215
1813 Theodoros Rekatsinas 17 4 4.24 7 4 1.5431211321111
1813 Eric Lo 0001 Chinese University of Hong Kong 17 5 4.08 7 5 1.52213112112111
1813 K. Selçuk Candan Arizona State University 17 5 4.06 11122415
1813 Ju Fan Renmin University of China 17 6 2.64 7 8 0.90312133211
1813 Sanjay Krishnan University of Chicago 17 5 3.55 8 5 1.651113221312
1813 Eric Simon INRIA 17 3 5.65 1 4 0.251115
1813 Erci Xu Ohio State University 17 8 2.29 16 8 2.09362321
1813 Gi-Joon Nam 17 6 3.28 4 6 0.721121112121112
1813 Ruchir Puri 17 4 5.00 1321127
1813 Luis Gravano Columbia University 17 3 6.42 11114
1813 Don S. Batory University of Texas at Austin 17 3 5.70 1111112117
1813 Scott A. Brandt Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 17 5 3.96 1112221214
1813 Christoph M. Kirsch University of Salzburg 17 4 5.40 2 5 0.401121111117
1813 Zineb Simeu-Abazi 17 4 5.25 13 3 4.004411322
1813 Hiren D. Patel University of Waterloo 17 3 5.82 6 3 2.1711133122111
1813 Hojung Cha Yonsei University 17 4 5.04 4 4 0.901212111212111
1813 Albert Cohen 0001 Ecole Normale Superieure 17 4 4.68 1 5 0.20112111211213
1813 Perry Cheng 17 4 4.45 3111119
1813 Cecilia Mascolo University of Cambridge 17 4 4.65 4 4 0.8811211121111112
1813 Pinjia He CUHK (SZ) 17 6 3.00 16 6 2.84561221
1813 Manuel Fähndrich Microsoft Research 17 3 5.70 11112110
1813 Azadeh Farzan University of Toronto 17 3 6.75 7 3 2.832121111112211
1813 Andreas Podelski University of Freiburg 17 3 5.73 3 3 1.001111211122112
1813 Daan Leijen Microsoft Research 17 3 8.40 6 2 2.28212112121112
1813 Erez Petrank Technion 17 3 6.27 2 4 0.5311111112116
1813 William R. Cook University of Texas at Austin 17 3 7.58 1112211116
1813 Marsha Chechik University of Toronto 17 3 5.15 4 6 0.941111121111123
1813 Yunhui Zheng 17 4 4.39 4 6 0.69111112222211
1813 Corina S. Pasareanu Carnegie Mellon University 17 4 4.23 2 5 0.421121221214
1813 Minghui Zhou 0001 Peking University 17 4 5.05 10 4 2.38123131111111
1813 Chris Parnin NC State University 17 4 4.79 9 4 2.74216212111
1813 Wing Kwong Chan City University of Hong Kong 17 3 5.45 11113325
1963 Peter F. Sweeney 16 4 5.73 2111110
1963 Bianca Schroeder University of Toronto 16 4 4.52 6 5 1.1511211112111111
1963 Ming Liu 0027 University of Wisconsin - Madison 16 6 2.93 11 6 1.9314132221
1963 Hanjun Kim 0001 Yonsei University 16 5 3.02 7 5 1.293221211112
1963 Aasheesh Kolli 16 6 3.19 5 7 0.9012241141
1963 Fengbin Tu 16 8 2.08 14 8 1.71253222
1963 Alex Ramírez 16 6 2.98 1 52 0.02111121126
1963 Srilatha Manne 16 4 3.74 2 39 0.1611131117
1963 Amir Yazdanbakhsh Google 16 5 2.78 9 9 1.4643212211
1963 Henri E. Bal VU Amsterdam 16 3 5.12 2 4 0.50112129
1963 Jack W. Davidson University of Virginia 16 2 5.77 2 5 0.402111119
1963 Koushik Chakraborty 16 4 4.57 2 4 0.4511311321111
1963 Qi Guo 0001 Chinese Academy of Sciences 16 11 1.58 10 14 0.795311111111
1963 Sam Ainsworth University of Edinburgh 16 2 6.12 13 3 5.0222234111
1963 Lei Ju 0001 Shandong University 16 5 2.99 12 6 2.1964231
1963 Niladrish Chatterjee 16 6 2.71 2 6 0.331113311122
1963 Krisztián Flautner 16 5 3.37 1121218
1963 Marten van Dijk University of Connecticut 16 6 3.19 1 7 0.14131311114
1963 Constantin Enea 16 4 4.86 6 5 1.191143111211
1963 Bin Ren College of William and Mary 16 6 2.74 13 7 2.0831144111
1963 Zheng Wang 0001 University of Leeds 16 8 2.33 11 8 1.54242211211
1963 Noam Rinetzky Tel Aviv University 16 4 4.01 5 4 1.14113331211
1963 Yoav Etsion Technion 16 4 4.81 1 3 0.331122123121
1963 Borivoje Nikolic Univ. of California - Berkeley 16 6 2.26 12 8 1.49253222
1963 Ataberk Olgun 16 8 1.92 16 8 1.928143
1963 Shubhendu S. Mukherjee 16 4 4.24 121210
1963 Yakun Sophia Shao Univ. of California - Berkeley 16 8 2.13 10 7 1.3825213111
1963 Qing Wang 0031 Tsinghua University 16 6 3.10 16 6 3.1015523
1963 Jose Renau Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 16 3 5.13 1 5 0.201121111233
1963 Bob Rau 16 3 8.40 16
1963 Eyal de Lara University of Toronto 16 5 3.35 2 4 0.5022111121311
1963 Mary W. Hall University of Utah 16 4 3.52 1 9 0.1112211126
1963 Vijayalakshmi Srinivasan 16 5 3.09 1 54 0.021112211133
1963 Shih-Lien Lu 16 4 3.96 221121115
1963 Fengwei Zhang SUSTech 16 6 3.63 12 8 2.1852411111
1963 David B. Whalley Florida State University 16 3 5.33 1411
1963 Alex Orailoglu Univ. of California - San Diego 16 2 7.33 3 2 1.17121129
1963 Nectarios Koziris NTUA 16 6 3.19 8 7 1.112122112311
1963 Hugo Krawczyk Amazon AWS 16 3 6.84 1 5 0.2011211118
1963 Evangelos P. Markatos University of Crete 16 4 4.93 2 5 0.40112221115
1963 Debdeep Mukhopadhyay IIT Kharagpur 16 4 4.97 13 3 4.4832233111
1963 Kartik Mohanram 16 2 6.53 31212111121
1963 Mengying Zhao Shandong University 16 6 2.88 5 7 0.76122121322
1963 Kiyoung Choi Seoul National University 16 3 5.05 1 9 0.11111122116
1963 Sudharshan S. Vazhkudai 16 6 3.07 12232111111
1963 G. Jack Lipovski 16 2 7.53 16
1963 Frank Vahid University of California 16 3 5.52 11419
1963 Brian Zill 16 4 3.36 1 71 0.01111212116
1963 Chen Tian 0001 Nanjing University 16 10 1.84 9 14 0.71331211221
1963 Jiming Chen 0001 Zhejiang University 16 6 2.42 11 7 1.47421221211
1963 Jeremy Gummeson University of Massachusetts Amherst 16 5 3.65 6 5 1.161232211121
1963 Omid Abari Univ. of California - Los Angeles 16 4 3.80 9 5 2.1313232311
1963 Yao Liu 0007 University of South Florida 16 4 3.61 8 5 1.68212211211111
1963 Stefan Schmid 0001 TU Berlin 16 4 4.22 11 4 2.85233212111
1963 Saikat Guha 0002 Microsoft Research 16 4 4.55 1 4 0.2511121322111
1963 Yuvraj Agarwal Carnegie Mellon University 16 4 4.23 7 4 1.8312221211211
1963 Song Min Kim KAIST 16 4 4.11 8 4 1.91311313121
1963 Radhika Mittal Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 16 6 3.40 9 6 1.952331121111
1963 Yaxiong Xie University at Buffalo 16 4 3.93 11 4 2.7023411212
1963 Li Erran Li Bell Labs 16 4 4.03 112111126
1963 Giulia Fanti Carnegie Mellon University 16 5 3.55 13 5 2.8833223111
1963 Yossi Gilad Hebrew University of Jerusalem 16 4 3.95 7 4 1.7921312232
1963 Christophe Diot 16 4 4.36 1 5 0.2011112127
1963 Arthur W. Berger MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 16 4 4.57 2 4 0.581111221111112
1963 Hani Jamjoom 16 4 3.57 7 6 1.0451111112111
1963 Fang Yu 0002 Microsoft Research 16 5 3.40 24132211
1963 Landon P. Cox Microsoft Research 16 5 3.87 1111111111123
1963 Peng Li 16 6 3.21 8 7 1.331124113111
1963 Yih-Chun Hu Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 16 4 4.22 2 6 0.39111113125
1963 Andreas Terzis 16 6 3.14 3 8 0.40111121222111
1963 Pablo Rodriguez 0001 Telefónica 16 5 3.76 1112311222
1963 Georges Gardarin 16 3 6.21 16
1963 Michael Greenberg 0002 Stevens Institute of Technology 16 3 5.30 7 3 2.2312222111211
1963 Zachary Kincaid Princeton University 16 3 5.26 5 3 1.7321112211311
1963 Gautam Akiwate 16 7 2.45 14 7 2.242153311
1963 Bradley Huffaker 16 5 3.33 5 5 0.94212112121111
1963 Douglas C. Schmidt Vanderbilt University 16 3 7.48 11113
1963 Alexander L. Wolf Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 16 3 5.39 21112
1963 Amir Herzberg University of Connecticut 16 4 4.36 5 5 1.012111112115
1963 Markulf Kohlweiss University of Edinburgh 16 5 3.25 2 4 0.58112143211
1963 Mariana Raykova 0001 Google 16 5 3.25 7 6 1.2521211211221
1963 Haipeng Cai Washington State University 16 4 3.84 16 4 3.8445511
1963 Roxana Geambasu Columbia University 16 5 3.00 3 6 0.481112112211111
1963 Apu Kapadia Indiana University 16 4 4.52 4 5 0.85132121321
1963 Mihir Bellare Univ. of California - San Diego 16 3 6.17 311211124
1963 Yan Wang 0003 Temple University 16 7 2.34 9 7 1.2743211311
1963 Milad Nasr 16 4 4.07 9 6 1.65122312221
1963 Vladimir Kolesnikov Georgia Institute of Technology 16 5 3.93 7 4 2.1012311221111
1963 Alina Oprea Northeastern University 16 4 4.36 5 4 1.081131111211111
1963 Anupam Datta Carnegie Mellon University 16 4 3.99 1 3 0.33113211112111
1963 Florian Tramèr ETH Zurich 16 6 2.87 12 8 1.97332311111
1963 Yuhong Nan Sun Yat-sen University 16 6 2.52 13 6 2.08622321
1963 Dawu Gu Shanghai Jiao Tong University 16 6 2.93 12 6 2.204251121
1963 Tom van Goethem 16 4 3.58 6 5 1.241212122221
1963 Shweta Shinde ETH Zurich 16 5 3.45 9 5 1.9741112211111
1963 Sibin Mohan George Washington University 16 6 3.42 5 4 1.1112221122111
1963 Ozgur Sinanoglu 16 4 3.69 8 6 1.441124113111
1963 Per Larsen 16 7 2.55 1 9 0.111124521
1963 Xi He 0001 University of Waterloo 16 4 3.64 10 4 2.27232321111
1963 Randal C. Burns Johns Hopkins University 16 4 4.54 2 4 0.501112111112121
1963 Sherman S. M. Chow The Chinese University of Hong Kong 16 3 5.48 10 2 3.64331311121
1963 Daniel Kifer Pennsylvania State University 16 4 5.92 4 4 0.901212211111111
1963 Veselin Raychev 16 4 4.40 1 4 0.251223422
1963 Qiang Zeng 0001 George Mason University 16 4 4.28 11 4 3.28233212111
1963 Sooel Son KAIST 16 4 4.45 9 4 2.29232211131
1963 Christina Pöpper NYU Abu Dhabi 16 4 3.74 9 4 2.0451321121
1963 Ugo Dal Lago Università degli Studi di Bologna 16 3 5.75 9 3 3.33153121111
1963 Joxan Jaffar National University of Singapore 16 3 6.25 1 3 0.331112218
1963 Kyu Hyung Lee University of Georgia 16 6 3.09 5 6 0.8811111133121
1963 Niels Provos 16 4 6.49 12111316
1963 Dominik Stoffel 16 4 3.94 7 6 1.2412112111123
1963 Claire Le Goues Carnegie Mellon University 16 4 4.46 10 4 2.5141221111111
1963 Guido Salvaneschi TU Darmstadt 16 4 4.13 4 3 1.20112232131
1963 Frank Pfenning Carnegie Mellon University 16 2 6.53 1 4 0.2511111119
1963 H. Howie Huang George Washington University 16 2 6.57 3 2 1.3321322222
1963 Jianmin Wang 0001 Tsinghua University 16 4 3.85 7 5 1.4033113221
1963 Boris Glavic University of Illinois at Chicago 16 4 4.11 9 4 2.41112413211
1963 Xin Liang 0001 University of Kentucky 16 8 2.11 7 7 0.96331423
1963 Leong Hou U University of Macau 16 4 3.78 7 5 1.551123212211
1963 Qiong Luo 0001 HKUST 16 5 4.15 8 4 2.19352114
1963 Chao Tian 0001 Alibaba Group 16 5 3.09 11 6 1.8912531121
1963 Sudipto Das 16 4 3.51 2 14 0.291122213211
1963 Byron Choi Hong Kong Baptist University 16 5 3.73 10 5 2.22145111111
1963 Jens Teubner TU Dortmund 16 3 5.53 2 2 1.0011111111131111
1963 Alan D. Fekete University of Sydney 16 5 4.37 1 4 0.2511133111112
1963 Stefano Ceri Politecnico di Milano 16 3 5.90 11113
1963 Shamkant B. Navathe Georgia Institute of Technology 16 3 6.30 2 4 0.4521112
1963 Xiang Lian Kent State University 16 3 5.58 4 3 1.501111112113111
1963 Dan Olteanu University of Oxford 16 3 5.74 4 4 1.7511111112121111
1963 Ke Zhou 0001 HUST 16 8 2.20 12 7 1.6831351111
1963 Ruoming Jin Kent State University 16 4 3.98 1 6 0.17113133211
1963 Dimitrios Gunopulos University of Athens 16 4 3.78 111112216
1963 César A. Galindo-Legaria 16 3 5.40 1 19 0.0511111110
1963 Wolfgang Gatterbauer Northeastern University 16 4 4.73 7 3 1.95115113121
1963 Mirek Riedewald Northeastern University 16 3 5.15 6 3 1.701141111114
1963 Yue Cheng 0001 University of Virginia 16 6 2.89 10 6 1.6933112222
1963 Ben Kao University of Hong Kong 16 5 3.43 2 8 0.27111111121132
1963 Raul Castro Fernandez University of Chicago 16 5 4.54 9 4 3.25123311311
1963 Vu Le 0002 Microsoft Corporation 16 4 3.88 8 7 1.34313112122
1963 Yehoshua Sagiv Hebrew University of Jerusalem 16 3 6.12 1121110
1963 Vijayshankar Raman IBM Research 16 4 3.84 1 44 0.0212122116
1963 Jun Wei 0001 Chinese Academy of Sciences 16 8 2.43 10 8 1.3324312112
1963 Ahmad Taher Azar College of Computer and Information Sciences (CCIS) 16 6 3.07 15 6 2.749331
1963 David Atienza Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne 16 6 3.00 3 5 0.62212222131
1963 Andrzej J. Strojwas 16 4 6.29 11410
1963 Janusz Rajski Siemens Digital Industries Software 16 4 4.41 112210
1963 Ümit Y. Ogras 16 4 4.53 7 5 1.82131211111121
1963 Wei-Kuan Shih National Tsing Hua University 16 5 3.93 5 6 0.8511122225
1963 Changhao Yan 16 5 2.97 8 7 1.192122132111
1963 Rainer Leupers RWTH Aachen University 16 6 3.00 3 6 0.4811111212114
1963 Pranav Ashar 16 3 4.90 115
1963 Richard West Boston University 16 3 6.33 5 3 2.00131211111112
1963 Wu-chun Feng Virginia Tech 16 4 4.53 132111115
1963 Marco Di Natale Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna 16 3 5.90 2 4 0.4511111317
1963 Barry W. Boehm University of Southern California 16 3 6.62 111310
1963 Zheng Dong 0002 Wayne State University 16 5 4.54 10 5 2.5734121122
1963 Stavros Tripakis Northeastern University 16 5 4.46 12121216
1963 David Grove 16 4 3.74 1111111
1963 Patrick Cousot New York University 16 2 8.04 1 1 1.001112110
1963 Amir Pnueli 16 3 6.31 16
1963 James Noble 0001 Creative Research & Programming 16 3 4.88 11132134
1963 Venkatram Vishwanath 16 8 2.58 3 8 0.502112311221
1963 Phuc Nguyen 0002 University of Massachusetts Amherst 16 8 2.17 9 7 1.28122131321
1963 Luca Mottola Politecnico di Milano 16 4 3.78 9 5 1.9931212211111
1963 Ramnatthan Alagappan Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 16 6 2.99 9 5 1.7631232311
1963 Olin Shivers Northeastern University 16 2 7.86 3 8 0.5311112415
1963 Richard A. Eisenberg 16 4 4.48 8 4 1.9812231322
1963 Qirun Zhang Georgia Institute of Technology 16 4 4.74 8 3 2.73321212221
1963 Reid Holmes University of British Columbia 16 3 5.36 4 4 0.9121111412111
1963 Thomas Fritz 0001 University of Zurich 16 4 4.69 4 4 1.06211114321
1963 Norbert Siegmund University of Leipzig 16 4 4.11 7 5 1.93312111331
1963 Yiling Lou Fudan University 16 7 2.56 13 7 2.111623112
1963 Adam A. Porter University of Maryland - College Park 16 4 4.51 112210
1963 Mike Papadakis 16 5 3.22 8 6 1.521221212122
1963 Junjie Wang 0001 Chinese Academy of Sciences 16 6 2.53 15 6 2.33445111
1963 Jane Cleland-Huang University of Notre Dame 16 5 3.30 4 5 0.74131111122111
2139 Gushu Li University of Pennsylvania 15 6 3.20 13 6 2.723133311
2139 Michael Burrows 15 4 4.07 11211
2139 Fredrik Kjolstad Stanford University 15 5 3.44 12 7 2.6522323111
2139 Milind Chabbi 15 4 3.76 5 4 1.313116112
2139 Jayneel Gandhi 15 7 2.50 6 6 1.0211132121111
2139 Linhai Song Pennsylvania State University 15 5 3.83 6 5 1.2812122112111
2139 Brian Towles 15 11 2.28 3 14 0.301112212113
2139 David E. Shaw Columbia University 15 7 2.15 1 6 0.17122123211
2139 Peter G. Neumann SRI International 15 10 2.61 3 13 0.2012313113
2139 Tal Garfinkel 15 5 4.27 2 10 0.21111112215
2139 Eddy Z. Zhang Rutgers University 15 6 3.12 5 7 0.71122122122
2139 Thomas Bourgeat 15 6 2.91 13 6 2.492413311
2139 Juan Zhai University of Massachusetts Amherst 15 6 2.67 9 4 1.77121231221
2139 Muthian Sivathanu University of Wisconsin-Madison 15 4 3.38 5 5 1.151132125
2139 Uday Bondhugula IISc Bangalore 15 4 4.74 3 5 0.6511111111111121
2139 Shi-Min Hu 0001 Tsinghua University 15 4 3.46 8 4 2.08232121121
2139 Udit Gupta 15 8 1.77 12 8 1.332223312
2139 David Kohlbrenner University of Washington 15 6 3.22 10 7 1.61422112111
2139 Robbert van Renesse Cornell University 15 4 4.73 1 6 0.17111211116
2139 Po-An Tsai 15 4 3.96 9 5 1.96232111311
2139 Umang Mathur 0001 National University of Singapore 15 3 4.98 11 3 3.6551122121
2139 James Bornholt 15 5 3.84 5 5 1.2021212241
2139 Darko Kirovski 15 3 5.23 1113
2139 Craig B. Zilles Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 15 2 6.18 211121115
2139 Xiaobing Feng 0002 Chinese Academy of Sciences 15 9 1.98 6 10 0.65332241
2139 Qiao Li 0001 Xiamen University 15 7 2.16 12 8 1.717212111
2139 Zhuoran Song 15 7 2.52 15 7 2.528133
2139 Dan Williams 0001 Virginia Tech 15 5 3.31 7 5 1.5531211112111
2139 Bo Qiao 0001 Microsoft Research 15 16 1.07 13 14 0.953732
2139 Jia Wang 15 4 5.65 2 5 0.421112132211
2139 Chen Song 0001 State University of New York at Buffalo 15 6 2.31 4 10 0.45434211
2139 Soyeon Park 15 5 3.03 2 4 0.532111222211
2139 Youjip Won KAIST 15 5 3.63 6 5 1.22113112111111
2139 Lei Zhang 0008 Chinese Academy of Sciences 15 6 2.74 11 6 2.1011342121
2139 Joseph L. Greathouse 15 6 2.79 2 42 0.101112114211
2139 Ramana Rao Kompella 15 4 4.23 1 5 0.20114121122
2139 Costin Iancu 15 4 3.48 2 5 0.40114213111
2139 Ulya R. Karpuzcu 15 5 3.55 5 9 0.951131211113
2139 Yu Huang 0013 Huazhong University of Science and Technology 15 9 1.83 15 9 1.834362
2139 Avinash Karanth Ohio University 15 4 4.12 7 4 1.9211411211111
2139 Erik Hagersten Uppsala University 15 3 4.76 11212125
2139 Jieming Yin 15 6 2.68 11 5 2.11542211
2139 Cheng Tan 0002 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 15 8 2.05 13 9 1.60333312
2139 Antonino Tumeo Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 15 8 1.98 13 8 1.652241411
2139 Yongqiang Xiong 15 8 1.84 4 10 0.43211322211
2139 Mithuna Thottethodi Purdue University 15 4 3.93 2 6 0.461111111131111
2139 Hubertus Franke 15 6 2.65 7 6 1.222411115
2139 Jayesh Gaur 15 5 2.81 7 7 1.0412221211111
2139 Constantine D. Polychronopoulos 15 2 6.73 114
2139 Prathima Agrawal 15 3 4.88 114
2139 Marc Snir Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 15 4 3.79 1 3 0.331111236
2139 Jan M. Rabaey Univ. of California - Berkeley 15 3 4.62 1 7 0.1412111
2139 Alan J. Hu University of British Columbia 15 3 5.70 1111137
2139 Jean-Pierre Seifert TU Berlin 15 4 4.42 4 4 0.8731211121111
2139 Anurag Khandelwal Yale University 15 4 3.70 11 5 2.50232221111
2139 Zhenlin Wang Michigan Technological University 15 6 2.62 5 6 0.8612112211112
2139 Meng Li 0004 Peking University 15 6 2.77 10 6 1.523412221
2139 Steven M. Burns Intel Corporation 15 6 3.73 1 7 0.1411211315
2139 Jane W.-S. Liu Academia Sinica 15 2 6.25 114
2139 Manos Kapritsos University of Michigan 15 7 2.73 4 6 0.7221121221111
2139 Douglas Thain University of Notre Dame 15 4 4.23 1 5 0.20114216
2139 Srikanth Sundaresan 15 6 2.44 5 11 0.514111211121
2139 Yi-Min Wang 15 5 3.09 11113413
2139 Amogh Dhamdhere 15 5 3.24 1242111111
2139 Yuanchao Shu 15 8 2.37 10 8 1.4333221211
2139 Wei Xue 15 12 1.39 7 10 0.6825332
2139 Nikolaj S. Bjørner Microsoft Research 15 5 2.77 6 6 1.161212222111
2139 Jeffrey Pang 15 5 3.20 123112113
2139 Paolo Costa 15 6 2.56 3 8 0.55111211221111
2139 Jacobus E. van der Merwe University of Utah 15 5 3.74 1 3 0.33111111111411
2139 Zhenlin An 15 5 3.41 12 5 2.4944211111
2139 Ting Zhu 0001 Ohio State University 15 5 3.20 5 6 0.88122132121
2139 Justin Cappos New York University 15 4 3.65 1 4 0.2511422122
2139 Vijayan Prabhakaran 15 6 2.99 122212122
2139 Antoine Delignat-Lavaud 15 8 2.33 4 15 0.3111111122221
2139 Arjun Guha Northeastern University 15 4 3.60 4 4 1.0012121111221
2139 Oliver Hohlfeld University of Kassel 15 5 3.06 7 8 1.102113131111
2139 Matthew Roughan University of Adelaide 15 4 4.26 1 7 0.1411133114
2139 James F. Kurose University of Massachusetts Amherst 15 4 4.07 112110
2139 Kevin Jeffay University of North Carolina 15 3 6.50 15
2139 Renata Teixeira INRIA 15 4 3.49 4 4 0.9811211122112
2139 Linghe Kong Shanghai Jiao Tong University 15 6 2.66 10 8 1.3725212111
2139 Ying Liu 0024 Tsinghua University 15 9 1.84 11 7 1.421322322
2139 Fred Douglis Dell EMC 15 6 3.66 2111217
2139 Yan Huang 0001 Indiana University 15 4 3.94 1 2 0.50111113322
2139 Jan Camenisch DFINITY 15 3 5.03 221211114
2139 Sotiris Ioannidis 15 4 3.51 4 4 1.0311112123111
2139 Jun Han 0001 KAIST 15 5 2.63 12 5 2.263224112
2139 Yehuda Lindell Bar-Ilan University 15 3 5.24 1333311
2139 Mathias Humbert 15 6 2.93 6 6 1.141121131221
2139 Giulio Malavolta Max Planck Society 15 4 3.72 10 4 2.4812421221
2139 Li Xiong 0001 Emory University 15 5 3.28 11 5 2.0561121121
2139 Thomas Eisenbarth 0001 University of Lübeck 15 4 3.48 12 4 2.8322224111
2139 Jian Lu 0001 Nanjing University 15 6 2.50 6 6 1.00114312111
2139 Peter Schwabe Max Planck Society 15 6 2.56 12 6 2.0234221111
2139 Omar Chowdhury Stony Brook University 15 5 2.88 7 6 1.242531121
2139 Jo Van Bulck KU Leuven 15 6 2.74 8 5 1.6021113421
2139 Haixu Tang Indiana University 15 7 2.37 9 8 1.32421211112
2139 Collin Jackson 15 4 3.53 31222221
2139 Brendan Dolan-Gavitt New York University 15 5 3.39 8 5 1.871331211111
2139 Thomas Shrimpton University of Florida 15 4 4.05 4 4 1.231211222211
2139 Mauro Conti University of Padova 15 5 3.49 9 5 2.1832311221
2139 Moritz Schloegel Ruhr University Bochum 15 6 2.34 14 6 2.2055311
2139 Xueqiang Wang University of Central Florida 15 7 2.46 6 8 0.93131132211
2139 Katharina Krombholz CISPA Helmholtz Center 15 5 3.05 11 5 2.1534121211
2139 Yaoxue Zhang Tsinghua University 15 7 2.34 15 7 2.3444511
2139 Konrad Rieck TU Berlin 15 4 3.29 6 6 1.2413111112211
2139 Cuiyun Gao Harbin Institute of Technology 15 6 2.63 14 6 2.385721
2139 Moti Yung Google Inc. 15 4 4.88 2 6 0.3911111118
2139 Eyal Ronen Tel Aviv University 15 4 4.03 11 4 2.954322211
2139 Markus Dürmuth University of Hannover 15 5 3.52 4 6 0.6421131211111
2139 Bo Luo University of Kansas 15 5 2.86 11 6 1.9661221111
2139 Lingxiao Jiang Singapore Management University 15 3 4.48 5 6 1.0621111112221
2139 J. D. Tygar University of California 15 3 5.44 21111
2139 Yinxing Xue USTC 15 7 2.80 8 8 1.38132212121
2139 Qingchuan Zhao City University of Hong Kong 15 5 2.98 12 5 2.30363111
2139 Daniel Kroening Amazon 15 3 5.42 2 4 0.581111111111113
2139 Mattijs Jonker 15 6 2.42 12 7 1.804422111
2139 Margus Veanes 15 4 3.89 3 6 0.67111121221111
2139 Matthias Hollick TU Darmstadt 15 4 3.43 9 5 1.921242231
2139 Kun Wang 0005 University of California at Los Angeles 15 8 1.96 13 8 1.7154132
2139 Swaminathan Sundararaman 15 5 3.04 3112113111
2139 Andrey Rybalchenko Max Planck Institute for Informatics 15 3 4.46 1211221311
2139 David Kotz Dartmouth College 15 4 5.56 3112116
2139 Martin L. Kersten CWI 15 3 4.87 13119
2139 Eric Koskinen Stevens Institute of Technology 15 3 5.01 4 6 0.762111111121111
2139 Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat University of Erlangen–Nuremberg 15 4 3.62 2 4 0.5811112123111
2139 Jun Yu 0010 Fudan University 15 7 2.26 13 7 1.93361122
2139 Stefan Manegold CWI 15 3 4.18 1111131114
2139 Chengliang Chai Tsinghua University 15 5 2.63 12 5 2.243531111
2139 Matteo Interlandi Microsoft 15 7 2.22 11 7 1.623341121
2139 Kun-Lung Wu 15 5 3.41 1111213212
2139 Ravishankar Ramamurthy 15 3 4.23 2 14 0.141111111211112
2139 Peter Buneman University of Edinburgh 15 3 5.15 2 4 0.45111210
2139 Yixiang Fang CUHK (SZ) 15 5 3.23 10 5 2.25312222111
2139 Xin Huang 0001 Hong Kong Baptist University 15 5 3.54 10 5 2.062133111111
2139 Jayavel Shanmugasundaram Yahoo Research 15 6 2.84 213216
2139 James Cheney University of Edinburgh 15 3 5.95 3 4 0.7811111111111112
2139 Nesime Tatbul MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 15 6 2.98 6 7 0.893311111112
2139 Jana Giceva TU Munich 15 4 4.43 11 3 3.351244211
2139 Ryan Marcus University of Pennsylvania 15 6 3.05 10 7 1.5013132311
2139 Norman May SAP SE 15 5 2.94 5 5 0.871211212212
2139 Ye Yuan 0001 Beijing Institute of Technology 15 5 2.76 12 6 2.0643311111
2139 Xu Chu 15 5 3.27 6 6 1.103311331
2139 Sainyam Galhotra Cornell University 15 4 4.12 10 4 2.6711531211
2139 Arijit Khan 0001 Aalborg University 15 4 3.91 5 5 0.9921222111111
2139 Yinan Li 15 5 3.70 4 9 0.64222121221
2139 Umar Farooq Minhas 15 6 2.40 6 9 0.751231211211
2139 Philip Bohannon 15 4 3.58 11111127
2139 Aoying Zhou East China Normal University 15 6 2.66 7 6 1.20311213112
2139 Ambuj K. Singh Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 15 3 5.41 11131116
2139 Berthold Reinwald 15 5 2.90 112212213
2139 Arnon Rosenthal 15 3 5.25 11211
2139 Siau-Cheng Khoo National University of Singapore 15 4 4.74 11211111213
2139 Jim Gray 0001 Microsoft Research 15 4 5.44 1113
2139 Oege de Moor University of Oxford 15 3 4.38 111232122
2139 Tomasz Imielinski Rutgers University 15 2 7.20 15
2139 Bruce G. Lindsay 0001 IBM Almaden Research Center 15 3 4.21 15
2139 Surendra Byna Ohio State University 15 6 2.75 6 6 1.101322111211
2139 Chandu Visweswariah Thomas J. Watson Research Center 15 4 3.29 13141212
2139 Chung-Yang Huang 15 4 5.04 1 8 0.1213242111
2139 Shiyan Hu University of Southampton 15 4 4.10 2 5 0.4011121111222
2139 Alper Demir 0001 Koç University 15 3 6.23 1121118
2139 Helmut E. Graeb Technical University Munich 15 3 4.65 1 2 0.5011111118
2139 Srivaths Ravi 0001 Texas Instruments Bangalore 15 4 3.78 2112
2139 Ganesh Lakshminarayana 15 3 4.78 15
2139 Edwin H.-M. Sha Chongqing University 15 6 2.91 5 8 0.7312222213
2139 Mingjie Liu 15 6 2.78 13 6 2.53133332
2139 Magdy S. Abadir 15 4 4.37 111121116
2139 Pi-Cheng Hsiu 15 4 3.85 2 5 0.4011123121111
2139 Peter A. Beerel 15 4 4.93 4 5 0.822211117
2139 Majid Sarrafzadeh Univ. of California - Los Angeles 15 3 5.00 15
2139 Yici Cai Tsinghua University 15 6 2.95 1 6 0.171121221122
2139 Hans-Joachim Wunderlich University of Stuttgart 15 4 6.06 131118
2139 Haibo Zeng 0001 Virginia Tech 15 4 4.29 5 5 1.0922134111
2139 Shih-Chieh Chang National Tsing Hua University 15 4 3.83 2211135
2139 Kunal Agrawal Washington University in St. Louis 15 5 3.62 6 4 1.43114212121
2139 Hoon Sung Chwa 15 5 3.37 7 5 1.42212223111
2139 Pavan Balaji Argonne National Laboratory 15 5 3.01 2 4 0.53111333111
2139 Paul Caspi 15 4 4.72 112110
2139 Georg von der Brüggen Max Planck Institute for Software Systems 15 5 3.20 10 5 2.103133131
2139 Kamin Whitehouse 15 5 3.21 11111123211
2139 Gruia-Catalin Roman University of New Mexico 15 3 6.92 1212
2139 Qian Zhang 0001 HKUST 15 6 2.95 6 7 0.93131111112111
2139 Ignacio Laguna Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 15 5 3.57 6 4 1.682223111111
2139 Barry Rountree Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) 15 6 2.79 214221111
2139 Nikhil Jain 15 5 3.20 1 6 0.171131132111
2139 Scott Klasky 15 8 2.09 1 11 0.091111131321
2139 Mi Zhang 0002 Ohio State University 15 5 3.13 10 6 1.7822331211
2139 Oded Padon 15 5 2.89 7 5 1.37321122121
2139 Jonathan Bell 0001 Northeastern University 15 4 4.01 7 4 1.731121211231
2139 Christos Dimoulas Northwestern University 15 4 3.87 5 4 1.37111111221121
2139 Philip Shilane 15 6 2.94 4 4 0.8712111122211
2139 Atsushi Igarashi Kyoto University 15 3 5.92 2 3 0.6711131111113
2139 Naoki Kobayashi 0001 University of Tokyo 15 3 6.45 2 4 0.5821311115
2139 R. Kent Dybvig Indiana University 15 3 6.21 1 2 0.50111111117
2139 Norman Ramsey Tufts University 15 2 8.83 1 1 1.00111111117
2139 John H. Reppy University of Chicago 15 3 6.60 2 2 0.83111211215
2139 Andrian Marcus George Mason University 15 7 3.02 6 7 0.951311212112
2139 Gordon Fraser 0001 University of Passau 15 4 4.31 6 4 1.8231232211
2139 Harald C. Gall University of Zurich 15 5 3.29 3 4 0.78123221112
2340 Matthias Hauswirth Università della Svizzera italiana 14 4 3.92 1 5 0.2011111111123
2340 John Criswell University of Rochester 14 4 3.69 4 4 1.1712121121111
2340 Shekhar Srikantaiah 14 4 3.68 113432
2340 Seth Copen Goldstein Carnegie Mellon University 14 3 5.29 1319
2340 Hideaki Komatsu 14 4 3.70 1310
2340 Yunong Shi 14 6 2.61 12 6 2.36423212
2340 Stijn Eyerman 14 4 4.87 1 4 0.2511111213111
2340 Bruce L. Jacob University of Maryland 14 3 4.77 1 10 0.101111111115
2340 Stephen Checkoway 14 7 2.86 2 5 0.4811115122
2340 Haojie Wang 14 8 1.87 12 8 1.56423311
2340 Fraser Brown Carnegie Mellon University 14 6 2.81 10 6 2.01321221111
2340 Youwei Zhuo Peking University 14 7 2.14 5 7 0.79113441
2340 Caroline Trippel 14 5 3.00 11 6 2.2131241111
2340 Chen Ding 0001 University of Rochester 14 4 3.38 1 3 0.3311111112113
2340 Alexandros Daglis Georgia Institute of Technology 14 3 4.11 8 3 2.751312121111
2340 Jichuan Chang 14 6 3.11 1 9 0.111123211111
2340 Jacob Sorber Clemson University 14 4 3.78 1 6 0.171131112121
2340 David Chisnall 14 11 1.37 6 12 0.56221111132
2340 Daniel Moghimi Google 14 6 2.98 11 6 2.61132143
2340 Ganesh Gopalakrishnan University of Utah 14 4 3.65 4 4 1.101121111123
2340 Daniel Wong 0001 Univ. of California - Riverside 14 4 4.69 3 5 0.701112141111
2340 Riccardo Paccagnella Carnegie Mellon University 14 6 2.55 13 6 2.41313331
2340 Josiah D. Hester Georgia Institute of Technology 14 5 3.45 5 5 0.88122123111
2340 Manuel Rigger National University of Singapore 14 4 4.78 12 2 4.324211411
2340 Chen-Yong Cher 14 5 3.19 122211113
2340 Cezary Dubnicki 14 6 2.95 1 6 0.1711219
2340 Mary K. Vernon University of Wisconsin-Madison 14 4 4.21 1112
2340 Hailong Yang 14 6 2.43 8 6 1.23421111211
2340 Martin Burtscher Texas State University 14 4 3.98 4 4 0.82311221112
2340 Bhuvan Urgaonkar Pennsylvania State University 14 4 3.34 5 5 0.862111212211
2340 Deqing Zou HUST 14 7 2.01 12 7 1.724321211
2340 Adam Oest 14 8 1.76 13 8 1.60422321
2340 André Brinkmann University of Mainz 14 6 2.70 6 8 0.81212122211
2340 Fangxin Liu 14 7 2.05 14 7 2.057232
2340 Liqiang Lu Zhejiang University 14 7 2.51 12 7 1.813413111
2340 Jianwei Yin Zhejiang University 14 7 1.96 14 7 1.965513
2340 Michael Isard 14 5 3.15 1 6 0.17111223211
2340 Armando Fox Univ. of California - Berkeley 14 5 3.11 1121117
2340 Linghao Song 14 6 2.41 7 6 1.24211312211
2340 William H. Mangione-Smith 14 3 4.61 113
2340 Santosh G. Abraham 14 3 4.77 311
2340 Jinho Lee Yonsei University 14 7 2.53 12 6 2.262324111
2340 Yunji Chen 14 8 1.84 11243111
2340 Hao Zhou 0009 University of New South Wales 14 7 2.07 14 7 2.0743421
2340 Tobias Grosser 14 5 3.23 7 6 1.3322122131
2340 Benny Kimelfeld Technion 14 3 4.03 5 4 1.331131211211
2340 Ren Wang 0001 Intel Labs 14 8 1.86 9 10 1.02421211111
2340 Kimberly Keeton Google Systems Research Group 14 6 2.45 3 6 0.5011112111113
2340 Yueqiang Cheng 14 6 2.50 12 6 2.20114611
2340 Mainak Chaudhuri IIT Kanpur 14 2 7.45 3 1 2.331221112112
2340 Gary S. Tyson 14 3 5.37 1211
2340 Cong Yan 14 5 3.98 8 5 1.885122211
2340 Wei-Chung Hsu CUHK (SZ) 14 3 4.80 1112
2340 Jeffrey Dean Google 14 5 2.64 211118
2340 José-María Arnau Polytechnic University of Catalonia 14 3 4.25 4 3 1.25222311111
2340 Urs Hölzle University of California 14 2 5.33 1112
2340 Guangyu Chen Penn State 14 4 3.65 11228
2340 Fan Yao University of Central Florida 14 4 3.78 12 4 3.195321111
2340 Swagath Venkataramani 14 5 2.53 2 30 0.16112123121
2340 Tongping Liu 14 5 3.23 4 6 0.60211321211
2340 Kenli Li 0001 Hunan University 14 6 2.55 14 6 2.5545221
2340 Surya Nepal 14 8 2.07 13 8 1.93331421
2340 Wei Liu 14 9 2.50 11 10 1.335141111
2340 Stratis Viglas University of Edinburgh 14 4 4.71 2 6 0.372112224
2340 Wilson C. Hsieh 14 4 3.58 1112
2340 Raju Rangaswami Florida International University 14 5 3.20 2 7 0.2911121113111
2340 Jia Rao University of Texas at Arlington 14 4 3.09 6 6 1.001212211112
2340 Feng Chen 0005 Louisiana State University 14 4 4.00 4 3 1.371111114112
2340 Jongsoo Park 14 8 2.00 4 19 0.192222231
2340 Zhiyuan Li 0001 Purdue University 14 2 6.33 111218
2340 Ming-Syan Chen National Taiwan University 14 4 4.26 1 5 0.20111119
2340 Salvatore J. Stolfo Columbia University 14 4 4.16 2121116
2340 Younghyun Kim 0001 Purdue University 14 4 3.35 5 5 1.0121111112121
2340 Jatin Chhugani 14 8 1.93 2341211
2340 Timo Schneider 14 6 2.61 7 7 1.111132412
2340 Peng Cheng 0001 Zhejiang University 14 8 1.75 13 8 1.58332321
2340 Yutaka Ishikawa National Institute of Informatics 14 4 4.53 1 15 0.07122216
2340 Lenin Ravindranath 14 4 3.09 111221111111
2340 Nirupam Roy University of Maryland - College Park 14 3 4.85 6 3 2.201211121212
2340 Marco Serafini University of Massachusetts Amherst 14 6 2.45 5 6 0.931221112211
2340 Robert Ricci University of Utah 14 8 2.18 3 8 0.4411113111112
2340 Guan-Hua Tu Michigan State University 14 6 2.29 5 9 0.64111221222
2340 Tyson Condie University of California at Los Angeles 14 6 2.32 122112131
2340 Ted Wobber 14 6 2.64 11133131
2340 Ankit Singla 14 6 2.51 7 9 1.021123111112
2340 Richard Wolski Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 14 3 5.28 121118
2340 Vasileios Giotsas Lancaster University 14 6 2.35 6 6 0.992112112211
2340 Shuai Mu 0001 Stony Brook University 14 4 3.41 7 4 1.8732111132
2340 Wei Wang 0002 Nanjing University 14 4 3.45 3 6 0.591112122121
2340 Aaron Gember Colgate University 14 5 3.09 5 3 1.312211212111
2340 Ishai Menache 14 6 2.05 5 11 0.53311132111
2340 George Porter Univ. of California - San Diego 14 6 2.37 3 6 0.6711131211111
2340 Jaeyeon Jung MIT 14 4 3.63 112121132
2340 Theophilus Benson Carnegie Mellon University 14 3 4.03 5 3 1.58121113212
2340 Brad Karp University College London 14 4 3.97 12111233
2340 Zhenyu Wu 0003 Google Inc. 14 8 2.64 13142111
2340 Samer Al-Kiswany University of Waterloo 14 4 3.09 5 4 1.20231113111
2340 Ruben Martins 14 5 3.01 9 5 1.83441113
2340 Qun Huang 0001 Peking University 14 6 2.88 9 6 1.553321221
2340 Allen Clement Max Planck Institute for Software Systems 14 6 2.31 12112121111
2340 Austin Donnelly 14 5 2.91 1 57 0.0211111112221
2340 Simon S. Lam University of Texas at Austin 14 2 6.15 113
2340 Yunfei Ma 14 8 2.28 9 11 0.88221221121
2340 Carlos Maltzahn Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 14 6 2.50 2 6 0.381111111211111
2340 Samir Ranjan Das Stony Brook University 14 5 3.37 2 6 0.371122211121
2340 Cong Wang 0001 City University of Hong Kong 14 6 2.30 12 6 1.88353111
2340 Desheng Zhang Rutgers University 14 6 2.55 6 8 0.84113122112
2340 Alexander Moshchuk 14 5 3.15 11122112111
2340 Lixia Zhang 0001 Univ. of California - Los Angeles 14 4 3.22 111128
2340 Srinivasan Keshav University of Cambridge 14 4 4.79 1 5 0.20111111215
2340 F. Donelson Smith University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 14 6 2.65 3 6 0.511211324
2340 Joel Sommers 14 3 4.58 2111211212
2340 Chi-Yu Li 0001 National Chiao Tung University 14 6 2.40 5 9 0.64111211223
2340 Hamed Okhravi 14 7 2.17 8 7 1.362231123
2340 Yingqi Liu 14 6 2.23 8 8 1.18332321
2340 Yue Zhang 0025 Drexel University 14 4 3.56 14 4 3.5637211
2340 Xinwen Fu University of Massachusetts Lowell 14 6 2.17 8 7 1.13521111111
2340 Yao Guo 0001 Peking University 14 8 1.77 12 8 1.53252212
2340 Angelos Stavrou Virginia Tech 14 5 3.44 4 6 0.73111111111221
2340 Aurélien Francillon EURECOM 14 3 5.07 4 2 2.001213121111
2340 Debin Gao Singapore Management University 14 5 3.52 6 6 1.312211112112
2340 Kihong Heo KAIST 14 4 3.77 5 3 1.45112123211
2340 Sri Aravinda Krishnan Thyagarajan Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg 14 4 3.52 12 4 3.02323312
2340 David Molnar 14 4 3.43 132113111
2340 Véronique Cortier CNRS 14 4 4.19 3 4 0.711212211211
2340 Kent E. Seamons Brigham Young University 14 4 3.86 5 3 1.5712112115
2340 Ghassan Karame Ruhr-University Bochum 14 6 2.88 5 6 0.85212222111
2340 Emil Stefanov 14 4 3.84 1364
2340 Mike Rosulek Oregon State University 14 3 4.44 4 3 1.42112113311
2340 Reza Shokri National University of Singapore 14 4 4.03 3 5 0.591221212111
2340 Fan Zhang 0022 Yale University 14 6 2.56 8 6 1.4822211222
2340 Yanjiao Chen Zhejiang University 14 6 2.47 14 6 2.475621
2340 Wenrui Diao 14 6 2.56 9 6 1.56313211111
2340 Peter Snyder 14 4 3.29 11 4 2.462322221
2340 Alvaro A. Cárdenas Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 14 4 3.13 11 5 2.354124111
2340 Matt Fredrikson Carnegie Mellon University 14 4 3.89 3 3 1.08111213221
2340 Avishai Wool Tel Aviv University 14 3 6.50 2 3 0.67111218
2340 Roberto Tamassia Brown University 14 4 3.95 8 4 2.39222212111
2340 Xiang Li 0108 Nankai University 14 8 1.79 14 8 1.7977
2340 Insu Yun KAIST 14 6 2.50 8 6 1.6021322121
2340 Ivan Oliveira Nunes Rochester Institute of Technology 14 4 3.82 11 4 3.28442121
2340 Seungwon Shin 0001 KAIST 14 6 2.92 8 4 1.96331111112
2340 Wenbo Guo 0002 Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 14 6 2.59 11 6 2.0535321
2340 Syed Rafiul Hussain Pennsylvania State University 14 5 2.83 11 5 2.1872221
2340 Wei Zhao 0001 Chinese Academy of Sciences 14 3 5.12 12110
2340 Zhe Chen 0015 Fudan University 14 5 2.79 14 5 2.7923243
2340 Roland van Rijswijk-Deij 14 6 2.39 8 6 1.361432211
2340 Earlence Fernandes Univ. of California - San Diego 14 5 3.10 7 5 1.53331223
2340 James C. Davis 0001 Purdue University 14 4 3.55 9 5 2.1822212221
2340 Michael Emmi University of California 14 4 4.30 3 8 0.46111112211111
2340 Yiorgos Makris 14 4 3.74 5 6 0.871111111112111
2340 Sen Chen 0001 Tianjin University 14 7 2.02 11 7 1.61522212
2340 Zhenyu Yan 0002 Chinese University of Hong Kong 14 6 2.40 11 7 1.6124521
2340 Janet Roveda 14 3 4.27 11228
2340 Michael Benedikt University of Oxford 14 4 4.57 3 4 0.951111113122
2340 Wei Cao 0006 Alibaba Group 14 10 1.74 8 10 0.81242321
2340 Xinyu Wang 0006 University of Michigan 14 4 3.45 8 5 1.53112223111
2340 Utkarsh Srivastava 14 6 2.98 135113
2340 Hanan Samet University of Maryland - College Park 14 2 5.83 21119
2340 Xin Cao 0001 UNSW 14 4 3.42 5 5 0.8912211111112
2340 Chuan Xiao 0001 Osaka University 14 5 3.40 6 4 1.3811221112111
2340 Vassilis J. Tsotras Univ. of California - Riverside 14 4 3.86 1 4 0.2511111111123
2340 Siqiang Luo Nanyang Technological University 14 5 3.25 10 4 2.4742311111
2340 Bo Tang 0016 SUSTech 14 4 3.50 10 5 2.223142112
2340 Martin Hirzel 14 4 3.69 2 4 0.531112131112
2340 Johann-Christoph Freytag Humboldt University of Berlin 14 3 5.45 2 4 0.5811111117
2340 Kenjiro Taura University of Tokyo 14 3 5.15 1 2 0.50121222112
2340 Rainer Gemulla University of Mannheim 14 4 4.08 3 4 1.0011121221111
2340 Mohamed Zaït 14 6 3.24 1 8 0.121131215
2340 Ioana Manolescu INRIA 14 4 3.57 2 4 0.50211111115
2340 Manos Athanassoulis Boston University 14 3 4.52 4 4 1.252111321111
2340 Christian Dietrich 0001 TU Braunschweig 14 4 3.71 6 4 1.61131122211
2340 Rishabh Singh 14 3 5.75 1 4 0.2514231111
2340 Betty Salzberg Northeastern University 14 2 5.33 1211
2340 Arie Shoshani Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 14 2 6.38 11111
2340 Atsushi Ohori 14 2 6.48 111218
2340 Sanjay Ranka University of Florida 14 3 4.66 1112
2340 Qing Wu 0002 Air Force Research Laboratory 14 4 3.33 1131116
2340 Steven M. Nowick Columbia University 14 2 5.75 111110
2340 John Lillis University of Illinois at Chicago 14 2 5.83 113
2340 Anirudh Devgan 14 3 5.00 212
2340 Ibrahim M. Elfadel Masdar Institute 14 3 4.59 1 3 0.3311111225
2340 Jai-Ming Lin 14 4 3.83 6 4 1.45222111113
2340 Heinrich Meyr RWTH Aachen University 14 6 3.25 21110
2340 Tal Ben-Nun 14 6 2.68 10 6 1.9036131
2340 Hao Yu 0001 Southern University of Science and Technology 14 4 3.88 2 6 0.31212112131
2340 Cunxi Yu University of Maryland - College Park 14 4 3.99 10 6 2.95251111111
2340 Franc Brglez 14 3 5.03 113
2340 Haoyu Yang 14 6 2.61 12 6 2.212313311
2340 Stephen W. Director 14 2 6.08 113
2340 Zhuo Li 0001 Cadence Design Systems Inc 14 6 3.10 25111121
2340 Sanghamitra Roy 14 4 4.07 2 4 0.45113113211
2340 Avi Ziv 14 5 3.37 1111136
2340 Robert J. Smith 0001 Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corp. 14 2 7.17 14
2340 Neil C. Audsley University of York 14 3 4.57 5 5 1.2012211111112
2340 Fanxin Kong University of Notre Dame 14 4 3.45 10 4 2.3013222112
2340 Oleg Sokolsky University of Pennsylvania 14 6 2.85 2 8 0.271112112113
2340 George Biros 14 4 3.13 4 6 0.7112112211111
2340 Guangwen Yang Tsinghua University 14 12 1.42 3 21 0.18324311
2340 Michael E. Papka University of Illinois at Chicago 14 7 2.30 1 8 0.12111213212
2340 Brian Tierney 14 6 2.73 1112
2340 Yuanqing Zheng The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 14 4 3.47 9 5 2.1033211112
2340 Mark D. Corner 14 4 4.27 2 4 0.4521123212
2340 Youngki Lee 0001 Seoul National University 14 4 3.67 6 4 1.821113212111
2340 Carlo Ghezzi Polytechnic University of Milan 14 4 4.07 1121221211
2340 Oliver Gasser 14 5 3.12 9 4 2.184311221
2340 Yangfan Zhou Fudan University 14 7 2.06 12 8 1.67251132
2340 Amin Timany Aarhus University 14 4 3.47 10 5 2.263142121
2340 Ross Tate 14 3 5.70 3 5 0.8721211111121
2340 Tom Schrijvers KU Leuven 14 4 4.20 4 4 1.2511221121111
2340 Eelco Visser Delft University of Technology 14 3 4.73 2 4 0.53112221113
2340 Matthew J. Parkinson Microsoft Research 14 3 4.53 2111111222
2340 Susan Horwitz University of Wisconsin-Madison 14 3 6.08 14
2340 Matthew Arnold 14 4 3.77 2221313
2340 Antonio Filieri Imperial College London 14 4 3.67 5 5 1.0531113311
2340 Dirk Beyer 0001 LMU Munich 14 5 3.51 3 4 0.892112221111
2340 Liming Zhu 0001 CSIRO Data61 14 6 2.65 11 6 1.802423111
2340 Axel van Lamsweerde Université catholique de Louvain 14 2 7.32 1 3 0.3311111117
2340 Xing Hu 0008 Zhejiang University 14 6 2.17 14 6 2.17932
2340 He Zhang 0001 Nanjing University 14 5 2.60 9 5 1.6132221121
2340 Igor Steinmacher Northern Arizona University 14 6 2.78 11 6 2.133412121
2340 Wei Le Iowa State University 14 3 4.99 8 4 1.96322121111
2340 Rick Kazman University of Hawaii at Manoa 14 4 3.68 12111116
2563 Jongmoo Choi 13 5 2.60 2 5 0.401111111132
2563 Jonathan M. Baker 13 6 2.20 11 7 1.8352312
2563 Mihai Budiu VMware Research 13 5 2.78 2 5 0.40211111213
2563 Gururaj Saileshwar University of Toronto 13 4 3.49 10 4 2.62133312
2563 Jared Stark 13 4 3.04 2 8 0.2411119
2563 Swamit S. Tannu University of Wisconsin - Madison 13 3 4.32 8 4 2.3733241
2563 Poulami Das 0005 Georgia Institute of Technology 13 4 3.54 12 4 3.2934321
2563 Ali José Mashtizadeh University of Waterloo 13 4 3.10 5 4 1.28221112112
2563 Cody Hao Yu University of California 13 6 2.43 7 8 0.891422211
2563 Larry Rudolph 13 3 3.59 1 8 0.1211119
2563 Michael D. Powell Intel Massachusetts 13 3 3.98 1228
2563 Jeehoon Kang KAIST 13 5 2.83 7 4 1.77121311211
2563 Minjia Zhang 13 6 2.29 9 6 1.4713221121
2563 Yiying Zhang 0005 Univ. of California - San Diego 13 4 3.30 6 5 1.29121221121
2563 David Black-Schaffer Uppsala University 13 4 3.39 4 5 0.831331113
2563 Kai Wang 13 6 3.25 8 7 1.0814211112
2563 Aman Kansal 13 5 2.97 111212122
2563 Andrew Wolfe 13 2 5.73 13
2563 Gwangsun Kim POSTECH 13 6 2.54 4 8 0.6231113121
2563 Douglas W. Clark 13 4 3.91 211
2563 Wonil Choi 13 5 2.79 6 5 1.2721213121
2563 Tyler Sorensen 0001 Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 13 4 3.01 7 6 1.2711231221
2563 John Wickerson Imperial College London 13 4 3.18 7 4 1.56113211112
2563 Jonathan Balkind Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 13 7 2.40 8 6 1.423211111111
2563 Ravi Rajwar 13 4 3.55 1 18 0.06111136
2563 Antony L. Hosking Australian National University 13 3 4.47 1111117
2563 Hongzhong Zheng 13 7 1.88 6 8 0.75421111111
2563 Ashish Venkat University of Virginia 13 3 3.78 6 4 1.5522222111
2563 Jia-Ju Bai 13 4 3.42 9 4 2.4221321211
2563 Edward D. Lazowska University of Washington 13 4 3.73 112
2563 Mengyuan Li 13 5 2.79 9 5 1.9512421111
2563 Ivan Beschastnikh University of British Columbia 13 5 2.59 3 5 0.541111221211
2563 Sheng Chen 0008 University of Louisiana - Lafayette 13 3 4.55 4 5 1.1031122121
2563 Sihang Liu 0001 University of Waterloo 13 5 2.31 9 6 1.545121211
2563 Depei Qian Beihang University 13 5 2.45 8 6 1.234211113
2563 Pat Hanrahan Stanford University 13 5 2.26 5 9 0.84113111113
2563 Nuwan Jayasena 13 5 2.66 2 38 0.2111212222
2563 Matthew D. Sinclair University of Wisconsin - Madison 13 5 2.96 7 5 1.6122122121
2563 Size Zheng 0001 Peking University 13 6 2.14 13 6 2.1445112
2563 Ben Hardekopf Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 13 5 3.17 3 4 0.67121112311
2563 William J. Bolosky Microsoft Research 13 5 3.27 12118
2563 Brandon Reagen New York University 13 7 1.90 7 7 1.062232211
2563 Michael Laurenzano 13 7 2.12 15421
2563 Shixuan Sun Shanghai Jiao Tong University 13 5 2.69 13 5 2.6931243
2563 Carl A. Waldspurger Independent consultant 13 4 3.99 2 8 0.261121116
2563 William E. Weihl 13 3 5.14 13
2563 Konrad Lai 13 5 2.92 2137
2563 Idit Keidar Technion 13 5 2.59 3 8 0.3721223111
2563 Angela Demke Brown University of Toronto 13 3 3.87 3 3 0.8711111121112
2563 André DeHon University of Pennsylvania 13 6 3.11 3 8 0.38121211113
2563 Randolph Y. Wang 13 6 2.52 13
2563 Jeanne Ferrante Univ. of California - San Diego 13 3 4.18 13
2563 Nacho Navarro 13 6 2.48 3222112
2563 Peng Wu 0001 Meta 13 4 3.05 1 49 0.0211122114
2563 Dushyanth Narayanan 13 4 3.44 11111111212
2563 R. Iris Bahar Colorado School of Mines 13 4 3.59 3 4 0.671111211113
2563 Karthik Swaminathan 13 7 1.86 8 8 1.06212211112
2563 Tanvir Ahmed Khan 13 6 2.05 12 6 1.8524511
2563 Yuanchao Xu 0001 Univ. of California - Santa Cruz 13 4 2.69 12 4 2.65222421
2563 Amin Ansari 13 4 3.13 1223311
2563 Ravishankar K. Iyer Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 13 5 3.29 7 8 0.98212224
2563 Jakub Szefer Yale University 13 3 4.75 9 3 3.4222141111
2563 Esha Choukse 13 7 2.11 10 8 1.36811111
2563 Jialin Li 0001 National University of Singapore 13 5 2.61 7 5 1.4432211211
2563 Michael Wei 13 5 3.19 4 4 1.23121231111
2563 Weifeng Liu 0002 China University of Petroleum 13 5 2.97 7 6 1.3524111211
2563 Changsheng Xie HUST 13 6 2.04 6 8 0.843111111121
2563 Mike Schlansker 13 3 4.20 112
2563 Steven Hand 0001 Google 13 7 2.09 3 11 0.281212112111
2563 Jonathan Bachrach 13 6 2.20 2 12 0.22112321111
2563 Jinkyu Jeong Yonsei University 13 5 2.47 6 6 1.1223111131
2563 Zhiqiang Zuo 0002 Nanjing University 13 7 2.00 7 8 0.9821222211
2563 Mohammad Alian University of Kansas 13 8 2.19 8 8 1.2231121131
2563 Elaheh Sadredini Univ. of California - Riverside 13 5 2.87 9 5 2.031323121
2563 Arthur Perais 13 3 5.08 5 4 2.2011211232
2563 Mingoo Seok 13 4 3.91 3 5 0.62312111112
2563 Joan-Manuel Parcerisa Polytechnic University of Catalonia 13 3 3.87 3 4 0.751221111112
2563 Kanad Ghose Binghamton University 13 3 4.68 2 6 0.6021111115
2563 Kaushik Rajan 13 3 3.85 4 6 0.6211112112111
2563 Konstantinos Kanellopoulos 13 9 1.41 11 10 1.16322312
2563 Andrew R. Pleszkun 13 2 5.64 13
2563 Forrest Brewer University of California 13 2 5.50 49
2563 Lawrence Rauchwerger Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 13 3 4.62 3118
2563 Lizhong Chen Oregon State University 13 3 4.92 2 3 0.7522111231
2563 Zhiyao Xie 13 7 2.33 13 7 2.3324322
2563 Zijiang Yang 0006 Xi'an Jiaotong University 13 5 2.93 3 5 0.6011112214
2563 Xin He University at Buffalo 13 7 2.00 9 8 1.2431221211
2563 Swaroop Ghosh Pennsylvania State University 13 4 3.65 7 4 1.871241212
2563 Tianyu Jia 13 6 2.14 10 8 1.3642121111
2563 Abdullah Muzahid Texas A&M University 13 4 3.38 5 6 0.932211111211
2563 Xavier Martorell 13 5 2.54 1 18 0.0611122213
2563 Lori L. Pollock University of Delaware 13 3 4.54 1 3 0.331111126
2563 Liviu Iftode 13 4 2.94 1111117
2563 José E. Moreira 13 8 1.98 2 14 0.371111126
2563 Han Wang 13 5 2.44 13 5 2.446331
2563 Chunming Qiao University at Buffalo 13 6 2.96 8 7 1.122222113
2563 Feng Yan 0001 University of Houston 13 6 2.16 9 7 1.301212331
2563 Koen De Bosschere Ghent University 13 4 3.53 111127
2563 Jiaqi Gu 0002 University of Texas at Austin 13 7 1.92 12 7 1.763721
2563 David Mohaisen University of Central Florida 13 4 3.47 8 4 2.3512232111
2563 Howard Jay Siegel Colorado State University 13 2 6.50 13
2563 Lawrence Snyder 0001 University of Washington 13 2 5.83 13
2563 Viktor K. Prasanna University of Southern California 13 3 4.43 5 5 1.18211111114
2563 Daniel A. Reed University of Utah 13 3 4.79 1111
2563 Julian Shun Massachusetts Institute of Technology 13 4 4.00 9 4 2.25541111
2563 James C. Browne 13 3 5.13 1111
2563 Ron Cytron Washington University in St. Louis 13 3 4.10 112
2563 Melissa Chase Microsoft Research 13 4 3.75 6 5 1.403111121111
2563 Mukul R. Prasad 13 3 4.03 3 4 0.69122111113
2563 Zhengping Qian 13 8 1.46 6 12 0.591411111111
2563 Prateesh Goyal 13 6 2.22 9 6 1.55222121111
2563 Barath Raghavan University of Southern California 13 5 3.00 4 4 1.121212112111
2563 Robert Soulé Yale University 13 7 2.13 3 5 0.50211321111
2563 Ruzica Piskac Yale University 13 5 2.45 8 6 1.35113211211
2563 Zhenyu Guo 13 8 1.69 2 8 0.2611122114
2563 Haoxiang Lin 13 7 1.77 6 6 0.9011131111111
2563 Lihua Yuan 13 7 1.79 1 71 0.011112221111
2563 Nandita Dukkipati 13 9 1.71 5 7 0.7121231121
2563 Yiming Zhang 0003 Xiamen University 13 7 2.06 7 7 1.17112212211
2563 Kenneth P. Birman Cornell University 13 4 4.25 121117
2563 Wei Zhang 13 13 1.34 11 10 1.1843312
2563 Chieh-Jan Mike Liang 13 5 2.26 4 6 0.62211111222
2563 Arpit Gupta Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 13 6 2.13 9 6 1.552431111
2563 Bernard Wong 0001 University of Waterloo 13 4 3.41 3 5 0.7311111221111
2563 Klara Nahrstedt Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 13 4 4.50 4 6 0.7631117
2563 Wencong Xiao 13 9 1.59 9 9 1.0921312112
2563 Pascal Felber University of Neuchâtel 13 5 2.73 1 3 0.331111221112
2563 Wenting Zheng Carnegie Mellon University 13 5 2.65 6 5 1.18311111311
2563 Jörg Widmer IMDEA Networks Institute 13 5 3.13 9 5 1.9822131112
2563 Guangtao Xue Shanghai Jiao Tong University 13 8 1.91 9 9 1.1724211111
2563 Anees Shaikh 13 5 2.84 3 9 0.341111117
2563 Atul Adya Microsoft Research 13 4 2.89 111217
2563 Jiaqi Gao 13 10 1.46 12 10 1.3035131
2563 Hamed Haddadi Imperial College London 13 6 2.44 11 5 2.132421211
2563 Mostafa H. Ammar Georgia Institute of Technology 13 4 3.72 3 3 0.761111111222
2563 Xiang Li 13 6 2.58 12 6 2.4463121
2563 Luís E. T. Rodrigues Universidade de Lisboa 13 3 3.92 4 4 1.08121112113
2563 David D. Clark 13 3 5.33 11110
2563 Timothy G. Griffin University of Cambridge 13 3 5.23 1210
2563 Peng Wang 13 8 1.64 4 16 0.3111212231
2563 Richard J. Lipton Georgia Institute of Technology 13 3 5.23 211
2563 John V. Guttag Massachusetts Institute of Technology 13 3 4.95 2110
2563 Constantinos Dovrolis Georgia Institute of Technology 13 2 5.42 1121224
2563 Yu Gu 0001 Visa Inc. 13 6 2.67 22211131
2563 Hideyuki Tokuda 13 3 4.58 112
2563 Nikolaos Laoutaris IMDEA Networks Institute 13 4 3.33 4 4 1.151111121122
2563 John C. S. Lui Chinese University of Hong Kong 13 5 2.98 5 5 0.96112123111
2563 Mohamed Ali Kâafar Macquarie University 13 5 2.90 3 4 0.7812132211
2563 Andrew T. Campbell Dartmouth College 13 5 2.84 212111113
2563 Daniela Rus Massachusetts Institute of Technology 13 4 3.40 1221115
2563 Nishanth Chandran 13 6 2.22 10 6 1.70322321
2563 Elias Athanasopoulos 13 5 2.53 223231
2563 Thomas Wies New York University 13 3 3.96 4 4 1.031211111212
2563 Shawn Shan 13 6 2.24 11 6 1.98323122
2563 Aaron Johnson 0001 U.S. Naval Research Laboratory 13 4 3.75 4 3 1.3711111121121
2563 Cong Shi 0004 NJIT 13 7 1.80 11 8 1.43342211
2563 Wajih Ul Hassan University of Virginia 13 5 2.70 8 6 1.5711114131
2563 Yuqing Zhang 0001 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 13 8 2.04 11 8 1.591323211
2563 Manuel Barbosa 13 7 2.03 5 7 0.7241221111
2563 Bin Liang 0002 Renmin University of China 13 6 2.10 5 6 0.7912231121
2563 Jia-Guang Sun 0001 Tsinghua University 13 7 1.89 7 8 0.934211221
2563 Xiaofeng Zheng 13 9 1.53 11 9 1.262141311
2563 Jinfeng Li 13 7 2.17 7 7 1.111242211
2563 Susan Hohenberger Johns Hopkins University 13 3 4.62 2 2 0.83111111111112
2563 Jian Liu 0001 University of Tennessee 13 6 2.12 8 6 1.2112321211
2563 Domenic Forte 13 4 3.60 3 4 0.951111212211
2563 Panagiotis Ilia Cyprus University of Technology 13 5 2.84 8 4 1.8914122111
2563 Serge Egelman University of California 13 6 2.31 5 7 0.7732121121
2563 Ravi Kumar 0001 Google 13 5 3.16 1 7 0.141122223
2563 Chaoyi Lu 13 10 1.54 11 10 1.29233311
2563 Xinlei He 0001 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 13 5 2.94 13 5 2.944342
2563 Stijn Volckaert KU Leuven 13 7 1.96 7 6 1.181422211
2563 Christopher Liebchen 13 6 2.21 14251
2563 Richard A. Kemmerer Univ. of California - Santa Barbara 13 2 6.88 11119
2563 Mu Zhang 0001 University of Utah 13 5 2.87 2 6 0.39112311211
2563 Kangkook Jee University of Texas at Dallas 13 8 1.81 5 8 0.69211123111
2563 Junghwan Rhee 13 8 2.05 4 8 0.51121122112
2563 Paul Ammann George Mason University 13 3 4.50 2 5 0.422110
2563 Jianjun Huang 0001 Renmin University of China 13 6 2.32 5 6 0.7922113211
2563 Mingsheng Ying Tsinghua University 13 4 3.77 8 4 2.10122122111
2563 Jie Yang 0003 Florida State University 13 6 2.53 2 4 0.451111122211
2563 Guangliang Yang 0001 Fudan University 13 6 2.52 7 7 1.101231231
2563 Yuanyuan Yuan 13 4 3.33 13 4 3.33463
2563 Zhengzi Xu 13 7 1.91 11 7 1.54261211
2563 Qi Wang 13 3 4.36 3 7 0.41211121113
2563 Muslum Ozgur Ozmen Arizona State University 13 5 2.59 12 5 2.3435311
2563 Christof Paar Max Planck Society 13 6 2.45 7 6 1.2911311111111
2563 David Gens 13 5 2.48 5 6 0.76113323